Mafia Desire (Erotica)


My only other personal stop while there was at a jewelry store, where I spotted Amy’s Christmas present in a display window. It was a beautiful white gold necklace with a teardrop shaped sapphire at its center, a small diamond rested on either side of the sapphire in the white gold setting. I thought it would really go well with several of the dresses I had seen her wear, and it would definitely complement her beautiful blue eyes.

I certainly looked out of place as I walked into the store. I had been hauling wooden shipping crates out of the back of a rental truck all morning, and I was dressed accordingly. The woman behind the counter shot me a look of disdain when I walked in wearing paint splattered khakis with a hole in one knee and my faded Einsturzende Neubauten shirt that I’d finally managed to reclaim from Amy. I guess I didn’t look like a customer worthy of her trying to earn a commission from. She raised a surprised eyebrow when I pointed out the sapphire necklace that I wanted to see. The look on her face when I pulled out the cash to purchase it was even more amusing.

“Must be quite a girl.” She commented with a smile as she rang up my purchase.

“She definitely is,” I smiled back, still amused at her abrupt change of attitude.

She placed the necklace in a fancy jewelry box and placed that in what I considered to be an unnecessarily fancy black shopping bag along with my receipt and some sort of paperwork that proved the authenticity of the stones used in the necklace. I guessed these things mattered for something, but I wasn’t about to ask the woman, providing her the satisfaction of knowing that I was indeed a low rent college student who was out of his depth in a place such as this. I spent the rest of my time in Chicago paranoid that I’d forget her gift there or that someone would steal it. It may have been the most expensive thing I had ever purchased, not counting my used car. I really hoped she liked it. It would be a hell of a drive to return it, I chuckled to myself.

* * *

Christmas time was always a big deal in our household, mostly due to our mother, who insisted on decorating the place up every year. She also insisted on live trees, which always made the living room smell pleasant and inviting. And made a hell of a mess, but that was another story. Despite our ages, our mother insisted on having Christmas stockings on the mantle every year. Even the stairs wound up with Christmas lights and garland wrapped up along the railings. It was quite a bit of overkill, in my opinion. But whatever. Hauling all that shit down out of the attic in boxes every year was one of the few things that my father and I ever did together, which strangely, made me look forward to it.

More than once, I’d come home from working for Dr. Miller to find Christmas music playing on the system in the living room and my mother singing along while she worked on dinner in the kitchen. This often led to me hauling ass to the relative safety of my room and, more importantly, the safety of the music collection residing on my laptop. In prior years, Amy would be squirreled away in her bedroom with her own music playing to block out the godawful supposedly joyful noise from downstairs. These days, she would hide out in my room with me most of the time. Not that she wouldn’t have any other time of the year anyway.

She wasn’t hiding at the moment, although she was in my room. She was stretched out face down on my bed, sleeping in her sweat pants and one of the many shirts she’d stolen from me. Our parents had left for my father’s company Christmas party about an hour before, while I was still out helping John re-arrange stuff at his apartment to make space for his new roommate’s furniture that was much better than the used crap that John had been using. When I arrived home, I thought the house was empty at first, until I got to my bedroom and discovered my lovely little sister asleep in my bed.

Now I was faced with a number of choices, many of them comical, and a couple of them sexual. Taking in the beautiful curves of her ass against the fabric of her sweatpants, the comical options pretty much went out the window. I sat gently on the edge of the bed and tucked an errant lock of her hair behind her ear.

“Hmm…” she purred and a small smile appeared on her lips. “You’re home.”

I ran my hand lovingly down her back, without any real agenda beyond just enjoying the feel of her. She yawned and performed a long, cat-like, full body stretch with her arms far above her head. It caused the shirt she was wearing to pull up exposing a bit of her midriff. My hand moved to the newly exposed patch of skin and was about to give the newly exposed flesh a gentle rub when she suddenly flinched away from me, writhing and giggling like mad.

“That tickles!” she squealed.

“So much for the gentle wake up call. My bad.” I chuckled.This text is © NôvelDrama/.Org.

“You’re gonna have to come over here and make it up to me.” She replied, giving me a sly, seductive look.

I smirked as I crawled up onto the bed next to her. I dropped my hands to her sides again, sliding them under her shirt while ensuring that I used enough force to avoid tickling her this time.

“Can you give me a back rub, baby?” She asked after we made out for a few moments.

“No problem,” I reply as I move to straddle her back legs just below her ass and start rubbing her lower back, palms wide,

“Mmm… That feels good.” She moaned, as my hands moved across her back, massaging her.

Amy reached down and pulled her shirt up over her head and dropped it up by my pillow, giving me more access to her back. She hadn’t been wearing a bra. I increased my efforts at giving a legitimate back rub, only now I was occasionally planting a kiss on her spine as I worked.

I worked my way up her sides, allowing my fingertips to drift down along her sides to graze the soft flesh where her breasts pushed out to the side from beneath her. I kneaded her muscles gently with the balls of my thumbs and she let out a groan of relaxation. By now, I was bending down hovering above her, my crotch resting on her ass. I paused just long enough to pull my shirt off and drop it to the floor. Then I settled back down on top of her, running my hands up her sides, along her arms, and sliding my hands over hers to grip them. My lips pressed to the back of her neck, kissing her in a soft line across her neck, making my way to her jaw. I kissed my way up to her ear, My lips found her earlobe and after whispering how much I loved her, I sucked on it gently.

Amy let out a slight moan, appreciating my touch. Her hands moved down the bed to her waist, hooking her thumbs into the band of her sweatpants and sliding them down her hips. She hadn’t had any underwear on either. I let out a slow breath of appreciation as her beautiful ass came into view. I moved off of her so that she could slide her sweats off the rest of the way and stood to unbuckle my pants, dropping them to the floor. She gave my erection a hungry look and scooted over to sit on the edge of the bed and quickly wrap her lips around it.

“Oh god, Amy,” I groaned as her mouth took me in and her tongue began swirling around the head of my cock. “That feels amazing!”

She dropped a hand between her legs and began rubbing herself, moaning softly around my cock. After sucking my member in long measured strokes for a few minutes, she somewhat begrudgingly released my cock from her mouth and moved back on the bed, beckoning me toward her with a curled finger and a seductive smile.

I moved back onto the bed next to her, and scooted into her open arms. We kissed, deeply and passionately, for several minutes as our hands roamed each others’ bodies freely. Gently rolling her onto her back, I began placing small kisses and licks on her neck. My lips worked their way down along her shoulder. I brought a hand up to cup one of her creamy breasts, massaging her nipple as I caught it gently between my thumb and forefinger. She released a high pitched moan in response.

“I love the way your hands feel on me.” She breathed. “I love… your mouth.” Her voice seemed to tremble each time my lips touched her flesh. I relished, without ego, that I could have that effect on her.

I smiled to myself as my mouth continued to travel across her chest, making its way to her other breast. I fastened my mouth over her nipple, tracing it’s outline with my tongue. Her breath quickened and one of her hands cupped the back of my head gently in appreciation. I felt her hips grinding her lower body up against my stomach as I bathed her nipple lovingly with my tongue. I caught the nipple between my lips and pulled on it gently. Her hips bucked hard against my stomach in response as she gasped sharply, and I began to smell her arousal.

As I made my way down her stomach, placing kisses down to the base of her hips, one of her hands started massaging her breasts while the other grabbed the bed sheet in a fist. Amy gasped loudly when I placed a kiss directly next to the top of her pelvic bone, a spot I had discovered was a highly erogenous zone for her. She was now writhing under my touch, her breath anxious in anticipation. I finally reached her beautiful, hairless lips and blew a hot breath of air across them. Her stomach fluttered visibly in response and her body tensed, waiting for me to make my move. Instead of the move she was probably expecting, I hooked my arms under her legs and cupped her wonderful ass in my hands. Her legs now rested on my shoulders as I raised her pelvis up from the bed toward my face.

She let out a mild yelp of surprise, followed by a loud moan as my tongue parted her folds in a series of long, slow licks. I thrust my tongue deep into her, drinking in her secretions as her body arched before me. I brought my lips up to her clitoris, circling it with my tongue, teasing it with light licks. Amy bucked her hips against my face, her body heaving in desire as my tongue spelled out my love for her.

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