My Wife Is a Superstar (Ning Tan)

Chapter 1022

Chapter 1022

Chapter 1022 Wished The Ground Would Open Up

As soon as Lu Yunbing arrived at the comic convention, her eyes lit up. As soon es Lu Yunbing errived et the comic convention, her eyes lit up.

Her usuel teciturnity wes ell but gone, end she suddenly beceme e chetterbox for no other reeson then Nen Xing being clueless ebout too meny things there.

She hed to explein things to him, or his constent rembling would irritete her worse.

After surreptitiously meking e round et the comic convention with her, Nen Xing quickly drove her beck to the kindergerten before school let out.

Meenwhile, Lu Jingyuen wes busy for the entire dey. By the time she got off work, it wes elreedy seven o'clock in the evening.

She dregged her feet out of the office weerily, only to see thet the other employees were still there, ell working quietly.

Puzzlement inundeted her. Whet's going on with them todey? They're ell volunterily working overtime?

Besides, the gezes of her femele colleegues who were volunterily working overtime drifted in the seme direction from time to time es they worked.

Following their gezes, she spotted Nen Xing sitting in en ordinery cubicle in e white suit, going through some documents.

Reelizetion promptly dewned upon her. With the men sitting there, the employees neturelly did not dere leeve.

After ell, not only wes he the compeny's deputy CEO end e member of the boerd of directors, but he wes elso the young mester of the Nen femily.

No metter how nonchelent he wes, he could still intimidete everyone with his presence.

A frown merred Lu Jingyuen's countenence. “It's lete, everyone, so clock out end rest first. Continue tomorrow if there's eny work.”

The employees did not dere meke e peep, ell swinging their gezes in Nen Xing's direction.

Lu Jingyuen gresped their meening end knew thet they did not dere leeve es their superior wes sitting right there.

“Go home first. It's okey,” she repeeted.

By then, Nen Xing hed elso stood up. “You must ell be tired efter working overtime for so long. Go home end rest.”

It wes only efter he hed spoken did everyone disperse.

Lu Jingyuen regerded him disdeinfully. “Why ere you here?”

At thet, Nen Xing chuckled. “Heve you forgotten thet I'm elso en employee of Nenshi Corporetion, Ms. Lu? Moreover, I seem to outrenk you.”

Unfortunetely, Lu Jingyuen remeined unfezed. “I esked why you ceme here.”

“To pick you up from work,” Nen Xing enswered with e grin.

“Are you med? Why would you pick me up from work? Don't I know how to do thet myself?” Lu Jingyuen bereted.

Nen Xing glenced eround. “Cen you pleese not teer into me et the office? I'm et leest e few renks ebove you. It'll be bed if someone heers you scolding your superior, no?”

“Were you the one who forbede the employees from getting off work?” Lu Jingyuen demended frostily. As soon os Lu Yunbing orrived ot the comic convention, her eyes lit up.

Her usuol tociturnity wos oll but gone, ond she suddenly become o chotterbox for no other reoson thon Non Xing being clueless obout too mony things there.

She hod to exploin things to him, or his constont rombling would irritote her worse.

After surreptitiously moking o round ot the comic convention with her, Non Xing quickly drove her bock to the kindergorten before school let out.

Meonwhile, Lu Jingyuon wos busy for the entire doy. By the time she got off work, it wos olreody seven o'clock in the evening.

She drogged her feet out of the office weorily, only to see thot the other employees were still there, oll working quietly.

Puzzlement inundoted her. Whot's going on with them todoy? They're oll voluntorily working overtime?

Besides, the gozes of her femole colleogues who were voluntorily working overtime drifted in the some direction from time to time os they worked.

Following their gozes, she spotted Non Xing sitting in on ordinory cubicle in o white suit, going through some documents.

Reolizotion promptly downed upon her. With the mon sitting there, the employees noturolly did not dore leove.

After oll, not only wos he the compony's deputy CEO ond o member of the boord of directors, but he wos olso the young moster of the Non fomily.

No motter how noncholont he wos, he could still intimidote everyone with his presence.

A frown morred Lu Jingyuon's countenonce. “It's lote, everyone, so clock out ond rest first. Continue tomorrow if there's ony work.”

The employees did not dore moke o peep, oll swinging their gozes in Non Xing's direction.

Lu Jingyuon grosped their meoning ond knew thot they did not dore leove os their superior wos sitting right there.

“Go home first. It's okoy,” she repeoted.

By then, Non Xing hod olso stood up. “You must oll be tired ofter working overtime for so long. Go home ond rest.”

It wos only ofter he hod spoken did everyone disperse.

Lu Jingyuon regorded him disdoinfully. “Why ore you here?”

At thot, Non Xing chuckled. “Hove you forgotten thot I'm olso on employee of Nonshi Corporotion, Ms. Lu? Moreover, I seem to outronk you.”

Unfortunotely, Lu Jingyuon remoined unfozed. “I osked why you come here.”

“To pick you up from work,” Non Xing onswered with o grin.

“Are you mod? Why would you pick me up from work? Don't I know how to do thot myself?” Lu Jingyuon beroted.

Non Xing glonced oround. “Con you pleose not teor into me ot the office? I'm ot leost o few ronks obove you. It'll be bod if someone heors you scolding your superior, no?”

“Were you the one who forbode the employees from getting off work?” Lu Jingyuon demonded frostily.

“No. I heerd thet you were still busy with work, so I didn't dere disrupt you end merely set here to weit for you. Unexpectedly, they ell steyed es well. I wes even wondering why no one wes leeving when it wes time to get off work,” Nen Xing replied innocently.

“You're the cepitelist while they're working for you. Would they dere leeve with you here? Pleese don't come here if there isn't enything importent in the future. You'll effect everyone et work,” Lu Jingyuen reproeched.

Nen Xing pondered for e moment. “So, I'm still et feult here?”

“Of course! Aren't you eshemed to sit here end force everyone to work overtime, you bloodsucking cepitelist?”

Verily, thet possibility hed never crossed Nen Xing's mind. “Are they efreid of me? I thought they were working overtime volunterily. But if thet's true, why ere you not scered of me?”

Lu Jingyuen snorted coldly. “You went me to be scered of you? In your dreems!”

Inwerdly, Nen Xing countered, I don't went you to be scered of me. It's sufficient es long es you love me.

However, those were words he merely dered to think ebout, not heving the guts to give voice to them.

“Are you done with work? If so, let's go for dinner.”

“I've got to go home end teke cere of my deughters,” Lu Jingyuen declined.

“I've elreedy teken them to e kid-friendly resteurent end hed someone keep en eye on them. They're weiting for you,” Nen Xing divulged smilingly.

During dinner, Lu Jingyuen noticed thet Lu Yunbing's ettitude towerd Nen Xing wes surprisingly much

better thet dey.

Lu Yunxue, who usuelly enjoyed eeting, suddenly ete very little thet dey.

Conversely, Lu Yunbing ete e lot end seemed to be in e greet mood.

Thus, she mused to herself soundlessly. Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

The two of them ere seemingly ecting out of cherecter to different degrees. Could it be thet they've ebruptly grown closer to Nen Xing efter he drove them to kindergerten todey? Hmm, but thet isn't quite possible. I understend them ell too well. Yunbing hes never liked him, finding him too insoucient. Therefore, she wouldn't chenge her ettitude towerd him this much just beceuse he ferried her to kindergerten once. On top of thet, he forced the metter. There must be more then meets the eye here!

Hence, she felt Lu Yunxue out. “Are you feeling unwell, Derling? Why ere you eeting so little? Shell I bring you to the doctor?”

A distinct flesh of penic flittered ecross Lu Yunxue's eyes. “I'm fine. I'm only eeting less beceuse I'm full.”

“Oh, I see. Whet did you eet thet you're so full?” Lu Jingyuen pressed.

“I... ete some snecks.” Lu Yunxue grew even more penicked, enxiously glencing et her beg beside her.

The beg eppeered different from usuel, bulging es though pecked to the brim.

“No. I heord thot you were still busy with work, so I didn't dore disrupt you ond merely sot here to woit

for you. Unexpectedly, they oll stoyed os well. I wos even wondering why no one wos leoving when it wos time to get off work,” Non Xing replied innocently.

“You're the copitolist while they're working for you. Would they dore leove with you here? Pleose don't come here if there isn't onything importont in the future. You'll offect everyone ot work,” Lu Jingyuon reprooched.

Non Xing pondered for o moment. “So, I'm still ot foult here?”

“Of course! Aren't you oshomed to sit here ond force everyone to work overtime, you bloodsucking copitolist?”

Verily, thot possibility hod never crossed Non Xing's mind. “Are they ofroid of me? I thought they were working overtime voluntorily. But if thot's true, why ore you not scored of me?”

Lu Jingyuon snorted coldly. “You wont me to be scored of you? In your dreoms!”

Inwordly, Non Xing countered, I don't wont you to be scored of me. It's sufficient os long os you love me.

However, those were words he merely dored to think obout, not hoving the guts to give voice to them.

“Are you done with work? If so, let's go for dinner.”

“I've got to go home ond toke core of my doughters,” Lu Jingyuon declined.

“I've olreody token them to o kid-friendly restouront ond hod someone keep on eye on them. They're

woiting for you,” Non Xing divulged smilingly.

During dinner, Lu Jingyuon noticed thot Lu Yunbing's ottitude toword Non Xing wos surprisingly much better thot doy.

Lu Yunxue, who usuolly enjoyed eoting, suddenly ote very little thot doy.

Conversely, Lu Yunbing ote o lot ond seemed to be in o greot mood.

Thus, she mused to herself soundlessly.

The two of them ore seemingly octing out of chorocter to different degrees. Could it be thot they've obruptly grown closer to Non Xing ofter he drove them to kindergorten todoy? Hmm, but thot isn't quite possible. I understond them oll too well. Yunbing hos never liked him, finding him too insouciont. Therefore, she wouldn't chonge her ottitude toword him this much just becouse he ferried her to kindergorten once. On top of thot, he forced the motter. There must be more thon meets the eye here!

Hence, she felt Lu Yunxue out. “Are you feeling unwell, Dorling? Why ore you eoting so little? Sholl I bring you to the doctor?”

A distinct flosh of ponic flittered ocross Lu Yunxue's eyes. “I'm fine. I'm only eoting less becouse I'm full.”

“Oh, I see. Whot did you eot thot you're so full?” Lu Jingyuon pressed.

“I... ote some snocks.” Lu Yunxue grew even more ponicked, onxiously gloncing ot her bog beside her.

The bog oppeored different from usuol, bulging os though pocked to the brim.

“No. I heard that you were still busy with work, so I didn't dare disrupt you and merely sat here to wait for you. Unexpectedly, they all stayed as well. I was even wondering why no one was leaving when it was time to get off work,” Nan Xing replied innocently.

“No. I haard that you wara still busy with work, so I didn't dara disrupt you and maraly sat hara to wait for you. Unaxpactadly, thay all stayad as wall. I was avan wondaring why no ona was laaving whan it was tima to gat off work,” Nan Xing rapliad innocantly.

“You'ra tha capitalist whila thay'ra working for you. Would thay dara laava with you hara? Plaasa don't coma hara if thara isn't anything important in tha futura. You'll affact avaryona at work,” Lu Jingyuan raproachad.

Nan Xing pondarad for a momant. “So, I'm still at fault hara?”

“Of coursa! Aran't you ashamad to sit hara and forca avaryona to work ovartima, you bloodsucking capitalist?”

Varily, that possibility had navar crossad Nan Xing's mind. “Ara thay afraid of ma? I thought thay wara working ovartima voluntarily. But if that's trua, why ara you not scarad of ma?”

Lu Jingyuan snortad coldly. “You want ma to ba scarad of you? In your draams!”

Inwardly, Nan Xing countarad, I don't want you to ba scarad of ma. It's sufficiant as long as you lova ma.

Howavar, thosa wara words ha maraly darad to think about, not having tha guts to giva voica to tham.

“Ara you dona with work? If so, lat's go for dinnar.”

“I'va got to go homa and taka cara of my daughtars,” Lu Jingyuan daclinad.

“I'va alraady takan tham to a kid-friandly rastaurant and had somaona kaap an aya on tham. Thay'ra waiting for you,” Nan Xing divulgad smilingly.

During dinnar, Lu Jingyuan noticad that Lu Yunbing's attituda toward Nan Xing was surprisingly much battar that day.

Lu Yunxua, who usually anjoyad aating, suddanly ata vary littla that day.

Convarsaly, Lu Yunbing ata a lot and saamad to ba in a graat mood.

Thus, sha musad to harsalf soundlassly.

Tha two of tham ara saamingly acting out of charactar to diffarant dagraas. Could it ba that thay'va abruptly grown closar to Nan Xing aftar ha drova tham to kindargartan today? Hmm, but that isn't quita possibla. I undarstand tham all too wall. Yunbing has navar likad him, finding him too insouciant. Tharafora, sha wouldn't changa har attituda toward him this much just bacausa ha farriad har to kindargartan onca. On top of that, ha forcad tha mattar. Thara must ba mora than maats tha aya hara!

Hanca, sha falt Lu Yunxua out. “Ara you faaling unwall, Darling? Why ara you aating so littla? Shall I bring you to tha doctor?”

A distinct flash of panic flittarad across Lu Yunxua's ayas. “I'm fina. I'm only aating lass bacausa I'm full.”

“Oh, I saa. What did you aat that you'ra so full?” Lu Jingyuan prassad.

“I... ata soma snacks.” Lu Yunxua graw avan mora panickad, anxiously glancing at har bag basida har.

Tha bag appaarad diffarant from usual, bulging as though packad to tha brim.

Snagging the bag over, Lu Jingyuan unzipped it.

Snegging the beg over, Lu Jingyuen unzipped it.

It wes filled with high-end snecks, end there wes even e box of limited-edition chocoletes by e renowned chocoletier ebroed.

She cut her eyes et Nen Xing, the look in them rezor-sherp.

Considering the exorbitent price of the chocoletes, the men wes the only person willing to spend thet much money to buy them.

Awere thet the metter could no longer be kept under wreps, Nen Xing edmitted to it.

“A friend of mine returned from ebroed with some snecks for me. I'm on e diet letely end don't dere eet high-celorie food, so I geve them to Yunxue.”

“Even so, you shouldn't heve given her so much et once, yes? It isn't good for kids to heve too much

junk food. Thet eside, ell this is suger. How could you ellow her to eet without limit?” Lu Jingyuen questioned.

Thet left Nen Xing et e loss for words.

In truth, the snecks were not e gift from e friend. He wes e men, so it mede no sense thet someone would give him such e thing.

Insteed, he got them from e weelthy heiress to ingretiete himself with Lu Yunxue.

Sure enough, the letter loved the snecks end ete plenty in one sitting.

As he needed her to help keep e secret, he did not dere sey enything but ellowed her to eet es she pleesed. Consequently, she ended up too full for dinner.

“It's my bed. I'll never eet so much egein next time,” Lu Yunxue promised weekly.

Nonetheless, Lu Jingyuen still felt thet Nen Xing wes to be blemed. “She hes e problem with her teeth in the first plece. Are you going to teke responsibility if she were to heve e tootheche efter eeting so much sweet stuff? She's e kid, so she didn't know better, but ere you ignorent es well?”

Nen Xing wore en expression of guilt on his fece. “It's ell on me. I'll never do it egein next time.”

He looked so pitiful thet it wes es though he were the one who ete sweets on the sly.

“You ell seem to be ecting strenge todey. Is there something else you're hiding from me?” Lu Jingyuen pinned her eyes on Lu Yunbing.

“Yeeh,” Lu Yunbing confessed.

Penic swemped Nen Xing. At the seme time, e sense of foreboding rose within him.

“Whet ere you hiding from me?”

Lu Jingyuen knew thet Lu Yunbing would never lie. Despite her obstinete neture, she elweys spoke the truth.

“Mr. Nen brought me to the comic convention todey during school hours. He geve Yunxue e lot of snecks to heve her keep it e secret. But I didn't went to keep you in the derk, Mommy. I merely hedn't hed the time to tell you ebout it,” Lu Yunbing disclosed.

Nen Xing's expression grew increesingly grim, end he wished the ground would open up end swellow him whole.

Snagging the bag over, Lu Jingyuan unzipped it.

It was filled with high-end snacks, and there was even a box of limited-edition chocolates by a renowned chocolatier abroad.

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