Pregnant With Alpha’s Genius Twins

Chapter 61

Chapter 61

#Chapter 61 – Commitment

When I get to the auditorium, I peek through the red burgundy curtain out at the crowds. Most of the children at the twins school are human, with human parents, so I scent the air quickly, seeing if I can detect any wolf’s presence in the room…

No, no hint of his cold tobacco and whiskey smell. But there is a familiar lemon scent on the breeze. I find myself smiling, despite my worry, my eyes going straight to Edgar at the back. He sees me, smirks, and waves.

I close the curtains and head around to the set of steps at the side of the stage, hurrying down them and into the auditorium itself. I rush down the aisle, throwing my arms around Edgar when I see him. He laughs lightly and returns my hug, making sure to keep his camcorder safe from my rushing body.

“Happy to see me, hey?” He says, giving me a squeeze.

“Yes, always happy to see you,” I murmur, feeling warmed by his safe, steady presence. Still, I look over his shoulder and scan the entering crowd. “For another reason too, though, today.”

Edgar pulls back and looks at my face, worried. “What’s up?”

I roll my eyes, hoping to let him know that I’m overreacting. “The twins did something really dumb. They emailed my dad, they invited him to come today –“

“What!?” He looks around, going into Beta mode in an instant, scanning the crowd for threats.

“No, I think it’s okay – I don’t think he’s here. They just sent it to whatever public email they found on his website, I’m sure it got pushed away into his trash folder –“

“You shouldn’t assume that, Evelyn,” Edgar says, continuing to look around. “We would never miss something like that for Victor.”

“Yes, but my dad has a notoriously small and crappy Beta force,” I say. “Which is why he’s lost a lot of his power in recent years.”

Edgar hmms low in his throat, confirming what I’ve said, and completing his scan. “I think you’re right,” he says, glancing at his watch. “The play starts in a few minutes. I think if he was going to come, he’d be sitting in the front row, demanding attention.”

“Okay.” I said, exhaling with relief. “I’m glad you agree. We’ll tell Victor when we get home – but there’s nothing we can do now. Let’s just enjoy the play.”

Edgar nods and smiles at me, working – I can tell – to lower his guard and relax. It’s against his instincts, I know, but I appreciate that he’s doing it for my sake. I wrap him in another hug.

“Thank you,” I murmur into his shoulder as the beginning strains of music play from the loudspeakers.

“For what?” he says, wrapping me in his arms and rubbing my back.

“For being so good to me,” I say, meaning every word.

The curtains pull back, and the kids begin to sing.

That night, Edgar has dinner with us at our house. The boys refuse to take off their costumes, having a good time playing a new game they’ve invented called “turkey hunt.” It mostly consists of Ian hiding, Alvin finding him, chasing him, and then pretending to murder and eat him in new and interesting ways. Very festive.

At the table, Edgar and I sip coffee and watch the boys.

“They’re so funny,” Edgar says, chuckling, his eyes following them as they race across the living room. “And so smart.”

“I know,” I say, rolling my eyes. “I don’t know where they got it from. I mean, I don’t think Victor and I are stupid people, but…” I raise my eyebrows for emphasis. “They’re on a whole different plane.”

“Yeah, I wonder,” he says, considering. “My grandmother, she used to tell stories about magic like that. Wolves who had extraordinary gifts.”

“Really?” I say, quirking my head to the side. “My father didn’t like us being told stories like that. He thinks of us as purely genetic anomalies, says all the magic talk is nonsense. What do you think?”

Edgar shrugs and quirks his lips good-naturedly. “Ah, who am I to say. But there’s part of me that wants to believe in a little bit of the magic, I think. That there’s more to all of us being here – wolves, and humans too – than just chance.”

I smile and nod at him, understanding. Part of me feels the same way. He holds my eyes, smiling at me, and I almost blush at the love I see on his face. “Do you think you’ll ever want more kids?” he asks.

I sit back in my chair, surprised by the question. “Um,” I say, considering it. “I don’t know! It hasn’t been exactly easy, with these two,” I say, gesturing towards them with my mug. “But, in different circumstances, with the right guy…” I smile at him. “Sure. Why not. Maybe I’ll go for genius girls this time.”

He laughs at me and looks away, a big smile on his face. I can tell that he’s pleased by my answer.

“Evelyn,” he says, looking down at his cup. “I really like you.”

“I like you too, Edgar,” I say, leaning forward so that my elbows are propped on the table. I place my chin in my palm.

“I’d like us…to take things a little further, if you’re okay with that.” He looks me in the eye then, and I can tell what he means. He’s not talking about the purely physical aspect of our relationship – though he’s not not talking about that. And frankly, I’m shocked that we haven’t gone there yet.

“I’d like that, Edgar,” I say, smiling widely at him.

“Let me take you out tomorrow,” he says, reaching across the table and taking my hand. “For a really special night.”

I nod enthusiastically, giving his hand a little squeeze. “And then you come back here afterwards,” I say. “I’ll ask Victor to take the kids.”

“Amazing,” he says. “I honestly can’t wait.” Edgar smiles at me broadly then, his whole heart in his eyes. I laugh and cross the short distance between us, folding myself into his lap and kissing him.

“Me neither,” I say, pulling my lips form his briefly to whisper the words. God, how did I get to be so lucky?

After Edgar has left and the boys have been tucked away in bed – Ian finally consenting to have the beak wiped from his face – I tumble into my own bed, grabbing my phone so I can text Victor to ask him if the boys can sleep over tomorrow. Surprisingly, there’s a text from him already waiting on my phone.

Victor: Hey, come over tomorrow afternoon with the boys. Movie marathon, Amelia away on a shoot all day, I’ll be lonely up here.

I smirk.

Evelyn: Oh yeah? What did you used to do when she went away on these things? You can’t have been lonely all the time then.

I’m surprised when he answers immediately. Usually Victor ignores his phone for hours at a time.

Victor: I know, you and the boys have ruined me for solitude. Now I just want you around all the time. Boring here without you guys.

I smile, touched to be so appreciated.

Evelyn: Sorry to break your heart, but I’ve got plans with Edgar tomorrow night. Actually, would you mind taking the boys for a sleepover? It’d be a big help.

There’s a long gap, this time, before he replies. When he does, I’m a little surprised to see that it’s so short. Where did all our banter go? NôvelDrama.Org: owner of this content.

Victor: Sure, send them over whenever.

Everlyn: Thank you so much! You’re the best!

I wait a few minutes, biting my lip, considering…I mean, would Edgar mind if I pushed back our big night for just a day? A movie marathon, no Amelia, actually sounds kind of awesome…

But no. I push the possibility from my mind. Edgar has been great, and I’m really looking forward to it.

I smile and tuck my phone away, glancing one last time to see if Victor has replied. He hasn’t.

Edgar and I are going to have a great night, I tell myself, smiling as I drift off to sleep.

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