Living With The Player

Chapter 129 EPILOGUE 01 – A Kidnapping Guide




“Camilla? Are you done with that patient?”

Athena peaked her head in, checking the room to be certain. I nodded my head, stifling a laugh. She strode in, pulled a chair and chuckled while seating.

“How long did he stay this time?”

“Two hours. Two pure hours of torture. Listening to him ramble about a woman who’s probably shaking her ass on a yacht with another man. It’s sad. Funny, but truly sad.”

Athena poured two glasses of wine for each of us.

“You deserved it.”

I bobbed my head in agreement. Sighing, she took a seat across as though she were my patient.

I have no clue why his wife suddenly picked her bags and flew half way across the country leaving him devastated. Poor man still loves her, he’ll heal. Hopefully.

Until then, it’s my duty to sit and listen. And he’s like a two out of my tough patients. There are some who haven’t gotten over dead daughters. Others who are depressed. God I love my job. It’s like an inside scoop to everyone’s problem, and I feel very useful to each of them.

“How about you? No surgeries this week?”

“No, not really. I do have to head to Florida, though, for open-heart surgery.”

My lips formed an “O”

“It seems like fun. James is coming along too. So it’ll be more fucking than surgery.”

I tossed my head as numerous laughs pealed out.

Speaking of fucking, Dylan had a case in San Francisco. He should be back by now. He hasn’t called either.

“You’re thinking about fucking, aren’t you?”

She smirked.

“I have to go make a call. I’ll be right back.”

She shook her head while I got up. I stood near the window, checking out the sign in the corner.This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

Williams Medical Center. Athena and I own the place, but the name was catchy, so I let her have it. There’s an reward for everything. It’s a huge hospital, hence the three-storey building.

After graduation from Cal U, Athena and I ended up doing our thesis together and once we got past the weird phase of the past, we became very close. This hospital, it’s our sweat. It’ll be our legacy.

I get goosebumps just thinking about it.

Oh, and my theory may hold weight. James and I were friends from Cal-U and they got in contact with me. Although we didn’t do anything, but I love teasing Dylan about it.

Dylan threw a fit after that. He hasn’t met his soulmate through me though. I’m beginning to believe it’s just may be me.

And speaking of Dylan, it keeps saying his number can’t connect to mine.

Heaving repeatedly, I lock my screen and pace around my office.

This place was built nearly a year ago, but Athena’s father and mine got us the publicity we needed to hit off from the start. Athena typically handles everything clinical. I take care of the mental aspect. It’s a match made from heaven.

If only my boyfriend will have the decency to charge his cell phone on the flight over.

Maybe Jimmy heard from him? They were in the same state, after all. Jimmy moved to San Francisco and started his firm there. Claire got a job as a media representative, so their relationship is working out perfectly. I have this feeling they got hitched secretly. They both went off for a few days, honeymoon perhaps?

Kyle and Miranda stayed in California, which was a downside to me, but I understand, they did get married straight after Cal-U, plus we have to live different lives.

I love Washington, plus I can take a flight whenever it’s necessary. And Dylan. He did exactly what he said. He worked as a freelancer, taking cases and helping out. His last job was in San Francisco, a murder case. He texted it was closed yesterday, meaning his flight was today. I haven’t heard a thing from him.

“Hey, gorgeous.”

“I’m right here!”

Claire squeaks over the phone.


I chuckle.

“How are you? And the other one who’s right there.”

“Peachy. How’s the centre? Bubbling I’m sure since everyone across the globe would rather go there turn anywhere else.”

My laugh runs deep and I momentarily forget about Dylan, it returns swiftly though.

“Aren’t you supposed to be with my cousin? Why are you calling us instead? You’d think since he went away for a week, you two would be over Each other.”

“That’s exactly why I called. He texted that he’d be coming in today, but I haven’t heard from him. I am worried.”

“That’s weird. The flight should have landed over three hours ago.”

My pulse quickened.

“Are you sure?”

My mind was in all sorts of places. Did the flight land okay? How about the case? Was he delayed? Why wouldn’t he call if he was?


Claire chirped lowly.

“I have to check with the airline, I’ll call you back later or something if I hear from him. Thank you. ”

I hear a low acknowledgement then hang up.

“What’s wrong?”

Athena returns, but I’m already getting the airline’s contact from the website.

“Dylan’s flight should’ve landed hours ago, but I haven’t heard anything from him. I’m checking to see if…”

“Hello. Yes, my name is Camilla Renée, I need to enquire.”

I proceed to give her my details, certain that I’ll be listed as one of the next of kin. Nothing had happened. I would’ve heard it over the news.

“Yes ma’am the flight landed safely and everyone got off-board. Would you like me to help with anything else?”

I release a sharp breath then nod my head.

“No. No. That’s fine. Thank you.”

I drop the call and return it to Athena.

“I’m sure he’s fine.”

“He’s been doing this for three years Hena, he calls me first thing when he’s in Washington.”

“Maybe call the house? His cell phone probably died.”

I nod repeatedly. We live in a penthouse. I’ll just call the reception. Maybe they saw him sign in.

“Good idea.”

I fasten my cell phone and dial the number. It takes at least three seconds for them to pick up.

“Hi Ethan, it’s Camila. I just wanted to check in to see if Dylan came through today?”

“Yes ma’am. He went in a while ago.”

My breathing steadied.

“Thank you, Ethan.”

“See? You got worried for nothing.”

“It doesn’t feel right, if he got in, he should’ve charged and called. I’ll tell Quin to cancel the rest of my appointment, I need to see him for myself.”

“Alright, just calm down.”

I grab my car keys from the counter, pass a quick nod then slid through the door.



“Good day ma’am.”

Ethan chirps as I walk in. I barely acknowledge him before running through the elevator. Everyone is possibly right. Sometimes people make a mistake in their itinerary and a routine for three years likely gets a glitch.

Best case scenario I get railed over my bed, in the shower.. and I’m thinking of sex now.

Getting to our door, I swipe the key and step inside. The entire place is empty, but there’s a suitcase at the corner. He did come home.


His cell phone was also dropped on the ground.


I trail forward and his clothes are scattered near the bed. Dylan wouldn’t.

Then I see it. A note laying over the bed.

What in?

“Come to Lincoln Memorial if you want to see him again. H.”

What the fuck? I panic and drop the note.

Oh no.


A quicker runs down my spine. How did I forget? Harper got out a year ago. He took Dylan.

Just then, my phone starts ringing.


“I’m sure you got my note. Be there in less than half an hour.”

The voice is scrambled, so I can’t tell who it is.


“Did you miss my love?”

He quips in his normal voice then hangs up. Oh my God. It’s Harper.

I could call the cops or Athena could.

“Come along.”

My phone brightens with the text message. Biting my lips, I shake my head repetitively and pull my bag.

“I can’t let him hurt Dylan again.”

This is stupid and it’s like kidnapping 101. Never come alone. But here I am, going to Lincoln Memorial. Alone.

I’ll be dammed if anyone touches him. Only I have that right. Me and me alone. I’ll kill Harper myself if the need arises. Fucking bastard!


The entire thing is almost 3000 words, I had to split it into two. Both chapters were uploaded simultaneously. The last part is cracking for sure. Hope you enjoy it!

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