Mated To My Childhood Bully

Rex Finds Out

A Week Later

Hazel had a worried look on her face. Axel was still nowhere to get found and it was her birthday already.

He had promised her that he would be back before her birthday and she had been expecting him a week before that but he had not arrived and now it was her birthday but he still was not back from wherever he had gone to.

“It’s my birthday, where are you?” She sent the text message to him and tapped the phone against her palm.

“I am sure he would be here today. If he promised, then he would definitely keep his promise” Clarissa walked into the room.

They had settled the huge conflict between them over the week. Although Hazel was still keeping her at arm’s length, Clarissa was glad to at least be able to talk to her and have her respond.

“I hope so” Hazel mumbled.

Her phone beeped with a message and she hurriedly opened up the message box but was disappointed to find that it was not a message from Axel but a message from Rex.

She scoffed and rolled her eyes as she opened the message.

“Happy birthday to you. I am on my way to your house with a cake already!” The message read.

Hazel simply hissed and dropped the phone on the bed.

She could not believe how irritating Rex could be. After their last encounter a week ago, the both of them had not seen each other or reached out for each other and now he was coming over with a cake for her birthday… He was really insensible.

Hazel glanced at the wall clock. It was 8pm already.This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

Hazel walked a few steps towards the window, adjusting the clothes she was wearing. she was not holding a birthday party because to her, no one liked her that much and her birthday party would simply be empty. It was better not to hold one.

The only reason she had dressed up was in anticipation for that one man, her mate but it seemed like he was not going to be showing up that night.

“Hazel” Clarissa called, walking up to her.

She placed a hand on her shoulder.

“You have had your wolf side now, why don’t you want to show it to me?” Clarissa questioned.

She was extremely curious as to why Hazel had refused to show her wolf side to her.

“I just don’t want to show it now, maybe I would do so later” she mumbled her response since she, herself had no idea about the reason she was hiding her wolf side from the others.

An hour later.

“Clarissa, maybe you should leave now. It’s late already, you should go home. Thanks for coming to spend my birthday with me” she flashed her a faint smile.

“I could stay the night if you want” Clarissa offered.

“There is no need for that. I would not want to hold you back. You should leave”

Clarissa sighed heavily and picked up her bag.

“I will take my leave now” she mumbled and headed for the door.

Hazel let her body sink into the couch. She closed her eyes, with a sigh.

“Why is he not here?” She whispered to herself and as soon as she had whispered that question, a knock came on the door.

Hazel got off the couch with a smile spreading her lips in an instant. She literally flew towards the door, thinking that it had to be Axel but when she got closer, she stopped.

Axel would never knock since he knew her passcode and that scent… It was not his scent.

She opened the door anyways and found that it was Rex. She had almost forgotten about his message from earlier.

“Hazel” Rex called with a smile, a smile that looked creepy just like his thoughts were at the moment..

He raised the box of a small cake up in his hands.

Hazel sighed as he walked into her home. Struggling with him was going to be of no use since he was going to win the struggle eventually.

He walked to her living room and sat on her favorite sofa. Hazel bit on her lips as she stared at him.

“You should have known that I do not want to see you anymore but it is a good thing that you are here today”


“Yes, because it is giving me chance to end things that never started anyways. Let’s break up what we never had”

Rex brows raised and he got off the sofa moving towards her.

“You cannot break up with me” he shook his head.

“And why is that? Axel already told you that I am his mate, right? I do not plan on having any other love partner apart from my mate”

“Then what do you about all the time and efforts that I have spent on you?” Rex asked.

“Time? Efforts? On me?” She scoffed.

“You must think I am stupid, you must think I am a fool. I was wrong about you right from the start. This so called relationship should have never been. You have not seen me or heard from me in a week and you call this a relationship? I am sorry but if this is what you call a relationship, I do not want to be in one with you” she added.

“When you are done with whatever you are here to do, please kindly leave.” She turned towards the stairs to leave but she had only walked a few steps when his hand grabbed her arm harshly.

“What makes you think that you can discard me?!” Rex growled at her.

“Let go of me!” She struggled to get out of his grip.

“What makes you think that you can date me and discard me when you want to?!”

“Because I have seen that you do not love me! And I do not love you too!” She yelled in his face.

“Yes, that’s right” he let out a creepy grin.

“I do not love you at all and I have never loved you. I only dated you to take you away from Axel who is heads over heels for you” he admitted and Hazel felt her heart squeezing in pain.

“You bastard!” She slapped his face with her other free hand but she regretted it immediately as he slapped her back as soon as she had slapped him.

She gasped with slightly parted lips.

“You think I will let you go back to Axel now?? You think I will leave the both of you to fucking live happily?! No!” He spat.

“When tomorrow comes, I might not be able to grab you but for tonight, I am able to and I will” he grinned and trailed his fingers on her cheeks.

“Let go of me!” She struggled with him, feeling creeped out by his actions.

“Axel has not gone to bed with you yet, has he? Why don’t you give the cherry of yours to me then, your boyfriend?” He asked and tears dropped from Hazel’s eyes.

“What the hell are you saying?! Let go of me!!” She cried out.

She was faced with two options, allow Rex touch her and have his way with her or shift into her wolf form and damn whatever the unknown consequences were just to make sure he did not have his way with her.

Hazel could not take it when he fondled her boobs, she let out a growl and shifted into his wolf form, getting out of his grip immediately.

Rex eyes widened as she shifted fully in front of him.

“You…. You are not…. You are not one of us”

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