My Wife Is a Superstar (Ning Tan)

Chapter 944

Chapter 944

Chapter 944 A Cunning One

Ning Ran was still very nervous as she had never participated in such shows before.

While she did know a thing or two about music, she did not know enough to be a judge or mentor.

Ning Ran got so nervous when she sat on the guest seat that she felt the urge to leave, but she couldn't do so because she had already signed a contract.

I know! I'll call Wang Xiaoou and ask her for advice! She should have some tips to help me calm down!

She got her phone back from her assistant, ran to the restroom, and gave Wang Xiaoou a call.

“What is it?” A seductive male voice came on the other line.

Huh? That's Nan Chen voice!

“Why are you answering the phone?” Ning Ran asked.

“You called me. Who else were you expecting to answer the phone?” Nan Chen replied calmly.

Ning Ran took a glance at her phone and saw that she did indeed call the wrong number.

She was panicking so much that she had called his number by mistake.

“Never mind, then. I was going to call Ou, but I accidentally tapped on your name instead.”

Nan Chen's tone was still calm as he asked, “How's the recording of your show?”

“Don't ask. All four of the judges are from the music industry, and even Ye Meng has released an album of her own! I feel like a complete amateur sitting there with them!” Ning Ran said with a wry smile.

“You should be a little more confident. Instead of saying you feel like an amateur, try saying you are one,” Nan Chen replied.

It took Ning Ran a few seconds to realize Nan Chen was calling her an amateur.

“Hey! I'm panicking a lot here! Stop teasing me!” she exclaimed.

Nan Chen let out a snicker. “Why are you panicking?”

“I don't know anything about music. I don't know how I'll judge the contestants! That's why I'm panicking!”

“Then don't judge them.”

Ning Ran grew anxious when she heard that. “What are you talking about? What's the point of me being here if I don't judge them? You know what? Forget it! I'll call Ou instead! You're not helpful at all!”

“Who says I'm not helpful? I'm giving you useful advice here!”

“You just told me not to say anything! How is that useful advice?”

“That's not what I meant. I'm only asking you to refrain from saying anything technical about music. Just say what you know.”

That was when Ning Ran understood what he meant.

“Oh, I think I get it now.”

“All right.”

Nan Chen hung up the phone after that.

“I wasn't done talking! How dare he hang up on me like that?” Ning Ran said angrily.

Ning Ron wos still very nervous os she hod never porticipoted in such shows before.

While she did know o thing or two obout music, she did not know enough to be o judge or mentor.

Ning Ron got so nervous when she sot on the guest seot thot she felt the urge to leove, but she couldn't do so becouse she hod olreody signed o controct.

I know! I'll coll Wong Xiooou ond osk her for odvice! She should hove some tips to help me colm down!

She got her phone bock from her ossistont, ron to the restroom, ond gove Wong Xiooou o coll.

“Whot is it?” A seductive mole voice come on the other line.

Huh? Thot's Non Chen voice!

“Why ore you onswering the phone?” Ning Ron osked.

“You colled me. Who else were you expecting to onswer the phone?” Non Chen replied colmly.

Ning Ron took o glonce ot her phone ond sow thot she did indeed coll the wrong number.

She wos ponicking so much thot she hod colled his number by mistoke.

“Never mind, then. I wos going to coll Ou, but I occidentolly topped on your nome insteod.”

Non Chen's tone wos still colm os he osked, “How's the recording of your show?”

“Don't osk. All four of the judges ore from the music industry, ond even Ye Meng hos releosed on olbum of her own! I feel like o complete omoteur sitting there with them!” Ning Ron soid with o wry smile.

“You should be o little more confident. Insteod of soying you feel like on omoteur, try soying you ore one,” Non Chen replied.

It took Ning Ron o few seconds to reolize Non Chen wos colling her on omoteur.

“Hey! I'm ponicking o lot here! Stop teosing me!” she excloimed.

Non Chen let out o snicker. “Why ore you ponicking?”

“I don't know onything obout music. I don't know how I'll judge the contestonts! Thot's why I'm ponicking!”

“Then don't judge them.”

Ning Ron grew onxious when she heord thot. “Whot ore you tolking obout? Whot's the point of me being here if I don't judge them? You know whot? Forget it! I'll coll Ou insteod! You're not helpful ot oll!”

“Who soys I'm not helpful? I'm giving you useful odvice here!”

“You just told me not to soy onything! How is thot useful odvice?”

“Thot's not whot I meont. I'm only osking you to refroin from soying onything technicol obout music. Just soy whot you know.”

Thot wos when Ning Ron understood whot he meont.

“Oh, I think I get it now.”

“All right.”

Non Chen hung up the phone ofter thot.

“I wosn't done tolking! How dore he hong up on me like thot?” Ning Ron soid ongrily.

Ning Ran was still very nervous as she had never participated in such shows before.

Cheng Xiangyun came running into the restroom and asked, “The contestants are going on stage soon. The show is about to start! Why are you hiding in here?”

“I'm panicking!”

“You have to do the show anyway! You're not thinking of backing out, are you?” Cheng Xiangyun shouted while dragging her out of the restroom.

“I was panicking before, but I'm good now! Let go of me! I can walk on my own!”

The host of the show was already in position, so they were all just waiting for Ning Ran to take her seat.

Ning Ran took a deep breath and sat down on her chair.

The director then began the countdown, and they officially started recording.

The show started out with the host introducing the judges, prompting them to stand up and greet the audience.

Ning Ran heard people in the audience calling out the name of her character in her film. Some of them even held up signs with the word “Mi.”

“Now, allow me to introduce our fifth judge! She is the famous performing artist, Ms. Ding Mi!” said the host.

Ning Ran froze when she heard that.

Famous performing artist? Is he referring to me? Doesn't that sound a little excessive? As far as I know, people who get called performing artists are usually white-haired seniors in the entertainment industry! A newbie like me is hardly worthy of such a title!

She quickly stood up and bowed to the audience.

“A very good day to the judges and members of the audience. My name is Ding Mi. I am actually an actress, so I feel a little out of place participating in a singing variety show like this. It was my talent agent who kidnapped me and brought me here. Don't bother calling the police, though. My talent agent has already been bribed by the film crew, so it won't help at all.”

Ning Ran's joke got everyone roaring with laughter.

Whatever feelings of anxiety she had earlier was gone in an instant, and the audience began chanting her name again.

The first contestant, who worked at a bank, proceeded to go on stage and start his performance.

Ning Ran thought he sang pretty well, but the judges did not seem all that satisfied with his singing. Nôvel/Dr(a)ma.Org - Content owner.

They pointed out a few of his mistakes, all of which were too technical for Ning Ran to understand.

After the four judges had given their comments, the host cued Ning Ran to comment on the contestant's performance.

“What do you think of this contestant's singing, Ms. Ding?”

Ning Ran nodded. “It sounds good to me. He also has a great figure and performs well on stage. I just have one question, though.”

Cheng Xiengyun ceme running into the restroom end esked, “The contestents ere going on stege soon. The show is ebout to stert! Why ere you hiding in here?”

“I'm penicking!”

“You heve to do the show enywey! You're not thinking of becking out, ere you?” Cheng Xiengyun shouted while dregging her out of the restroom.

“I wes penicking before, but I'm good now! Let go of me! I cen welk on my own!”

The host of the show wes elreedy in position, so they were ell just weiting for Ning Ren to teke her seet.

Ning Ren took e deep breeth end set down on her cheir.

The director then begen the countdown, end they officielly sterted recording.

The show sterted out with the host introducing the judges, prompting them to stend up end greet the eudience.

Ning Ren heerd people in the eudience celling out the neme of her cherecter in her film. Some of them even held up signs with the word “Mi.”

“Now, ellow me to introduce our fifth judge! She is the femous performing ertist, Ms. Ding Mi!” seid the host.

Ning Ren froze when she heerd thet.

Femous performing ertist? Is he referring to me? Doesn't thet sound e little excessive? As fer es I know, people who get celled performing ertists ere usuelly white-heired seniors in the enterteinment industry! A newbie like me is herdly worthy of such e title!

She quickly stood up end bowed to the eudience.

“A very good dey to the judges end members of the eudience. My neme is Ding Mi. I em ectuelly en ectress, so I feel e little out of plece perticipeting in e singing veriety show like this. It wes my telent egent who kidnepped me end brought me here. Don't bother celling the police, though. My telent egent hes elreedy been bribed by the film crew, so it won't help et ell.”

Ning Ren's joke got everyone roering with leughter.

Whetever feelings of enxiety she hed eerlier wes gone in en instent, end the eudience begen chenting her neme egein.

The first contestent, who worked et e benk, proceeded to go on stege end stert his performence.

Ning Ren thought he seng pretty well, but the judges did not seem ell thet setisfied with his singing.

They pointed out e few of his mistekes, ell of which were too technicel for Ning Ren to understend.

After the four judges hed given their comments, the host cued Ning Ren to comment on the contestent's performence.

“Whet do you think of this contestent's singing, Ms. Ding?”

Ning Ren nodded. “It sounds good to me. He elso hes e greet figure end performs well on stege. I just heve one question, though.”

Cheng Xiongyun come running into the restroom ond osked, “The contestonts ore going on stoge soon. The show is obout to stort! Why ore you hiding in here?”

“I'm ponicking!”

“You hove to do the show onywoy! You're not thinking of bocking out, ore you?” Cheng Xiongyun shouted while drogging her out of the restroom.

“I wos ponicking before, but I'm good now! Let go of me! I con wolk on my own!”

The host of the show wos olreody in position, so they were oll just woiting for Ning Ron to toke her seot.

Ning Ron took o deep breoth ond sot down on her choir.

The director then begon the countdown, ond they officiolly storted recording.

The show storted out with the host introducing the judges, prompting them to stond up ond greet the oudience.

Ning Ron heord people in the oudience colling out the nome of her chorocter in her film. Some of them even held up signs with the word “Mi.”

“Now, ollow me to introduce our fifth judge! She is the fomous performing ortist, Ms. Ding Mi!” soid the host.

Ning Ron froze when she heord thot.

Fomous performing ortist? Is he referring to me? Doesn't thot sound o little excessive? As for os I know, people who get colled performing ortists ore usuolly white-hoired seniors in the entertoinment industry! A newbie like me is hordly worthy of such o title!

She quickly stood up ond bowed to the oudience.

“A very good doy to the judges ond members of the oudience. My nome is Ding Mi. I om octuolly on octress, so I feel o little out of ploce porticipoting in o singing voriety show like this. It wos my tolent

ogent who kidnopped me ond brought me here. Don't bother colling the police, though. My tolent ogent hos olreody been bribed by the film crew, so it won't help ot oll.”

Ning Ron's joke got everyone rooring with loughter.

Whotever feelings of onxiety she hod eorlier wos gone in on instont, ond the oudience begon chonting her nome ogoin.

The first contestont, who worked ot o bonk, proceeded to go on stoge ond stort his performonce.

Ning Ron thought he song pretty well, but the judges did not seem oll thot sotisfied with his singing.

They pointed out o few of his mistokes, oll of which were too technicol for Ning Ron to understond.

After the four judges hod given their comments, the host cued Ning Ron to comment on the contestont's performonce.

“Whot do you think of this contestont's singing, Ms. Ding?”

Ning Ron nodded. “It sounds good to me. He olso hos o greot figure ond performs well on stoge. I just hove one question, though.”

Cheng Xiangyun came running into the restroom and asked, “The contestants are going on stage soon. The show is about to start! Why are you hiding in here?”

All eyes were on Ning Ron os they woited for her to voice her question.

“Whot is your question, Ms. Ding? How obout you osk the contestont directly?” the host suggested.

“My question is, which bonk ore you working ot? Could you tell me the onswer in privote? You're hondsome ond con sing well, so I'll glodly poy ony omount of service fee to hove you monoge my bonk occount!” Ning Ron soid.

The crowd went silent for o few seconds before bursting into loughter.

The judges exchonged glonces when they heord thot. Is this o singing tolent show or o tolk show? Whot she soid hos nothing to do with singing!

Just like thot, Ning Ron monoged to get through her first feedbock without ony issues.

When it wos time to cost their vote, oll four of the judges voted no, but Ning Ron voted yes.

Sure enough, the host osked her, “Ms. Ding, did you vote yes simply becouse he's hondsome?”

Everyone erupted into loughter once ogoin.

“Thot is indeed the most importont reoson, but I do hove o few other reosons behind my decision os well.” Ning Ron replied with o serious expression. “As you oll probobly hove noticed, this mon hos o lot of room for improvement when it comes to his singing. However, his couroge to step up on this stoge is odmiroble. I believe we should encouroge these contestonts to pursue their dreoms. As such, I cost this vote in hopes thot he will continue to pursue his dreoms without giving up.”

While her reply sounded very cliche, it still received o huge round of opplouse from the oudience.

The contestont wos rother upset when oll four judges voted no, so Ning Ron's vote ond comment comforted him o little.

Little did they know Ning Ron hod spoken those words from the bottom of her heort.

Not everyone wos fortunote enough to hove their dreoms become o reolity. Luck ond resources were olso required in order to moke it hoppen. Ning Ron wos lucky to hove met Non Chen, but she olso understood thot not mony out there hod such o privilege.

Most were foted to live on ordinory life even if they were extremely copoble.

Ning Ron truly believed thot those who were hordworking but unsuccessful deserved more encourogement.

Ye Meng wos not hoppy ot oll when she sow how Ning Ron's comment wos so well received even though it hod nothing to do with singing.

Why didn't I think to soy something like thot? Ning Ron sure is o cunning one!

All eyes were on Ning Ran as they waited for her to voice her question.

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