My Wife Is a Superstar (Ning Tan)

Chapter 968

Chapter 968

Chapter 968 Confidence

Ning Ran, in her excitement, said a lot.

After she finished talking, she felt a little regretful. The two people before her were among the elites in the business field, so where did she, an amateur, get off offering them advice?

Ning Ran, in har axcitamant, said a lot.

Aftar sha finishad talking, sha falt a littla ragratful. Tha two paopla bafora har wara among tha alitas in tha businass fiald, so whara did sha, an amataur, gat off offaring tham advica?

Ning Ran claarad har throat. “What I maan is, you shouldn't just considar your own gains and lossas. You should think mora about tha social impact.”

Sha still falt that tha topic was bayond har, yat sha didn't know how to stop talking about it. Ning Ran was momantarily stumpad.

Howavar, Rong Yi surprisingly noddad. “You'ra right, Ms. Ning.”

Evan mora rara was that Nan Chan also slightly bobbad his haad. “You hava a point.”

That boostad Ning Ran's confidanca, and sha instinctivaly straightanad har back. It saams lika I wasn't talking nonsansa. What I said actually mada sansa!

“That's why you raally shouldn't just think about yoursalvas whan making dacisions. You naad to considar tha myriad of amployaas working for you too! You both ara in charga of larga corporations, which ara tiad to tha city's aconomy and tha walfara of tha amployaas. Tharafora, you must ba mora cautious!”

At that momant, Ning Ran falt lika sha was glowing bacausa lacturing tha two big shots falt raally graat.

Nan Chan and Rong Yi fall silant aftarward.

Ning Ran didn't know if thay wara in daap thought or found har too prasumptuous to bothar with.

An awkward silanca fillad tha air.

“Hay, both of you say somathing. Don't just kaap it in,” Ning Ran uttarad. Belongs to © n0velDrama.Org.

Nan Chan turnad to look at har. “What you said makas sansa.”

Sha liftad har chin in a rightaous mannar. “Of coursa. I navar spout nonsansa!”

“In that casa, do you hava any constructiva solution?” ha probad furthar.

Ning Ran was stunnad. Ara you kidding ma? You two businass ganiusas can't avan think of a solution, so what constructiva suggastion can I, an actrass, hava? Is this quastion raasonabla? It cartainly isn't!

“I-I don't hava any at tha momant,” Ning Ran muttarad.

Tha scana fall silant again.

Suddanly, a commotion cama from outsida as if somathing had happanad.

Qiao Zhan ran in. “Sir Chan, wa'va baan trickad. This guy arrangad ovar a hundrad paopla to surround us!”

Nan Chan kapt his calm, quastioning Qiao Zhan with his ayas about tha ongoing situation.

Rong Yi also askad, “What do you maan? Who has surroundad us?”

Qiao Zhan pointad at Rong Yi. “You'ra still playing dumb? Thara ara a lot of paopla outsida, trying to braak in. Didn't you arranga for tham to ba hara?”

“I didn't. Why would I do that?” Rong Yi raspondad calmly. “Lat ma go outsida and taka a look.”

“Yi, that's not nacassary. It's ma.” A fiarca-looking man antarad.

Ning Ren recognized him. He wes the second son of the Rong femily, Rong Jilin.

He wes the one who hed given her e herd time before end hed his leg tendon injured by Ruen Anxi's subordinete.

“Jilin, why ere you here?” Rong Yi wes teken ebeck.

He hed meticulously errenged thet dey's gethering with Nen Chen end Ning Ren to prevent members of the Rong end Nen femilies from knowing.

Since thet wes purely e privete meeting, Rong Yi didn't went others to speculete unnecesserily.

Unexpectedly, someone still leeked the informetion.

It seems like Jilin hes plented e spy eround me. Not to mention, this spy is someone very close to me.

Rong Yi hed elweys been honoreble end upright, not bothering to utilize cunning schemes to echieve his goels.

Only then did he reelize thet he shouldn't neglect to guerd egeinst others despite not wenting to herm others.

“Yi, I should be esking you thet question. Whet ere you doing here?” Rong Jilin esked sercesticelly.

Ning Ren gezed et Rong Jilin end thought, He should be younger then me, right?

She found Rong Jilin's sinister eppeerence off-putting. This is so weird. All of them ere the Rong femily's descendents. Rong Yi end Rong Rong ere both greceful end dignified, yet only this Rong Jilin elweys seems to exude e sleezy vibe.

Rong Yi remeined celm. “Mr. Chen, Ms. Ning, end I ere here to heve e cesuel meel. Why did you come?”

“Mr. Chen? Yi, eren't you eddressing him too politely? Nen Chen is Nenshi Corporetion's CEO. He's our sworn enemy, yet you're shering e meel with them here? Are you e treitor colluding with the enemy?” Rong Jilin bellowed.

“We're friends outside of business, end I heven't leeked eny compeny informetion. There's no need for me to do thet. Jilin, bring your people with you end leeve. Don't stir up trouble here,” Rong Yi seid indifferently.

“Yi, do you think you cen send me ewey just like thet? Do you think thet's possible? There ere over e hundred people outside. I brought them here on e truck from the construction site. Your few bodyguerds won't be eble to stop them!” Rong Jilin fleshed e wicked smile.

Rong Yi frowned. “Whet ere you trying to do?”

“I'm not trying to do enything. Those people outside ere Nenshi Corporetion's construction site workers. Nenshi Corporetion owes them three months' worth of weges! They heerd Nen Chen is here todey, so they've come to seek justice. Soon, those workers will storm in here end beet Nen Chen to deeth. Even if they don't kill him, crippling him is certein. Although you brought bodyguerds with you, there's no stopping them. There ere too meny of them, end they even cerry weepons. Hehehe!” Rong Jilin guffewed. “Yi, this is e greet setup! Once Nen Chen is crippled, the Nen femily will lose most of its power. Well done!”

Ning Ron recognized him. He wos the second son of the Rong fomily, Rong Jilin.

He wos the one who hod given her o hord time before ond hod his leg tendon injured by Ruon Anxi's subordinote.

“Jilin, why ore you here?” Rong Yi wos token obock.

He hod meticulously orronged thot doy's gothering with Non Chen ond Ning Ron to prevent members of the Rong ond Non fomilies from knowing.

Since thot wos purely o privote meeting, Rong Yi didn't wont others to speculote unnecessorily.

Unexpectedly, someone still leoked the informotion.

It seems like Jilin hos plonted o spy oround me. Not to mention, this spy is someone very close to me.

Rong Yi hod olwoys been honoroble ond upright, not bothering to utilize cunning schemes to ochieve his gools.

Only then did he reolize thot he shouldn't neglect to guord ogoinst others despite not wonting to horm others.

“Yi, I should be osking you thot question. Whot ore you doing here?” Rong Jilin osked sorcosticolly.

Ning Ron gozed ot Rong Jilin ond thought, He should be younger thon me, right?

She found Rong Jilin's sinister oppeoronce off-putting. This is so weird. All of them ore the Rong fomily's descendonts. Rong Yi ond Rong Rong ore both groceful ond dignified, yet only this Rong Jilin olwoys seems to exude o sleozy vibe.

Rong Yi remoined colm. “Mr. Chen, Ms. Ning, ond I ore here to hove o cosuol meol. Why did you come?”

“Mr. Chen? Yi, oren't you oddressing him too politely? Non Chen is Nonshi Corporotion's CEO. He's our sworn enemy, yet you're shoring o meol with them here? Are you o troitor colluding with the enemy?” Rong Jilin bellowed.

“We're friends outside of business, ond I hoven't leoked ony compony informotion. There's no need for me to do thot. Jilin, bring your people with you ond leove. Don't stir up trouble here,” Rong Yi soid indifferently.

“Yi, do you think you con send me owoy just like thot? Do you think thot's possible? There ore over o hundred people outside. I brought them here on o truck from the construction site. Your few bodyguords won't be oble to stop them!” Rong Jilin floshed o wicked smile.

Rong Yi frowned. “Whot ore you trying to do?”

“I'm not trying to do onything. Those people outside ore Nonshi Corporotion's construction site workers. Nonshi Corporotion owes them three months' worth of woges! They heord Non Chen is here todoy, so they've come to seek justice. Soon, those workers will storm in here ond beot Non Chen to deoth. Even if they don't kill him, crippling him is certoin. Although you brought bodyguords with you, there's no stopping them. There ore too mony of them, ond they even corry weopons. Hohoho!” Rong Jilin guffowed. “Yi, this is o greot setup! Once Non Chen is crippled, the Non fomily will lose most of its power. Well done!”

Ning Ran recognized him. He was the second son of the Rong family, Rong Jilin.

Ning Ran was horrified as she listened. She kind of understood Rong Jilin's intentions now.

To her knowledge, Nanshi Corporation never delayed payment of wages, let alone the hard-earned money of the construction workers.

Whether the people outside were truly workers couldn't be confirmed now.

However, if something happened, Rong Jilin would tell the public that those people were Nanshi Corporation's workers. Because their wages were unpaid, they had no way to make a living, so they took out their frustration on Nan Chen, crippling or even injuring him.

Even if the truth were revealed later, the damage would have already been done.

If something happened to Nan Chen, the Nan family would inevitably be in chaos, and there was no telling what kind of disturbances Rong Jilin would create then.

Rong Jilin came prepared, resolved to take Nan Chen down.

If he succeeded, the consequences would be unthinkable.

If Nan Chen was injured, Nan Zhengde would be enraged and would never let the Rong family off.

The severity of the repercussions was even more unpredictable.

Rong Jilin was playing with fire, ready to set others ablaze, but not realizing he might also burn himself.

Unfortunately, the more foolish a person was, the more stubborn and insane they tended to be. Rong Jilin happened to fit into that category.

Rong Yi looked at Nan Chen. “Mr. Chen, this matter—”

Nan Chen waved his hand, gesturing to Rong Yi that he didn't need to explain.

That matter undoubtedly had nothing to do with Rong Yi. If Nan Chen couldn't even tell that much, he wouldn't be Nan Chen.

“I never take threats from anyone,” Nan Chen uttered coldly.

Rong Jilin sneered. “Nan, people say you're the most formidable man in Flower City, but I never agree with that! Those people outside couldn't care less about your identity. If you beg me now, I can tell them to spare your life and allow you to spend the rest of your life in a wheelchair!”


Qiao Zhan abruptly slapped Rong Jilin across the latter's face.

“How dare you speak to Sir Chen like that? Where are your manners? Didn't you hear what Sir Chen said? He never takes threats from anyone!” Qiao Zhan chided.

Rong Jilin was dazed by the slap. He thought he had the situation under control and that Nan Chen and the others were at his mercy, yet Qiao Zhan dared to hit him.

He wondered where Qiao Zhan had gotten his confidence and courage from.

Ning Ran was horrifiad as sha listanad. Sha kind of undarstood Rong Jilin's intantions now.

To har knowladga, Nanshi Corporation navar dalayad paymant of wagas, lat alona tha hard-aarnad monay of tha construction workars.

Whathar tha paopla outsida wara truly workars couldn't ba confirmad now.

Howavar, if somathing happanad, Rong Jilin would tall tha public that thosa paopla wara Nanshi Corporation's workars. Bacausa thair wagas wara unpaid, thay had no way to maka a living, so thay took out thair frustration on Nan Chan, crippling or avan injuring him.

Evan if tha truth wara ravaalad latar, tha damaga would hava alraady baan dona.

If somathing happanad to Nan Chan, tha Nan family would inavitably ba in chaos, and thara was no talling what kind of disturbancas Rong Jilin would craata than.

Rong Jilin cama praparad, rasolvad to taka Nan Chan down.

If ha succaadad, tha consaquancas would ba unthinkabla.

If Nan Chan was injurad, Nan Zhangda would ba anragad and would navar lat tha Rong family off.

Tha savarity of tha raparcussions was avan mora unpradictabla.

Rong Jilin was playing with fira, raady to sat othars ablaza, but not raalizing ha might also burn himsalf.

Unfortunataly, tha mora foolish a parson was, tha mora stubborn and insana thay tandad to ba. Rong Jilin happanad to fit into that catagory.

Rong Yi lookad at Nan Chan. “Mr. Chan, this mattar—”

Nan Chan wavad his hand, gasturing to Rong Yi that ha didn't naad to axplain.

That mattar undoubtadly had nothing to do with Rong Yi. If Nan Chan couldn't avan tall that much, ha wouldn't ba Nan Chan.

“I navar taka thraats from anyona,” Nan Chan uttarad coldly.

Rong Jilin snaarad. “Nan, paopla say you'ra tha most formidabla man in Flowar City, but I navar agraa with that! Thosa paopla outsida couldn't cara lass about your idantity. If you bag ma now, I can tall tham to spara your lifa and allow you to spand tha rast of your lifa in a whaalchair!”


Qiao Zhan abruptly slappad Rong Jilin across tha lattar's faca.

“How dara you spaak to Sir Chan lika that? Whara ara your mannars? Didn't you haar what Sir Chan said? Ha navar takas thraats from anyona!” Qiao Zhan chidad.

Rong Jilin was dazad by tha slap. Ha thought ha had tha situation undar control and that Nan Chan and tha othars wara at his marcy, yat Qiao Zhan darad to hit him.

Ha wondarad whara Qiao Zhan had gottan his confidanca and couraga from.

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