47 I should’ve killed them today! 

47 I should’ve killed them today! 

The demonic little orc James and Slater witnessed changed back to a caring little piglet. They watched her pick up her nunchaku and slump on the floor, putting it back in her purple backpack before taking out a small medicine container. 

“Did that kid cement your butt in the cubicle?” Penny asked as she looked up at the open cubicle again. “You two come out here.” 

Slater and James instinctively crawled their way to her, afraid they’d get beaten up too. Sitting in front of her, they couldn’t help but check what else did she had in her backpack. 

“Here.” Penny tossed an ice pack on James and then on Slater. “You know where to use that, right?” 

“Uh…” James gazed down at the ice pack and quickly pressed it on his upper arm. 

When she snapped her eyes back to Slater, she crooked her finger at him. “Take off your clothes and come closer.” 



“What?” Slater froze, only to see her expression die. “O okay. I will… take… off… my…” 

He reluctantly unbuttoned his uniform, having this newfound fear 

of his little sister. Slater didn’t even think of the bruises he was 

hiding until her eyes fell on his top. 

“Ah.” He instinctively covered his front with his arm and shirt. “Penny, this is…” 

“That little jerk…” Penny hissed, causing him to trail off.



47 I should’ve killed them today! 

should’ve killed them today!” 

James froze, knowing he was one of the people she was talking 

etended he didn’t exist. 

about. Yet, he kept quiet an NôvelDrama.Org holds this content.

Seeing her reaction, Slater relaxed a little and slowly lowered hist guard. 

“I’m okay now,” he said in a mild voice, offering Penny a subtle smile. “They don’t hurt anymore.” 

“Tch.” Penny clicked her tongue and carried her first aid kit, sitting closer to him. “Hold his ice pack while I clean some cuts and burns on your body. This is gonna hurt, but don’t you dare scream like a little girl or I’ll slap you.” 

Slater gulped nervously as he turned his back, letting her clean his wound. He hissed through his gritted teeth when she poured alcohol on his back. Beads of sweat quickly broke out on his forehead, but when she started dabbing it with some cotton, it didn’t hurt just like what he expected. 

Penny’s hands were chubby but small, but they were also gentle as if she had done this many times. Hence, despite the stinging pain. in his skin and body, Slater felt warm and safe inside. 

As she quietly cleaned his wounds, Slater hung his head low. 

‘I kept picking on her since the day she came to our house, calling her names, pulling pranks on her, and even accusing her of eating my chocolates,‘ he thought, overwhelmed with remorse. Yet, she still came looking for me to stand up for me.‘ 

Although grateful, Slater felt more guilty for how he treated her. He realized he had judged Penny even before they met and didn’t. 


47 should’ve billed them today! 

give her a chance. 

After everything I’ve done to her… I don’t even deserve her forgiveness or a chance to be a big brother.” 

“Done!” Penny announced and hurried away from his back. She then took out a wound dressing and skillfully wrapped it around his body after saying, “Hold your arms up” 

In less than a few minutes, Slater’s wounds were cleaned and dressed. Even Slater was surprised at how efficient and clean her work was. 

“Here. Help yourself.” Penny just tossed the remaining bandages to James and some of the medicine he might need. She then sat on the floor and grabbed her bag, handing Slater a set of clean uniforms. 

“What are these…” Slater was speechless. “But I already brought a 


“I know, but then are you going out of here to show the entire. school your head was dunk in the toilet?” 

Slater pressed his lips. He would normally take his bag with him, but today, he thought he should just hide. Moreover, he didn’t think they would hurt him today because they already did yesterday, 

“Goodness.” Penny sighed and could only shake her head. “Go change. The school bell already rang.” 

“Thank you, Penny.” Slater smiled subtly before assisting himself to the cubicle to change. When he finished, Penny already arranged some shampoo, conditioner, facial wash, perfume, and even lotion 

47 Ishould’ve killed them t 


on the sink! 

“Oh, you smell like toilet so you should wash your face at least,” she 

said as she looked back at him. 

Slater and James couldn’t help but gaze down at her bag. 

What else could be inside? 

With everything they had seen so far, they didn’t think there was more space for some pens, let alone books and notebooks. This was a school, not a field trip. 

“You too.” Penny pointed at James, making the latter flinch in surprise. “Wash yourself and your clothes. I have a hair dryer here, so you can dry it up fast.“@ 

Penny then started taking out a blow dryer. 

“What else did you bring?” Slater gasped as he couldn’t help but peek inside her bag curiously. He would lose it if there was actually 

a ladder inside! 

“I brought some extra socks too and steam iron and candiesshe mumbled, listing down everything that was in her bag. 

The more she told them, the more confused Slater and James 

were. Was that a magical bag? 

“They all fit in there?” they asked in unison, making James cover his mouth when he realized he spoke. 

Penny innocently darted her eyes between the two, confused. “My bag is big.” 



47 I should’ve killed them today! 

The two boys gazed at her bag and could definitely tell it wasn’t big at all! It was a small bag that the kindergarten used! 

“Never mind that. Go wash yourselves.” Penny waved dismissively, even casting James a look in case he was too slow to understand. “You too. I have a mission for you, so go.” 

James looked at the little girl bossing him around, but couldn’t even feel any hope or resentment. It simply felt like he was being kept hostage by the enemy because he still had some uses. Even So, James followed her instructions and the two boys quietly 

washed themselves in the sink. 

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