
Chapter 059

Iris’s p. o. v.NôvelDrama.Org content.

“Hello? Mom?” I spoke into the receiver with a subtle voice.

” Baby! I haven’t heard from you in months. How are you?” My mother’s voice chirpily rings through the phone.

I let out a laugh and run my hands through my hair, feeling a little bad that I hadn’t bothered calling them all this while and not also returning their calls.

It really isn’t much of my fault. No one wants to tell their parents that they are living under the same roof with the same guy who raped you years ago.

Though it’s partly their fault by not telling me that my current boss was their former boss.

” I’m good but mad at you” I pouted

” Uh-what did we do?” Her voice sounding unsure about the situation.

” Well for starters, I should have known that I was working for The Mr McConnell” my words carrying an undertone of annoyance but I really didn’t hold it against them.

” Oh… I’m sorry”

” And I’m sorry too” I responded feeling in a good mood to confess.

” Sorry?”

” Yeah, I’m sorry”

” Sorry for what?” My mom’s confusion couldn’t be missed by her words.

” I have a confession”

” Okay.. uhm.. I’m listening”

Maybe I shouldn’t go ahead with it. I mean she really doesn’t need to know.

Plus I never even told her about the transfer in the first place.

What in the world made me hide all these from her all this while? I just compiled my sins to table before her.

Maybe I should procrastinate a little longer.

Two more months won’t hurt.

Two months seems too much, probably three weeks?

But what if something else happens before then? Like Soldo doing a house attack and the media come by to broadcast it on TV.

My mom and dad wouldn’t find me standing beside a dead or possibly alive Hunter with a scared Louisa in my arms on the news quite amusing.

I’m starting to over think here.

” Iris honey?” I didn’t realize I had blacked out on our conversation till she called me back to reality.

” Oh.. uh.. sorry about that silence” I quickly slide the apology.

” No worries love but I’m still bothered about you” her concern is making it difficult to keep a secret.

Here goes nothing…

” I’m living with Hunter” I say and go quiet while waiting for her response.

Two seconds..





Nothing.. she said absolutely nothing.

” Mom? You there?”

” Oh yes honey, I think the connection broke off a while there. I didn’t quite catch what you said”

” What did you hear?”

” It was very funny.. really. I heard something sort of ‘ I’m living with Hunter ‘ hilarious right?” She laughed so loudly that I overheard dad in the background asking her what’s wrong.

‘ something went wrong with the receiver and I heard iris say something like she’s living with Hunter’ my Mom replies to my dad without taking the phone off her ear and my Dad’s barking laughter reaches my ears shortly.

” Oh.. the things technology does these days” she sighed and cleared her throat a little to clear up her hoarse voice. ” So what were you saying honey?” She continues.

” What you heard was true. I am staying with Hunter” I bit my lip, not eager to hear her reaction.

” You’re staying with Hunter? What!? When did this happen? Why!? And why am I just knowing!!?” My mom floods my ear with questions and like I expected, she was angry about it.

” It wasn’t my fault” I try to defend.

” Except if you’re acting the remix of Alice in wonderland as Iris in Hunter’s den, then I need a viable, well detailed, believable explanation”

I sighed and proceeded to tell her about the transfer and me not knowing the relationship between the two men involved to the accommodation arrangements.

” Wow. This is kinda my fault isn’t it?” She finally said after everything.

” Not really, no. I would have just liked it if I knew he was Hunter’s Dad. I may have gotten a sign then”

” I’m sorry love. I really am” she apologizes for the second time tonight and I feel relieved to get everything off my chest at least.

” I know you are. I’m sorry for not telling you earlier”

” It’s okay. What about Louisa? Does he know?”

I laughed at her question and I’m sure she’ll wear her notable look of confusion.

” I’m pleased to announce that he’s still pretty oblivious”

” I thought he’d know by now. How long have you been there? It’s almost two months or more”

” Well he has not a clue” I was happier about this than I should be.

” Are you sure? I feel he should have known. Hunter looks like a very perceptive kid, he may know and is just waiting for you to speak or the right time to strike you with it”

I never saw it that way. But mom may be right.

It wasn’t so hard for Edward and Guillermo to find out. So what if Hunter already knows but is playing dumbo with me?

” I can’t say Mom, but he hasn’t given a hint that he’s aware”

” Okay then. I hope he’s treating you well? Because if not we could always look for a job over here for you when you quit”

I laughed again at her words but her knowledge of Hunter is what’s currently driving her imagination.

” He’s treating me well. And I’m not lying”

” Are you sure? You’re living with Hunter McConnell right? I recall both of us being in the haters fan club just early this year”

” Uhun.. but he apologized” I smiled remembering the day he actually apologized for everything and asked for my forgiveness but the smile disappears when I remember that we aren’t literally on best of terms.

To a level, I do feel guilty for hiding Louisa from him, and the truth is I ain’t ready. Neither is he nor Louie.

” He what!? Details now!” She demanded and I laughed once again.

It’s going to be a long day.

I tell her everything by the way. Intentionally skipping anything that has to do with Soldo.


Hunter’s p. o. v.

The close of another work day and I haven’t felt happier.

Possibly because most of my anticipation is coming from the fact that I’ll get to see Louie again once I get home.

Mental note to grab a banana smoothie.

I’ve felt proud of myself in many ways than one, and it’s not just because I have a huge ego.

But today I feel prouder than ever, regarding my actions for Louisa.

I did something good for a kid. I never saw myself as someone with such compassion.

Another mental note to remind my dad that I’ll make it to heaven.

Maybe I’m thinking a bit too far.

I chuckled to myself and I’m sure anyone seeing me at this point will conclude that I’m damn crazy.

With a smile on my face, I shut down my laptop and insert it into the drawer before heading out.

I wasn’t able to get far because Michelle stepped right in.

Her peach coloured gown with a dangerously low neckline is absolutely not right if I want to leave this office soon.

” Michelle?” My question is of absolute shock because it’s seven pm at night and she’s never around here at this hour unless I called her in.

” You seem sad to see me” she says as she places her arms on her slim waist and glares at me.

” Sad? No.. I’m just surprised. I was about heading out”

” Surprised? Once upon a time this used to be the hours we spend together. Now I’m here and you’re surprised?”

Is this really the discussion she’s bringing up now?

” Michelle look, it’s been a very tiring day and I’m exhausted. We can have this discussion some other t-” I was unable to finish because she cut in.

” Some other time? Since when have you been one to brush off sex?”

” Michelle..” my tone coming off as a warning that I was in no mood for any melodrama.

” Don’t Michelle me! When was the last time you even touched me!?”

” Michelle you’re fucking shouting, the entire area can hear you”

” Coming from someone who loves me screaming his name”

” That is entirely different” I groaned.

” You know.. ever since that new girl whizzed into this office it’s almost like I don’t know you anymore. She’s the reason isn’t she?”

” What?” Someone give me the bane of wisdom right now.

” Don’t act all confused, you know what I mean. You’re fucking her aren’t you?”

What the?

” What has Iris got to do with this?”

” Iris? I thought her name was Jules? You’re on a pet name relationship now?”

” We’ve known each other long before she began working here and she went by Iris then”

” So she was your thing then? You know? The same thing I became. Your fucking whore!”


” Don’t you bloody Michelle me! Where else have you fucked her? Against the wall? On your desk? Or did you find her office more convenient?”

This girl is giving me images I really shouldn’t be imagining.

Only who knows what will happen if she finds out Iris lives with me.

” Michelle stop with the graphic imaging. There’s nothing going on”

” That’s a lie! A bloody damn lie!” Tears clouding her eyes as she clenches her fists at her sides.

” What makes you think so? In case you haven’t noticed I made it clear to the girl that you’re mine. Heck I’ve made out with you in front of her before, why are you being so judgemental?”

” Fine. Then give me a reason why you’ve drifted away from me”

Because I need a deal from your father to retain my blood.

” You wouldn’t understand Michy” my voice barely a whisper.

” Make me” her tone comes down by ten grades and she looks to me with a little hope in her eyes.

After a few seconds of watching me and knowing that I wouldn’t speak, she finally says something.

” You know what? Don’t tell me! Go ahead and tell Iris! I’m sure she’ll understand!” She yells and before I could comprehend what happened.

She was out the door.

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