Mr Billionaires Secret Baby

Chapter 63

Chapter 63

Chapter 63

The ticking of the clock echoed loudly through the board room. The entire room had grown still and silent and not a pin drop could be heard aside from the ticking of the clock. The relevant department members had already been seated in their respective places nearly ten minutes ago but the meeting could not commence. Not yet anyways.

With every passing tick on that clock which lead to seconds which then bled to minutes passing by, | had grown more annoyed. Every relevant person who needed to be here had been all except one person and for that one individual, the meeting was on hold.

Dante should have been here by now. It wasn’t like he was not aware of the meeting being held today along with the time. He was either not going to show up at all or he had been running late. Which ever of the two options it had been, it was unprofessional to leave us uninformed.

| cleared my throat to get every ones attention. “We should commence with the meeting. The minutes of it would be forwarded to those missing. | suggested and was met with silence along with doubtful shared glances.

It wasn’t like we hadn't waited a decent amount of time before | had made such a suggestion but every one around the table looked at me like | had suggested the most forbidden course of action.

“Are you certain? It wouldn’t be proper to begin with out the company’s vital investor present.” One of the two members who would be leading us through today’s meeting spoke.

4 pinned her with a stare which usually was not like me to be so short with people in the office. “| understand but we have allocated enough time for any late comers and now we are simply wasting every ones time.” | glanced at the clock and noticed that it was now fifteen minutes that had elapsed since the meeting was set to begin.

She swallowed hard enough that | saw her throat tense up before she looked at her colleague for some indication of what to do. He nodded at her giving her the go-ahead and she made her way go the projector screen and clicked the remote in her hand to display the first page of this progress


She was just about to address every one when the board room door was pushed open rather loudly. Every head in that room including mine had turned in the direction of the door to watch Dante. storm in with such a hauty air to him like he was not late at all.

The dark material of his black suit hugged his b*dy snug as he moved to he last empty seat reserved for him. He looked around the room before his gaze paused at me but | kept my

expression neutral not wanting to show how affected | had been by his newly involved scandal. |

was sure that every one in this office building had read about the news by now but no one would dare say a word to him.

“My apologies for showing update. There had been an unforeseen circumstance that | had to deal with.” He apologized more to me than the rest of room but | looked away from him.



Chapter 63

“Please, begin.” 1 ignored Dante and said to the lady waiting to lead us through this meeting.

The meeting had commenced at last and my heart rate was all over the place. My palms were clammy from the nerves and after a while | had began gripping the edge of my leather upholstered


| needed the growth percentage to be in my favor. | needed it now more than ever! | couldn’t imagine what a slap in the face losing would be at this point.

The final verdict was approaching and | straightened my shoulders preparing myself for what ever it was going to be.

“After much analysis and rechecking the stats and figures, the finally verdict is that the percentages of growth remain the same from the last time. There has been no percentage change but that is not to say that there has been no progress. The company has managed a 10 perfect increase thus far and we are certain that if we continue with the same enthusiasm and drive, we would be seeing great results by the next six month mark.” Sh it. That sounded great in theory that there was expected future growth but that did not bode well for me currently.Material © NôvelDrama.Org.

Hell to the fl*ppin no. This could not be happening right now!

| had not managed to reach the 15 percent that the bet was set on. The bet that | so proudly agreed to raising the stakes in fact only to fall face flap. It was the last straw of humiliation that | could have thought to incur for myself when it had come to Dable. It was a good thing that no one here aside. from Dante and | knew what this actually meant because none of them knew about the bet.

| managed by some miracle to sit still in my seat until the meeting had concluded properly and people began leaving one by one. | could not believe that | had not been successful at achieving the 15 perfect grown in the past few months that | had taken over. Sure things were slow at first with the changes but | assumed that it would be so attainable.

Without sparing anither second, | let the board room followed by the entire building itself. | knew what came after this and | was not ready to deal with it right now.

Dante was going to want to buy out the company and take it over as agreed upon in the verbal bet that we both had made. | didn’t know what to do! There was no way out of this.

As | stormed to out of the building and to the parking lot, | hastily rushed to my car to get away from here. | got to the door and fished out my keys from my coat but just as my thumb hovered over the button to unlock it, a strong arm wrapped around my chest tightly until | felt like it was crushing my chest.

| opened my mouth to scream for help but a cotton like material was pressed over my mouth and nose and | nearly gagged from the smell of it but it didn’t take me too long to realise that that smell was chloroform but it was too late because my b*dy grew limp as my eyes rolled back in their sockets and that was when every thing turned black.

| couldn't tell how long it had been that | had been out cold. | had no idea whether it was minutes later, hours, or perhaps even possibly days. | tried to open my eyes carefully in hopes that maybe |



Chapter 63

could gauge my surroundings and get some idea of where | was but when may eyelids refused to open against the cloth tied around them, | knew that | had been blindholded.

my head has still been muzzy from whatever it had been that I had inhaled forcefully and | knew my sensors were not as sharp as the ought to be. having said that it was not rocket science for me to understand that | was in a moving vehicle that had been taken on a very Rocky and off-road kind of


“are vo

you at the meeting place? | am nearly there. “the most blood chilling voice spoke and as | waited for another voice to respond to him that did not sound loud enough in the car | figured that the driver had been on the phone speaking to someone else.

yes she is still knocked out since we nabbed her so there has been no signs of difficulty yet not that she would be much of a fight even if she does attempt to escape.” the man said in a mocking almost macho tone.

“no her child was not with her when | grabbed her but | suppose that’s better, the last thing we need is some whiny child to add to this.” my entire b*dy had ran cold.


it is not that | had completely forgotten about her but my head was so cloudy and my thoughts was so unclear that | hadn’t had the capacity to think of Hayley. | could only hope that Nancy would give Dante a call since she never ever left the house until | was home with Hayley.

my only hope now had been that whoever was behind this was not after Hayley as well but judging by the sound of it she was not part of whatever plan this was.

“if we play our cards right we will get exactly what we want, now please send me a pin location so | can meet you at the spot” the man had spoken impatiently but that only got him an earful which | could hear but very muf fled.

I'm sorry, I’m sorry but it feels like I've been driving for a heck of a long time.” This gruff, rough sounding man was scared of someone above. What the hell kind of s hit was | in?!

the vehicle shudded and wobbled as it went on whatever kind of rugged road we had been driving on. had | not been bound and properly secured, there was no doubt that | would have been flying

all over.

| may have just jinxed it by thinking that because the entire vehicle jumped up like it had tried to drive over a boulder. my head hit the roof of the vehicle and | winced loudly from the pain. it was only after the sound had escaped me did | realize what a grave mistake | had just committed.

“Sh it, | think she is waking up. | got to go. I'll meet you soon. The man said rapidly as he hung up.

My entire b*dy grew stiff as | froze not knowing what to expect. It didn’t help that | couldn’t see a thing and all | had to rely on was my hearing. The car slowed down but not enough for it to be halted but just enough so that the man could reach over and cover my nostrils would a cloth that smelled stronger than the last one that was used on me.



Chapter 63

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“You almost had me fooled. He laughed to himself but the sound did nothing to ease my b*dy before | blacked out all over again. SEND GIFT

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