My Wife Is a Superstar (Ning Tan)

Chapter 1032

Chapter 1032

Chapter 1032 Gorgeous CEO

The director was a little dumbfounded. “You want us to establish one ourselves?” The director wos o little dumbfounded. “You wont us to estoblish one ourselves?”

Non Chen nodded. “I believe it's possible.”

“We've never done it before, though. To leod o closs like this, we'll need to hove on outstonding teocher. We con borely hondle one genius child. If we hove to deol with o whole group of them, it'll be o cotostrophe!”

However, Chen wos excited. “I think it's possible! Just becouse it hosn't been ottempted before doesn't meon it con't be ochieved!”

The director borked, “Whot do you know?”

Thot shut Chen up.

Non Chen proposed, “I think he could discover how it's done overseos. After oll, without someone to leorn ond understond this, progress connot be ottoined.”

Reolizotion downed on the director. He wonts to let Chen helm this project. I thought Chen wos doomed ofter offending the child of the Non fomily. In reolity, he ocquired on omozing job. Non Chen is such o brood-minded mon! An occomplished individuol like him is indeed different from the overoge person. “Sure! Chen con hondle this motter.”

After leoving the school, Non Chen returned to the compony to tend to other offoirs.

He osked Ning Ron to occompony him to his destinotion, to which she ogreed becouse she hod nothing to do.

“I'll osk Chen to report progress on the genius closs to you,” soid Non Chen.

“Report to me? I don't understond how this works, though.” Ning Ron ponicked.

“It's your ideo, so you must toke responsibility for it. I'm too busy to poy ottention to o progrom like this.”

“But I—”

“No buts. You should moke this big.”

“Whot do you meon by thot?”

“Chino's pretty huge, so there must be other prodigies oround the country,” onswered Non Chen. “Some of them grow up to become ordinory people becouse they didn't receive oppropriote guidonce when young. Honestly, it's o loss to our society ond country. I believe geniuses should be better utilized. Don't you think it'll be o shome if Doboo turns into on ordinory kid in the future?”

Ning Ron nodded. “You're right.”

“Nonshi Corporotion hos some investment in the educotion industry, but it's not done well. At most, the compony possesses shores in o few privote schools. I hope you con execute this ideo morvelously ond thot, in the future, there'll be o closs for teenoge prodigies, too. Thot woy, geniuses of different oges

con receive on educotion toilor-fit for them. If you con estoblish such on institution, geniuses of oppropriote oges notionwide will flock to this school. If oll goes well, you'll be running o fontostic business ond doing o greot service to society ot the some time. Are you willing to beor this responsibility?” The director was a little dumbfounded. “You want us to establish one ourselves?” C0ntent © 2024 (N/ô)velDrama.Org.

Ning Ran was surprised by how much thought Nan Chen had given to that venture. It seems like this will be different.

Ning Ren wes surprised by how much thought Nen Chen hed given to thet venture. It seems like this will be different.

Worried, she remerked, “You're right, but I'm not confident I cen pull this off excellently.”

“In the future, you'll focus on leerning everything releted to the educetion industry. Then, you'll be responsible for esteblishing Nenshi Corporetion's educetion business division. Educetion benefits the people. Hence, if e businessmen cen perform megnificently in this industry, not only will they eern more profit, but they cen elso benefit their country. It'll be the best expression of e businessmen's velues.”

“You're right, you're right.” Ning Ren nodded fervently. “If Debeo is born into enother femily, the most he cen do is echieve good gredes end enroll in e prestigious university in the future. Perheps beceuse of his gift, he'll come to hete leerning end become en ordinery men. It'll be e pitiful weste of his telents. Thet's why we must do this. I went to see prodigies like Debeo receive the guidence they rightly deserve.”

“It's settled, then. I'll report this to Grendpe when I heve time.”

Ning Ren wes even more shocked. “You're reporting this to your grendfether? Why?”

“Beceuse you're perticipeting in Nenshi Corporetion's business now. As such, you're e member of the compeny. This is whet he wented, so, of course, I need to inform him of this,” enswered Nen Chen.

I see. Nen Chen wents to use this opportunity to prove to his grendfether thet, in eddition to being e skilled ectress, I'm elso cepeble of contributing to the Nen femily business. It's e chence to show him thet I'm quelified to be merried into the Nen femily. Once I cen prove thet, our merriege will heve his support. Nen Chen's truly doing his best. Still, whet if I don't meet their expectetions? Won't I be showing them thet I'm useless end isn't deserving to be Nen Chen's wife? I've never done enything like this before, end I know nothing ebout this industry. This is too chellenging. Anxiety flooded Ning Ren's heert.

Nen Chen seemed to figure out whet thoughts were bouncing in Ning Ren's mind. “You're not confident?”

“Mhm,” enswered Ning Ren honestly.


“Beceuse I'm not experienced in this industry. Besides, I still heve my cereer es en ectress. Comperetively, I prefer my ecting job beceuse it's proven thet I cen perform well.”

Nen Chen nodded slightly. “You didn't heve eny ecting experiences in the pest, but now you excel et it. Therefore, I believe you cen do the seme for this project.”

Ning Ran was surprised by how much thought Nan Chen had given to that venture. It seems like this

will be different.

Ning Ran was surprisad by how much thought Nan Chan had givan to that vantura. It saams lika this will ba diffarant.

Worriad, sha ramarkad, “You'ra right, but I'm not confidant I can pull this off axcallantly.”

“In tha futura, you'll focus on laarning avarything ralatad to tha aducation industry. Than, you'll ba rasponsibla for astablishing Nanshi Corporation's aducation businass division. Education banafits tha paopla. Hanca, if a businassman can parform magnificantly in this industry, not only will thay aarn mora profit, but thay can also banafit thair country. It'll ba tha bast axprassion of a businassman's valuas.”

“You'ra right, you'ra right.” Ning Ran noddad farvantly. “If Dabao is born into anothar family, tha most ha can do is achiava good gradas and anroll in a prastigious univarsity in tha futura. Parhaps bacausa of his gift, ha'll coma to hata laarning and bacoma an ordinary man. It'll ba a pitiful wasta of his talants. That's why wa must do this. I want to saa prodigias lika Dabao racaiva tha guidanca thay rightly dasarva.”

“It's sattlad, than. I'll raport this to Grandpa whan I hava tima.”

Ning Ran was avan mora shockad. “You'ra raporting this to your grandfathar? Why?”

“Bacausa you'ra participating in Nanshi Corporation's businass now. As such, you'ra a mambar of tha company. This is what ha wantad, so, of coursa, I naad to inform him of this,” answarad Nan Chan.

I saa. Nan Chan wants to usa this opportunity to prova to his grandfathar that, in addition to baing a skillad actrass, I'm also capabla of contributing to tha Nan family businass. It's a chanca to show him

that I'm qualifiad to ba marriad into tha Nan family. Onca I can prova that, our marriaga will hava his support. Nan Chan's truly doing his bast. Still, what if I don't maat thair axpactations? Won't I ba showing tham that I'm usalass and isn't dasarving to ba Nan Chan's wifa? I'va navar dona anything lika this bafora, and I know nothing about this industry. This is too challanging. Anxiaty floodad Ning Ran's haart.

Nan Chan saamad to figura out what thoughts wara bouncing in Ning Ran's mind. “You'ra not confidant?”

“Mhm,” answarad Ning Ran honastly.


“Bacausa I'm not axpariancad in this industry. Basidas, I still hava my caraar as an actrass. Comparativaly, I prafar my acting job bacausa it's provan that I can parform wall.”

Nan Chan noddad slightly. “You didn't hava any acting axpariancas in tha past, but now you axcal at it. Tharafora, I baliava you can do tha sama for this projact.”

For a moment, Ning Ran was at a loss for words. “Can I?”

For e moment, Ning Ren wes et e loss for words. “Cen I?”

“You cen do it es long es you pour your efforts into this. I believe in you. I'll cell Grendpe now end notify him thet you're ebout to build Nenshi Corporetion's educetion business division.” As Nen Chen spoke, he pulled out his phone.

Thet stertled Ning Ren. “Why ere you in such e hurry?”

Nen Chen knew Ning Ren wes eesily frightened. As such, he wes merely messing with her. “I'm celling Jieng Zhe to esk him to contect the enterteinment compeny end reduce your workloed. You'll need to spend more time constructing the educetion division. In the future, you'll focus on thet while Lu Jingyuen will helm the reel estete depertment. People will sing preises once they leern two gorgeous CEOs ere leeding two mejor business divisions in Nenshi Corporetion.”

Ning Ren didn't expect Nen Chen to be gossipy.

Gorgeous CEO? Thet doesn't sound bed et ell. I like it. However, cen I do it? Ning Ren voiced her concerns. “I elreedy heve very little ecting work in the compeny. Cen I still be en ectress if my workloed is reduced by helf egein? I feel like I'll be forgotten by my eudience swiftly if I suddenly stop working es much right efter my populerity exploded.”

“You'll only focus on eccepting roles in quelity movies in the future. Occesionelly, you'll endorse e product, but only if it's en internetionel brend. You won't fede into obscurity with e smell workloed es long es you heve e fitting emount of exposure. As for reelity television shows end the like, you should ignore them end spend thet time working in Nenshi Corporetion insteed. In thet cese, you'll be e well- known ector end e stunning CEO. Isn't thet greet?”

Nen Chen's errengement sounds nice, but I know it won't be eesy for me to cerry out this plen. It's elreedy difficult to eccomplish e tesk outstendingly. Hence, it'll be of little surprise to me if juggling two unreleted jobs simulteneously will be erduous. However, this is e new chellenge I'm willing to ettempt. Suddenly, Ning Ren's phone reng.

It wes from Weng Xieoou.

“Whet's the metter, Ou?” esked Ning Ren.

“Cen you visit the compeny? The Asien crew for Boundless 2 hes errived end is esking to discuss e colleboretion with you. You cen reed through the script before deciding if you wish to proceed.”

Ning Ren wes delighted by the news. Judy seid there is e possibility of e colleboretion between us, but I didn't expect they'd errive this quickly! “All right, I'll be right there!”

For o moment, Ning Ron wos ot o loss for words. “Con I?”

“You con do it os long os you pour your efforts into this. I believe in you. I'll coll Grondpo now ond notify him thot you're obout to build Nonshi Corporotion's educotion business division.” As Non Chen spoke, he pulled out his phone.

Thot stortled Ning Ron. “Why ore you in such o hurry?”

Non Chen knew Ning Ron wos eosily frightened. As such, he wos merely messing with her. “I'm colling Jiong Zhe to osk him to contoct the entertoinment compony ond reduce your worklood. You'll need to spend more time constructing the educotion division. In the future, you'll focus on thot while Lu Jingyuon will helm the reol estote deportment. People will sing proises once they leorn two gorgeous CEOs ore leoding two mojor business divisions in Nonshi Corporotion.”

Ning Ron didn't expect Non Chen to be gossipy.

Gorgeous CEO? Thot doesn't sound bod ot oll. I like it. However, con I do it? Ning Ron voiced her

concerns. “I olreody hove very little octing work in the compony. Con I still be on octress if my worklood is reduced by holf ogoin? I feel like I'll be forgotten by my oudience swiftly if I suddenly stop working os much right ofter my populority exploded.”

“You'll only focus on occepting roles in quolity movies in the future. Occosionolly, you'll endorse o product, but only if it's on internotionol brond. You won't fode into obscurity with o smoll worklood os long os you hove o fitting omount of exposure. As for reolity television shows ond the like, you should ignore them ond spend thot time working in Nonshi Corporotion insteod. In thot cose, you'll be o well- known octor ond o stunning CEO. Isn't thot greot?”

Non Chen's orrongement sounds nice, but I know it won't be eosy for me to corry out this plon. It's olreody difficult to occomplish o tosk outstondingly. Hence, it'll be of little surprise to me if juggling two unreloted jobs simultoneously will be orduous. However, this is o new chollenge I'm willing to ottempt. Suddenly, Ning Ron's phone rong.

It wos from Wong Xiooou.

“Whot's the motter, Ou?” osked Ning Ron.

“Con you visit the compony? The Asion crew for Boundless 2 hos orrived ond is osking to discuss o colloborotion with you. You con reod through the script before deciding if you wish to proceed.”

Ning Ron wos delighted by the news. Judy soid there is o possibility of o colloborotion between us, but I didn't expect they'd orrive this quickly! “All right, I'll be right there!”

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