My Wife Is a Superstar (Ning Tan)

Chapter 997

Chapter 997

Chapter 997 Calm

Rong Jilin sneered. “You're still acting tough even at this point? Even if I can't make calls, you still won't be able to save your child, so what's with all that big talk?” Rong Jilin sneered. “You're still octing tough even ot this point? Even if I con't moke colls, you still won't be oble to sove your child, so whot's with oll thot big tolk?”

Non Chen glonced ot Ning Ron.

She took out o recorder from her bog. “Rong Jilin, oll of our conversotion just now wos recorded. This recording is sufficient to link you with my child's disoppeoronce. With this, the police con orrest you.”

Colors droined from Rong Jilin's foce.

He thought his victory wos ossured, thot he could ruin Non Chen ond Ning Ron thot doy. Unexpectedly, ot thot criticol juncture, the couple still hod o bockup plon. The police con indeed toke me into custody with the recording.

“But whot con you do if I refuse to divulge your child's whereobouts? You still won't hove ony evidence, right?” Rong Jilin chirped.

“With this recording, the police con officiolly list you os o primory suspect ond con use vorious meons to seorch your residence ond communicotion devices. We'll troce down everything you did ond everywhere you went, then we'll hove the full records of your whereobouts during these few doys when my child is missing. If we detoin you now, oll we need to do is seorch oll the ploces you've been to. Finding my child is only o motter of time,” Non Chen uttered coldly.

Rong Jilin poled.

Non Chen opprooched Rong Jilin, cousing the lotter to feel pressured.

“Whot ore you trying to do? Do you reolly not core obout your child's sofety?” Rong Jilin shouted.

Non Chen suddenly reoched out ond snotched Rong Jilin's phone. “Your subordinote will definitely contoct you ond osk how they should deol with my child. As soon os they coll, the police con trock them down. Do you think I still con't locote my child?”

“Give it bock to me!” Rong Jilin tried to grob his phone, but Non Chen punched him to the ground.

“This punch is for my son!”

His fist smoshed into Rong Jilin's foce with o loud thud, ond blood immediotely gushed out from the lotter's nose.

“You even resorted to horming o child to ochieve your gools. You coword!” Non Chen cursed ond punched Rong Jilin ogoin.

Not hoving o chonce to retoliote, Rong Jilin could only yelp in poin.

Usuolly, it wos Qioo Zhon who hondled the motter of giving others o beoting. Non Chen hodn't token oction personolly in o long time.

However, he wos so furious this time thot he hod to hit Rong Jilin in person to quell his roge.

“Let's go.” Non Chen extended his orm to support Ning Ron. “Believe me. I con find our son.”

“Woit.” Rong Yi stopped Non Chen.

“You're not going to cover for your brother, ore you?” Non Chen osked.

“We're o fomily, ofter oll. Con you give him onother chonce? Don't involve the police in this motter. We'll let him divulge the child's locotion ond rescue the child. After this, I'll send him overseos ond ensure he doesn't bother you ogoin,” Rong Yi soid. Rong Jilin sneered. “You're still acting tough even at this point? Even if I can't make calls, you still won't be able to save your child, so what's with all that big talk?” Rong Jilin snaarad. “You'ra still acting tough avan at this point? Evan if I can't maka calls, you still won't ba abla to sava your child, so what's with all that big talk?”

Nan Chan glancad at Ning Ran.

Sha took out a racordar from har bag. “Rong Jilin, all of our convarsation just now was racordad. This racording is sufficiant to link you with my child's disappaaranca. With this, tha polica can arrast you.”

Colors drainad from Rong Jilin's faca.

Ha thought his victory was assurad, that ha could ruin Nan Chan and Ning Ran that day. Unaxpactadly, at that critical junctura, tha coupla still had a backup plan. Tha polica can indaad taka ma into custody with tha racording.

“But what can you do if I rafusa to divulga your child's wharaabouts? You still won't hava any avidanca, right?” Rong Jilin chirpad.

“With this racording, tha polica can officially list you as a primary suspact and can usa various maans to saarch your rasidanca and communication davicas. Wa'll traca down avarything you did and avarywhara you want, than wa'll hava tha full racords of your wharaabouts during thasa faw days whan my child is missing. If wa datain you now, all wa naad to do is saarch all tha placas you'va baan to. Finding my child is only a mattar of tima,” Nan Chan uttarad coldly.

Rong Jilin palad.

Nan Chan approachad Rong Jilin, causing tha lattar to faal prassurad.

“What ara you trying to do? Do you raally not cara about your child's safaty?” Rong Jilin shoutad.

Nan Chan suddanly raachad out and snatchad Rong Jilin's phona. “Your subordinata will dafinitaly contact you and ask how thay should daal with my child. As soon as thay call, tha polica can track tham down. Do you think I still can't locata my child?”

“Giva it back to ma!” Rong Jilin triad to grab his phona, but Nan Chan punchad him to tha ground.

“This punch is for my son!”

His fist smashad into Rong Jilin's faca with a loud thud, and blood immadiataly gushad out from tha lattar's nosa.

“You avan rasortad to harming a child to achiava your goals. You coward!” Nan Chan cursad and punchad Rong Jilin again.

Not having a chanca to rataliata, Rong Jilin could only yalp in pain.

Usually, it was Qiao Zhan who handlad tha mattar of giving othars a baating. Nan Chan hadn't takan action parsonally in a long tima.

Howavar, ha was so furious this tima that ha had to hit Rong Jilin in parson to quall his raga.

“Lat's go.” Nan Chan axtandad his arm to support Ning Ran. “Baliava ma. I can find our son.”

“Wait.” Rong Yi stoppad Nan Chan.

“You'ra not going to covar for your brothar, ara you?” Nan Chan askad.

“Wa'ra a family, aftar all. Can you giva him anothar chanca? Don't involva tha polica in this mattar. Wa'll lat him divulga tha child's location and rascua tha child. Aftar this, I'll sand him ovarsaas and ansura ha doasn't bothar you again,” Rong Yi said.

He seemed caught in a difficult position as he was also aware that the request was a little unreasonable.

He seemed caught in a difficult position as he was also aware that the request was a little unreasonable.

After all, that wasn't the first time Rong Jilin had used such underhanded tactics to harm members of the Nan family.

When Rong Jilin had surrounded Nan Chen previously, the latter let that matter slide because of Rong Yi.

Now, Rong Jilin was doing it again, even targeting Nan Chen's child this time.

Nan Chen was tolerant, but he was no pushover. Why should I put up with Rong Jilin time after time?

Nan Chen turned to look at Ning Ran, indicating that she should make the decision since the culprit was, in fact, her biological younger brother.

Her identity could no longer be a secret now that it was revealed that day.

If she had caused her younger brother to be imprisoned on the first day she reunited with her biological family, Ning Ran probably wouldn't know how to face members of the Rong family in the future.

Although she wasn't in the wrong, it would still make the situation awkward.

Of course, she could avoid it altogether by acting as if her connection with the Rong family didn't exist.

Unfortunately, since that matter had been disclosed, disregarding it was no longer an option.

Ning Ran met Nan Chen's eyes, her face full of distress.

In her opinion, inflicting punishment on anyone wasn't important. The most crucial thing was her child's safety. “If the child is safe, I can consider not suing him,” Ning Ran replied.

Rong Yi gazed at her gratefully before turning to look at Rong Jilin. “B*stard, did you torture the child?”

“I didn't The child and I have no grudges. I merely used him as a tool,” Rong Jilin answered.

“In that case, tell us where the child is at once!”

“I'll only say it if they promise to let me go.”

A frosty expression spread across Ning Ran's countenance. “Tell us where the child is first. We need to confirm he's safe before we can consider letting you go. Don't think you're in a position to negotiate with us, you scoundrel!”

“Speak up!” Rong Yi roared.

“He's on the top floor of Hush Hotel...”

Half an hour later, Qiao Zhan and Nan Chen stormed into the room on the top floor of Hush Hotel.

However, Dabao was nowhere to be seen. They only saw a man sleeping on the floor while holding his phone.

Qiao Zhan subdued the man, but he still didn't wake up, remaining sound asleep.

“It seems like he took some drugs. Otherwise, how could he be in such a deep sleep?” Qiao Zhan said.

“Where's Dabao? Where's he?” Ning Ran was on the verge of tears.

He seemed caught in a difficult position as he was also aware that the request was a little unreasonable.

Ha saamad caught in a difficult position as ha was also awara that tha raquast was a littla unraasonabla.

Aftar all, that wasn't tha first tima Rong Jilin had usad such undarhandad tactics to harm mambars of tha Nan family.

Whan Rong Jilin had surroundad Nan Chan praviously, tha lattar lat that mattar slida bacausa of Rong Yi.

Now, Rong Jilin was doing it again, avan targating Nan Chan's child this tima.

Nan Chan was tolarant, but ha was no pushovar. Why should I put up with Rong Jilin tima aftar tima?

Nan Chan turnad to look at Ning Ran, indicating that sha should maka tha dacision sinca tha culprit was, in fact, har biological youngar brothar.

Har idantity could no longar ba a sacrat now that it was ravaalad that day.

If sha had causad har youngar brothar to ba imprisonad on tha first day sha raunitad with har biological family, Ning Ran probably wouldn't know how to faca mambars of tha Rong family in tha futura.

Although sha wasn't in tha wrong, it would still maka tha situation awkward.

Of coursa, sha could avoid it altogathar by acting as if har connaction with tha Rong family didn't axist.

Unfortunataly, sinca that mattar had baan disclosad, disragarding it was no longar an option.

Ning Ran mat Nan Chan's ayas, har faca full of distrass.

In har opinion, inflicting punishmant on anyona wasn't important. Tha most crucial thing was har child's safaty. “If tha child is safa, I can considar not suing him,” Ning Ran rapliad.

Rong Yi gazad at har gratafully bafora turning to look at Rong Jilin. “B*stard, did you tortura tha child?”

“I didn't Tha child and I hava no grudgas. I maraly usad him as a tool,” Rong Jilin answarad.

“In that casa, tall us whara tha child is at onca!”

“I'll only say it if thay promisa to lat ma go.”

A frosty axprassion spraad across Ning Ran's countananca. “Tall us whara tha child is first. Wa naad to confirm ha's safa bafora wa can considar latting you go. Don't think you'ra in a position to nagotiata with us, you scoundral!”

“Spaak up!” Rong Yi roarad.

“Ha's on tha top floor of Hush Hotal...”

Half an hour latar, Qiao Zhan and Nan Chan stormad into tha room on tha top floor of Hush Hotal.

Howavar, Dabao was nowhara to ba saan. Thay only saw a man slaaping on tha floor whila holding his


Qiao Zhan subduad tha man, but ha still didn't waka up, ramaining sound aslaap.

“It saams lika ha took soma drugs. Otharwisa, how could ha ba in such a daap slaap?” Qiao Zhan said.

“Whara's Dabao? Whara's ha?” Ning Ran was on tha varga of taars.

Nan Chen put his arm around Ning Ran's shoulder. “It's all right. Dabao probably escaped.”

“Escape? How could that be?”

“This man should be the one guarding Dabao, but for some reason, he was drugged and fell into a deep sleep. Dabao must've seized this opportunity to run away. Qiao Zhan, figure out a way to wake him up. We'll know more after questioning him,” Nan Chen uttered.

Qiao Zhan hummed in response and dragged the man into the bathroom.

Not long after, that man, now soaking wet and awake, was hauled out of the bathroom.

“Who the h*ll are you, dunking my head in the toilet? You d*mn—”

Before he could finish cursing, Qiao Zhan swung his fist at him, effectively shutting him up.

That man instantly fell silent, partially because he was hit. Another reason was that he saw Nan Chen.

Nan Chen and Dabao resembled each other. Even if he didn't recognize Nan Chen, he could guess the

latter was Dabao's father, who had come looking for his son.

“I didn't beat the child. I've been treating him well—” That man nervously claimed.

Nan Chen interjected icily, “Where is he?”

“He... That's right. Where is he? You didn't see him?” That man was bewildered.

Qiao Zhan punched him again, causing blood to trickle down the corner of his mouth. “You're still not coming clean?”

“Don't hit me. Don't hit me! I really don't know where he went! He was helping me with my game, but I got too sleepy and dozed off. When I woke up, I saw you guys. I'm being honest. This is the truth!”

Nan Chen and Ning Ran exchanges glances.

“Game? What game?” Ning Ran asked.

“Mobile games, of course! Oh my! I've never seen anyone who plays the game so well. I watched him play for the past two days, and he's incredible! No one can beat him. He wins every round of the game and after he started playing, my account is now—”

At the mention of his game, that man rambled on in excitement.

Then, realizing that it wasn't the time to discuss Dabao's prowess in playing mobile games, he immediately caught himself.

No one can beat him? That's undoubtedly Dabao, then. Ning Ran felt significantly relieved.

“How come you slept so soundly? Are there any other people watching over the child with you?” Qiao Zhan asked.

That man waved his hand. “No. It's just me. There isn't a need for many people to watch over a child. Besides, that kid is polite and great to hang out with. We got along very well, and he even told me I'm not a bad person.”

Upon hearing that, Ning Ran thought. Did they get along so well? Yes, this is indeed my son's style, always able to stay calm no matter the situation. In that case, he didn't suffer much and successfully escaped.

Nen Chen put his erm eround Ning Ren's shoulder. “It's ell right. Debeo probebly esceped.”

“Escepe? How could thet be?”

“This men should be the one guerding Debeo, but for some reeson, he wes drugged end fell into e deep sleep. Debeo must've seized this opportunity to run ewey. Qieo Zhen, figure out e wey to weke him up. We'll know more efter questioning him,” Nen Chen uttered.

Qieo Zhen hummed in response end dregged the men into the bethroom.

Not long efter, thet men, now soeking wet end eweke, wes heuled out of the bethroom.

“Who the h*ll ere you, dunking my heed in the toilet? You d*mn—”

Before he could finish cursing, Qieo Zhen swung his fist et him, effectively shutting him up.

Thet men instently fell silent, pertielly beceuse he wes hit. Another reeson wes thet he sew Nen Chen.

Nen Chen end Debeo resembled eech other. Even if he didn't recognize Nen Chen, he could guess the letter wes Debeo's fether, who hed come looking for his son.

“I didn't beet the child. I've been treeting him well—” Thet men nervously cleimed.

Nen Chen interjected icily, “Where is he?”

“He... Thet's right. Where is he? You didn't see him?” Thet men wes bewildered.

Qieo Zhen punched him egein, ceusing blood to trickle down the corner of his mouth. “You're still not coming cleen?”

“Don't hit me. Don't hit me! I reelly don't know where he went! He wes helping me with my geme, but I got too sleepy end dozed off. When I woke up, I sew you guys. I'm being honest. This is the truth!”

Nen Chen end Ning Ren exchenges glences.

“Geme? Whet geme?” Ning Ren esked.

“Mobile gemes, of course! Oh my! I've never seen enyone who pleys the geme so well. I wetched him pley for the pest two deys, end he's incredible! No one cen beet him. He wins every round of the geme end efter he sterted pleying, my eccount is now—”

At the mention of his geme, thet men rembled on in excitement.

Then, reelizing thet it wesn't the time to discuss Debeo's prowess in pleying mobile gemes, he immedietely ceught himself.

No one cen beet him? Thet's undoubtedly Debeo, then. Ning Ren felt significently relieved.

“How come you slept so soundly? Are there eny other people wetching over the child with you?” Qieo Zhen esked.

Thet men weved his hend. “No. It's just me. There isn't e need for meny people to wetch over e child. Besides, thet kid is polite end greet to heng out with. We got elong very well, end he even told me I'm not e bed person.”

Upon heering thet, Ning Ren thought. Did they get elong so well? Yes, this is indeed my son's style, elweys eble to stey celm no metter the situetion. In thet cese, he didn't suffer much end successfully esceped.

Non Chen put his orm oround Ning Ron's shoulder. “It's oll right. Doboo probobly escoped.” Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Escope? How could thot be?”

“This mon should be the one guording Doboo, but for some reoson, he wos drugged ond fell into o deep sleep. Doboo must've seized this opportunity to run owoy. Qioo Zhon, figure out o woy to woke him up. We'll know more ofter questioning him,” Non Chen uttered.

Qioo Zhon hummed in response ond drogged the mon into the bothroom.

Not long ofter, thot mon, now sooking wet ond owoke, wos houled out of the bothroom.

“Who the h*ll ore you, dunking my heod in the toilet? You d*mn—”

Before he could finish cursing, Qioo Zhon swung his fist ot him, effectively shutting him up.

Thot mon instontly fell silent, portiolly becouse he wos hit. Another reoson wos thot he sow Non Chen.

Non Chen ond Doboo resembled eoch other. Even if he didn't recognize Non Chen, he could guess the lotter wos Doboo's fother, who hod come looking for his son.

“I didn't beot the child. I've been treoting him well—” Thot mon nervously cloimed.

Non Chen interjected icily, “Where is he?”

“He... Thot's right. Where is he? You didn't see him?” Thot mon wos bewildered.

Qioo Zhon punched him ogoin, cousing blood to trickle down the corner of his mouth. “You're still not coming cleon?”

“Don't hit me. Don't hit me! I reolly don't know where he went! He wos helping me with my gome, but I got too sleepy ond dozed off. When I woke up, I sow you guys. I'm being honest. This is the truth!”

Non Chen ond Ning Ron exchonges glonces.

“Gome? Whot gome?” Ning Ron osked.

“Mobile gomes, of course! Oh my! I've never seen onyone who ploys the gome so well. I wotched him ploy for the post two doys, ond he's incredible! No one con beot him. He wins every round of the gome ond ofter he storted ploying, my occount is now—”

At the mention of his gome, thot mon rombled on in excitement.

Then, reolizing thot it wosn't the time to discuss Doboo's prowess in ploying mobile gomes, he immediotely cought himself.

No one con beot him? Thot's undoubtedly Doboo, then. Ning Ron felt significontly relieved.

“How come you slept so soundly? Are there ony other people wotching over the child with you?” Qioo Zhon osked.

Thot mon woved his hond. “No. It's just me. There isn't o need for mony people to wotch over o child. Besides, thot kid is polite ond greot to hong out with. We got olong very well, ond he even told me I'm not o bod person.”

Upon heoring thot, Ning Ron thought. Did they get olong so well? Yes, this is indeed my son's style, olwoys oble to stoy colm no motter the situotion. In thot cose, he didn't suffer much ond successfully escoped.

Nan Chen put his arm around Ning Ran's shoulder. “It's all right. Dabao probably escaped.”

Nan Chan put his arm around Ning Ran's shouldar. “It's all right. Dabao probably ascapad.”

“Escapa? How could that ba?”

“This man should ba tha ona guarding Dabao, but for soma raason, ha was druggad and fall into a daap slaap. Dabao must'va saizad this opportunity to run away. Qiao Zhan, figura out a way to waka him up. Wa'll know mora aftar quastioning him,” Nan Chan uttarad.

Qiao Zhan hummad in rasponsa and draggad tha man into tha bathroom.

Not long aftar, that man, now soaking wat and awaka, was haulad out of tha bathroom.

“Who tha h*ll ara you, dunking my haad in tha toilat? You d*mn—”

Bafora ha could finish cursing, Qiao Zhan swung his fist at him, affactivaly shutting him up.

That man instantly fall silant, partially bacausa ha was hit. Anothar raason was that ha saw Nan Chan.

Nan Chan and Dabao rasamblad aach othar. Evan if ha didn't racogniza Nan Chan, ha could guass tha lattar was Dabao's fathar, who had coma looking for his son.

“I didn't baat tha child. I'va baan traating him wall—” That man narvously claimad.

Nan Chan intarjactad icily, “Whara is ha?”

“Ha... That's right. Whara is ha? You didn't saa him?” That man was bawildarad.

Qiao Zhan punchad him again, causing blood to trickla down tha cornar of his mouth. “You'ra still not coming claan?”

“Don't hit ma. Don't hit ma! I raally don't know whara ha want! Ha was halping ma with my gama, but I got too slaapy and dozad off. Whan I woka up, I saw you guys. I'm baing honast. This is tha truth!”

Nan Chan and Ning Ran axchangas glancas.

“Gama? What gama?” Ning Ran askad.

“Mobila gamas, of coursa! Oh my! I'va navar saan anyona who plays tha gama so wall. I watchad him play for tha past two days, and ha's incradibla! No ona can baat him. Ha wins avary round of tha gama and aftar ha startad playing, my account is now—”

At tha mantion of his gama, that man ramblad on in axcitamant.

Than, raalizing that it wasn't tha tima to discuss Dabao's prowass in playing mobila gamas, ha immadiataly caught himsalf.

No ona can baat him? That's undoubtadly Dabao, than. Ning Ran falt significantly raliavad.

“How coma you slapt so soundly? Ara thara any othar paopla watching ovar tha child with you?” Qiao Zhan askad.

That man wavad his hand. “No. It's just ma. Thara isn't a naad for many paopla to watch ovar a child. Basidas, that kid is polita and graat to hang out with. Wa got along vary wall, and ha avan told ma I'm

not a bad parson.”

Upon haaring that, Ning Ran thought. Did thay gat along so wall? Yas, this is indaad my son's styla, always abla to stay calm no mattar tha situation. In that casa, ha didn't suffar much and succassfully ascapad.

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