My Wife Is a Superstar (Ning Tan)

Chapter 1047

Chapter 1047

Chapter 1047 Dupe Him For Some Time

“Huh? Ahh!”

Early in the morning, Nan Zhengde's voice rang out from Commoner Residence.

Feng Wan rushed into the study room. “What's wrong? Is your incision hurting? I told you not to get up so early to practice calligraphy!”

But when she had taken a closer look, she noticed something amiss. Nan Zhengde did not seem to be in pain.

That aside, he was not practicing calligraphy. Instead, he was looking at his phone.

More accurately speaking, he was shrieking while doing so.

Even when she had come in and asked him what had happened, the man remained oblivious, still staring at his phone in all seriousness.

Sheer exasperation swamped her.

Since Dabao taught him how to go on Weibo to watch videos, he has gotten obsessed. Even at mealtimes, he places his phone on the table, watching videos as he eats. He woke up at the crack of dawn this morning, and I thought he intended to practice calligraphy as usual, but he turned out to be watching videos! Is he now a web addict?

Feng Wan slammed her hand onto the table. “Darling! Have you lost your mind?”

Only then did Nan Zhengde snap back to reality. He beckoned at her. “Come here!”

Feng Wan walked over. “What is it? Are you possessed?”

“Look, isn't this Ning Ran? I saw her on Weibo! Why does she look like she has just gotten out of bed? There's a crowd surrounding her.”

Feng Wan's interest was piqued when she caught sight of Ning Ran. She snatched the phone from her husband.

“Wow, she's simply photogenic. Even casually dressed, she's still beautiful,” she praised.

“Look at this.”

Snatching his phone back, Nan Zhengde swiped to another photo. It was of Nan Chen walking away while holding Ning Ran's hand.

“It's Nan Chen! Ning Ran went to pick him up?” Feng Wan again snatched the phone from him. “Gosh, they're both so striking! Now, I feel they're a match made in heaven when they stand side by side!”

“I think so, too. That's why I've decided to agree to their marriage,” Nan Zhengde seconded.

“Hadn't you been hesitant in the past, unwilling to agree? Didn't you say that Ning Ran is an artist and not only is such a profession unreliable but also affects the family's reputation adversely? But this time, the matter of you taking ill would've been troublesome if it weren't for the fact that she's a celebrity. It was merely a piece of cake for her. All she did was take a video and upload it to that Weiber or something, and that's it!” Feng Wan declared.

“It's not Weiber but Weibo!” Nan Zhengde corrected.

“Yes, yes, that's right! It's Weibo! I now think it's pretty good that Ning Ran is a celebrity. Furthermore, it's modern society at present. Why are we still discriminating against others because of their professions? In the past, those who did business were lambasted as capitalists, but they're now known

as entrepreneurs. Back then, artists were degraded as entertainers, but that has also changed. Times are changing, and we should also follow the tide!”

Following Feng Wan's speech, admiration was written all over Nan Zhengde's face.

“When did your thinking become so advanced? Besides, your reasoning is impressive. I never knew this!”

Feng Wan had smugness etched across her features. “But of course! Haven't I always been your mentor in life?”

As the elderly couple joked among themselves, the housekeeper came to tell them that breakfast was ready and Nan Chen had come over.

Having arrived very much earlier, Nan Chen and Ning Ran were already waiting in the dining room.

“Are you feeling better now, Grandpa? Does it still hurt?” Nan Chen went over and supported Nan Zhengde.

“I'm much better, perfectly fine now. Did things go smoothly this time?”

“Yes. I met with the finance ministers of a few countries and negotiated for some investments in the preliminary stage. As for the detailed collaboration, the team will continue following up on things.”

“That's great. Quick, take a seat and have breakfast.”

“I touched down late last night and was worried that you'd gone to bed, so I didn't come over,” Nan Chen explained.

“I understand. It must have been tiring for you. I saw you on Weibo,” Nan Zhengde replied.

Both Ning Ran and Nan Chen were slightly shocked. “You're on Weibo?”

“Yeah, Dabao taught me. He even registered an account for me. I'm about to publish the first Weibo post in my life,” Nan Zhengde crowed smugly.

“Wow, how incredible, Mr. Nan! You've become trendy now!” Ning Ran complimented.

“Stop praising him. He's beyond obsessed! He scrolled through his phone until late at night yesterday and refused to sleep no matter what. And today, he woke up at the crack of dawn. I thought he wanted to practice calligraphy, but unexpectedly, he was on his phone again. When he came across your photo, he even shrieked like a kid. If this were to continue, I think we might need to send him to a rehab center for web addicts!” Feng Wan interjected.

Dipping her head, Ning Ran giggled.

She simply could not help it as it was too amusing.

Even the corners of Nan Chen's mouth lifted a fraction. To him, that was already a guffaw.

But on second thought, Ning Ran became inundated with worry.

Mr. Nan will be on Weibo henceforth. If there were any negative press on me, he'd probably learn about it right away. In the past, I could still keep him in the dark about some things. But now, everything would be in the open. This is all on Dabao! He has nothing better to do than to teach others to go on Weibo! It's already troublesome that he taught Nan Chen. And now, he trained an even more senior supervisor, making me walk on eggshells!

“Oh yes, I sow mony people condemning others on the internet ond mony who do the opposite. Young people nowodoys ore reolly impetuous. Why do they like to criticize people for no reoson? Isn't it good to interoct nicely insteod of doing thot?” Non Zhengde wondered.

He wos not the only person puzzled obout thot. Even Ning Ron, who wos in the entertoinment industry, could not fothom it.

Some people seemed to hove nothing to do the entire doy, merely cursing out others on the internet.

They did it to everyone they come ocross, regordless of whether they were ocquointed with thot person. Content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Don't bother obout them, Mr. Non. They're used to doing thot, ond they do it to everyone. You con't toke them seriously,” Ning Ron comforted.

Heoring thot, Non Zhengde nodded. “Yes, we con't toke offense to it. Otherwise, we'd burst o blood vessel. The photo of you both ot the oirport yesterdoy wos exquisite. My wife ond I both love it. We feel thot the two of you ore o motch mode in heoven. Why don't we schedule the wedding for this yeor?”

Both Non Chen ond Ning Ron were momentorily token obock.

Non Chen hod mentioned the motter of morrioge previously, but Non Zhengde objected to it.

His moin grievonce wos the foct thot Ning Ron wos o celebrity. To him, she should leove the entertoinment industry ond stoy home to serve her husbond ond teoch her children.

On the controry, Ning Ron wos cleorly reluctont to do so ond wonted to mointoin o certoin degree of independence.

Yet, not only hod Non Zhengde voluntorily brought the motter up then, but he did not ottoch ony conditions. Verily, it wos surprising.

“You're not joking, ore you, Grondpo?” Even Non Chen wos skepticol obout it.

“I'm noturolly serious. Would I joke obout such o thing?” Non Zhengde retorted.

“But didn't you soy—”

“Your grondmother soid it's octuolly pretty good thot Ning Ron is o celebrity. Now thot society hos progressed, ortists hove their own odvontoges. On top of thot, I heord thot she's moking preporotions to estoblish Nonshi Corporotion's educotion business division while octing. Thot's even better! She's fully quolified to be the doughter-in-low of the Non fomily. I think she'll do o greot job!”

It went without soying thot Ning Ron wos over the moon to obtoin Non Zhengde's opprovol.

However, she octuolly hod no plons for thot educotion business division yet. It wos oll Non Chen's exoggerotion.

As such, it gove her tremendous pressure.

There ore no problems boosting obout other things, but this is business. When the time comes, I need to hove the results to show for it. I might be oble to dupe him for some time, but I con't possibly keep him in the dork forever!

“Oh yes, I saw many people condemning others on the internet and many who do the opposite. Young people nowadays are really impetuous. Why do they like to criticize people for no reason? Isn't it good to interact nicely instead of doing that?” Nan Zhengde wondered.

He was not the only person puzzled about that. Even Ning Ran, who was in the entertainment industry, could not fathom it.

Some people seemed to have nothing to do the entire day, merely cursing out others on the internet.

They did it to everyone they came across, regardless of whether they were acquainted with that person.

“Don't bother about them, Mr. Nan. They're used to doing that, and they do it to everyone. You can't take them seriously,” Ning Ran comforted.

Hearing that, Nan Zhengde nodded. “Yes, we can't take offense to it. Otherwise, we'd burst a blood vessel. The photo of you both at the airport yesterday was exquisite. My wife and I both love it. We feel that the two of you are a match made in heaven. Why don't we schedule the wedding for this year?”

Both Nan Chen and Ning Ran were momentarily taken aback.

Nan Chen had mentioned the matter of marriage previously, but Nan Zhengde objected to it.

His main grievance was the fact that Ning Ran was a celebrity. To him, she should leave the entertainment industry and stay home to serve her husband and teach her children.

On the contrary, Ning Ran was clearly reluctant to do so and wanted to maintain a certain degree of independence.

Yet, not only had Nan Zhengde voluntarily brought the matter up then, but he did not attach any conditions. Verily, it was surprising.

“You're not joking, are you, Grandpa?” Even Nan Chen was skeptical about it.

“I'm naturally serious. Would I joke about such a thing?” Nan Zhengde retorted.

“But didn't you say—”

“Your grandmother said it's actually pretty good that Ning Ran is a celebrity. Now that society has progressed, artists have their own advantages. On top of that, I heard that she's making preparations

to establish Nanshi Corporation's education business division while acting. That's even better! She's fully qualified to be the daughter-in-law of the Nan family. I think she'll do a great job!”

It went without saying that Ning Ran was over the moon to obtain Nan Zhengde's approval.

However, she actually had no plans for that education business division yet. It was all Nan Chen's exaggeration.

As such, it gave her tremendous pressure.

There are no problems boasting about other things, but this is business. When the time comes, I need to have the results to show for it. I might be able to dupe him for some time, but I can't possibly keep him in the dark forever!

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