Mine - The Alpha's Possession

Chapter 19

Chapter 19


The next day was a Saturday so I got up early and decided to get changed and go for a jog through town while there was no one around except warriors training and when I got back to the packhouse I grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge and I took it up to my bedroom.

I went inside and had a shower and got dressed and I headed down to kitchen and there was no one in the kitchen yet. So I Made my own breakfast and I sat at the kitchen island while eating and reading a book.

“I thought you were a teenager? Don’t they usually sleep in on weekends?” Alpha Jackson asked walking into the room only wearing a pair of shorts.

“I’m used to getting up early. At Richmond Pack I was always put on the early shift on weekends. I think it’s just habit now.” I say barely looking up from my book.

“What are you reading?” He asked looking at the cover of my book.

“A classic.” I say.

“Pride and Prejudice. I’ve never had the patients for that book, or movie.” He says walking over to the counter.

“No. You’re just ignorant.” I say smirking behind the book. I knew that he was glaring at me when I said that but I didn’t care. I called as I saw it.

“Have you got any plans today?” He asked getting a coffee and he sat on the other side of the island.

“No. Just hanging around the packhouse. Nothing more to do.” I say putting my book down. There’s plenty of work to get caught up on.” He says smiling at me.

“I don’t know why you’re smiling. I was planning on working today as well.” I say.

“Why aren’t you out with your friends?” He asked cautiously.

Well, I guess things have been a little strained since they believed those rumours about me instead of talking to me first. They know that I always tell the truth. No matter how bad it is. And I would have told them straight out if us two were hooking up. But they never asked and assumed the worst. And gave me the silent treatment because of it.” I explained still eating my breakfast. Well, that’s their loss then.” He says.

“Do you have much planned today?” I asked.

“There’s plenty of work to get caught up on.” He says smiling at me.

“I don’t know why you’re smiling. I was planning on working today as well.” I say.

Why aren’t you out with your friends?” He asked cautiously.

Well, I guess things have been a little strained since they believed those

Rumours about me instead of talking to me first. They know that I always tell the truth. No matter how bad it is. And I would have told them straight out if us two were hooking up. But they never asked and assumed the worst. And gave me the silent treatment because of it.” I explained still eating my breakfast.

“Well, that’s their loss then.” He says.

Do you have much planned today?” I asked.

“I have to go and meet with patrols and stuff like that. Do a few things around the pack. But that shouldn’t take more than a couple of hours.” He says.Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

‘Alright. Hopefully I’ll get the rest of those files inputting on to the computer today and that will be done with.” I say smiling at the thought of filing being done with the files on the pack members.

“What about your mother’s file?” He asked looking up at me.

“I’ll get it done too. But it might be left until last.” I say.

“Are you going to tell me what happened between you two?” He asked. And I looked down at my plate of food.

She kept a secret that she shouldn’t have. She should have told me.” I say slowly chewing my food.

Alright then. When you’re ready to talk about it, then you know that I’m here.” He says.

“I know.” I say.

After I finished breakfast I cleaned the kitchen and then I headed to the office and I got started with work and Alpha Jackson got dressed and headed out to do his pack business.

I was sitting in the office for hours before I finally finished all the files. Including my mothers. And it mentioned in there her mates, past and present, and children and father of the children. So I kept to the file and said that Thomas was my father. I didn’t know what else to put. Things were too messed up at the moment for me to actually put down the truth. I didn’t even know my real father’s name, so that wasn’t going to help me either.

When I was finished with the files I put them in the filing cabinet and then I grabbed a hold of a notebook that was sitting on the coffee table and it was full of all the pack members and their roles in the pack. So I opened up a different document and started inputting all this information as well. So we could see who is a warrior and stuff like that. And it would be easier to work out rosters as well. Because the people that managed the businesses in town didn’t do any of that, apparently Alpha

Jackson did. Which explains why he is always so god damn busy with paper work. He is controlling every aspect of this pack.

I wondered how long he was going to be able to keep this up before giving himself a heart attack. Because I honestly didn’t know.

When Alpha Jackson got back to the packhouse he came to the office and handed me a coffee and he sat behind his desk and started looking at some paper work that was piled up there again.

“How the hell did you get those cuts on your hand?” I asked looking at him concerned thinking that something had gone wrong today.

“Oh. It’s nothing. They’ll be healed soon. “He says glancing at them before he glanced back at the paperwork.

My phone then went off and then went off again and then went off again. I was getting bombarded with messages. But I ignored them all until I saw Parker’s name.

PARKER – Alpha Jackson just took Missy away. Said something about her sending photos and that she was not on suspended but under arrest. He took her away while she was in the diner.

I didn’t answer the message but I looked up at Alpha Jackson and he looked like he was troubled but he was working hard to get back on top of his work that he was falling behind on. Mainly my fault because I took off last night.

“What are you staring at?” He asked putting the pages down in front of him and looking straight at me.

“Missy gave you those scratches. What did you do with her?” I asked. Is that why you’re phone’s going off like that? Everyone is messaging you to tell you what just happened?” He asked.

“Yeah. Afraid so.” I say. And he growled lowly in his chest. He wasn’t happy about it at all.

Thank you.” I say before I looked back at the book in front of me and kept working on what I was doing. And I could tell that he was looking at me but I was going to pretend like it was no big deal. He didn’t want it to be a big deal.

A little while after that I got another message from Emily.

EMILY – Hey, I hope you don’t still hate me. I am having a party at my place tonight. I’d really like you to come.

ME – I’ll try and stop by. I’ll see what I’m doing.

EMILY – Okay. I might see you tonight then.

When I finished work for the day I went upstairs to my room and I was sitting around thinking about whether or not I was going to go to the party or not. And then I decided that I would go to it. It’s been too long since I went out and let my hair out.

So I went to the bathroom and I had a quick shower and when I got out I sat in front of the vanity wearing a towel and I straightened my hair, which I don’t do very often. And then I put on some make- up to party in and I went into my wardrobe.

I got dressed into a black and blue vertical lined ankle length strapless dress and tan wedges. So I walked down the stairs carefully in these damn shoes and I went to the office.

Come in.” Alpha Jackson sang out. So I opened the door and he looked up quickly and then went back to his paperwork. But then snapped his head up again.

“Wow. Where are you going?” He asked shocked sitting back in his chair.

Emily is having a party at her place. I thought I might stop by.” I say.

Okay. That sounds like a good idea.” He says looking me up and down.

Are you alright?” I asked smirking. And he finally snapped his head back up to my eyes.

“Oh, yeah. I’m fine. Have fun tonight.” He says.

So I left the packhouse and I walked to Emily’s house and the party was already in full swing. I walked inside and Emily came running up to me and hugged me.

” I can’t believe that you actually came here.” She says.

Yeah. I thought I might come and check it out.” I say.

I’m so glad that you did. Everyone is here.” She says as I started scanning the rooms. And I saw Missy’s friends standing across the room glaring at me.

“Yeah. I can see that.” I say turning back to her.

They invited themselves. I’m sorry.” She says.

“It’s fine. So, where are the drinks at?” I asked walking further into the kitchen.

Absolutely. The kitchen.” She says. So we headed to the kitchen and we got a couple of drinks and that’s where we met up with Parker, Caleb and Aria. And I ended up hitting the dance floor with them and we were dancing around the living room like I didn’t have a care in the world. I was actually having fun for once.

Being on the dance floor moving to the music felt freeing and it was so easy to just forget all my problems. Parker, Caleb and Aria were great for having a good time. But when my drink was finished I went to the kitchen to get another one and then I saw a guy standing over the room staring at me.

I had seen him around school but I wasn’t too sure who he was. He kept to himself all the time and I was starting to feel

really uneasy with him standing there staring at me. And as I started walking back towards the living room to where my friends were he stood in front of me. blocking my way.

“Can I help you with something?” I asked.

“I was just wanting to meet you. That’s all.” He says showing a high level of confidence.

“Well, my friends are waiting. So, maybe we can try this some other time.” I say trying to get past him. But he stopped me again and wouldn’t let me pass.

“What’s wrong with now? It’s a party. Isn’t this what we do at a party? Get to know other people? Have fun?” He asked.

I was having fun. With my friends.” I say.

“Well, maybe you could have fun with me.” He says reaching out and touching my hair. But I took a step back.

“Do you know who I am?” I asked.

“Of course I do. Taylor Stevenson.” He says.

“Well, if you know who I am then you know not to touch me unless I give you permission.” I say.

Sorry. I’m not trying to start anything.” He says. And I looked at him a little weird and I turned around to see Missy’s friends standing on the other side of the kitchen watching me and this guy with too much enthusiasm.

Immediately I knew that something wasn’t right. They never paid this much attention to me. And I know that one of them had to have taken those photos of Missy and the Alpha. And send them to me. So they would be especially pissed that the Alpha had now arrested Missy because of everything that she had been doing.

I looked back at the guy in front of me and he didn’t seem to be budging at all. So I took a drink of my drink and he smiled at me.

Come on. Why don’t we go and have some fun of our own?” He asked. But I looked in my cup. I realized that I was looking at those girls’ for a while and I wasn’t paying attention to the guy.

Why does this drink taste like wolfsbane?” I asked. And his face dropped immediately.

“What are you talking about?” He asked.

“You just spiked my drink.” I say to him and he looked at the girls and then back at me.

How the hell do you even know what wolfsbane taste like?” He asked.

“Because I’ve been shot with a dart that had wolfsbane in it. I could taste the shit in my mouth afterwards.” I explained. And his mouth dropped.

I looked back at the girls and when I turned back to look at the guy I punched him in the face and he was thrown back against the wall.

Parker, Emily, Aria and Caleb all ran over to me and wanted to know what the hell happened. And the second I mentioned wolfsbane, Caleb called for the warriors.

They were patrolling nearby so it only took them moments to get there and I was surprised when Alpha Jackson walked into the house as well. He was there within minutes and the packhouse was a lot further away than that. He must have run the whole way there. But he came straight over to me.

“Are you alright?” He asked.

“Yeah. You know that shit doesn’t affect me.” I whispered to him. And then he turned his evil glare on the guy that spiked my drink and turned to face him fully.

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