PHB 22

After contemplating for about four days and taking some time off, Deasy finally made up her mind to return to her activities.

She pushed away the feelings of turmoil that had briefly taken hold of her and tried to act as normal as possible so that no one would suspect what she was currently going through.Text © by N0ve/lDrama.Org.

In any case, Dessy was determined. Not a single person should know that she was expecting a baby at the moment.

When she arrived at the Quantum Tech building, Deasy was warmly welcomed by several staff members who had been part of her core team under her division. Some even gladly escorted her to her office, and she resumed her usual routine.

Deasy felt immensely thankful and grateful to God for blessing her with responsible subordinates who had a high level of loyalty to their superiors and the company. When she returned to the office, all the deadlines she had left behind had been completed neatly without any remaining tasks. It only required a single review and her signature.

“If you need anything, just call me. Don’t hesitate. Fortunately, I don’t have much work today,” Della, who had helped Deasy when she lost consciousness yesterday, offered her assistance sincerely. She was concerned that her boss’s condition might not be completely improved or back to normal.

“Thank you very much for your offer. But, my condition is already very good. You just continue with your work. Don’t worry about me.”

“Anyway, if you need anything, just call us as usual, Ma’am,” Starla, standing next to Deasy, also offered her help.

Deasy smiled, giving them a sideways glance with a questioning look in her eyes.

“You’re acting all nice, but you don’t have any ulterior motives, do you? Or maybe there are some tasks you haven’t completed. Be careful; if I find anything undone, I might just rearrange your seating in the office.”

Della and Starla quickly shook their heads. Knowing that Deasy was the most perfectionist and strict boss, they dared not make even the slightest mistake, lest they receive a lecture for seven nights straight.

“No, Miss Deasy. Oh my. We genuinely offer our help. We’re not trying to gain favor or cover anything up.”

Deasy laughed at Starla’s slightly fearful expression. Perhaps she was worried that Deasy would scold her as usual.

“Relax, no need to be so tense. Besides, I was just kidding. But again, thank you for your help and concern. You can go back to work now. If I need something, I’ll call one of you.”

Della and Starla nodded obediently and left Deasy to continue working.

Meanwhile, Deasy gathered all her concentration and tried to refocus on the remaining tasks that she had to complete promptly.

However, just as she pressed the ‘ON’ button on her laptop on her desk, her hearing caught the sound of repeated knocks on the door. At the same moment, a man she had been trying to avoid from the beginning entered and casually walked over to her desk.

“Good morning, Miss Deasy.”

Lucas greeted her very politely, flashing his sweetest smile. He placed a food box he had brought with him into the room onto Deasy’s desk.

“Have you had breakfast? I brought you some food, just in case you left for work this morning without eating anything. It’s good to have something to fill your stomach.”

Deasy lifted her gaze, looking closely at Lucas, then responded to what her staff had just offered her. It was indeed thoughtful, almost like a boyfriend paying attention to his partner.

“Thank you, but I don’t like breakfast.”

Lucas was taken aback. Without waiting for an invitation, he pulled a chair and sat directly across from Deasy.

“Why not? Breakfast is essential to maximize our productivity.”

Most of the people she knew always made time for breakfast before starting any activity. But strangely, Deasy didn’t like it. Was this part of the diet program she was on? But Deasy was pregnant; she couldn’t be on a diet.

“I just don’t like breakfast.”

“But breakfast is crucial.”

“That’s your opinion. What are you going to do about it if I don’t like it?”

“I just wanted to remind you. It’s better to start the day with breakfast. Because the other day when I started my day with a smile, I ended up hungry by noon.”

“Weird Guy.”

“I’m Lucas. Not Weird Guy.”

Deasy felt like screaming. Why did this strange creature like Lucas have to appear early in the morning, just when she was trying to calm herself down?

“Besides…” Lucas continued, half-whispering. For some reason, he leaned forward, almost as if he was about to gossip. “Now that you’re pregnant, breakfast is even more important. So that the baby in your belly doesn’t go hungry.”

Deasy raised an eyebrow. How could Lucas, at the workplace of all places, bring up something she had deliberately concealed? Lucas talked way too much!

“Lucas! Watch your mouth.”

“Don’t worry, no one will hear. The team is all on duty. Besides, I don’t have any other time to discuss this except at the office. We still have unfinished business regarding your pregnancy and the child, right!”

Deasy sighed. Could she have just one peaceful day without being constantly reminded that she was pregnant?

“What else do you want to discuss? I’ve already told you, you don’t need to get involved. Whether I’m pregnant or not is none of your business.”

Lucas shook his head. Before answering, he stood up from his seat, walked to the main door, and made sure no one, not even an ant, could eavesdrop from outside. Once he was certain that there was no one around, he closed the door tightly and returned to face Deasy, as if he were about to discuss something serious.

“How can I not get involved when there’s a new life inside Ms. Deasy’s womb, and that life is my flesh and blood?”

Deasy scoffed. Her face displayed an expression of dismissal.

“Don’t be too confident that the baby in my belly is yours.”

“It’s not about confidence,” Lucas argued. He had prepared all kinds of arguments. In any case, he couldn’t lose this debate with Deasy. “It’s just the way it is. If Miss Deasy has forgotten, we didn’t just have intercourse once. We did it twice. And I distinctly remember that in every encounter, my older brother always appeared without protection.”

Oh God, Deasy wanted to cry. Someone, please kidnap Lucas so he would stop talking.

“Still, the baby in my belly may not be yours!”

Lucas shook his head.

“It can’t be. That’s definitely my child,” Lucas argued again, bringing out all his debating skills to make sure Deasy couldn’t counter his points.

“Don’t forget, no matter what, you were the one who took my virginity. So, please take responsibility.”

“Don’t make it sound like I’m the lecherous one here,” Deasy retorted.

Lucas almost laughed at Deasy’s indignation at being accused of taking her virginity.

“But that’s the truth. Even during our two encounters, it was you who was passionate and aggressive. I just had to balance things out. But, by the way, as a beginner, I must admit that you were really good that night.”

“Huh? Really?”

Lucas nodded, confirming what he had just said.

“Seriously. Every time I changed positions, you seemed to understand and adjust immediately. And after I observed, it seemed like Miss Deasy preferred the woman-on-top position. Is that right?”

“Hmm… yes, that’s true,” Deasy nodded. She confirmed what Lucas was talking about regarding the different positions they tried during their make-out sessions some time ago. “Because in that position, you can move freely and express yourself. It’s easier to find the perfect position for climax, and it feels more liberating.”

“That’s it!” Lucas snapped his fingers. He agreed with what Deasy said. “After two make-out sessions together, I was already suspicious because you always took the top position. I, as the one underneath your control, just went with the flow. Even though sometimes it felt rushed and impatient.”

“Oh, really? So you think I’m too hasty?”

“More like impatient. It felt like we were making out while being chased by the police. But if it’s slower and enjoyed, I’m sure Miss Deasy could feel satisfied multiple times.”

“Actually, in theory, I know a lot. I’ve learned many different positions and techniques for lasting longer in bed. But so far, the execution has never been successful,” Deasy said without embarrassment. “Besides, everyone I’ve made out with before you didn’t last long. You’re really the only one who’s new. So, if I seem awkward or impatient, please understand.”

“It’s the same thing. But for a beginner, your performance is far from good. You just need to hone your skills a bit more for improvement.”

Deasy nodded, seeming to agree with the constructive criticism and advice that Lucas had given her. She was determined not to repeat the same mistakes in the future.

“Alright then. In our next encounter, I’ll take it slow and gentle. So that we can both… wait a minute?” Deasy then jolted. Her eyes widened, and her mouth was ready to curse. “Why are we even sharing about bedroom positions? You’re the one who’s being so candid!”

Lucas laughed and quickly covered his mouth. Why was he suddenly the one being blamed for this conversation?

“Why is it my fault, Miss? It’s as if I can never do anything right in Miss Deasy’s eyes.”

“You’re just naturally annoying.”

Lucas sighed. He kept himself from losing his patience with the naturally irritating Deasy.

“I’ve turned you down nicely several times, but you insisted, right? So, instead of wasting it, I just agreed.”

Deasy playfully pinched Lucas’s arm in frustration.

“You’re exasperating! Just stop talking about this. Regardless of whether I’m pregnant or not, it’s none of your business.”

“I can’t help it. I want to take responsibility. I’m not the type of guy who enjoys the sweetness and then abandons everything. I’m also aware that I’m not the ideal husband type. That’s why, it’s up to Miss Deasy whether you want to marry me or not.” Lucas paused for a moment, gazing at Deasy briefly before continuing as if he hadn’t poured out his feelings enough. “But what’s certain is that as long as you’re carrying my child, I’ll make sure to meet all its needs until it’s born. Even if you don’t want to raise the baby after it’s born, please just give it to me. I’ll gladly take care of the baby.”

Deasy sighed deeply. She was at a loss for words to respond to what Lucas had just told her.

“It’s up to you, Luc. I’m exhausted. You better leave before I get nauseous and throw up.”


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