My Bestfriend's Brother Shouldn't Know How I Taste free chapter



Bailey's pov

His fingers on my skin felt like scorching fire, it burned and branded my flesh in its wake. I could feel the beading of goosebumps raise on my skin and the thin hairs behind my neck rise as his hot breath fanned against my face.

It's taking everything in me to not clench my thighs together. That would alert him that I was enjoying this....which I was, I was fucking enjoying this.

I shivered, swallowing as I try to get my wits together. As his lips near the corner of my mouth, I twist my head away. He stopped, but his hands stayed under my skirt.

" Get away from me Sam or so help me I will scream the roof down." I warned, my throat feeling tight as I lied.

I just needed him a bit out of my personal space so I can think. With him so close it was so incredibly hard to focus.

His head drop on my shoulder and he sighed, sounding defeated. " What can I do to make you talk to me flower?"

I swallowed, trying to not shiver from his hot breath now touching my neck. " I'm speaking to you now am I not?"

I could push him away if I didn't want him so close....but that's the thing, I lied. I want him close. His intoxicating scent made my insides feel funny. Text © owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

He shook his head a little. " You know what I mean."

I clenched my eyes tightly. I did know what he meant. He wanted to speak, about us and whatever was happening.

I curled my lip between my teeth and raked my brain. What did Kaleb really want from me? A player such as himself? Perhaps more sex? Surely nothing more than that.

The thought made me feel sluggish and bitter. I put my palm on his shoulders and push him away. This time he complies.

His hands fall off my skin and I am stunned to feel how terrible the lost of contact feels. " What do you really want from me Kaleb?" I whispered, looking at his shirt.

Why did he persist on talking to me when he could go behind other girls?

He made an irritated groan behind his throat and sat down on the chair, forcing me to now be leveled with his gaze. I bit my tongue, now completely transfixed by his eyes.

He peered at me intensely, his eyes softening. " I have told you what I want many times Bailey."

I looked away. He have. But he has never been clear. It always led to lust.

Which I have realized I do not only want from him. As embarrassing as it may sound, it seems that I did have buried feelings for Kaleb all along and had been lying to myself for years.

Those feelings were stupid, he'd never show them back. Unless I was Juliet.

The thought of her made me grow annoyed and mad. I didn't want to feel jealous.

"Yes, you want sex." I spat, crossing my arms as I bring my gaze back to him. " That's all you've ever wanted with any girl. You're a player, a manwhore. I'm just another tied panty on your bed post."

Kaleb looked surprised at my outburst but ruled his features in and instead shocked me by gripping my knees and spreading them wide. To keep my balance, I sat down on the desk, now legs opened in front of him.

I squirmed, flushed and embarrassed as his eyes drop to stare between my legs.

" If I wanted just sex I could simply seduce you. In fact, just one touch and see what happens?" His eyes glazed over as his lips slick over his bottom lip to wet. I bit my lip to stop the moan that bubbled in my throat.

His eyes lift and the corner of his lips tug slightly as his eyes danced with hunger and amusement. " You're soaked."

Knowing he was indeed right because I could feel how drenched my panties were, I grew irritated. I slapped his hands away and closed my leg, glaring at him. " What does this prove? What makes you think I would be so easy to give into you?"

His lips tugged higher, his eyes shinning with amusement. " Well for starters, you haven't gotten up and stormed away."

My jaw ticked with irritance and I got up, well tried to. Kaleb reached out for me and set me on his lap, I can't say I fought it.

I'm straddling him, with his hands holding my wrist. I glared into his eyes as he peered into mine with a soft veil of need and desperation. " What will it take?" He whispered, his voice hoarse.

My brows furrowed yet I kept the pretence of an angry glare on my face. " For what?"

He sighed, his head dropping on my chest. I sucked in a breath. It was like he wanted to listen to my heartbeat.

I'm lost at the strange feeling he seem to invoke in me, so lost that when he spoke next, I am startled. " For you to want me too."

The air is lodged in my throat, an escape for it seeming a bit farfetched. Would I choke on my own breath? Is that even possible?

He lift his head, his eyes now on me. They are vulnerable. So vulnerable that I am stunned into silence. " I want you flower. And sure the sex is great but I don't only want that," his eyes searched mine, as though he was searching my soul. " I want you. Me. Us. I want us."

His words made me swallow and my throat run dry. My heart skipped and then pounded so furiously my gaze blurred. Though I was not sure if it was because of the tears I could feel prickle the corner of my eyes.

There was many things I would expect from Kaleb, many but not this. Surely not this.

It feels strange and I feel even more strange. What the hell was going on?

Kaleb doesn't settle down, he doesn't want a girlfriend, he sleeps around. Surely this is a joke.

" You're joking," it comes out low and full of uncertainty.

He tugs me closer, his hands now on my waist. " That's the thing Bailey. I am not. I have never wanted someone as badly as I want you. "

His eyes pleaded with me as he searched my gaze. He sighed heavily and dropped his forehead on mine. " Please. I know you think the worst of me and I won't stop you from saying no. But please, give me a chance."

I clenched my eyes shut tightly, my heart pounding. This was not how I would've imagined this conversation to go.

My hands trembled and for a moment I am aware of my body, every single cell, every twitch. It's like in his arms, I feel, alive. Weird way to explain it but that was the best way I could.

His words settled on my ears, on my heart. His plea was shocking, yet sincere. But-

" It can't happen." I whispered, my eyes peeling open, this time blurry with tears. " We can't happen Kaleb."

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