Love, Lies and Billionaires

Chapter 52

The beeping sound of the monitor was the only thing that kept his mind from travelling far from his body as he watched his frail old man weather on the hospital bed.

He stood outside by the thick glass window and watched his father’s motionless body. A mixture of fear, anger, sadness, grief and a lot of other things he couldn’t seem to recognize overcame him on the spot.

“I must say, your father is a really outstanding fighter, always has”

Alexander looked down at the short doctor she had slid in beside him, watching his father. He returned the pen, which he held into his breast pocket and adjusted his glasses.

As a child, Alexander’s father had always been strict with him and didn’t let him do things kids his age did. In fact, the only reason he’d let him hang out with Eddie and William was because their father was almost of the same status as he was.

He always made Alexander think business like and not play around with good for nothing narrow-minded people; as he always said. He grew up that way and everything he did was always to please his father, and he liked every bit of it.

Back then, he saw his dad as a god. Similar to what people his age called Santa Claus and were always very proud and elated whenever they received a gift from him on Christmas day.

Alexander saw his dad’s pat on the back bigger and better than a compliment from the president himself and believe me when I say that getting a pat on his back from his dad was one hell of a rollercoaster of pleasing to do.

Those days are gone now. Though the urge to please his father always remains sewn in him. Now, his dad was bed ridden and practically useless.

“It’s been two days since the said day of his passing,” Alexander said quietly. His own words sent daggers into his chest, but he maintained a straight face.

“Yes, that’s correct.” The doctor said, his voice firm and sure, showing signs of his years in the profession making him used to conversations of this nature.

“Like I said, Mr. Blackwood really is a strong man. But honestly, the situation here is, these things delay sometimes to deceive the loved ones or give them a sense of hope and then, it takes effect just when they’re hopeful enough,” he said, adjusting his glasses again.

The more Alexander looked at his father, the more pain creased his brows. He never grew up with a mom as a child. All he knew was his father from day one.

Whenever he asked about his mom, his dad dismissed him or turned the tables and scolded him about something which was just awful.

Either way, he loved the man who he now watched through the window and who was going to be gone in a matter of time.

Suddenly, he turned away from the glass and unclasped his hands from behind him and looked at his watch.

“Keep an eye on him. I’ll be back”


Maren stared at her reflection in the mirror in her bathrobe as water dripped from her hair and dropped to her shoulders.

Keeping her eyes on her reflection, she picked up the blow drier from the table and switched it on.

As the faint sound of the machine clouded her ear, she smiled. Her mind drifted to the years which had passed by and how far she had come.

She had single-handedly sailed through the storm to get to where she was. Despite the multiple breakdowns she had gone through, both in secret and in the open.

Now here she was, seated in front of her dresser, thinking of the best way to appear for her most worthwhile partnership of the year! The thought made her shoulders hang high and overcame her with a fresh extra coat of pride.

In minutes, she was out of her bathrobe and dressed in a white fitted blazer, a crisp, white blouse with a classic collar style and fitted matching trousers coupled with white closed-toe heels.

She stared at her reflection in the body mirror and smiled in satisfaction, her head screaming, dressed for success.

A knock on the door distracted her, making her turn towards the sound.

“Ma’am, breakfast is ready,” a maid said from behind the door.

“Down in a minute,” she replied, though she knew there was a high probability that nothing would pass through her throat with such an adrenaline surge which rushed through her body.

As soon as she set foot in her company, Louise joined her and they headed towards the elevator.

“Ma’am, you have a meeting with-”

“I thought I told you to clear my desk for today?” She asked as they stepped into the elevator. She adjusted her blazer and kept her eyes forward as she told herself she wouldn’t let anything ruin this offer, which came on a platter of gold.

“Yes, I know that, but this meeting has been postponed so many times and the officials have been kept in a frustrating hold that I just thought-”

“I don’t want to hear it,” Maren said firmly. “What time is the Helix group scheduled to be here?”Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Pretty soon, ma’am,” Louise replied and began half chasing Maren as the elevator had opened and they were now walking towards the conference room.

“Tell my operations manager and the others to be here now, and fast. Today’s not a day they should be getting a strike from me” she ordered.

“Yes, certainly,” Louise said and scurried away in the opposite direction.

Maren pushed a button which opened the large doors of the conference room. She could already imagine herself at the forefront of the entire meeting as the document will be passed to her to put down her signature.

She walked in elegantly and took her seat at the head of the large conference table. Soon enough, her officials rushed inward and took their places around the table as they awaited their guest.

Minutes passed and all except Maren awaited a call for a reschedule.

But just as they had almost completely lost hope, the large doors opened and a party of people were ushered in.

The man at the forefront of the party locked eyes with Maren as soon as he got in, making her heart sink.

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