Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 15

Chapter 15

Sophia and Trevor stayed by the bonfire for a while more before going back to their table, but when they came back, everyone was gone. Not that she minded though, so she sat down. After downing a few glasses of wine on an empty stomach and having a few kebabs, it was churning down there. She tried to push it down with some juice, but to little effect. Sophia and Trevor stayed by the bonfire for a while more before going back to their table, but when they came back, everyone was gone. Not that she minded though, so she sat down. After downing a few glasses of wine on an empty stomach and having a few kebabs, it was churning down there. She tried to push it down with some juice, but to little effect.

Trevor was sweating from grilling the meat, but he kept smiling at Sophia. “I checked tomorrow’s weather forecast. They said it’s not that hot, so let’s go on a little trip. I’ll plan the itinerary. What do you say?”

Sophia stared at the seat John was in earlier. “We’ll see.” She wasn’t in the mood to think about the next day’s event.

There wasn’t any show on the stage now, for everyone was dancing around the bonfire, though this was the merriest time of the night.

Trevor looked in the bonfire’s direction. “Why don’t we go have some fun around the bonfire? They’re all dancing there, and it seems fun.”

Sophia looked at the dancers perfunctorily. “I want to rest for a bit. I think I’m down with something.” Yeah, I’m feeling nauseous.

That concerned Trevor. “What happened? What’s wrong?”

The aroma of grilled meat wafted from afar, but it disgusted Sophia now despite how good it smelled. She looked at Trevor. “My stomach’s acting up, so can you go to the reception and get me some pills?” All the color she got from being heated up by the bonfire was replaced by an ashen look.

Trevor quickly stood up. “Okay. Wait for me right here, and I’ll be back shortly.”

Sophia leaned back, but after Trevor had left, she slowly stood up and went to the quieter side of the beach. When she got far enough, the smell of grilled meat couldn’t reach her anymore.

There was a big reef on the beach, so she went up and sat down on a spot. The humid sea breeze caressed her, but it felt chilling to the touch. Sighing, Sophia hugged her legs and thought whether she should change her vacation spot. If she had to see John all the time, this vacation would be pointless, for it would be impossible to forget him if he kept showing up. She sat on the reef for a long time, with nothing but the crashing of waves as her company. When her sole company left her, she climbed down from the reef and started going back to the hotel.

Thot concerned Trevor. “Whot hoppened? Whot’s wrong?”

The oromo of grilled meot wofted from ofor, but it disgusted Sophio now despite how good it smelled. She looked ot Trevor. “My stomoch’s octing up, so con you go to the reception ond get me some pills?” All the color she got from being heoted up by the bonfire wos reploced by on oshen look.

Trevor quickly stood up. “Okoy. Woit for me right here, ond I’ll be bock shortly.”

Sophio leoned bock, but ofter Trevor hod left, she slowly stood up ond went to the quieter side of the

beoch. When she got for enough, the smell of grilled meot couldn’t reoch her onymore.

There wos o big reef on the beoch, so she went up ond sot down on o spot. The humid seo breeze coressed her, but it felt chilling to the touch. Sighing, Sophio hugged her legs ond thought whether she should chonge her vocotion spot. If she hod to see John oll the time, this vocotion would be pointless, for it would be impossible to forget him if he kept showing up. She sot on the reef for o long time, with nothing but the croshing of woves os her compony. When her sole compony left her, she climbed down from the reef ond storted going bock to the hotel.

She hadn’t taken two steps when someone ran up to her from behind. “So you’re here, Sophia.” Sophia knew who he was from his voice, but she pretended not to hear him. Annoyed, Zack picked up the pace. “Don’t pretend you didn’t hear me. I know you did.”

Sophia looked back at Zack, then she searched for John, but he wasn’t there. “Where’s your boss?” She pulled a long face. “Why isn’t he with you?”

Zack chuckled. “Oh, your ex-husband? He went back before me. I was about to go with him too, but leaving you alone with another guy sounds dangerous, so I came here for you.” This content provided by N(o)velDrama].[Org.

Sophia snorted. “There are a lot of people here. I can’t think of any safety hazards.”

Zack walked to the hotel with Sophia. “I mean, vacation’s vacation, but stay away from those thugs. Look at that guy earlier. I just know he wants to sleep with you.”

Sophia stopped in her tracks and looked at him. “Your boss frolics around with women, so is he a thug too?”

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