Lustful Affairs (Erotica)

Ranch tour

“Come on, Domino, you can do it!” Jenny urged with a flick of the reins. But the spotted palomino stallion took several steps in reverse, tossing its head with a snort. “He won’t go!” the blonde cutie huffed with frustration.

Natalie, the younger sister, looked dubiously at the narrow suspension bridge that Jenny was attempting to coax her mount across. Barely wide enough for a single person and swinging precariously in the wind, the structure didn’t appear inviting for a creature of the equine persuasion. Astride her grey appaloosa, Pepper, Natalie turned a worried glance up the other direction on the trail. A steep, rocky slope loomed. Hand and footholds abounded for a human, but it would be a treacherous ascent for a horse.

The day had started pleasantly enough, a warm spring day in beautiful mountain country. The two girls were on holiday at a tourist ranch and had signed up for a guided horseback tour into the mountains. Their father had accompanied them on this vacation, but had also brought along his possessive new girlfriend. She was commanding all of Daddy’s attention so the two sisters had signed up for the horse tour on their own.

Somehow they had lagged behind and became separated from the tour group. A wrong turn onto a side trail had led them even further astray. Eventually the little-used pathway had dwindled and run out, leaving the two girls and their horses lost in the unfamiliar woods. Calling out for help, their voices seemed swallowed up by the vastness of the wilderness and the sensation of being truly on their own washed over them. Eventually they had stumbled over the hiking trail where they now stood. But with an impassible footbridge spanning a river chasm in one direction, and a dangerously rugged climb in the other, the pathway seemed to offer no solution for their horses.

Ever hopeful, Jenny once again fished her cell phone from the saddlebag, holding the device up high in an attempt to capture an elusive signal. Numerous previous attempts had failed, but suddenly her expression brightened. “Nats! I got one bar!” she exclaimed to her sibling. Natalie cheered as her older sister dialed the number to the tourist ranch.

A painful delay dragged on as the phone struggled to complete the weak connection. Finally the subdued purr of a ring could be heard and a gravelly voice on the other end offered “Trail’s End Ranch,” in greeting.

“Ummm, Hi, ah, this is Jenny. We were like on your horseback tour this morning, but we kind of got lost from the group and now we’re not sure how to get back.”

“You got to speak (crackle) Can barely (static) you.” The voice replied.

Jenny repeated her message, elevating her tone.

“OK, can you (fizz, pop) landmarks?”

“Landmarks… ah… We’re on some sort of trail,” Jenny offered. There’s this rope bridge and…”

“Cutter’s Bridge,” the voice confirmed. “Yeah, that’s not (silence) horse trail.” A crinkling noise arose in the background, the sound of a map being unfolded. “But (crackle) in luck. (silence) old mining camp a mile up river. (hissing) trail will lead you right down to the ranch. But it’s steep. (crackling) to walk the horses down. And you’ll need to keep them calm. If they spook, they’ll take you (static) the edge.

Jenny nodded. “Wow. OK. So how do we do keep them calm?” she asked. A prolonged silence drew out. “Hello? Are you still there?” With a look of dismay she inspected the screen then turned to her sister. “It cut out,” she explained. Several attempts to redial the call failed. The cantankerous phone had once again lost its tentative connection to the outside world.

Natalie gave her older sister a worried look. Neither of the girls was an experienced rider and it seemed like they were in over their heads. But Jenny pasted on a smile of faux confidence. “It sounds simple,” she explained. “Like the guy said, we just follow this cliff along the river for a mile or so to that old mining town. From there, we take the trail down into the river valley and right back the ranch.” Natalie nervously chewed her lower lip as she glanced down over the edge of the ravine, noting the deep drop to the small river far below. But lacking other options, she agreed.

“Cheer up!” Jenny chirped. “It will be like an adventure!” Her eyes beamed and the pretty blonde seemed almost giddy with excitement. “Let’s go, Domino!” she called, coaxing her stallion into a turn with a tug on the reins. Then she set off back into the woods, tracking along the edge of the steep drop off. Less enthused, Natalie motivated Pepper into motion with a nudge of her knees and the male appaloosa dutifully fell into marching order behind her sister’s horse. Through breaks in the trees, the girls could see hints of a narrow, winding trail in the valley below, twisting its way upward along the ridgelines of the jagged terrain.

In the lead, Jenny chattered nervously. The girl was an adrenaline junkie, so this little misadventure was fuel for her fire. “Isn’t it exciting, Nats?” the older sister exclaimed, twisting around in the saddle towards her sibling. Natalie couldn’t help but grin in response. The evidence of Jenny’s excitement was hard to miss. Clad in a clinging, low-cut white tee shirt, her large breasts bobbed in time with the measured pace of her stallion. The thin material and enticing jiggle of the flesh within clearly betrayed the lack of a bra. Fully erect nipples sat proud on those firm tits, projecting clearly through the tight top. Natalie gave a wistful sigh, wishing her own petite build was more like her sister’s stunningly curvy form.

The older sister once more turned her attention forward, moving on through the woods. Although relatively new to the rigors of horseback, Jenny seemed to have found the natural rhythm of her mount. Natalie smirked as she watched the alluring sight. Was it her imagination, or was Jenny adding a bit of extra “grind” each time her tight pink shorts bounced lightly in the saddle?

Licking her lips, Natalie urged her horse in closer for a better look. Closing the distance, the subtle motions of Jenny’s hips betrayed the truth. With each rhythmic oscillation, horse and rider moved in synchronized motion. Jenny posted up in the saddle and then eased back down, slightly leaning forward and grinding her loins along the polished leather, curvaceous hips rolling in a sexual sway. As if lost in a trance, Natalie could not look away. Feeling like a secret voyeur, she felt her heart rate increase with forbidden lust and her loins responded with a minor shudder as she felt her pussy begin to moisten.

Soon the girls encountered another trail, leading them onward. The ride was accomplished without incident and ahead through the trees the first hints of weathered wooden buildings came into view. Perhaps once an old mining town, the antique village had obviously been turned into a tourist attraction by the ranch. A freshly painted sign spanned across the trail, proclaiming the place to be the less-than-creatively named ABANDONED MINING TOWN. Other whimsical names adorned the various structures, advertising ice cream and cold sodas at the SHOOT-EM-UP SALOON, while the TENDERFOOT ROADHOUSE promised fudge, souvenirs, and tee shirts. However, the posted hours indicated the stores were only open on the weekend. This being a Tuesday, everything was locked up tight. The town did truly seem abandoned.NôvelDrama.Org holds this content.

Natalie pulled her stallion up next to Jenny’s. “You looked like you were working hard in that saddle back there,” she teased with a grin. Jenny flushed red with embarrassment, saying nothing. Natalie cast a glance down at her sister’s shorts, spotting a tell-tale stain of oozing female wetness in the crotch. Jenny caught the direction of Natalie’s look and turned a slightly darker shade of crimson. She urged Domino forward before her little sister could offer any other snarky comments. The palomino snorted and twitched its tail, putting a frisky spring in its stride.

A sign on the far side of town clearly marked the trail head, noting the main ranch house lay but a half mile hike down into the valley. The girls dismounted, guiding their horses by the reins. Still in the lead, Jenny coaxed Domino towards the narrow trail. But as he had done earlier at the swinging bridge, the stallion balked, sidestepping and turning in a circle in a show of protest. His flanks rippled as he tossed his head, stomping up a cloud of dust around his hooves as Jenny struggled to control him. Natalie’s mount, Pepper, seemed to pick up on the nervous energy of the lead horse, sniffing the air and tossing its mane.

“The guy from the ranch said we have to keep the horses calm to get safely down the trail,” Jenny exclaimed in a worried tone, nervously eyeing the steep descent.

Despite their predicament, Natalie couldn’t restrain her giggle. “Keeping your horse calm is going to be a problem with that huge hard on he’s sporting.”

Jenny glanced down, gasping in shock as she spotted the stallion’s massive erection bobbing below his belly. “It’s no worse than the boner on your horse,” she countered, pointing towards the haunches of Natalie’s appaloosa.

The two girls assessed the situation. Both stallions were in a nervous state, displaying enormous pricks, fully rigid and throbbing ominously. Domino’s was every bit of sixteen inches in length, colored in a patchwork of pale pink flesh and dark blotches. Natalie’s mount, Pepper, outdid his equine companion by a couple of inches, sporting an alarmingly huge horse cock entirely black in color. As the girls watched in fascination, a clear drop of fluid oozed from the tip of the grey appaloosa’s ebony prick, trailing slowly downward on a sticky thread, glistening in the late afternoon sun.

As Jenny bent over for a closer look at Pepper’s impressive dick, Domino approached unnoticed from behind. The pretty blonde let out a squeak of surprise as the stallion dipped his head and nuzzled its way between her creamy thighs. A long wet horse tongue extended, intimately dragging across the crotch of her tight pink shorts. The girl turned and stumbled in retreat, tripping and falling into an undignified position on her butt with her legs splayed wide. Domino shuffled in, once again pressing his muzzle firmly into her loins. Jenny giggled, half-heartedly trying to push the curious stallion away.

Natalie folded her arms across her chest, glaring at her older sister. The blonde sure was fun to look at, but never seemed to take anything seriously. “This is so totally your fault,” the little brunette accused.

Still wrestling with the persistent equine, Jenny glanced up, formulating a protest.

“The horses can smell you,” Natalie continued. “If you hadn’t been grinding your naughty little pussy in the saddle all the way here, the horses wouldn’t be completely horny and we could get on down that trail. Now we’re stuck here and we’ve only got a few hours of daylight left.”

Jenny finally managed to struggle to her feet, forcibly shoving Domino away as the stallion persistently kept coming after her steamy crotch. She put her hands on her hips in defiance, glaring at her younger sister. “If it’s all my fault, then how come you’re all creamy too?” she demanded. Natalie looked down, blushing as she saw the undeniable wetness staining the crotch of her tight jeans.

“Well, you started it. But anyway…” Natalie countered, hoping to change the subject. “Somehow we got to get these horses calm enough to get down that trail, and that’s not going to happen as long as they got those massive boners.”

“You think they might just go limp on their own?” Jenny hopefully inquired.

“I doubt it,” Natalie argued, feeling another trickle of vaginal wetness seep into her jeans. The sight of those huge, throbbing pricks was setting her loins to tingling. The horses both raised their heads, sampling the breeze. Pepper snorted, pawing at the ground in an agitated state.

Silence fell as the girls studied the two stallions. After a long moment, Jenny offered an idea in a tentative whisper. “You think maybe we could jack them off?”

Natalie’s eyes grew wide in shock as she maintained her gaze on those impressive cocks. “Can we do that? I mean, they’re horses. Does it work that way?”

Jenny shrugged. “I don’t know, but a cock is a cock, right?”

Natalie’s heart rate ratcheted up a notch. “I guess we could try it,” she agreed nervously, unable to tear her eyes away from Pepper’s rigid prick. The horse eyed the girl as if some unspoken communication had passed between them. His fleshy shaft twitched, bobbing higher as it swelled to an even stiffer state of erection.

Cautiously, the two girls approached the grey appaloosa. Sensing the tension in the air, the stallion shied away a few paces until Jenny’s soothing voice and a gentle caress of her fingers along its neck calmed its animal instincts. Natalie approached Pepper from the left, her fingers trailing lightly along his furry flank and then tentatively downward towards his belly. Muscles in the beast’s powerful haunches rippled nervously.

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