Love Magic: Two Different Hearts

Chapter 52: Torn Up Clothes

Chapter 52: Torn Up Clothes

Kaylee's POV This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

"Damn... I freaking swear that, that Teacher will be the death of us" I complained to myself while we

were going back to the class.

"Yupp... you sure said it. She really loves torturing us" Ema agreed with me as we walk down the

hallway in annoyance and frustration.

By the way we're walking to our next set of death since I bet that, that witch is already thinking of stuff

to torture us again.

"I really can't stand Mrs. Spinzel" Ema continued and I nod my head at her in agreement.

"One day I will really make her taste her own medicine" I swear while I form my hands into fist as I

groan in frustration.

"Did you see how she shouted at that poor girl who couldn't make a strong spell" she complained in

disbelief making me remember how she humiliated the poor girl in front of the class.

I hum in agreement while looking away in nothing in particular.

"Well what do you think... Antonette is her favorite though" she suddenly said in a jealous tone making

me stop and look at her.

She then halted too then she looks at me in confusion making me sigh in realization.

(Now that you mention it. I kind of the saw her always smiling brightly than anyone in class)

"Yup... she always complements her every time she did something whether a good one or a bad one

too" I agreed and then she looks at me like she realize something then drops her shoulders in defeat.

"What can I say they are both the same?" she said in defeat while looking at the side making me look

at her in confusion.

"'What do you mean are both the same?" I ask her in confusion and she looks at me like I have grown

another pair of head.

"Are you serious? You don't..." she said in disbelief while she is giving me a are-you-serious-look and I

give her a I'm-bored-look.

"Transferee... new kid here..." I said while waving my hands in the air as I point my finger at me and

she was just staring at me for the first 10 seconds before she realizes it and then she chuckles


"Oh... sorry, I forgot about that" she said while smiling awkwardly and I just give her a sarcastic smile.

"Yeah... you forgot" I said while looking away and she immediately looked apologetic.

"Hey... I'm sorry, I really am. I really forgot about it" she said apologetically while giving me a pout and I

sigh before nodding my head at her in understanding.

"Then tell me so that I won't look ignorant than I am already about this school" I said and she

immediately nod her head and told me everything she know.

"Okay then let me tell you. Antonette and Mrs. Spinzel are both a caster and they are also good in

potion making so the saying the same feather flocks together works for them" she said and I look at her

in wide eyes

"Wait... you mean she- I mean both of them excels on both—but usually you only excel in one" I said to

her in shock and she nods her head telling me that what she is talking about is really true then she

shakes her head and look at me in worry.

"Well... welcome to the world of the blessed ones" she said while spreading her arms making it look

like she is showing me the whole world making me bow my head in defeat.

"Damn lucky bastards" I mumble while I drag myself to the room and then Ema just pat my shoulders in

comfort as we walk.

"Well don't be sad" she said and I give her a are-you-serious-look.

(Damn... that is why it was so hard to beat him when we were fighting back then because she is good

in both. But she didn't even use spells and just use potions back then) I thought while remembering the


"Wait-- if she excels in both then why didn't she use it back the when we were fighting" I said in

question and I hear Ema sigh.

"She doesn't usually fight in that forte" she said to me and I just look at her in even more confusion.

"How can someone be good at it won't use it to her advantage" I told her like it was the obvious thing

and she just look away.

"I guess she has a reason not to use it" she said and I look at her before I nod my head in


"Well whatever it is, it doesn't concern us any way and I think that we should better go to class now" I

said while starting to walk again.

We both chuckle at each other and then sling our arms to each other's shoulders while we walk to


We turn to the corner when I suddenly hear people whispering to each other and what made me even

more curious is that Glen's name was mention in it so I immediately halted and I saw Ema got drag

back making her groan.

"Don't talk.... Shhhhhh" I immediately put my finger on her lips and whisper to her to when she was

about talk and complain.

She was looking confused and I just ignored her before I went near the source of the whispering


"Did you do what I have asked?" I hear a person say while we I lean on the wall as I hear their


"What are they talking about?" Ema whispered to me as she went next to me and join me in hearing

whatever they are going to talk about.

I just shrug my head and then we both went back to listen again at their conversation.

"I already took that kid's uniform" I hear someone said and I can't recognize their voices making me try

to peek at the people talking and I saw them all wearing some kind of uniform.

"Isn't that the uniform of the combat class" I hear Ema said to me and I look at her in confusion.

"By any chance you mean the class of Glen?" I ask her and she nods her head.

"Yeah... all the class who are taking up combative class will have that kind of uniform" she explained

and I just nod my head agreeing to whatever she is saying since I don't know much about this school...


"I already torn his clothes and I bet that Sir Tanner will get mad at him and kick him out of the class"

one says and I saw that it was a girl who is raising some scissors in her hands.

"Yeah... just like back then one kid didn't wear his uniform and Sir Tanner didn't accept him in class for

months" another boy said in amusement while sitting down on the bench.

(Who are they talking about? Wait—but I heard Glen's name a while ago, did I just mishear it?) I ask

myself while Ema tapped my shoulders and I look at her.

"Let us better not to interact with them or else they might hurt us since I recognize those people" she

said and I turn to look at her in question.

"Wait... hurt us... How and kindly explain?" I asked and she looked at me in disbelief.

"They are our classmates in the class of Sir Trevor. You don't really care about the others right" she

said to me and I just chuckle while looking away in nervousness.

"I only care at the hot guys" I mumble softly and she immediately ask me.

"Did you say some--"

"Hep, I said nothing" I immediately interjected.

I hear her sigh before we walk away from the people but as soon as we were about to leave, we heard

them talk again.

"The Glen guy was really trying to act cool when he entered the school and he even had the guts to

fight Tobios. Who does he think he is?" I hear one say and I then look at Ema to confirm what I just

heard was right and she nods her head.

"Let's stay calm first and listen to them" I hear her say while looking at me since I got angry about what

they said to him.

"Come here first" she said while taking a peek at the people again and I just comply and calmed myself

since honestly, I want to demand an explanation from them and more likely confront them in anger.

But I let this slide and obey what Ema said as I went closer to her, then we peek again at the rest and I

was surprised when I saw them trying to burn something on the floor.

"I bet that he is finding this" I hear the girl says before she let the cloth fall on the trash bin while it was

still on fire.

"Hey let us go already, wouldn't want Sir Tanner getting mad at us" the other boy said and they all went

away while chuckling.

I saw them all walk away and I immediately get out of my hiding spot and run to save the piece of cloth

since I think that my guts is right.

"That might be Glen's uniform" I mumble while Ema looked at me in shock as she follows me.

I was near the trash bin and I saw that the cloth was still burning and I immediately took it out and saw

that it was half burnt making me cast a spell to make it stop burning.

Then I slowly pick it up and saw if it really belonged to him and I look angry when I read the name tag.

"I'm really going to make them pay" I said in gritted teeth.

"Why would they even do this? This is outrageous" I hear Ema said in shock while looking in the trash

bin and then she looked shock making me eye her.

"What—is there something else there?" I asked her and then she slowly lifts whatever it is in there and

when she pulls it up higher for me to see and I was now mad.

I saw a pair of boots and gloves all torn apart making it looked like someone cut and torn it before

burning it.

"This is too much" I hear her say in shock while I on the other hand is raging on anger.

"I'LL REALLY MAKE THOSE PEOPLE PAY" I shouted in anger and now getting mad already.


OTHERS MAKING FUN OF US BUT THIS WAS TOO MUCH) I scream inside of my head suddenly

remembering what happened to us back then.

We were bullied that why are very weak since grandpa taught us that we should never fight in school

back then and we should not use what he taught us to hurt other kids.

So, we took all the insults but Glen suffered the most since he was always being beaten by the other

kids as he protects me.

And what I hate about it is that he could just forget about it immediately and he always makes me heal

him before we go back home and when we’re at home it looks like nothing had just happened and he

always laughs it away and smile all along.

I clenched my hands while I grip on the clothes that I am holding.

(I just ignored all their bad gossips about us after the incident that had happened and when they saw

that Tobios was carrying him back then. Is that really controversial to help someone? If I didn't lose

consciousness back then, then I should have been the one carrying him or not his brother. He doesn't

want also to be carried by him if he was only awake to do that) I ranted in my mind while glaring at the

area where those damn bastards disappear.

I was about to follow them when suddenly Ema stopped me.

"Kaylee, I think that… that is not a good idea" I hear her seriously said making me protest and look at

her in disbelief.

"But they destroyed his clothes. Look at it" I argued and she shakes her head before she looks at me.

"You can't beat them by yourself and I think that we better take this to Glen since we both heard that he

could be kick out in class. You heard them well right. Our main priority for today is to get this back to

Glen since he might be worrying where did his uniform go" she says in worry and I slowly calmed down

and look at the destroyed clothes.

"I suppose so, I don't want him to be kicked out of class" I said to her while she nods her head in


"Don't let your anger get to you since I assure you that they would only get worse if you entertain them.

Just let them walk away first and deal with them later when you are ready"' she said while looking away

and I suddenly realize something making me look at her in sadness.

"Talking from experience I guess" she says and then shakes her head while she looks at me and then

smiled widely but I caught that sad smile.

"No need to force it" I honestly told her and she looked at me in shock before she slowly drops the


"Then same feathers flock together they say" I said while cheering her and she was taken aback by

what I said and I just smiled at her.

"Yeah..." she says before we look at the destroyed clothes.

"So what should we do now" I mumble as we both stare at the ripped clothes.

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