My Hockey Alpha Neighbor

Chapter 20

Chapter 20 

Carol’s POV 

I’ve been getting ready for three hours now, and it still doesn’t feel like enough. I’ve done everything to prepare. myself that I can think of- I’ve showered, done my hair, put on my makeup, slipped into my expensive gown still, I’m not convinced that I’m ready. 

I check the clock – fifteen minutes until we need to leave. I groan to myself. I take another look in the mirror, flattening down invisible flyaways and smoothing nonexistent wrinkles in my gown. At last, I decide that I’ve done enough. 

I step out of the bathroom to find Aiden waiting for me. He didn’t have to do nearly as much as me to prepare, of course. All he had to do was brush his hair and put on the suit. Nevertheless, he looks absolutely stunning. I feel my breath catch in my throat as our eyes meet. He slowly gets to his feet. 

You are a vision, Carol,” he says. “Anyone would be lucky to have you on their arm tonight.” He steps toward me and takes my hand, using it to lead me into a small twirl. I laugh, but there’s an undercurrent of nervousness to my voice. 

“You’re sure I look alright?” I ask. I know the question is foolish. I’ve done my best to look as good as I possibly can. My hair is styled with a gentle curl. My makeup is fresh and brings out the color of my eyes. The dress is even more perfect than when I tried it on in the store. Still, the anticipation makes my nerves skyrocket. 

Aiden smiles brightly. “I’m positive,” he assures me. “Although… I think there’s one thing that’s missing.” He pulls something out of his pocket. “Turn around, darling” 

I shoot Aiden a confused look but do as he says. I feel his hands brush over my collarbone as he drapes something cool around my neck. I hear the sound of a clasp fastening behind me. 


My hand goes to my neck to find a gorgeous necklace. I rush to the mirror to see what it looks like and The necklace is a gorgeous array of glittering midnight–blue gemstones laid into delicate silver. I turn around and pull Aiden into a passionate kiss. 

“It’s perfect.” I say, smiling from ear to ear. Aiden holds my waist gently. 

“You’re perfect,” he responds. 

A private driver picks us up again and takes us to Aiden’s family home. We drive only a few minutes away to a more busy part of the expensive district. The sun has just set, leaving the sky a pale pink. It seems like even the sky is holding its breath in anticipation

The driver drops us off to the most expensive–looking apartment complex I’ve ever seen. I see stretching into the sky up above what can only be the Cruz family penthouse, silhouetted against the clouds. 

The entrance to the complex is already busy as clusters of people make their way inside. It seems many people are on their way to the Cruz’s penthouse tonight. I do my best not to stare as we walk past glamorous people in even more glamorous clothing 

There is a bellhop waiting for us at the elevator. He lets each party up separately as he checks them off of his list Aiden gives him our names and we step into the elevator. I glance at the numbers inside the elevator – I have until the fifueth floor to gather my nerves. 

Aiden squeezes my hand as we step out of the elevator. My breath is stolen away, just as I expected. The atrium of the penthouse is the picture of luxury and refinement, with high ceilings, gleaming black–marble floors, and priceless artwork hanging on the walls. 

The party has already kicked off, judging by the people already mingling throughout the room’s various lounging 

4:52 PM D D. 

Chapter 20 

spaces. Despite the already buzzing atmosphere, I can feel the attention in the room shift toward us as we make our 


I feel like their gazes have pinned me to the spot. Each face is some shade of curiosity, envy, or calculation. I’m worried there won’t be a single friendly face in the crowd until I catch the sight of a man excitedly waving at us. 

“Aiden! Over here!” 

Aiden takes my arm into his and leads me toward the set of couches over by the man. He’s tall, althoughs not nearly as tall as Aiden, and has a warm expression on his face. His eyes are a shocking blue and his hair dark brown. His suit is more plain than Aiden’s, although clearly also very high quality 

“That’s Oliver – he’s a good friend of mine. He’s a beta who works with my family 

I nod like I understand what that means and smile as we get closer. Oliver pulls Aiden into a hug as soon as he’s within 

arm’s reach. 

“Aiden! It’s been too long!” He declares. He releases Aiden with a pat on the back and looks over at me. I’m shocked to find no reproach in his expression. He smiles brightly. 

“And who is the lovely woman you’re accompanying?” He asks. He stretches out a hand to me. “The name’s Oliver Gladwell. What are you doing with a loser like Aiden?” 

I laugh at his jokes, the tension slipping from my body. “Well, this loser is my fated mate,” I say with a smile. “Carol Miller. Nice to meet you.” Aiden wraps an arm around my shoulders. 

“And don’t you forget it,” he says, poking Oliver in the chest in mock.sion. Oliver holds his hands up: 


Unfortunately, it’s only then that I realize Katrina was also sitting in this circle. She stands up quickly, her chair screeching behind her at her abrupt movement. She’s wearing the red dress I tried on prior to my last choice that I would tell her that. She’d probably get angry. 

Katrina storms past me in a huff, bumping shoulders with me as she does. Aiden shifts beside me as if to scold her again, but I grab his arm to stop him. We share an intense look. 

“Woah, who pissed in her champagne?” Oliver remarks. “Here, let me walk around with you. We have a lot to catch up 


The three of us spend some time mingling at the party. We grab some drinks, Aiden and Oliver catch up, and I get introduced to a few more people. Reactions to me are very mixed. Some seem impressed by my politeness almost like they expect a human to act like a wild animal. Even those who are less polite manage to hold their tongues around Aiden. 

About an hour after our arrival. Aiden’s parents make their dramatic appearance. They enter the room from a grand set of doors, immediately capturing the attention of the room. Aiden stiffens beside me. I squeeze his hand. reassuringly. 

Aiden’s parents make a quick lap around the party, making sure to greet every person who has arrived so far. Their dynamic becomes clear almost immediately. Aiden’s father has a stern expression that doesn’t waver for a moment, Aiden’s mother is somewhat more approachable, although just as deserving of respect. Soon enough, it comes to be our turn to be greeted by Aiden’s parents. 

Before I can extend a greeting. Aiden’s father chuckles darkly. Ali, what do we have here? A human, in our midst?‘ 

I feel a wave of nervousness. Well, this is going well already, I think dryly. Mrs. Cruz offers a polite but distant smile and ignores her husband. From NôvelDrama.Org.

452 PM 

Chapter 201 

“Hello, Ms. Miller. We’re glad that you could make it.” 

I plaster on a smile and dip my head politely. “Thank you, Mrs. Cruz. You have a lovely home.” 

It seems that Mrs. Cruz is dedicated to salvaging the conversation as much as she can. She turns to Aiden. “Aiden, darling, it’s been a while since you’ve been home. How have you been? How’s that new house of yours?” 

Aiden smiles slightly, but his grip on my arm is tense. “I’ve been fine, mother. The house is quite wonderful. Carol helped me pick it out, actually.” 

I plaster on a smile as Aiden’s parents turn their attention back toward me. It’s technically true–telling them Aiden was my client would probably only cause more stress right now. 

“It’s true. It’s a wonderful villa,” I say as warmly as I can. “It looks even nicer now that the cleaning crew has fixed up the place.” 

My comment makes Mr. Cruz scoff loudly. “Oh, a cleaning crew, huh? Surprised that wasn’t your job.” He sneers. In our home, even the servants are omegas.” 

A pit forms in my stomach. Aiden instantly steps forward with a stern expression on his face. “Society has moved beyond your antiquated ideals, father,” he says in a clipped tone. “There is no need to differentiate between humans and werewolves. You are being disrespectful.” 

My heart swells with appreciation for Aiden. Still, Mr. Cruz remains unyielding. “Foolish child. Humans will never be our equals — we are the stronger and more noble species.” 

Aiden grits his teeth. “Enhanced physical strength is a reason to protect the humans, not discriminate against them.” 

The tense conversation between the two draws the attention of some of the partygoers around us who watch the argument unfold. Only one person is bold enough to step in, however. 

“Mr. Cruz.” Katrina’s voice cuts through the conversation, “I believe there is more business you need to attend to. Isn’t that right?” 

Mr. Cruz’s expression hardens. “Right. Thank you, Katrina.” He turns back toward the two of us with a commanding 


Ms. Miller. We have no reason to believe that your relationship with my son is legitimate. For that reason, we have decided on a test.” He extends a hand holding a small capsule- very similar to the one that Zack insisted I take. 

“Father, there is no reason for her to take that pill,” Aiden interjects with irritation. “She’s already passed that very same test. Besides, this room is full of werewolves. If she was on scent–manipulating drugs, we would all be able to smell it” 

“Enough arguing,” Mr. Cruz dismisses with a wave of his hand. “The drug market is constantly progressing. It’s possible that there are new drugs available that can deceive werewolf senses.” 

I grit my teeth. I can feel everyone in the room staring at me. After all of the effort I went through to impress these. people, it still came down to the same accusations Zack threw at me. I wish I could slap the pill out of Mr. Cruz’s 


It’s clear that I have no choice but to accept the disrespect aimed at me. “Fine,” I say, my voice tight. “I’ll take it. I have nothing to fear.” 

I take the pill out of Mr. Cruz‘ palm and pop it into my mouth, washing it down with a drink from my champagne. The moments creep by agonizingly slowly as the room waits. I feel an eerie sense of deja vu. I glance over at Aiden. ready to see him smiling at me like last time. 

Chapter 20 

My heart drops into my stomach as I watch his expression go blank. 


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