Painful seduction

New Discoveries 2

Those questions couldn’t be answered at that point, she flipped to the next page only to find the most shocking revelation of her life.

It was a picture of her mum with a man, it wasn’t abnormal if her mum was with a man.

But she was there not with her father but with Mr. Anderson and she was dressed in a wedding dress.

‘ Was her mum married to Mr. Anderson?’

She opened the remaining pages of the diary only to discover more photos. They were about 5 of the same photos.

She became calm when she noticed the other photos didn’t show an atom of intimacy.

But why was her mum in a wedding dress with Mr. Anderson? Could it be he was her real father but then what about Axl?

Everything became so confusing to her, she just couldn’t think straight. So many discoveries were just messing up with her mind.

She flipped to the next pages and discovered it was more of a diary but there was this logo which drew her attention.

It was a woman, a small drawing of a woman made in the form of a logo.

Under the Logo was a name, looked like it was the name of the brand.

It read ‘ Carolina ‘

Carolina? But that was the name of the owner of the diary?

She had seen this logo in the Chester Enterprise but where?

She kept the two diaries aside, just like she kept the passport photographs.

She planned on asking Nelly for help about the situation.

She parked the clothes back into the bag , that was when she noticed the passport photograph of her twin sister.

Guess she was around 15 years of age, was it the time they were both separated from themselves?

She brought out the clothes into view to check to see if anything was suspicious, she found nothing but proceeded to search further when she heard footsteps. She turned only to see the shocked face of Nelly which freaked her out as she lost balance.

‘ What are you doing here?’ she asked, angrily.

Nelly, I thought you were asleep…’ she stammered, managing to talk audibly.

‘ Yes I was, what are you doing in my mum’s room?’

‘ Nothing, I was just passing by and decided to check out the new place .’

‘ Okay, so what did you find?’ she asked, helping her get up on her feet.

Cathy looked around the room as she spoke quietly.

‘A Lot of discoveries, Nelly, at this point I actually don’t know what to do again?’

‘ Tell me what happened?’Belonging © NôvelDram/a.Org.

She slowly began to explain everything she had discovered keeping nothing from her, also showing her the diaries and photographs she had collected.

Nelly observed the wedding picture and was more shocked to see the picture than Cathy . Mr. Anderson was her uncle’s best friend and she knew that.

‘ I can’t believe this…your mum and Mr. Anderson were never on good terms.’

‘ Am also confused Nelly, it can’t be fake. I found it here in your mum’s room.’ she explained as she sat down on the bed.

‘If this picture was here it can only mean my mum knew your mum was married to Mr. Anderson but I still don’t believe that.’

She was about to give a reply when she felt something hard, she got up immediately which frightened Nelly.

‘ There is something under the bed .’ she said, gesturing her to help lift the foam .

On a count of three the foam was up and they found a briefcase.

The briefcase looked old , Cathy tried to open it but it was locked. She handed it over to Nelly, who tried so many combinations without success.

‘ It’s a four figure combination. We need to think of a number in order to get it.’ Nelly said tossing some of the books in the bookshelf as she thought of looking for a diary where her mum could have written it.

‘ If only we knew who the briefcase belongs to, it would have been a lot easier to figure something out.’ she was already looking pale as she searched the diaries she had earlier opened.

‘ How about we use the same number found in the diary?’

‘ You mean 1978?’ She was holding the same diary with the figures written on it.

She needed no answer as she rushed to the bed where the case was with Nelly running close by. Panting hard and sweating so much, she didn’t care as she struggled to input the figures.

‘ 1…9…7…8…’ she said softly and at the last click of the digit . The briefcase was unlocked .

‘ Wow, never thought that would happen.’

The case opened as they saw piles of money rolled up and a remote.

The remote was a tiny rectangular shaped had just one button on top, out of curiosity she pressed it.

They both heard something whine as they turned at the same time to the direction of the sound to see something like a tv rising out from behind the bookshelf.

‘ Wow, this house was probably built on special construction .’ Nelly said as they moved to check what was there.

It wasn’t a TV as they had thought it was, it was just a rectangular box shaped like a television with piles of jewelry sucked in them .

Cathy looked at Nelly hoping for an explanation but she got a shocked expression as an answer .

‘ Everything is more confusing than the actual fact .’ she sighed heavily as she pressed the button hoping to hide the hidden treasure they found.

It worked as the box maintained its hidden position behind the shelf.

‘ All will be fine, what if we check your parents room for clues?’

‘ my parents room?’ she was excited, a smile lit up her face as feelings of happiness flowed.

‘ Yes, this is Chester’s mansion. The same place you were born ‘

No wonder it looked really familiar, she had spent her childhood living here.

In terms of comparison, the room was more dusty than the last one.

It had the same design and furniture arrangement like the other one, the only difference was the change in portrait.

She got closer to see her Father, this was the first real portrait of her father even if his pictures were all over the company. She felt this exact portrait was closer to her heart.

She didn’t bother to check the bookshelves like she had done in the other room; instead she spent time staring hard at her parents.

‘ Cathy , check this out. This contains the financial records of your dad’s company.’ she said, giving her some files.

She observed them as her eyes went through the dates, they were recent works and she wondered why recent financial records were kept here.

‘ You have any idea why they are here?’ she opted, as she searched.

‘ Cathy no one came up here after your father’s death.’

‘ These records looked really familiar…I get it now. Hold on, I will check my phone.’

She went back to the room where she lay Nelly as she searched for her phone.

She finally saw it at the bedside table, she tried to take it when her feet hit the table making her toes swollen but surprisingly a drawer opened just on the bed side table.

She opened it to see more financial records just like the first one she was holding, but something caught her attention.

On one leaflet, was a form which read that Mr. Chester was transferring all his properties to Mr. Anderson, she looked down. It wasn’t signed and she was grateful for that.

‘ Nothing makes sense, why will my dad want to transfer all his wealth to his best friend?’ she asked one in particular.

‘ Are you sure your dad made the documents? What if it was the plan of Mr. Anderson?’ she hadn’t noticed that Nelly was trailing behind her.

‘ Nelly I know you don’t like him but you can’t just blame him for everything.’ she muttered knowing she didn’t mean half of what she said.

‘ The only person now who has answers to this questions is Mr. Anderson and I know he will fill you with lies again.’ Nelly said leaving the room as she followed suit.

As she got to the living room she checked the financial records and the ones on her phone. They had the same date and everything looked exactly the same.

It was really strange.

She was busy staring at the documents figuring everything with her little knowledge when Nelly got up in a flash and rushed upstairs.

She dropped everything to follow her being scared that she might want to take her life.

‘ Is anything the problem?’ She was panting after racing up the stairs in a fleet of seconds.

Nelly gave no response as she continued her search.

‘ Talk to me Nelly!’ she ordered sternly.

Nelly turned , stared at her for a moment before continuing in her search.

‘ Something is fishy about by mum’s death.’

‘ Yes, she was poisoned in the hospital.’

‘ I had stayed with her for some years. Why was she Poisoned now? ‘

‘what are you driving to?’

She explained that Mr. Anderson might know about her whereabouts and plans on killing her.

‘ What issues does your mum have with him?’

‘ I really don’t know but she hates him.’

A phone rang . It’s Nelly’s phone.

She checked the caller, it was…

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