We are in the foyer, at around four thirty in the evening with glasses of juice in our hands, waiting for Andy to come and give his vote of thanks so that we can call it a day.

The day has been a joyous day. We had incredible fun with the kids. Gosh! I can’t even recall the last time I fiddled with children the way I did today. I engaged with them in almost every recreation including hide and seek which was the most incredibly fantastic, because Andy deliberately called me from my hiding place so that his daughter can win. He will pay for that, later, I swear. All the same, I think that was the highlight of the fun.

Thereupon, I assembled all the children and disseminated the cupcakes which Andy notified me later that someone paid a generous amount for them, which will be part of the donation. I did not have that kind of idea when I was making the cupcakes. All I wanted was to gift kids with something, but nevertheless, I am so delighted that I somehow helped in boosting funds for the kids. I feel like I was part of this. Next time I will make sure to bake double what I had today. Mental note!

After that, I had the elation of meeting some of Andy’s business partners. He introduced me to them, and we exchange a few words of pleasantries with them, but I had to abdicate from them sooner because I wasn’t any close to their pedigree. I mean, the indigent among them was a millionaire, according to my appraisal, putting into consideration the heavy four-wheeled machines they came driving, and the shiny custom-made tuxedoes they were wearing. I also listened to some of their conversations and I tell you, they are all rich businessmen. Filthy rich! I was the odd one out. So fucking odd! A maid in the company of tycoons. Trust me, you don’t ever want to experience that kind of inferiority complex. It slapped me hard until I had to leave the rich be, and join my class, Rita.

Now the auctioning of children’s masterpieces is over, and I can say the graphics were extremely remarkable, especially coming from such young souls. The buyers were more than generous in prices too.

What amazed people was one kid, a boy of ten years, and he is the oldest. He made a sketch of Andy, surrounded by so many kids all smiling and looking up to him. He had captured every single detail of Andy’s face – the fine jaws, shape, the lips, he had ideally outlined every feature of Andy just precise. When Andy spotted the portrait, he was extensively stridden. I saw a very profound smile on his face as he took the masterpiece in his hands. He offered a great amount for the painting, but the boy rejected it. He said it was a free gift to Andy, as a way of saying thank you on behalf of all the kids for putting smiles on their faces. That almost made Andy tear up with joy. I saw how his eyes shone with delight, but he got a hold of himself.

The poor boy’s heart-stirring gesture left Andy with no option but to accept the gift. He even took a selfie with the thoughtful and talented boy, whose dream is to become an architect, which well befits him given the exhibit of his ability at such a tender age, and Andy promised to support him achieve his goals – him and all the 120 other kids.

As we wrap up the day, I can firmly and delightfully attest that the day was a success. The kids had fun. They have received huge donations. The sweet grin on their faces right now is an assurance that they are happy, and that is all that matters. Putting such a beautiful smile on more than a hundred kids from the streets is not anywhere close to easy at all. Kudos to Andy! He has done an exemplary amazing job, not in just educating them and giving them a good life, but also in shaping them in terms of discipline. He deserves an award. Someday, I would like to know how he did it. To hear the story from his mouth.

“Good evening once again, ladies and gentlemen!” Andy’s voice made everyone stop their chit-chats and we settle on our seats, silence befalling the whole hall as we pay attention to the speaker on stage. “Sorry for keeping you waiting. I won’t take much of your time because we are past time. I want to take just a minute to pass a word of thanksgiving to everyone who participated in making this day a success. Thank you all very much. To the kids, my kids, your daddy is happy to see those beautiful smiles on your faces.” He pauses as children chirped, “we love you”, clapping for him.

I learnt from Rita that, Andy gathered all these kids from the streets. He used to go around the streets to feed them and bring some clothes when he was just an employee. Later he rented a room for them, provided them with basic necessities, and still brought in more kids whenever he found them. And that’s how they started calling him dad. Before moving them to his children’s homes, he had formed a bond with them. They now look up to him as their role model, and their life changer and they adore him. Isn’t he amazing?

“I want to promise you that I will do everything I can to maintain those smiles. The only thing I expect from you is to work hard in your studies, and your dad will be happy. To my friends and business partners, thank you so much for your enormous support. The kids are smiling today because of you. God bless you abundantly. That’s it for today, and feel free to leave at your convenience. Thank you once again.” Angel slips out of my lap and runs to his dad on stage, and he carries her in his hands, kissing the little girl.

“Are you not going to tell me anything about you and Andy?” That is Rita. She has been nagging me about it the whole of today, but I am not telling her anything.

“Instead of bugging me with gossip, why don’t we go out and take some selfies.”

“You are right. But still, you need to tell me the gossip I want to hear. I want to know the real reason behind that smile on Andy.”

I throw a quick glance at Andy, busy saying goodbye to the guests with Angel still in his arms. He is smiling, for sure, but what is there not to smile about this day, huh? His kids are happy. The event was successful. How else would he show his gratitude?

“Drooling over him?”

“Shut up and let’s go out.” I start walking out because I don’t want Rita to see me blushing like a teenager just because of Andy. She will jump to cloud nine with her crazy ideas.

We walk out and start taking selfies, as guests start evacuating.

I decide to take one last photo capturing the parking lot behind me, but… Wait!

My heart stops! Did I see someone?

I think I am going insane because I can’t be seeing the person I think I am seeing.

I forget about the selfie and turn to the parking. His back is on me now, and he is walking away behind the cars.

“Damian?” I murmur a query.

“What?” Rita queries with confusion.

“Damian! I saw him right there.” I say to Rita, pointing in the direction where I thought I saw him, but he has already disappeared.

“There is no one there, Tania!”

“I am sure I saw him.” I insist and start in the direction he was in, with Rita following behind me.

I look around, turning from corner to corner until I complete a 370, but no sight of him.

“See? There is no one here, Tania. You must be hallucinating.”

“I saw him, Rita. Believe me. He must be around.” I start to walk around, but Rita stops me.

“Even if it was him, what would you probably say to him once you see him? Like, hi, how are you doing with my cousin that you cheated on me with? How many kids do you have?”Please check at N/ôvel(D)rama.Org.

“You don’t have to be so sarcastic, you know!” I exclaim.

“I am sorry, but come on!”

“Right. I have nothing to say to that cheating jerk holeass.”

The drive back home is quiet. Angel slept on the way, and she is still fast asleep. I am bothered by the person I thought I saw earlier, something that Andy has discovered, but I am lying to him that I am just tired. Good thing he hasn’t called me a horrible liar. I don’t know if that means he believes me or not.

The last time I saw that cheating idiot, Damian, was like two years ago. That day he tricked me together with my cousin into going to her house, only to find them in the middle of their steamy romance. What was awful, was how he justified himself by saying I was boring. I was no fun. We were not blending. That I was not the ideal girl for him. Filthy jerk!

Maybe all that was true, actually, it was, but it would have cost him nothing to break up with me properly. A modest “I don’t want you anymore” would have been adequate and decent. What was the need of making me see all that?

If sex was the only way to make me ideal for him, I wasn’t ready just yet. And of all the girls he could have cheated on me with, it had to be Maria. My only cousin. Then again, when it came to Maria, I was always on the losing end. I didn’t cry that day. I did not break down in front of them if that was what they expected. I walked away, head held high, with dignity and respect. I have never seen him again, and don’t wish to. The mare thought of that sight before me that day makes me want to puke. They both better not show their faces to me ever. And Maria… That name alone makes me tremble with fear!

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