LUNA: Alpha’s Soulmate from Another World

Cliff (2)

“Are you sure you want to take me somewhere? Not to, um… kill me?” Luna asked as she looked at the forest in front of her. Alkrevas chuckled, entertained by Luna’s question. Instantly, Luna turned and squinted at him. “Why are you laughing?”

“Your words are so strange. If I wanted to kill you, I would have done it when we first met.” Alkrevas answered casually and without emotion, making Luna sigh softly and murmur in agreement. But why was Alkrevas taking her to the forest?

It seemed there was no other reason than her accusation, or she looked at Alkrevas suspiciously, searching for answers in his expression but finding nothing. “I won’t do anything if that’s what you’re worried about. I promised I wouldn’t let you meet Norris until you’re ready.”

Luna couldn’t hide her sigh of relief, but she still felt confused about why Alkrevas was taking her to the forest, especially since the recent incident had happened. So Luna had no choice but to remain cautious. Could it be that the psychopathic Emperor had changed his mind and decided to release Norris, for example? Luna sighed inwardly. If she kept thinking suspiciously like this, how could she give Alkrevas a chance?

If she gave him a yes answer, she had to learn to trust him, even if only for a month. “Alright, I’ll trust you this time.”

Alkrevas smiled slightly and said, “Come on, the sun will set soon. You’ll be safe as long as you’re with me, so there’s no need to worry about bandits.”

“So there are bandits in the Vasilos Empire too,” Luna commented softly.

“I’d rather deal with bandits than rogues.”

“Rogues?” Alkrevas nodded, and slowly, they walked through the forest.

Luna followed in silence. The confident steps Alkrevas took indicated that he was often in this forest and had frequently traveled this path. Of course, as a werewolf, Alkrevas would interact with forests more often, but this forest differed from the one connected to the imperial palace.

“Yes, rogues,” Alkrevas replied.

“That’s the nickname for werewolves who are expelled from their pack for committing high-level crimes, and the punishment is indiscriminate. Every werewolf can’t live without their pack, so they go crazy or commit other crimes. Their regret and loneliness turn into vengeance, and there’s no leader like an Alpha to control them.” Luna nodded in understanding.

Wolves are pack animals, so for a wolf to live alone is torturous. Instantly, she remembered the massacre at the inn that night. Alkrevas had said that many of them were rogues and were all betting on her. At that time, Luna didn’t ask further because she hated Alkrevas so much and was also afraid, but now, for some reason, she was curious about it. But was she willing to disrupt the peace between her and Alkrevas for an answer? She decided in her heart that I’d ask if there was a chance.

“How much longer until we arrive?” Luna asked, realizing they had been walking in the forest for almost fifteen minutes. She was starting to get tired, and her feet were beginning to blister from walking all day in shoes. Occasionally, Luna stopped to rest her sore feet before continuing to walk.

“Ugh, my feet hurt,” Luna complained softly, but Alkrevas continued walking casually, ignoring her growing fatigue as if he didn’t hear her complaint. Luna’s face turned into a pout. When her eyes spotted an old, dead tree, she ignored Alkrevas and sat down on it. Luna lifted her feet, took off her shoes, and massaged her sore feet while examining the blisters caused by her shoes.

Alkrevas had already stopped walking and turned around, watching Luna sit on the tree trunk while grumbling softly. He smiled slightly before hiding the smile and walking over. “So insensitive! If this is how it turns out, I’ll refuse that psychopathic Emperor’s request! I could have gone to the temple with Judith. Hah! So annoying! It’s been a long time since I wanted to kill someone as much as I want to kill that bastard! What kind of man lets a woman walk through the forest!”

Alkrevas felt entertained hearing Luna’s chatter, calling him an insensitive man and other names, even cursing him and planning his murder.

Although those were dangerous words to say to an Emperor for most people, and such a person would be considered a criminal, thrown into prison, and executed, for Alkrevas, it all sounded and looked very funny and adorable. Luna’s pouty face and slightly pursed lower lip make him want to bite that lip.

Alkrevas knew what she was feeling, but he deliberately remained silent. He would only do something once Luna asked for his help. But throughout the journey, she only chattered. He sighed softly and knelt beside Luna, grabbing her foot, ignoring her protests, and carefully examining every part of Luna’s foot. “What do you want to do? Let go of my foot!”

Alkrevas looked up and stared straight into his soulmate’s brown eyes, filled with anger, and then murmured, “Have you forgotten that we’re soulmates?”

“So what does that have to do with my foot?”

Alkrevas looked at Luna mischievously and answered, “I can heal the wounds on your foot with my saliva.” Then Alkrevas lifted Luna’s foot, sticking out his tongue, ready to lick her foot. Luna’s face instantly turned red, and in panic, she kicked Alkrevas, causing him to fall and groan, clutching his chin tightly. Luna panicked even more and quickly knelt beside Alkrevas.

“Are you okay? Oh my goodness, what should I do? You’re not hurt, right? I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to!” Luna said anxiously while examining Alkrevas’s chin. Her hands cupped his face to check the injury. In his heart, Alkrevas smiled.

Luna’s kick was nothing significant. It felt like a slight tap to him, and even if he were injured, it would heal immediately. But he pretended to be in pain to see Luna’s face up close and receive her attention. For the first time, Alkrevas felt the world was complete. The woman’s eyes and thoughts were only focused on him. Her worried face was for him, and she touched him without any coercion.

“Oh my, you shouldn’t have done that! Look, it’s red like-huh? Why is there nothing?” Luna’s eyes narrowed, and her face turned sour when she saw the smile that Alkrevas couldn’t suppress etched on his lips. “You’re just messing with me, aren’t you?”

“No,” Alkrevas replied. His hands gripped Luna’s waist and pulled her until she sat on his lap. Luna widened her eyes and glared at Alkrevas.

“I really felt pain from your kick. You have a strong kick.” Luna snorted softly. Alkrevas released one hand and pointed to his chin.

“It will get better if you kiss it.” Luna felt the corner of her eye twitch in annoyance. She ignored Alkrevas, pushed him away, and stood up. With shoes in both hands, Luna walked away, this time faster. She left Alkrevas still sitting on the ground, laughing.

“Damn annoying emperor!”

“Luna, we’re here,” Alkrevas whispered. Luna, who had closed her eyes, slowly opened them.

She groaned softly and lifted her head from Alkrevas’s shoulder, then looked around. When did she fall asleep? Luna recalled what had happened before she closed her eyes. She had been walking with her blistered feet. Alkrevas had asked her to stop so he could heal her wounds, and finally, Luna let him heal her-not in the way he had mentioned earlier, but in a usual manner.

After that, Alkrevas carried her on his back for the rest of the journey. The calm sounds of the forest, the gentle breeze, and the warmth radiating from Alkrevas, combined with her fatigue, made her eyes heavy, and soon she fell asleep.

Alkrevas stopped walking and slowly lowered Luna from his back. Then he put the shoes he was holding back on her feet. He glanced up and saw Luna still looking around sleepily before lowering his head again.This content © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

When he finished putting the shoes on Luna’s feet, Alkrevas stood up and murmured, “What do you think?” Luna murmured in awe, feeling refreshed from the gentle breeze on her face.

She hadn’t expected to see such a beautiful sight before her eyes. “This is my secret place when I run in the forest. Beautiful, isn’t it?”

Luna nodded. She was standing on a high cliff, but what stunned her wasn’t the green expanse of trees below but the view far ahead-a city bathed in light, with the imperial palace standing majestically in the center and high, sturdy walls surrounding the capital of Vasilos not to mention the night sky filled with stars and illuminated by the moon, making the view before her seem like a dream.

Fireflies flew around her, adding to the magical feeling of it all. “That’s Mylonas. I found this place by accident.”

“It’s so beautiful,” Luna murmured in awe, still unable to believe what she saw. For the umpteenth time, she couldn’t think she could see such a breathtaking view. Luna tucked a strand of hair blowing in the wind behind her ear before looking at Alkrevas, who stood not far behind her with a broad smile. “Thank you for bringing me here. The view is truly stunning.”

“Yes, it is very beautiful,” Alkrevas murmured in agreement, but his eyes were not on the distant city view but on Luna, who was looking at the city with bright eyes and a wide smile.

The next day, Luna sat on the sofa in her bedroom, her gaze distant. Her head rested on her hand, and she leaned against the sofa’s back. Sunlight warmly lit the room. Judith, who had been observing Luna’s behavior since she returned to the palace after spending time with the Emperor, felt worried.

What was making the young woman so thoughtful and gloomy all day? “Miss, are you hungry? I can prepare some snacks before lunchtime,” Judith said. Luna blinked and directed her brown eyes toward Judith, shaking her head. “What’s wrong, miss? Is something bothering you?”

“Oh… um… nothing, Judith. I’m just thinking.” In a few hours, the sun would set, and the deadline Alkrevas had given her to think would end. Luna had yet to find the correct answer to his offer. She didn’t know whether to say yes or no. The inner turmoil was so intense, making her gloomy since morning. “Judith.”

“Yes, miss?”

Luna wanted to ask Judith’s opinion about her problem but decided against it and instead asked, “Where is His Majesty the Emperor?”

“His Majesty is in his office right now. If you want to see the Emperor, I can accompany you,” Judith replied. Luna considered Judith’s words before nodding. She thought it best to talk to Alkrevas and ask him a few things before deciding. Besides, there was no harm in asking, right?

The man had given her permission so she could consider all the pros and cons of each decision before giving Alkrevas an answer later in the evening. Judith immediately helped Luna get ready, and after that, they left the chamber, walking down the corridor of the Emperor’s residence and passing the exit guarded by two palace guards.

Luna walked through the main palace corridor, observing the interior and the expensive and luxurious antiques decorating every corner of the palace. Without realizing it, she arrived at the left wing of the castle, where state activities took place. There were separate buildings for several ministry departments, but the center of activities was where the Emperor resided. Luna walked, ignoring the whispers of nobles and staff, who were civil servants, about her. Of course, some greeted her warmly, but Luna was sure it was only to gain her sympathy to get close to the Emperor.

When she arrived near the Emperor’s office, Luna encountered Sigmund and a young man. “Good afternoon, Miss Luna,” Sigmund greeted warmly. The two men bowed to her respectfully.

“Good afternoon.”

Luna glanced at the man beside Sigmund, and as if understanding, the man said, “Ah, sorry, I forgot to introduce him. He is the aide to Duke Veniam-Count Jaxon Raylon.”

Count Raylon then extended his hand, which Luna immediately accepted. “I’m Jaxon Raylon. Nice to meet you, Miss Luna.” The man paused for a moment, then smiled warmly. “It seems the rumors I heard are true.”


“Yes, that His Majesty’s soulmate is as beautiful as a goddess. His Majesty is truly fortunate to have you.”

“Ah, thank you.” Luna smiled politely, pulling her hand back, then asked Sigmund, “Is His Majesty inside?”

“Yes, Miss Luna, but he is currently speaking with Duke Veniam. It seems they are discussing something important. Do you want to meet the Emperor?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Ah, then, would you mind waiting? After the discussion is over, I will inform His Majesty of your arrival.”

“I don’t mind, Sigmund.”

“Then please, let me escort you to the waiting room.”

Luna followed Sigmund to the waiting room, and once inside, one of the staff brought in a tea set. Judith poured tea from the teapot into the cup while Luna sat uncomfortably. She hoped she wouldn’t have to wait too long for Alkrevas.

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