Lustful Affairs (Erotica)

Sex with a doctor

Lillian glanced at the clock for about the hundredth time in the last twenty minutes. She was supposed to get her physical at 4:00, but it was 4:20 and her doctor hadn’t appeared yet. She wished the doctor would show up soon-she was kinda nervous, honestly. Her friends had all told them their tales about how you had to take off their clothes and put on a paper robe/covering that had no sides.

“It’s like a long piece of rectangular tissue paper, only a little harder, no sides! It’s so awkward, but since I had a woman for the doctor, it was a bit better, I guess.” Her friend had told her. So, since the fifth grade, Lillian had sworn that she’d never, ever get a physical. And as the years went by, and her body changed from flat chested to pretty big B cups, no pubic hair to pubic hair, no curves to curvy-the feeling of not wanting a physical only increased. However, now she was a freshman, and in order to play a school sport, it was required of her to have a physical before, and Lillian had gotten on the girls lacrosse team-varsity. She only had today to have a physical, because today was Sunday and she had school the next day, and the forms were due tomorrow-no late excuses-and she had put it off until today. So reluctantly, she had allowed her mother to schedule an appointment, and here she was, waiting for her doctor, who was twenty minutes late. She was getting more and more nervous by the minute. However, she wasn’t the only one feeling harassed. Her mother was fiddling with her purse’s strap, also nervous, and she had to pick up her younger brother, Mark from his Little League Baseball practice, but the field was a half hour away, she had to leave now, or be late, which her mother hated.

Suddenly, a woman in white pants and shirt emerged from the door. Lillian half rose, along with her mother, who muttered, “Will you be fine on your own? I really, really need to pick up Mark. I’ll be back in around and hour and a half, and that’s how long the doctor said it would be.”

Lillian was nodding a “yes” to her mom when the nurse said, “I’m so, so sorry, but the doctor you requested, Dr. Jenny, was pregnant, and her water broke about a half hour ago. We couldn’t find any female replacements and…well, we have Dr. Jake here today. Do you mind having a physical with him? Or would you like to reschedule? We have another doctor coming in at 5:00, and she’s female.”

Lillian looked, torn, between her mom and the nurse. She didn’t want to make her mother wait any more, but she also needed this physical now, and she knew her mom wouldn’t let her wait for the doctor till five by herself, but she didn’t want to be with a man for her physical. However, seeing the pained look on her mom’s face that came with being late for something, she put on a brave face and said, “No, that’s…that’s fine. I’ll go with Dr. Jake.”

Her mom beamed and pecked her on the cheek. “Thanks so much,” she said, and practically ran out of the room.

The nurse smiled and led her to a room, and took her school physical form. After anxiously waiting for five minutes, the door opened, and a man around the age of his early thirties walked in. He seemed pretty fit for his age, and seeing her, he smiled.

“Hey, there. I’m sorry about your doctor, but I promise that we’ll be fine.” He winked and walked over to the end of the room and pulled the blinds closed.

Lillian pasted on a fake smile. Dr. Jake walked back over and looked at the clipboard he was carrying.

“Lillian Cordell. What a lovely name.” to which Lillian blushed and thanked him.

“Lillian, now could you take off your clothes? I know it’s awkward, but since I’m a doctor, I think you shouldn’t be nervous.”

Lillian however, was very nervous. But, she stood up and looked around the room, as if expecting a dressing room to appear. She also looked at Dr. Jake, expecting him to give her the tissue paper robe her friends told her about.

“But…Dr. Jake…” she started

“Please, call me Jake,” He interrupted.

“…Don’t…Don’t you give us a- cover up or something? And where do I go to-to change?”Text © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

Dr. Jake laughed, like she had something funny. “No need for that. Others use that, but honestly, I think it’s really stupid. Why have cover ups when you’re going to be seeing everything anyways? And no, just change in here.”

Lillian almost asked for a cover up, still, but she didn’t want him to think she was stupid, or something.

So she reluctantly unzipped her sweater, revealing a very tight pink tank top that showed the outline of her bra. Dr. Jake didn’t look away; he just acted like he was taking notes while constantly looking up. Hesitantly, Lillian slowly took off her tank, baring a very lacy red bra-why had she worn that? Dr. Jake looked up and smiled at her, like she was a doll made for admiring. However, that smile set something off in Lillian’s guts. That wasn’t a regular smile. There was something to it, something…weird. Anyways, she slowly unbuttoned her jeans and slipped them off, revealing a bright red thong-great. What on earth had she been thinking? Wearing Victoria’s Secret Bra’s and thongs to a physical-she was crazy.

This was the first time she had ever been like this in front of anyone, even her friends-she was a virgin, after all.

Dr. Jake hadn’t looked away, as a matter of fact; he looked like he was studying her very closely.

Was it just Lillian, or was his gaze always flickering to her boobs?

Suddenly, he smiled and clapped his hands once. “Okay, time to start. Lillian, would you please sit on the bed for me?” Lillian walked over to the bed, which was very high up-most doctors had a stool to help her get up. Since she didn’t want to look dumb, she didn’t ask for a stool, because Dr. Jake was watching her, waiting for her to get up there. So, dumbfounded, she decided that she could jump a little to get up there. She turned with her back against the bed and jumped a few times, trying to get on there. She noticed that Dr. Jake was watching her breasts, and she realized that they were bouncing very much with her little jumps as she attempted to get on the bed. She turned a bright red. Dr. Jake smiled and said, “Need a little help?”

Sighing with relief, Lillian nodded and smiled. “Yes, please.” She thought Dr. Jake would get her a stool but instead, he walked over to her, placed one hand between her legs, the heel of his hand on her pussy and his fingers on her ass, one hand wrapped around her, pressing her to him and mushing her breasts to his chest and picked her up that way and plopped her on the table with enough force to make her boobs bounce a bit. This happened so fast that Lillian didn’t have time to react, and as soon as he had stopped to watch her breasts bounce, he turned around to go get his clip board.

Lillian sat, shocked. That had seemed like and odd way to pick someone up, and her pussy tingled from his touch. Since he was turned around, she sneaked a peak down there-oh god, she was wet!!

She had heard her friends saying that when they saw a cute guy or saw kissing on TV, but she had never had the experience herself. Shocked and embarrassed, she pressed her legs together tightly and waited for Dr. Jake.

He turned around and smiled and sat down on a chair and asked her questions ranging from smoking to her sex life. When he got to the “Are you a virgin?” question and she said that she was, she swore she saw him smile in the weirdest way ever, but she couldn’t put her finger on why.

Then he got up and did regular doctor stuff, like taking her blood pressure and checking her ears and mouth. After all that, suddenly, he reached behind her and undid her bra so fast she didn’t have time to respond. He pulled her bra off with just as much speed and skill and dropped it on the ground. In the end, all Lillian got out in response was: “You-I-uh-I-Wha?”

Dr. Jake grinned. “Sorry, time for your breast test to see if you have breast cancer. But don’t worry, you’re too young, we just want to make sure your breasts are doing okay.”

Numbly shocked, Lillian nodded. Dr. Jake put his hands forward and massaged her breasts slowly. Was that part of the test? Instead of looking stupid and asking, Lillian remained silent and let him continue. He cupped a breast and slowly outlined it, feeling it slowly with his warm hand and then went to the nipple, which to Lillian’s horror, was rock hard.

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