Pregnant With Alpha’s Genius Twins

Chapter 71

Chapter 71

#Chapter 71 – Hoodwinked

Victor’s face likewise goes pale. The two of us must look like ghosts, standing here before my father, who chuckles at the shock on our faces. “Welcome home, Evelyn,” he says, moving forward to press a kiss against my cheek. “You have been returned to your previous status as an Alpha female and my acknowledged daughter.”

My father pulls another piece of paper from the bottom of the stack in his hand. “And as you can see, I have made an addition to my will which stipulates that, through you, their mother, I likewise claim Alvin and Ian Kensington as my acknowledged heirs.”

I stare at him, slowly shaking my head. This means that upon my father’s death or his abdication, my sons will inherit his title, his power. But it also means that as their Reagent, my father has significant rights to control their lives, their educations. He is, in many ways, as much their Alpha as Victor is.

Victor, realizing this as well, lets out a roar and crosses the room, slamming his fist against the wall. My father smirks, watching him, knowing that he has all of the control.

“How could you,” I whisper, staring at my father, my eyes filled with hate. My whole life he’s sought to control me, to use me for whatever advantage he could take. I had worked so hard to keep my sons from his control – this was exactly what I had feared –

Victor’s claiming of the boys was supposed to protect them from precisely this –

And the great price Victor apparently paid to keep them safe, all wasted –

I groan, realizing the true depths of this disaster. Without his infamous Beta force and financial reserves to bolster his power, Victor is at a disadvantage. With Alvin and Ian as the linchpin, the Walsh pack now

has significant ties to Victor and his resources. If my father has joined forces with Willard, as I know suspect, then he could use Alvin and Ian to take control of all that Victor has.

“It’s just politics, Evelyn,” my father says, sneering at me. “I had always hoped you would develop an instinct for this kind of advantage. You’re far from stupid. But, it appears, you’re as naïve as this man here.”

My father sniffs, turning his attention out the window onto the grounds, surveying his empire. “Hopefully I can turn those two boys into something more useful than you. They have the makings to be great.”

“You will keep your hands off my boys,” Victor says, still leaning against the wall, an injured wolf that continues to press his cause.

“I will do no such thing,” my father says, still casual. “I will see that those boys are properly trained and educated, to protect the future of my pack. Legally, it is my right.”

“I will –“ Victor pushes himself from the wall and moving towards my father.

“You will do nothing,” my father snaps, looking Victor up and down, clearly unimpressed. “Your best choice in this situation would be to do as I say and marry Evelyn instead of that useless girl. Officially join our packs, make them one.”

I shake my head. This has been my father’s plan all along. Doing so would make him, by far, the most powerful Alpha in the country – exactly what he’s always wanted.

Victor growls, his hackles raised, but he makes no further move forward. I blink at him, realizing that he has been beat in this round. And he knows it.

“Come, Evelyn,” Victor says, his voice low. “Let’s go home.”

I nod, moving towards him. We can go home, regroup, come up with a plan.

“You will stay, Evelyn,” my father says, still gazing out the back window, control sounding in every word. I stop in my tracks.

“What?” Victor breathes, glancing between us.

“She is mine,” my father says, still not looking at us. “My woman, my wolf. She is a high-ranking member of my pack and is thus under my protection.” We can see the sneer on his face, lit by the fading sun.

“I’m not sure,” my father continues, “that I believe that you’ve proven that you can protect her, or my grandsons,” he says. “After all, it was remarkably easy to take those boys out of school today. One phone call, a few kind words to the principal.” He shrugs. “Child’s play.”

“I am perfectly capable –“ Victor growls.

“Of what,” my father snaps, baring his teeth and turning to glare at Victor. “Of running a messy pack? Of keeping my daughter in the playhouse out back while you privilege that mutt, that hussy you insist will be your bride?

“No,” my father says, shaking his head. “My daughter stays with me. I don’t currently have the power to take the boys from you as well – they are yours, for now. But believe me, I’m working on it.”

“Evelyn,” Victor says, putting out his hand, fear filling his eyes. “Come with me.”

I take a step forward, reaching out my own hand towards him, but we both know it is doomed.

“Stop, Evelyn.” My father’s voice booms with control and I feel my muscles respond. Alphas are not only the political leaders of their packs, but also the physical ones. In exchange for their protection, they have a very specific kind of authority over their pack members. Our bodies respond, instinctually,

to Alpha commands. It is an almost-mystical control that speaks to our very genetics: Alphas are in control. The rest of us? We obey.

Modern treaties have worked hard to mitigate the control that Alphas have over their pack members. A code of ethics has been developed, suggesting that Alphas never use their command without consent, and even then only in times of emergency or war. Clearly, my father has ignored all of this, using his power over me at will.

To his credit, I have never seen Victor use his command over a single person under his control. He is a better man than my father, in every way.

“Victor,” I cry, tears slipping down my face. I cannot move my body forward towards him. This happened earlier – when my father commanded me to shut my mouth. My jaw snapped shut without my consent. I had assumed it was merely conditioning from my childhood – but – Property © NôvelDrama.Org.

Truly, he must be my Alpha now.

“Please, Victor,” I say, trying to force my body forward, but it’s useless. “You have to go.”

Victor shakes his head, desperate, staring at me, trying to find a solution.

“You have to go,” I repeat, trying to will force into my voice. “Take the boys home. Get out of here. We’ll find another way.”

“That’s enough, Evelyn,” my father says. I feel my jaw snap shut again. My father comes and places a hand on my shoulder, the very picture of fatherly care. I grit my teeth, hating the feel of his touch. “You can take her from me,” my father says to Victor, “with an offer of marriage. No less. Come back when you’re ready to claim her.”

With that, my father turns me away. “Come and sit down, Evelyn,” he says, the command still in his voice. “I’ll have your mother bring you a cup of tea.” I feel myself sit pleasantly on the couch, his little doll. Inside, I am screaming.

Victor stares at me for a long moment, and I stare right back, desperate for him to go before my father gets his claws further into Victor’s will. One more look, and then Victor turns furiously away, heading out the door, his growl echoing behind him.

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