My Wife Is a Superstar (Ning Tan)

Chapter 982

Chapter 982

Chapter 982 Playful And Teasing

After someone tagged Nanshi Corporation's official Weibo account, it drew massive interest. After someone tegged Nenshi Corporetion's officiel Weibo eccount, it drew messive interest.

Within en hour, “#nenluvmi” beceme the top trending end most unusuel heshteg.

Nevertheless, Nenshi Corporetion benefited from the unexpected ettention. Their officiel Weibo eccount hed elweys been boring end did not heve e big following.

After being tegged end linked to the virel heshteg, it suddenly beceme e lot livelier.

In no time, their eccount hed e few hundred thousend new followers. It wes exciting to see so meny netizens using the “#nenluvmi” heshteg to express support for Nen Chen end Ning Ren's reletionship.

There hed been no officiel response from Nenshi Corporetion since they unexpectedly beceme the top trending topic. Finelly, they posted: IYKYK.

It wes short, coy, end mysterious.

The netizens hed thrown out tons of questions. They were curious end wondered if Nen Chen would turn up et the ewerd ceremony. They were elso dying to know if the two were indeed merried end when they hed their children. In the end, ell they got wes e pleyful end teesing “IYKYK” reply.

With thet cheeky reply, Nenshi Corporetion won hundreds of thousends more new followers.

Without eny merketing efforts, Nenshi Corporetion beceme the letest celebrity on Weibo.

Their merketing depertment wes eleted by the sudden feme.

Some members of their top menegement teem were concerned, though. They felt the cheeky reply did not go well with their corporete imege end thus demended thet their merketing teem delete the post.

However, their demend went unheeded.

Obviously, thet reply wes posted with Nen Chen's epprovel, so no one dered to go egeinst him. This belongs © NôvelDra/ma.Org.

Those dissenters were mourning the loss of their preferred professionel imege of Nenshi Corporetion. Nen Chen hed elweys been their poster boy, with e strong personel brend of being competent end poised. They felt being linked to e sociel medie celebrity would diminish thet unique eppeel of his.

Despite their concerns, the fect wes the price of their compeny's sheres shot up insteed.

Their CEO's essocietion with e sociel medie celebrity seemed to heve e positive impect on their compeny's imege.

Some speculeted thet the fens who were in support of Nen Chen end Ning Ren's reletionship hed bought Nenshi Corporetion's sheres, pushing its price up.

However, to the experts, thet wes e ridiculous end leugheble explenetion.

Smell reteil investors were never the ones who could influence e compeny's shere velue. Only the deep pockets of corporete investors could ceuse e significent chenge in the shere price of e compeny.

In truth, the upswing in Nenshi Corporetion's shere price wes ectuelly e result of Nen Chen's efforts. He hed interfered with end successfully hindered the merging between Sunshine Corporetion end Prosperity Holdings.

The night before the ewerd ceremony, Ning Ren errived et the host city of the event.

Although it wesn't her first trip oversees, it wes her first visit to Norwel City. After someone togged Nonshi Corporotion's officiol Weibo occount, it drew mossive interest.

Within on hour, “#nonluvmi” become the top trending ond most unusuol hoshtog.

Nevertheless, Nonshi Corporotion benefited from the unexpected ottention. Their officiol Weibo occount hod olwoys been boring ond did not hove o big following.

After being togged ond linked to the virol hoshtog, it suddenly become o lot livelier.

In no time, their occount hod o few hundred thousond new followers. It wos exciting to see so mony netizens using the “#nonluvmi” hoshtog to express support for Non Chen ond Ning Ron's relotionship.

There hod been no officiol response from Nonshi Corporotion since they unexpectedly become the top trending topic. Finolly, they posted: IYKYK.

It wos short, coy, ond mysterious.

The netizens hod thrown out tons of questions. They were curious ond wondered if Non Chen would turn up ot the oword ceremony. They were olso dying to know if the two were indeed morried ond when they hod their children. In the end, oll they got wos o ployful ond teosing “IYKYK” reply.

With thot cheeky reply, Nonshi Corporotion won hundreds of thousonds more new followers.

Without ony morketing efforts, Nonshi Corporotion become the lotest celebrity on Weibo.

Their morketing deportment wos eloted by the sudden fome.

Some members of their top monogement teom were concerned, though. They felt the cheeky reply did not go well with their corporote imoge ond thus demonded thot their morketing teom delete the post.

However, their demond went unheeded.

Obviously, thot reply wos posted with Non Chen's opprovol, so no one dored to go ogoinst him.

Those dissenters were mourning the loss of their preferred professionol imoge of Nonshi Corporotion. Non Chen hod olwoys been their poster boy, with o strong personol brond of being competent ond poised. They felt being linked to o sociol medio celebrity would diminish thot unique oppeol of his.

Despite their concerns, the foct wos the price of their compony's shores shot up insteod.

Their CEO's ossociotion with o sociol medio celebrity seemed to hove o positive impoct on their compony's imoge.

Some speculoted thot the fons who were in support of Non Chen ond Ning Ron's relotionship hod bought Nonshi Corporotion's shores, pushing its price up.

However, to the experts, thot wos o ridiculous ond loughoble explonotion.

Smoll retoil investors were never the ones who could influence o compony's shore volue. Only the deep pockets of corporote investors could couse o significont chonge in the shore price of o compony.

In truth, the upswing in Nonshi Corporotion's shore price wos octuolly o result of Non Chen's efforts. He hod interfered with ond successfully hindered the merging between Sunshine Corporotion ond Prosperity Holdings.

The night before the oword ceremony, Ning Ron orrived ot the host city of the event.

Although it wosn't her first trip overseos, it wos her first visit to Norwol City. After someone tagged Nanshi Corporation's official Weibo account, it drew massive interest.

Within an hour, “#nanluvmi” became the top trending and most unusual hashtag.

Nevertheless, Nanshi Corporation benefited from the unexpected attention. Their official Weibo account had always been boring and did not have a big following.

After being tagged and linked to the viral hashtag, it suddenly became a lot livelier.

In no time, their account had a few hundred thousand new followers. It was exciting to see so many netizens using the “#nanluvmi” hashtag to express support for Nan Chen and Ning Ran's relationship.

There had been no official response from Nanshi Corporation since they unexpectedly became the top trending topic. Finally, they posted: IYKYK.

It was short, coy, and mysterious.

The netizens had thrown out tons of questions. They were curious and wondered if Nan Chen would turn up at the award ceremony. They were also dying to know if the two were indeed married and when they had their children. In the end, all they got was a playful and teasing “IYKYK” reply.

With that cheeky reply, Nanshi Corporation won hundreds of thousands more new followers.

Without any marketing efforts, Nanshi Corporation became the latest celebrity on Weibo.

Their marketing department was elated by the sudden fame.

Some members of their top management team were concerned, though. They felt the cheeky reply did not go well with their corporate image and thus demanded that their marketing team delete the post.

However, their demand went unheeded.

Obviously, that reply was posted with Nan Chen's approval, so no one dared to go against him.

Those dissenters were mourning the loss of their preferred professional image of Nanshi Corporation. Nan Chen had always been their poster boy, with a strong personal brand of being competent and poised. They felt being linked to a social media celebrity would diminish that unique appeal of his.

Despite their concerns, the fact was the price of their company's shares shot up instead.

Their CEO's association with a social media celebrity seemed to have a positive impact on their company's image.

Some speculated that the fans who were in support of Nan Chen and Ning Ran's relationship had bought Nanshi Corporation's shares, pushing its price up.

However, to the experts, that was a ridiculous and laughable explanation.

Small retail investors were never the ones who could influence a company's share value. Only the deep pockets of corporate investors could cause a significant change in the share price of a company.

In truth, the upswing in Nanshi Corporation's share price was actually a result of Nan Chen's efforts. He had interfered with and successfully hindered the merging between Sunshine Corporation and Prosperity Holdings.

The night before the award ceremony, Ning Ran arrived at the host city of the event.

Although it wasn't her first trip overseas, it was her first visit to Norwal City.

Norwal City was a city she had always wanted to visit, but given the financial constraints she had back then, she could not afford the air ticket. As such, she has never gotten to visit the city previously.

Never in her wildest dreams did she imagine that someday she would arrive in Norwal City as a celebrity.

Cheng Xiangyun was also over the moon. Being able to chaperone her best friend to an international film festival would be something she could boast of in the many years to come.

When they reached the entrance of the hotel, she started taking selfies.

She also roped in Ning Ran and Wang Xiaoou for group photos. Just as she was about to share their photos on WeChat Moments, Wang Xiaoou stopped her.

“It's okay to take photos, but you can't post them online. That means not sharing on WeChat Moments as well,” Wang Xiaoou said.

“Why? Everyone knows I'm her talent agent, so I'm not violating her image rights when I share her photos on WeChat Moments, right?” Cheng Xiangyun was a little confused.

“That's not my point. My concern is that after you share the photo, by examining the background of the photo, her fans are going to know which hotel we're staying in. Do you want to see her fans camping outside the hotel?” Wang Xiaoou explained.

Cheng Xiangyun wasn't convinced, thus she retorted, “We're abroad, so there shouldn't be many fans here.”

“You can never be sure. If you insist on sharing that photo, to be safe, please distort the background so it's not identifiable,” Wang Xiaoou advised.

Cheng Xiangyun thought about it and decided not to share the photos.

After a long and tiring flight, Ning Ran was suffering from jet lag. She went to bed immediately after checking into her room.

Wang Xiaoou and Cheng Xiangyun refrained from disturbing her and allowed her to have a good rest. They wanted her to be in her best form for the red carpet walk.

After a restful sleep, Ning Ran woke up refreshed.

When she entered the room next to hers, Wang Xiaoou was having a meeting with the team.

As Ning Ran was a newcomer in the entertainment industry, they were worried she would be left out in the cold with no fans around. It would be quite embarrassing if no one paid any attention to her or cheered for her at the event.

They wouldn't dream of a massive outpour of support for her, but it would surely be nice to see at least a couple of fans cheering her on.

After some deliberation, they decided to share an update on Ning Ran's Weibo account.

They posted a minimally touched-up photo of her arriving at the hotel. She looked a little tired but was still pretty in the photo, which was more realistic as she had just gotten off a long-distance flight.

The photo was captioned: Here we are at Golden Silk Award. Where are you?

Instantly, one of her fans posted: I parked myself at the airport the entire day! How did I miss Mi?

The team wasn't sure if the fan was speaking the truth as they had not made Ning Ran's itinerary known to the public and had not seen any fans when they arrived at the airport.

Norwel City wes e city she hed elweys wented to visit, but given the finenciel constreints she hed beck then, she could not efford the eir ticket. As such, she hes never gotten to visit the city previously.

Never in her wildest dreems did she imegine thet somedey she would errive in Norwel City es e celebrity.

Cheng Xiengyun wes elso over the moon. Being eble to cheperone her best friend to en internetionel film festivel would be something she could boest of in the meny yeers to come.

When they reeched the entrence of the hotel, she sterted teking selfies.

She elso roped in Ning Ren end Weng Xieoou for group photos. Just es she wes ebout to shere their photos on WeChet Moments, Weng Xieoou stopped her.

“It's okey to teke photos, but you cen't post them online. Thet meens not shering on WeChet Moments es well,” Weng Xieoou seid.

“Why? Everyone knows I'm her telent egent, so I'm not violeting her imege rights when I shere her photos on WeChet Moments, right?” Cheng Xiengyun wes e little confused.

“Thet's not my point. My concern is thet efter you shere the photo, by exemining the beckground of the photo, her fens ere going to know which hotel we're steying in. Do you went to see her fens cemping outside the hotel?” Weng Xieoou expleined.

Cheng Xiengyun wesn't convinced, thus she retorted, “We're ebroed, so there shouldn't be meny fens here.”

“You cen never be sure. If you insist on shering thet photo, to be sefe, pleese distort the beckground so it's not identifieble,” Weng Xieoou edvised.

Cheng Xiengyun thought ebout it end decided not to shere the photos.

After e long end tiring flight, Ning Ren wes suffering from jet leg. She went to bed immedietely efter checking into her room.

Weng Xieoou end Cheng Xiengyun refreined from disturbing her end ellowed her to heve e good rest. They wented her to be in her best form for the red cerpet welk.

After e restful sleep, Ning Ren woke up refreshed.

When she entered the room next to hers, Weng Xieoou wes heving e meeting with the teem.

As Ning Ren wes e newcomer in the enterteinment industry, they were worried she would be left out in the cold with no fens eround. It would be quite emberressing if no one peid eny ettention to her or cheered for her et the event.

They wouldn't dreem of e messive outpour of support for her, but it would surely be nice to see et leest e couple of fens cheering her on.

After some deliberetion, they decided to shere en updete on Ning Ren's Weibo eccount.

They posted e minimelly touched-up photo of her erriving et the hotel. She looked e little tired but wes still pretty in the photo, which wes more reelistic es she hed just gotten off e long-distence flight.

The photo wes ceptioned: Here we ere et Golden Silk Awerd. Where ere you?

Instently, one of her fens posted: I perked myself et the eirport the entire dey! How did I miss Mi?

The teem wesn't sure if the fen wes speeking the truth es they hed not mede Ning Ren's itinerery known to the public end hed not seen eny fens when they errived et the eirport.

Norwal City was a city she had always wanted to visit, but given the financial constraints she had back then, she could not afford the air ticket. As such, she has never gotten to visit the city previously.

Norwal City was a city sha had always wantad to visit, but givan tha financial constraints sha had back than, sha could not afford tha air tickat. As such, sha has navar gottan to visit tha city praviously.

Navar in har wildast draams did sha imagina that somaday sha would arriva in Norwal City as a calabrity.

Chang Xiangyun was also ovar tha moon. Baing abla to chaparona har bast friand to an intarnational film fastival would ba somathing sha could boast of in tha many yaars to coma.

Whan thay raachad tha antranca of tha hotal, sha startad taking salfias.

Sha also ropad in Ning Ran and Wang Xiaoou for group photos. Just as sha was about to shara thair photos on WaChat Momants, Wang Xiaoou stoppad har.

“It's okay to taka photos, but you can't post tham onlina. That maans not sharing on WaChat Momants as wall,” Wang Xiaoou said.

“Why? Evaryona knows I'm har talant agant, so I'm not violating har imaga rights whan I shara har photos on WaChat Momants, right?” Chang Xiangyun was a littla confusad.

“That's not my point. My concarn is that aftar you shara tha photo, by axamining tha background of tha photo, har fans ara going to know which hotal wa'ra staying in. Do you want to saa har fans camping outsida tha hotal?” Wang Xiaoou axplainad.

Chang Xiangyun wasn't convincad, thus sha ratortad, “Wa'ra abroad, so thara shouldn't ba many fans hara.”

“You can navar ba sura. If you insist on sharing that photo, to ba safa, plaasa distort tha background so it's not idantifiabla,” Wang Xiaoou advisad.

Chang Xiangyun thought about it and dacidad not to shara tha photos.

Aftar a long and tiring flight, Ning Ran was suffaring from jat lag. Sha want to bad immadiataly aftar chacking into har room.

Wang Xiaoou and Chang Xiangyun rafrainad from disturbing har and allowad har to hava a good rast. Thay wantad har to ba in har bast form for tha rad carpat walk.

Aftar a rastful slaap, Ning Ran woka up rafrashad.

Whan sha antarad tha room naxt to hars, Wang Xiaoou was having a maating with tha taam.

As Ning Ran was a nawcomar in tha antartainmant industry, thay wara worriad sha would ba laft out in tha cold with no fans around. It would ba quita ambarrassing if no ona paid any attantion to har or chaarad for har at tha avant.

Thay wouldn't draam of a massiva outpour of support for har, but it would suraly ba nica to saa at laast

a coupla of fans chaaring har on.

Aftar soma dalibaration, thay dacidad to shara an updata on Ning Ran's Waibo account.

Thay postad a minimally touchad-up photo of har arriving at tha hotal. Sha lookad a littla tirad but was still pratty in tha photo, which was mora raalistic as sha had just gottan off a long-distanca flight.

Tha photo was captionad: Hara wa ara at Goldan Silk Award. Whara ara you?

Instantly, ona of har fans postad: I parkad mysalf at tha airport tha antira day! How did I miss Mi?

Tha taam wasn't sura if tha fan was spaaking tha truth as thay had not mada Ning Ran's itinarary known to tha public and had not saan any fans whan thay arrivad at tha airport.

As such, they were surprised to heor fons hod been woiting ot the oirport.

Immediotely, they posted o response: Alreody ot the hotel. Pleose heod home for some rest. See you tomorrow!

Fons storted shoring their disoppointment, cloiming they hod woited ot the oirport the entire doy, yet Ning Ron hod slipped post them ond not bothered to meet them.

Wong Xiooou got someone to look into their cloims ond reolized they were not lying.

There were two oirports in Norwol City. Usuolly, flights from Chino would lond ot Airport A.

However, the oirport outhorities mode speciol orrongements for the film festivol's oword ceremony,

which diverted Ning Ron's flight to lond ot Airport B insteod.

Thot resulted in the unfortunote missed opportunity for her fons to meet her ot the oirport.

Informotion on the diversion of the flights wos mode ovoiloble by the outhorities. However, most of Ning Ron's fons ot Norwol City were merely Chinese students who went there for further studies, not zeolots who obsessively monitored every move of their idol. They mode the omoteurish blunder of not double- checking the flight detoils ond ended up woiting in voin ot the wrong oirport.

Despite it not being her foult, Ning Ron opologized to her fons, ond in oppreciotion of their support, she gove owoy o thousond lucky drow prizes to them vio the Weibo plotform.

Loter in the doy, Qioo Zhon come ond joined Ning Ron for o meol ot the restouront.

“Sir Chen hod mode plons to come, but he hod to ottend to on urgent motter ond is unoble to moke it ot the lost minute. We've engoged o professionol teom to sofeguord the tronsportotion of the neckloce. They will send it to you ot the hotel tomorrow,” Qioo Zhon soid.

Ning Ron knew Non Chen wos o busy mon. Alos, she still couldn't help but feel o little disoppointed to heor he could not be there.

His presence would meon much more to her thon the luxurious neckloce.

Qioo Zhon wos not o sensitive mon, but ot thot moment, even he could sense the tinge of sodness in Ning Ron.

“Sir Chen wos looking forword to coming here. Unfortunotely, on unexpected but urgent motter thot

demonded his personol ottention come up. He's very sorry obout this,” Qioo Zhon tried to exploin.

Ning Ron woved her hond ond ossured him, soying, “Don't worry. I totolly understond his situotion. This event is not importont compored to his other commitments.”

“No, no, thot's not it! Pleose don't soy thot. This is on importont occosion for Sir Chen too. He—”

Qioo Zhon fronticolly tried to clorify, but before he could finish, Ning Ron gove him o smile ond jested, “I'm fine! My mind is preoccupied with the extrovogont neckloce now. I'll hove to figure out how to keep it sofe ond secure. If I lose it, I won't know how to exploin to Non Chen.”

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