Living With The Bad Boy

Chapter 65

Liv’s POV

“Oh thank goodness you’re here, we were starting to get worried” My mum said as I came down the stairs.

“What took you so long?” Zoey asked while taking in my appearance.

“She was probably giving birth in the toilet” Jane teased as I approached them and shot her a playful glare.

“It’s nothing, I was just having a slight running stomach” I lied. Not entirely a lie because what I was feeling right now is worse than a running stomach.

“Took you long enough” Zoey teased.

“Ladies if you’re done can we please leave?” My Dad said jokingly as he approached us, alongside Blake, Justin and Cade. Alex was nowhere to be seen.

“Of course honey” Mum answered him before facing back at us “Come on girls, let’s go” She smiled.

“Hey guys, you’re late” I said jokingly.

“It’s all Blake’s fault, he was taking too long at the shower” Justin said.

“He was probably just keeping my arena tidy and clean” Zoey said, making us all gasp.

“What?” She feigned oblivion.

We burst into laughter.

“Someone forgot to add the part of Cade driving incredibly slow like a turtle” Blake added.

“Excuse you?” Cade raised an eyebrow.

“You are not excused” Blake said to him, making us all laugh.

Remind me why I’m leaving this crazy people again?

Oh… Because life just hates me.

“If you’re done with the chitchat can we leave already? The drive to the airport is 20-30 minutes and our flight leaves at 12, it’s 11:05 already” My mother said and we all obeyed with a nod before following her to the car.

“I’ll drive with the boys” Jane said.

“Okay, I’ll drive with Liv”Zoey said.

“Settled now let’s get going” I said to them. I almost laughed as I saw the boys arguing over who would drive.

“There’s no way I’m letting Cade drive he’s such a lame driver” Blake complained.

“You call following traffic rules and regulations lame?”Cade questioned.

“Yeah, who follows those damn ass rules anyway?” Blake responded.

“This guy” Justin laughed, earning a nasty death glare from Cade as he then puts up his hand to surrender.

“I’m driving and that’s final” Cade said.

“And since when did you start telling us what to do, you aren’t part of our squad remember? Don’t forget it’s my car” Blake said rudely. He’s taking it too far, if something isn’t done fast, they might get into a fight and I know pretty well who’s face would get damaged yet again.

“Guys please stop, this is really childish, one of you should just drive and let’s get out of here” I said to them.

“Yeah, let Liv decide then” Cade said as they faced me.

“Tell us Liv, who do you think should drive?” Blake asked and I stared at the three of them. From Cade to Blake, from Blake to Justin and then back at Cade.

“I think Justin should drive” I concluded.

“What!” Blake and Cade said in unison.

“What?” I asked.

“Have you seen Alex drive before? “Blake asked.

“Countless times… what’s wrong?” I asked confusedly.

“Bad choice. Justin drives twice as fast as Alex” Blake informed me.

“Yeah, only someone with a death wish would allow Justin drive them” Blake said at the same time Justin said “Hey my driving is not that bad”

“Yeah you’re right… It’s terrible” Blake said.

“Fine then, since everyone’s against Justin, I think Jane should drive” I finally concluded.

“Jane!” Three of them yelled.

“Jane?” Jane also yelled.

“Yes, any problem with that?” I furrowed my eyebrows.

“Nope, not at all” She said.

“Great, now hand the car keys over to her” I said to Blake and he sluggishly obeyed.

“Guys we’re running late and your mum isn’t looking pleased at all” Zoey said to us.

“That’s our cue to leave, I don’t wanna face Mrs. Henderson’s wrath today” Blake said joking as they all got into his car with Jane at the driver’s seat.

“Let’s go” Zoey said as we also got into the other car. My Dad sold my car and promised to get me a new one when we get to NY. I really loved that car but well it’s cool.

“Took you kids long enough” My mum said, clearly pissed.

“Sorry we were sorting out something” I said as my Dad pulled away from the parking lot. I can’t believe this is gonna be my last time in this house I’ve gotten so used to. Today my life is taking a turn for either worse or better.

I’m moving back to the place it all began and I really don’t know how to even feel.

“Drive faster honey, we’re going late” My mom said.

“Okay sweetie” He simply said as all his focus was on the road.

“What’s this?” Zoey broke the silence as she was staring at my wrist.

“Oh… it’s… It’s a bracelet” I said to her as I felt a blush forming on my cheek. I turned my head towards the window in order to avoid eye contact with her.

“Yeah I know it’s a bracelet. I haven’t seen it before, where did you get it? ” She asked curiously.

“Somewhere, isn’t it beautiful?” I smiled back at her.

“Yeah it is, that’s why I’m asking where you got it from” She stared at me cautiously before whispering “It’s from Alex isn’t it?”

“I think so” I simply replied.

“What do you mean by you think so?” She questioned.

“Cause I’m not so sure it’s from him” I said to her.

“How? I don’t understand”

“I found it lying on the desk in his old room alongside a pink note, it has my name on it so I know for sure that it’s for me and probably it’s from him. What surprises me is that I cleaned that room myself after he vacated the room and I didn’t see it there. There’s two options to that question. It’s either he put it there before he left and I skipped it while cleaning or someone broke into the room” I told her.

“My instincts go strongly with the second option” She said.

“Yeah me too, but how did the necklace get in there. As long as I remember no one has been to that room since Alex left apart from me and I wouldn’t say it happened on my birthday since he didn’t even show up”

“Did you by chance notice any signs of the room being broken into? “She asked.Belongs to © n0velDrama.Org.

“No… Maybe, no… I don’t think so”

“Think well, there must be something we’re missing here” She said and I remembered the window being half closed when I went in there earlier.

“Yes, yes!”I squealed.

“Keep your voice down your parents might hear you” Zoey whispered to me and I covered my mouth with my hands immediately as I giggled.

“I hope all is well back there girls” Came my mother’s voice.

“Yes mum!” I said to her as I faced Zoey who was looking at me curiously.

“What do you mean by Yes yes, what happened?” She queried.

“I remember”

“Remember what?” She raised an eyebrow.

“When I went into his old room earlier today. I found the window half closed. I didn’t think much about it. I just simply assumed that it was his carelessness before he left. But now I remember that I had locked the windows properly the day I cleaned the room” I informed her.

“That means……”

“Alex broke into the room!” I squealed excitedly.

“Wow, he’s not much of an asshole as I’d thought then” She said and I scowled at her.

“Wow, so he got me this beautiful bracelet and didn’t bother to tell me” I flushed with my eyes threatening to tear up.

“Aww that’s cute of him, it’s really beautiful” She said to me.

“I know right?” I blushed as I kept staring at the beautiful bracelet.

“Everything okay there?” It was my Dad asking this time.

“Yes” We both responded in unison.

The rest of the drive was spent with us both discussing our college plans.

Well apparently it was Zoey who was doing the talking while I was busy listening. I don’t have any thoughts or plans about college as for now since my heart hasn’t yet accepted the bitter truth of me leaving.

As we pulled into the parking lot, I saw Blake’s car already parked ahead of us.


We got out of the car and the others approached us, helping us to bring out our luggages from the trunk of the car.

“I’ll really miss you Liv”Jane said as she hugged me.

“I’ll miss you too J”I smiled at her before pulling away.

“Naughty naughty, I’ll miss you” Justin said as we hugged casually. We were never close like the others but we still had small conversations once in a while.

“I’ll miss you troublesome” Blake teased and hugged me tightly.

“Careful there, Zoey’s glaring” I teased back as we pulled away.

“All she’ll do is shout and nothing more” He jokes, earning a smack from her.

“I’ll miss you Liv… I’m sorry for everything I ever did” Cade said as he hugged me as well.

“It’s okay, I’ve forgiven you” I beamed at him.

“My eyes, I think something got into my eyes” Zoey said but I could see through her. She’s crying.

“Come here babygirl”I pulled her into a hug.

“I’ll really miss you Liv”She sobbed against my chest. I also felt my eyes well up with tears. Out of everyone here, I knew it’s her I’ll miss the most.

“I’ll miss you too Zoe, please don’t cry” I said to her as I pulled away from her and wiped her tears away.

“We’ll miss you Mrs. H”Blake teased and my mum shot him a glare. She hates being called that name but he always does it purposely to tease her.

“Bake or Blake or whatever you call yourself I’ll smack you” My mother joked as she shot him a playful look, making us all laugh.

“Whoa… this has definitely been an adventure worth it” Justin said.

“You can say that again” Zoey and I agreed.

As we were still busy saying our goodbyes my eyes travelled around the parking lot hoping to see Alex.

“He’s not coming” Zoey said.

“How do you know that? Of course he will, he promised me” I gave myself hope.

“Sorry but I don’t think he’s coming, don’t hurt yourself in this way Liv”She advised but I kept looking forward hoping to see him.

These things happen in the movie right? Girl is leaving and then boy shows up at the airport at the very last minute and kiss her, promising to come get her.

Little did I know my fantasy was just an illusion that would never come through as we said our final goodbyes and make our way towards the check in counter without any sign of Alex.

I felt a lone tear fall down my cheeks as the deep betrayal sunk in deep

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