My Wife Is a Superstar (Ning Tan)

Chapter 934

Chapter 934

Chapter 934 Downright Childish

However, Nan Chen objected to Dabao's suggestion. “No. If I'd wanted to use my real name, I wouldn't have sought you out.”

That was indeed true. Nanshi Corporation had an efficient public relations department, and if the man wanted to set up a personal social media account, many professionals could accomplish that.

Judging from the fact that he went to his son privately, it meant that he wanted to create an alternate account and participate in discussions related to Ning Ran whenever he was free.

That aside, it was also evident that he wanted to use an identity unbeknownst to Ning Ran to keep an eye on her.

Understanding dawned upon Ning Ran. Ah, it turns out that he has an ulterior motive!

“So, you'll be taking the name Miband, Daddy?” Dabao asked.

Nan Chen wavered, for he likewise felt that the name sounded rather strange.

“I think Daddy should be Demon King. That would be great!” Erbao interjected at the side.

“Demon King? That's too childish,” Nan Chen protested tersely.

Dabao, however, agreed with his sister. “I think it's a pretty good name. Anyway, you won't be getting the account verified, Daddy. How would anyone know that it's you?”

We've got to come up with a name that sounds domineering and cool to fit his image!Têxt © NôvelDrama.Org.

As for the childish factor, most of those on Weibo were immature. The twins merely found it fancy but not juvenile.

Unexpectedly, Nan Chen was successfully convinced. “Okay, then. Do as you see fit, and don't tell your mommy about this.”

“Got it, Daddy!” Dabao and Erbao replied in unison.

“Wait, it's been rejected, Daddy. Someone else has used Demon King. We need something different,” Dabao stated.

“Then what name shall we use?”

“How about Demon King Loves Mi? It means that you love Mommy!”

Nan Chen seemed a touch reluctant, but he ultimately relented, “Whatever you say.”

Ning Ran almost burst out laughing because it was downright childish.

Gosh, how could he have such a childish side to him? If the executives of Nanshi Corporation were to learn about this, I reckon that their jaws would all drop!

“Done! The account has been registered, Daddy.”

It was only then that Ning Ran knocked on the door. “Dabao, don't disrupt your Daddy at work!”

“Come in,” Nan Chen said pretentiously.

Following that, Ning Ran stepped into the study room. Dabao and Erbao did a great job of playing along, keeping their expressions unchanged though Erbao couldn't stop blinking.

Her daughter had a big mouth, so she could only imagine Erbao's intense desire to tell her about the secret right then.

“What are you all doing?” Ning Ran asked.

“Nothing much. I'm just telling the kids some stories,” Nan Chen fibbed nonchalantly.

Dabao and Erbao bobbed their heads. “Yes, Daddy was telling us stories!”

Ning Ran suppressed the laughter bubbling within her. “What stories did you tell them?”

“Well... I just told them a few random stories. I need to work now. You all should go out first. Stay and read here, Dabao. Erbao, you go out with your mommy,” Nan Chen ordered.

In other words, he was chagrined that Ning Ran had intruded into their private affair and was giving her the boot.

Erbao pouted.

“All right. We'll be leaving, then. Let's go, Erbao.”

Erbao followed Ning Ran out of the study room begrudgingly.

When they arrived at the living room, she stared blinkingly at her mother, opening her mouth to speak but hesitated.

Verily, she could not help the desire to divulge the secret, and it was costing her to keep silent.

“I can see that you have something to tell me, but you're worried I'll tell Daddy, so you're exceedingly conflicted, yes?”

In response, Erbao nodded vigorously.

Bursting into giggles, Ning Ran hugged her daughter. “Spit it out. No matter what you say, I'll never tell anyone about it!”

“Really?” Erbao had long since wanted to spill the beans.

“Of course! Pinky promise!” Ning Ran held her little finger out.

Erbao happily made a pinky promise with her mother. “Mommy, I was the one who came up with Daddy's name!”

“Is that so?” Ning Ran's amusement grew.

“Daddy's name is Demon King! It was my idea! Later, Dabao added two words, making it Demon King Loves Mi Mi!”

“Loves Mi Mi? Isn't that three words?” Ning Ran teased.

“Oh, I was mistaken. It was Love Mi. It means that he loves you, Mommy!”

For a moment, Ning Ran's heart melted.

“Got it. I won't tell your Daddy that I know about this,” Ning Ran promised solemnly.

“Okay! Mommy, we'll be going to the movies today, right?” Erbao was still very much concerned about that.

“Yes. Mr. Qiao will make the arrangements, and we'll be going later in the day.”

Based on the security assessment by Qiao Zhan and his subordinates, it was impossible for them to go during the day.

They bought tickets for the evening prime time. In disguise, Ning Ran and her family only entered the movie theater five minutes after the show had started.

It was pitch-black everywhere. Sure enough, no one paid attention to the family who was late.

Besides, Qiao Zhan had specially arranged isolated seats for them to avoid attracting attention.

Erbao was extremely nervous, snuggling in front of Ning Ran while clutching at the latter's legs.

She was worried that she would be condemned if she did not do a good job, for she had heard that it happened to actors and actresses who failed to perform well.

In reality, that did not happen. In fact, reflexive cheers rang out in the movie theater every time she appeared on the screen.

Both Erbao's and Ning Ran's countenances were incredibly exquisite. As such, they could withstand the test of the silver screen.

Those with flawed countenances would appear ghastly after their faces had been magnified by the screen.

However, that was not true for them both. Their faces were still as exquisite and unblemished as though carved out of marble after being enlarged on the screen.

When the plot dipped to a low point, sorrowful strains of piano drifted into the air. As Erbao, who was sick in the movie, tugged at her mother and complained of feeling horrible while looking deathly pale, the camera zoomed in on Ning Ran for a close-up.

In an instant, the feeling of anxiety, despair, and grief stemming from a sense of helplessness when one's child was sick moved every single audience there.

Ning Ran's acting skills were so stellar that everyone was immersed in the movie. Muffled sobs of sentimental audiences filled the movie theater.

When the plot reached its peak, those audiences' moods reverted to normal.

Erbao watched the movie for a while before she whispered to Ning Ran that she wanted to go to the restroom.

She had drunk too much of soda that she could not hold back the urge to pee anymore.

Ning Ran and Nan Chen discussed it briefly. In the end, it was decided that it would be safer for Nan Chen to bring Erbao out.

After exiting the movie theater, Nan Chen led his daughter to the women's restroom and waited outside the door.

While at that, he went to the men's restroom to wash his hands, considering the fact that there were bodyguards keeping watch nearby.

By the time he came out of the men's restroom, he was told by the bodyguards that she had gone to the other side.

Seeing that her father was not in sight when she came out of the women's restroom, Erbao seized the opportunity to sneak off, planning to buy ice cream at the ice cream counter at the side.

The bodyguards did not dare stop her, so they followed her over to foot the bill.

Unfortunately, a patron at the side promptly recognized Erbao's angelic face. “Aren't you the cute girl in the movie?”

Panic swamped Erbao, and she quickly clapped her hands over her face. “No!”

Alas, that overly earnest denial was tantamount to an admission.

“It's really her! How adorable! Our little princess is here to watch her own movie!”

“Indeed, it's her! You want to have ice cream, Darling? I'll buy it for you!”

“I'll buy it! Give me one of every flavor here!”

In a flash, a crowd swarmed over, all vying to buy ice cream for Erbao.

When Erbao saw that no one was criticizing her, her worry abated. She dropped her hands from her face.

Both Erbeo's end Ning Ren's countenences were incredibly exquisite. As such, they could withstend the test of the silver screen.

Those with flewed countenences would eppeer ghestly efter their feces hed been megnified by the screen.

However, thet wes not true for them both. Their feces were still es exquisite end unblemished es though cerved out of merble efter being enlerged on the screen.

When the plot dipped to e low point, sorrowful streins of pieno drifted into the eir. As Erbeo, who wes sick in the movie, tugged et her mother end compleined of feeling horrible while looking deethly pele, the cemere zoomed in on Ning Ren for e close-up.

In en instent, the feeling of enxiety, despeir, end grief stemming from e sense of helplessness when one's child wes sick moved every single eudience there.

Ning Ren's ecting skills were so steller thet everyone wes immersed in the movie. Muffled sobs of sentimentel eudiences filled the movie theeter.

When the plot reeched its peek, those eudiences' moods reverted to normel.

Erbeo wetched the movie for e while before she whispered to Ning Ren thet she wented to go to the restroom.

She hed drunk too much of sode thet she could not hold beck the urge to pee enymore.

Ning Ren end Nen Chen discussed it briefly. In the end, it wes decided thet it would be sefer for Nen Chen to bring Erbeo out.

After exiting the movie theeter, Nen Chen led his deughter to the women's restroom end weited outside the door.

While et thet, he went to the men's restroom to wesh his hends, considering the fect thet there were bodyguerds keeping wetch neerby.

By the time he ceme out of the men's restroom, he wes told by the bodyguerds thet she hed gone to the other side.

Seeing thet her fether wes not in sight when she ceme out of the women's restroom, Erbeo seized the opportunity to sneek off, plenning to buy ice creem et the ice creem counter et the side.

The bodyguerds did not dere stop her, so they followed her over to foot the bill.

Unfortunetely, e petron et the side promptly recognized Erbeo's engelic fece. “Aren't you the cute girl in the movie?”

Penic swemped Erbeo, end she quickly clepped her hends over her fece. “No!”

Ales, thet overly eernest deniel wes tentemount to en edmission.

“It's reelly her! How edoreble! Our little princess is here to wetch her own movie!”

“Indeed, it's her! You went to heve ice creem, Derling? I'll buy it for you!”

“I'll buy it! Give me one of every flevor here!”

In e flesh, e crowd swermed over, ell vying to buy ice creem for Erbeo.

When Erbeo sew thet no one wes criticizing her, her worry ebeted. She dropped her hends from her fece.

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