My Alpha Mate

Chapter 53 Mrs. Blake

Damon glanced at Talia to confirm that she didn’t react when the man called him ‘Mr. Blake’, and Damon took that as her approval. Yup, she definitely didn’t mind using his last name.

There was a time when werewolves didn’t have last names. Even in modern times, they identify themselves by the first name, pack they belong to, and their position.

However, since they are coexisting with humans, each werewolf family has a surname. It helps them blend in.

Of course, prominent werewolf families are an exception, because their last name also signifies status, and the surname Blake is like royalty in the society of werewolves from the time before Damon’s grand-grandfather.

When Travis was setting up Talia’s appointment with the nutritionist, he asked Damon what surname to use because Talia told him that she doesn’t have one when he was writing down her personal information. Actually, the lack of Talia’s background went beyond just her last name and it told Travis how neglected she was.

“Talia Blake”, Damon responded to Travis after a second of silence. It sounded right.

“Blake? Are you sure?”, Travis asked, knowing that no one would dare to use Alpha’s last name lightly.

“Is that a problem?”

“No, no. Not a problem…”, Travis was quick to deny it. Who is he to question his Alpha?

Back to the present…NôvelD(ram)a.ôrg owns this content.

“It’s nice to see you here, but I hope it’s nothing serious.”, the man spoke excitedly while extending his hand toward Damon for a handshake, and the friendly smile told Talia that the man knows Damon from before. “Dr. Jones is expecting you.”

Damon stood up and shook hands with the man before turning to check on Talia who gingerly stood behind him.

“Mr. Mendez, this is Talia. The appointment is for her. I wonder it won’t be a problem if I come in with her.”

“Not a problem, Mr. Blake. Please, come this way…”

Talia walked after Damon as they made their way through the hallway, and she thought how it’s strange that these people call him ‘Mr. Blake’. So far, everyone has called him Alpha or Alpha Damon, but humans don’t know about the werewolf hierarchy and how scary Alpha Damon can be.

Talia didn’t think that ‘Blake’ fits him. It was too ordinary, and she also heard it not long ago.

‘Mr. Blake… Blake…’, Talia repeated silently while jogging her memory and her face fell when she realized that only a few minutes ago she heard that last name, but it was tied to her.

Why did Damon say that her name is Talia Blake? Is that his way of joking?

Talia had so many questions, but she knew that this was not the right place or time to voice them, so she kept quiet. Actually, there is no good time to ask those questions. Period.

Somehow, ‘Talia Blake’ didn’t sound so good anymore because even as a fake name, it carried the weight of problems like Cassie and Marcy and who knows how many other women.

Sure, Talia can say that she is Alpha Damon’s sister or a cousin, but she feared that those she-wolves who are buzzing around Damon will start imagining.

Marcy gave Talia a beating for seeing something she shouldn’t see, and if the rumors spread that Talia and Alpha Damon are more than acquaintances, Talia was confident that Marcy and Marcy-alike women will come for her throat! Or will they try to befriend her in order to get to Damon? Talia was not sure which one is worse.

The best thing is not to have any connection with Alpha Damon. The further she stays from him, the better.

She already had so many things to deal with and people misunderstanding her relationship with Alpha Damon shouldn’t be added to that pile.

Talia told herself not to panic. Talia Blake is just a temporary thing in order for her to have this appointment in the human hospital, and she will never-ever-ever-EVER use it again.

A short curvaceous nurse with a red pixie cut and big green eyes made Talia stand on the scale and she took her height and weight before giving questionnaires for Talia to fill and telling them to sit and wait for the doctor to come.

Talia noticed that this nurse was also stealing glances at Damon.

By now, Talia confirmed that Damon is a magnet for women, and she wondered if all that attention is bothering him. It didn’t look like it.

Damon’s incomprehensible gaze was glued to Talia, and she wished that he looks away before people start getting funny ideas.

Dr. Jones is a middle-aged woman whose brown hair was lifted into a loose bun, and her age didn’t stop her from eyeing Damon in a way no doctor should look at a patient. Actually, Damon was not a patient, but he was accompanying one and Dr. Jones’s behavior was not professional.

Damon and Talia were sitting on chairs, and a desk separated them from Dr. Jones.

The woman was asking questions, and Talia responded, but Talia doubted that the woman listened to a word Talia said because her eyes didn’t leave Damon.

After some time, Dr. Jones pushed into Talia’s hands brochures about balanced meals that included examples of portions for grains, proteins, vegetables, fruits, oils, and also recommendations for water intake.

With just one glance, Talia confirmed that this was generic information she could get online.

Since Maya gave her the tablet, Talia spent a lot of time on the internet and she looked up malnutrition and balanced meals that Travis mentioned, and nothing that Dr. Jones said was new.

Talia was exasperated. Why did she even come here? She could have stayed in her room and sleep instead of waking up and getting ready while experiencing stress due to Alpha Damon’s presence.

And she was also concerned that Alpha Damon will accuse her of wasting his time.

Wait! Didn’t he say to Cassie that he has something to do in the town? But then… why did he come with her to this appointment?

Talia glanced at Alpha Damon and met his gaze directed at her.

“Do you have any questions for Dr. Jones?”, Damon asked Talia.

Yes! Is this how she treats all her patients? How can she be a doctor when she is shamelessly ogling at you instead of focusing on the reason I’m here?

Dr. Jones didn’t ask any questions; she was just talking like she has all the answers.

Talia’s experience with doctors is that they are warm and kind and attentive, and Dr. Jones was none of that.

But Talia knew that Damon brought her here and that he is a donor and that she should be grateful for everything instead of complaining.

“No.”, Talia responded in a small voice.

Of course, Damon knew she was lying.

Damon spent the last decade in various meetings and situations where he needed to read people and he was quite good at it. He didn’t miss Dr. Jones’s flirty behavior and as much as he wished that Talia was jealous, he could see that’s not the case.

Talia’s defeated expression gave him heartache and he had an urge to fix it.

Damon’s icy-blue eyes bore into her honeyed ones, and she feared that he can read her mind, so she lowered her head.

A second later, Damon touched her chin and made her look at him.

A small smile appeared at the corner of his lips as delightful sparks prickled his fingers, and he spoke to Dr. Jones without diverting his gaze from Talia.

“Dr. Jones, it seems that my wife is not happy with the level of service you provided.”

Talia’s eyes widened. What the heck? Did he say, wife? WIFE!?

But it’s just a show, for the human hospital, right? RIGHT!?

Damon enjoyed Talia’s reaction. He leaned close to her and spoke only for Talia to hear, “Play with me here, doll.”

Without waiting for Talia to respond, Damon’s arm moved behind Talia and his hand landed on her shoulder.

“Excuse me…”, Dr. Jones said in a shaky voice. “Did I do something to displease you?”

“You know very well what you did and what you didn’t do, Dr. Jones.” Damon narrowed his eyes at the doctor. “Are you aware of the donations my Blake family contributed to this hospital?”

The middle-aged woman was visibly flustered while her eyes nervously moved from Talia to Damon.

She wondered if she read the situation wrongly.

Dr. Jones didn’t know what’s the relationship between Damon and Talia, but that doesn’t mean anything.

She smiled at Damon, and he smiled back, and it took from there. He paid attention to what she said and responded favorably to her nonverbal clues, so she assumed that she has a chance.

He is handsome and rich, and on top of that, he is a donor to this hospital. She would be a fool not to try to get into Damon’s good books.

Everyone thinks that she is well-to-do because people call her ‘Dr. Jones’, but she got the job as a nutritionist based on her father knowing one of the big-shots in the hospital and her degree which she earned after a six months-long course.

The truth is that regular nurses are earning more than her, and that ‘Dr.’ is only a title she has because she works in the hospital.

But why was he so upset? Other than flirty glances and smiles, nothing else happened.

Dr. Jones thought that things are going well, but now Damon looked at her darkly and asked her if she is aware that he is a donor.

“Yes, yes. Of course, I know, Mr. Blake.”

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