Lustful Affairs (Erotica)

Lost time

Louise hummed a light airy tune to mask her mounting anxieties as she went about making the bed in the upstairs guest room, her hands moving with a practised grace as she laid out linen and straightened edges, fluffing pillows and generally just wasting time, allowing her mind to wander as she worked.This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

Today was the day, she knew. The day her daughter, Willow, would be making her first visit back after leaving for college, the first time she’d have seen her in over a year. They had talked plenty and texted more besides during her time away, but given their unique relationship, her daughter’s absence had left a void in Louise’s life that she had struggled to fill with a long list of short lived romances and one night stands.

In her youth Louise had found herself ostracized for being different, despite almost being the picture child of American beauty, curved with brunette hair and the looks of a model, it had never made things easier. It didn’t matter how hard she tried to fit in, or how often she moved around, it was seemingly only a matter of time before people found out about her not so little secret, her cock, which had made finding friends difficult, and keeping them even more so.

As she had started to grow up It had made her life as a budding sexual nymphomaniac incredibly difficult, forcing her in the early years to rely almost exclusively on her own two hands, as it were, to help guide her through those formative years.

All that had changed for her however when she herself had gone to college. She had found the people there to be far more accepting of her for who she was and not what she had between her thighs and for the first time in her life, Louise had gotten a girlfriend, Jane, who not only accepted Louise’s extra package but had loved it.

Louise had believed for many years that their first encounter at a party had been random, it had only come to light years later that Jane had actually known about Louise’s extra something and sought her out for it.

Louise, from her conservative background, had been instantly intrigued by Janes exotic look, her pale skin, dark hair and darker accessories, which she would later discover to be ‘goth’ had caused her to stand out. That and the girl had flirted with Louise, teasing her, laughing with her and making her feel wanted and desired, both of which were alien sensations for her.

They had been all too eager to discover more of one another and their early college days were a blur of parties, alcohol and rampant, constant sex. Every morning, noon and night Louise would have Jane bent over a table, laid on her back or riding on top of her, their bodies mingling in a constant state of ecstasy and lust.

They had precious little actually in common, very few shared interests and entirely different lifestyles, their only mutual ground was their insatiable lust for the exotic nature they each saw in one another. It had been, for a while, like living in heaven. Except stickier.

Things, as is like to happen, had changed however, when her cute little gothic girlfriend had started to show a bump. A quick test later confirming their suspicions, that Jane was pregnant, her pale porcelain tummy expanding to accommodate their growing child.

Things had been difficult for them both in the early days of the pregnancy, while they still spent much of their time together fucking like rabbits, no longer concerning themselves with the need for protection only serving to enhance the experience, they had tried too to spend more and more time together, trying to be a couple, trying to make it work.

For Louise, this had been the best part of her life. Jane had been the only girlfriend she had actually had and while the sex was, without a doubt, absolutely amazing and the foundation of their relationship, she had never before experienced what it was like to have a girlfriend. To date, to cuddle, to be loved. She couldn’t have been happier, settling down with her gothic little love bunny.

For Jane, however, things had never sat quite right. She had always been adventurous, an explorer, pushing the boundaries of what she could and couldn’t get away with. Her gothic nature and choice of girlfriend, in the thick dicked Louise showing her desire to experience life outside the norm. But now, with a child growing inside of her, the path that lay ahead was one of domestication, and that had frightened her.

But she had truly loved Louise and for her and the sake of her child, had stuck with it.

They had never married but had together finished college, Louise going to work in accounting and Jane drawing art from home. Between them, in their own odd little way, they had become a little family.

Willow had been born and it had quickly been determined that despite the presence of a penis, it was likely that the child would develop feminine aspects like Louise herself and they had decided to raise their child, Willow, as their daughter.

They had lived their lives and grown up together, Willow growing up to look more and more with each passing day like Jane, but more and more with her mother’s gift.

As the years passed things had begun to change between Jane and Louise. As Willow had grown up, they had become increasingly distant, virtually never sleeping together and even when they did it was lacklustre, a spark missing.

It was incredibly difficult for Louise, who was by her nature a very sexually charged creature, after years of constant, amazing sex, to find herself once more relying on her own hands. But she had endured, for her two girls.

When Willow came into her teenage years the rift between Jane and her family had deepened. While she was never aggressive or violent, it was clear she saw in Willows youthful eagerness a lost chance at a life of her own, unable to suppress thoughts of what could’ve been, might’ve been and maybe even should’ve been.

When the separation came Louise was left in devastation, despite the growing rift between them Louise had always reasoned they would find a way and make it work, but that had never come. While willow too was upset, she had had to be the strong one for Louise.

Willow and Louise had, in Jane’s sudden absence, grown closer, relying more and more on each other to fill the void that Jane had left in their family and though they were both upset with her leaving, their own bond had deepened, able to relate with one another on a much deeper level than any other mother daughter pairing. Not only were they all each other had in the family, but with their extra gifts, it often felt they were all each other had in the world.

It had all come to a head on WIllows eighteenth birthday. It had been odd, Louise had thought, that Willow had chosen to spend her birthday evening in with her mom and not with the small group of friends she had managed to cultivate, but nevertheless, Louise was grateful to be there with her on such an important day. They had had a wonderful evening together, watching films, drinking wine, cuddling and then, well, it was like.

Louise had been transported back to her own youth. Something between them had snapped and, like that party night so many years before, they had discovered each other, a loving kiss deepening, holding hands caressing, an evening of love becoming an evening of lust.

Louise bit her lip as she repeatedly fluffed the pillows, her mind wandering back to that first night with her daughter and the many similar nights they had shared together before her daughter had gone away to college leaving her to peruse bars and seduce housewives to try and sate her needs, finding lust but never finding love. Her reverie was suddenly broken as she heard the sound of her front door echoing through the house, followed by a voice.

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