My Dominating Apollo


I drove to my home through heavy traffic and it took nearly an hour for me to reach my apartment, I parked my car and walked to the elevator.

I got inside and reached my floor, two flats were present on this floor but the other one is right now empty. I walked to my apartment and knocked on the door, I casually glanced at the door present in the other corner of the floor before my mom opened the door and let me in.

As I walked into the living room I was hit with a delicious smell of the dishes my mom prepared for us, “Hm…” I murmured as I inhaled the smell coming from the dining table,

I turned around and caught my mom, As I hugged her I heard her chuckling at me, “Thank you, mom, for preparing my favorite dishes,” I said hugging her, she stroked my back with her hands.

“I’ll change,” I said as I released her and turned around, as I walked to my room, took a hot shower and wore my nightwear, I noticed a new message pop up in my phone.

I walked to the table and took the phone from it, I opened the pop-up. A smile made its way up to my lips when I saw Lydia’s good night with a wink emoji message, I replied to her and placed the mobile on the table. I was about to turn around and stopped halfway as I noticed a headlight coming from the window, I walked to the window and moved the curtains aside. I looked outside and noticed a black SUV under the tree, it was halted but the lights were on. I tried to see the person inside the car but his face wasn’t visible but I could observe him looking right at my window which made me move back.

My breathing began to unstable as today’s events flashed in front of my eyes, those words rushed to my mind but I didn’t let myself be scared of it. I took a deep breath, “You need to see who’s that, Calm down,” I said to myself as I stepped towards the window slowly with my shaky legs and sweaty palms while my heart was beating rapidly against my ribcage.

I peeked through my window and tried to see who the person was but because of the darkness, it was impossible to see he was. After trying multiple times to see who he was I gave up and I turned around but at the same moment, a car passed by, and the lights of the car fell on the person, making his face visible to me.

When his face was visible to me the time around me stopped and my heart began beating rapidly as if it would burst out of my ribcage, sweat began forming on my forehead and my legs began shivering terribly while my lips started trembling.

I tried to calm myself down but I couldn’t, I didn’t understand what to do as I placed my hand on my chest. I licked my dry lips as I peeked over the window to see whether he was still there and I noticed his car was still there which made my heart race even more, “Calm down!” I said to myself as I tried to take a deep breath in my mouth and control myself. I turned around and searched for my cell phone, but I don’t see it anywhere in my room.

“Calm down, You need to calm down!” I tried to control my unstable breathing and my shaking body, I looked around, and still nothing I found which could be helpful to me. I glanced at my bed and noticed my bag under the blanket, I immediately walked towards it and pulled the blanket off, and took my phone from my handbag. He was the same person who left the card in the cafe for us.

With my shaking hands, I dialed Lydia’s number and was about to call her but I stopped myself. What am I doing? She might be sleeping right now. This is not a good idea, telling her will not solve this problem.

I stepped towards the window with my phone in my hands while controlling myself not to panic, I peeped through the window and didn’t find the car anymore in its previous place. It confused me,

where did it go?

The question popped into my mind as I looked around to see whether it was somewhere. I released my breath when I didn’t find it anywhere, “Maybe he left!” I mumbled as I turned around and walked toward my bathroom. I took a shower and changed my clothes to my pajamas, I combed my hair and walked downstairs.

While I walked downstairs, I noticed my mom smiling while looking at her phone in her hands, I watched her as she began typing something on her phone while smiling warmly. I walked down the stairs quietly while watching her type something while a sudden blush appeared on her face. It is rare to see her like this after my father years back and somehow her reaction has raised hope. Hope that she might find love again and move on with her life without any worries!

I cleared my throat as I sat down on my chair and I successfully gained my mom’s attention. Noticing me, she immediately put her phone down and smiled at me while blushing that I caught her chatting with someone, I tried not to laugh and ask her about it, she needs time and I know she will tell me herself about it.Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“Let me serve you,” she said and began serving me dinner, I quietly watched her and kept quiet. This dinner was surprisingly tranquil, and I tried to open up a conversation to reduce this tranquillity, so I began telling her about my stressful long day and I was successful in it while mom began talking about her day.

It was good listening to her talk about her day, it always makes me happy to see her smiling and beaming with happiness in her eyes. I love this side of mom, I always wanted her to be this happy. I don’t know who made the day good but I would like that person to stay in her life and make her happy like this forever.

After dinner, we walked back to our rooms and cleaned the kitchen and table.

“Good night, mom,” I said while walking to my room,

“Good night, sweety,” she said while turning back and walking to her room, I smiled and stepped inside my bedroom and closed the door behind me.

I walked towards my bed and fell flat on my soft mattress while I closed my eyes and slowly began falling into my deep slumber.

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