My Two Alphas

Chapter 28

Chapter 28

Lucy POV

I wake up and instantly know I am not alone in my bed, tingles spreading everywhere and Tyson's

scent fills my senses. I move, pressing my face in his neck and inhaling his scent. How I missed his

scent. Missed him being close, he felt like home.

"Lucy, we have to get ready for school," Rayan whispers, shaking my shoulder. I look up to see

him dressed before moving away from Tyson.

"When did he get here?" I whisper not wanting to wake him.

"Last night you were sleepwalking again" Rayan says and sigh. Usually I just climb in with Rayan

but now I was starting to worry it was disturbing Rayan.

Rayan tosses me a bottle and I see my medication but the bottle is full.


"Ace" Rayan tells me and I nod.

I quickly grab my uniform and change and rush downstairs. The kitchen was quiet and I decided to

chance it to make lunch, walking out I froze when I saw my mother.

"Morning" she says all chirpy.

"Morning mum" I say when she suddenly walks over and hugs me. I stiffen and see Jacob

watching her before she lets go.

"I made your lunch, Rayan come grab your lunch" she calls, turning and flicking the kettle on.

"Coffee?" She asks me and I look at Jacob who shrugs before sliding into the stool.

"Morning mum" Rayan says, handing me a paper bag with my lunch. She actually packed me


"Isn't peanut butter and chutney is it?" I ask and she laughs.

"No salad sandwich and some fruit" she says passing me a mug of coffee.

I sip it wondering why she was being nice. She almost seemed normal, like when I was a kid.

"Can you wake Tyson up later?" I mindlink Jacob. I see him nod out of the corner of my eye.

I watch my mother as she cleans the kitchen, her giant belly getting in her way. She smiles rubbing

it as she wipes the bench near me before stopping.

"Wanna feel it" she asks looking at me. I look at it and see her beaming down at me before she

grabs my hand placing it on her belly. Her belly was hard before I feel a kick. I smile knowing it was my

baby brother.

"Picked a name yet?" I ask.

"Hmm" she hums and I place my other hand on her belly liking the feel of my brother moving

around in her. I loved rubbing my mum's belly when she was pregnant with Rayan.

"I like Ryden" she says and I nod. I feel him kick again and smile looking at Rayan. "Feel Rayan" I Têxt © NôvelDrama.Org.

whispered to him but he was staring at my mother oddly, not taking his eyes off her. I smile up at her

before it slips off my face and I jerk my hands away from her to find her glaring at me. I swallow and

she growls before looking at Rayan.

"Time for school son" she says looking at Rayan and I recognised the change in her voice instantly

as her wolf Amanda. Jacob hops up and so do I, grabbing my bag. Rayan grabs my hand tugging me

with him and mum grabs his face giving him a kiss before turning away from me.

"Love you mum" I tell her but she says nothing. I swallow walking out after Jacob and Rayan.

"Don't take it personally Lucy she doesn't mean it" yet she didn't look at Rayan like that.

Jacob takes us to school. My day was fine until I bumped into a boy in the hallway. All day I

avoided everyone's radar until then. I knocked him down by accident not seeing him as I turn the

corner. I offer my hand to help him up and apologise but he slaps my hand away. He stands his blonde

hair falling in his eyes before he growls at me.

"Must suck being the bastard of the hybrid Queen" he says. I ignore him about to walk past him

when he grabs my arm, shoving me Into the locker.

"What nothing to say Lucy, or do you only answer to the teachers you fuck" he says so loudly the

student around overhear and laugh.

"Whatever" I tell him, wondering how the hell that rumour got around the school.

"Josie said you fucked half the teachers there, is that why your grades are so high in English, you

sucking off Mr Clay too?" He asks. That's why he was being a prick. I remember him as the kid that

glared at me when I scored higher on the pop quiz. I clench my fist and will myself not to react about to

walk off.

"You fucking the principal is that why they let you in?" He asks. I see red, my gums tingling before I

punch him. His head snaps back, blood spurting from his nose and he shrieks just as the deputy walks

around the corner. Fuck why didn't you just ignore him, I mentally scold myself.

"Lucy black my office now" she shrieks. I sigh, grabbing my bag and he smirks knowing I was

getting in trouble not like I actually hurt him, it would heal instantly anyway. I hope it heals crooked. I

smile at that before trudging to the office.

"Not even a week and you are already in trouble"

"He was picking on me" I tell her sitting down when she pulls a chair out telling me to sit.

"Words can't harm you, you overreacted. Now I need to call your mother Lucy, this will be a

suspension" I groan.

"What about him?"

"Did he hit you?" She asks, peering at me over her glasses.

"No!" I sulk.

"What did he say then that would deserve a smack?" I don't bother telling her, instead folding my

arms across my chest. Last thing I need is for the teachers to start gossiping too. Bad enough Josie

spread shit to the kids here. If only Mitchel was there he wouldn;t have been game enough to say shit.

She looks my name up to get my mother's details.

"You're not living at home Lucy?" She asks and I furrow my brows.

"Pardon?" I ask.

"You have Jacob and Ace listed as you contacts"

I smile hoping she calls Jacob, then I won't have to worry about my mother.

"Go sit in the hall while I call your guardians" she says and I snatch my bag off the floor storming


I sit in the corridor when Jacob mindlinks me.

"Lucy what did you do, I can't come in, your mother has gone into labour" I perk up at that news.

"Really?" I ask excitedly. I was about to grab my bag and rush out of the school to meet her at the

pack hospital.

"I will go get Rayan" I tell him.

"Ryker already did, but I can't come till he gets here" Jacob says.

"Rayan is already on his way to you?" I ask.

He pauses.

"I will come get you when I can" he says.

"Ok, let me know how mum is, I can walk home if you tell the school then I can ride my bike over to

the hospital" I tell him wanting to meet my new little brother.

"Maybe best if you don't. Amanda has control Luce, I will send Ace" he says before cutting the link.

My mother didn't want me to come, Jacob was just too nice to say it outright. It stung.

I grab my history book out and start reading my notes. I don't know how long I stayed there before

I heard footsteps and looked up to see Ace walking down the corridor. He stops in front of me and I

look up at him.

"Come on" he says, holding his hand out. I take it and he walks me into the office to sign me out

and the deputy principal comes over to him.

"Jacob said you were picking her up, I explained to him, but Lucy will be suspended for 4 days for

violence, can I ask why her mother or father isn't listed on her contacts"

"Because she doesn't belong to them" Ace says.

"Sorry I am confused Ace" she says.

"Alpha Ace and what happened to the boy that was picking on her?"

"I sent him to class, she broke his nose" Ace smirks looking down at me.

"And?" Ace asks her and she looks confused.

"I am not sure I know what you are saying Alpha"

"She broke his nose but what punishment does he get?"

"I think a broken nose is punishment enough Alpha" Mrs Geld tells him.

Ace turns to me and bit my lip. This was so embarrassing.

"Next time Lucy break his jaw, and if he still doesn't stop I will remove his tongue for you" Ace says

before glaring at the deputy.

"Alpha I am afraid I can't have you threatening students, if it continues I will have to bar you from

school grounds" she says but I hear her voice get softer and softer as she continues to speak looking

away from him.

"Do you think your Alpha would tolerate someone speaking shit about his Luna?" Ace asks her.

"She may be the Alpha’s stepdaughter, but she is still a student here and we don't condone

violence Alpha"

"No but a student talking shit and slandering her name is ok, now if Ryker heard someone talking

about his Luna like that, student or not what would he do?" She swallows.

"But Lucy has no title Alpha" oh my god he wouldn't? Judging by the smirk on his face he would

and he does.

"See that is where you are wrong Tina, Lucy has got a title because each is my mate, therefore my

Luna" he tells her and he eyes dart to me. She goes to say something but he growls and she bares her

neck to him before nodding her head.

Ace then grabs my hand, signing the book before shoving the door open and pulling me out after


"How did you know?"

"I mindlinked Mitchel to ask what happened, he saw it but you ran off before he could get to you"

Ace says squeezing my fingers.

"He wouldn't tell me his name though" Ace says but I shake my head.

"Lucy?" Ace says but I ignore him.

"If you wanted to go to school why didn't you tell us, this wouldn't be an issue at our pack school"

Ace says.

"I don't want people being nice because of who I am mates with Ace," I tell him. He sighs tugging

me closer and draping his arm across my shoulders before kissing my head.

"Looks like I will get you for a few days" he says and I look up to say no.

"What excuse you got this time, you won't be busy" he says and I close my mouth before nodding.

"Mum is in labour" I tell him.

"I know, Ryker rang this morning when he was picking up Rayan, and asked if you could stay with

us" he says. Was I the only one that didn't know?

And why couldn't I go home just because Amanda was out? We walked out to his car in the staff

parking lot. I groan when I see Tyson leaning against Ace's car. He looked like the god he is, well both

of them did though Tyson was wearing a white shirt with jeans while ace wore a black one, both drool

worthy and I found myself excited to go with them especially after this morning and mum’s weird mood.

“Not happy with you, I was awoken by Jacob why didn’t you wake me. I would have taken you to

school” I shrug.

“Come on then, we will run you home to grab some stuff then you are staying with us for a few

days” Tyson says and I nod before opening the back door and climbing in.

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