Lustful Affairs (Erotica)


It was summer, although in Connemara, Galway, Ireland that only meant slightly less drizzle than other times of the year. The wind buffeted the the small collection of houses affectionately referred to by my family as The Village. I lived in a large house in the middle of the cluster with my mum dad and my 18 year old sister Ciara. the other smaller bungalows were all occupied by my extended family. Five of them were occupied my My Dads brothers and sisters, Bree, Erin, Finlay, Bran, and Dara along with their families. Bree and Erin were young newly wed couples that were both trying to start a family, Finlay and Dara both had 2 young children each with ages ranging from 2 to 9. Bran had a son Kevin who was my age, 19. there were two further cottages that my dads cousin Liam and Kelly lived in. Liam and his wive didn’t have children and showed no interest in wanting them, although they were happy to help take care of all the other children around. Kelly had two twin boys Sean and Aidan who were the same age as Ciara.

It had been easy to build new houses on the family land and the family had been so close that building the houses and living in a small community together had seemed like the natural thing to do. We were still a close family and would regularly gather in the big house to drink, sing and be merry. I was nervous about going off to university in Dublin next Autumn because it would mean leaving behind the very tight nit family environment I had grown up in, however I was determined to enjoy the long summer stretching out ahead of me.

It was a mildly overcast day in early summer when it all started. I pulled on my well used parka jacket, and stepped out into the paved courtyard between the houses with its distinctive jagged stone sticking up through the middle. The fresh sea breeze hit me immediately and I smiled as I inhaled the salty air. I strode across the courtyard to Uncle Bran’s house and opened the door, we didn’t bother knocking in The Village. I stuck my head inside “KEVIN” I yelled inside

“ONE SEC” his voice replied from deeper inside.

Aunt Ashling, Bran’s wife stuck her head out of a doorway frowning “Katie, you don’t have to yell, this isn’t a big house.”

“Sorry, but you know what Kevin’s like when he gets his head stuck in a book”

“True I think the house could collapse into the Sea and Kevin wouldn’t notice if he had his nose in a book” we laughed and then burst out laughing again as Kevin emerged from his room pulling on a worn brown leather jacket while still managing to read a thick book. He finished pulling on the jacket and looked up from the book only just noticing us still giggling.

“huh?” he questioned

“oh just put the book down and lets go” I said pulling him out of the house. Me and Kevin had grown up together and were like brother and sister and best friends.

We chatted aimlessly as we wandered down to the small dock my family had, with practiced actions we untied and cast off in the distinctive small black boat with a fresh sea blue trim. Kevin took the oars and pulled us expertly out of the dock into the swell of the Atlantic ocean. This was a trip we had done many times before, we headed out to on of the small islands that dot the western coast of Ireland.

This was our place, were you could be assured of total privacy no one else ever came here and even if one of the family had wanted to we only had one boat so once we were gone we were alone. We liked the sense of independence this gave us and as much as we both loved the family it was nice to have a bit of time alone where no adults could find you and ask you to do some chores. Kevin rowed in the lee of the island keeping the large Atlantic swells and wind to a minimum.

Closer to the island he swung the boat to the side and rowed around the side of the island into a small cove where we had constructed a crude dock which we tied up to and climbed out of the boat and scrambled over the rocks to the small sheltered beach.

This beach was my favorite place in the whole world, it was small only a few hundred meters across in the sheltered cove of a small uninhabited island, looking out to sea you could watch the wild Atlantic rollers heave by to break on the mainland. looking inland over a small duney patch of grass small rocky cliffs rose up to meet the wild rugged landscape of the small island. There was a cave in the cliff that we had occasionally spent the night in when an unexpected storm trapped up on the island, we had even spent a few days trapped there during a particularly wild season. we had brought up supply’s to fill the cave and we had food, blankets, torches, matches, firewood, Kevin and even brought a few books and wrapped them in waterproof sheets to protect them from the sea air. Now we grabbed some of the blankets and laid them down on the beach flopping down on them looking out over the churning, dark blue sea.

We chatted for ages mostly about both going to uni, I was going to Trinity collage in Dublin and Kevin was going over to England to study at Manchester University. The conversation started with how excited we both were but quickly went on the things were were scared or nervous about.

“You know what I most nervous about?” I said


I paused “…. Sex” I replied eventually. “well I’m just nervous because most people will have done it already and I’ll still be a virgin and I won’t have a clue what I’m doing…” I start to babble my fears spilling out.

“I know what you mean, there hasn’t been a huge opportunity for an active sex life in the middle of nowhere” Kevin replied cutting off my babbling “Its not like we can just go to a club and pick someone up and then take them on an hours trip back to ours and I don’t fancy asking my dad to pick me up from some girls house in the morning.”

“I’m not sure Id even want to have my first time with some random person from a club anyway, I’ve heard the first time is supposed to hurt and I want it to be with someone I can trust. someone who will be gentle and not judge me if I’m rubbish.”

“Ha, sounds like we should have sex with each other” Kevin joked. I laughed and we sat in silence for a few moments both lost in our own thoughts, have sex with Kevin, bahaha, ewwwww, he is like a brother… but I do trust him… no don’t be silly… he is cute, nice and thin and toned… but also my cousin… how else can I have sex before Uni…. aww crap I’m so horny I haven’t masturbated in ages… it was just a joke he dosn’t want to have sex with you it’s disgusting.

“I was just joking” Kevin said “that would be weird right? us having sex? your like my sister”

see I knew it, it would be weird he don’t want it shut up stupid horny brainMaterial © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“yeah totally weird” I reply “although, we could…” shut up, shut up, SHUT UP, what are you doing “well we could talk about what we like and stuff give each other the other sex perspective so that we have some idea when we come to actually do it… with other people of course” oh god what did you do, he is going to think your sooo weird and perverted

“OK, that could be useful” Kevin smiled nervously oh god he said yes

“OK well when I… you know…” I gestured towards my crotch “I like to errmm just rub…” oh god this is embarrassing “errm rub gently around first not actually rub my…. err my…. clitoris” I said this last word very quietly, blushing furiously.

I was starting to recover and the forbidden sight of my cousins tip started to excite me again. what excited me even more though was his face as he started to thrust back and forth. I realized then that while I had had a massive and satisfying orgasm Kevin hadn’t even been touched.

I reached out and ran my hands up his body which was toned despite his bookish nature due to regular rowing and runs through the Galway countryside. I used my biceps to push my breast together which let him release his hands which focused on my nipples, he gently tugged and pinched them as he humped my cleavage.

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