I woke up to an empty bed, I looked around but the King was no where to be seen. I sighed and went in the bathroom to get ready for the day. I put on a washed blue jean with a black long sleeve shirt and a white sneakers then left the room.

I met Hilda and some other women In the living room chatting and laughing among themselves, I smiled at them and some responded with a hello or good morning while others ignored me like I wasn’t there.

“Celeste, come!” Hilda called out to me in the dinning room which is joined with the living room. I walked over to her with a smile.

“Good morning” I said to her.

“Morning child,” Hilda replied as she placed food on the table. I offered to help them, also placing foods on the table and making small talks with the coven members.

After we were done, Hilda walks up to me and put her hand on my shoulder. “Do have a seat, dear” she said, motioning to one of the seat.

I sat down, ready to dig in to the delicious foods on the table when I notice all the members seated heads were cast down. Reluctantly, I also cast my head downward and waited.

“gath, agaetí skal yawë deloi, unin líf, garjzla un vanyalí ástar daéda.” They all chanted together, holding hands, including mine.

(Translation: Together, we bow our head as one, in life, light and magic we stand strong.)

Once the prayer was over, we started eating. After we were done, I offered to help with the dishes but the women declined, saying they’ll do it themselves.

I came out of the building in search of the King but couldn’t find him, I sighed and turned back only to see Hilda waving me over to her with a basket on her hand.

I walk to her and smile. “High priestess,” I said and she frowned.

“Just call me Hilda”

“Okay Hilda,” I said and this time and she smiled while I chuckled.

“Would you like to pick some herbs with me?” She asked and I nodded, happy to walk around the coven.

Hilda points out the types of plants I should pick after giving me a basket. We move further into the forest picking herbs silently.

“Celeste,” she said my name and I turn to look at her. “Yeah?” I answered, wiping sweat of my forehead.

She hold out a leave to the sky, inspecting it

“This leave can heal any wound. This is the first time I’m seeing it in twelve years” She said, twirling it between her fingers.

I stood next to her, also inspecting the leave. “Wow” I said amazed by it. “What’s it called?” I asked her looking at her face.

“We call it dauthleikr” She answered, looking at my face deeply.

“Dauthleikr..” I repeated, looking at the strange plant. “What does it mean?” I asked her and her answer was simple.


Before I could ask anymore questions, she held my hand and placed the plant on my palm.

“Here, I want you to have it” Hilda said, putting her palm on top of mine and then smiled at me.

“But why would you give me such a special plant?” I asked her, folding my brows in confusion.

“Because you would need it more” She answered simply.

“But won’t it wither and die?” I asked again.

“Shhhh, you ask to many questions child” Hilda said then chuckled. “And no, the plant doesn’t die” She added lastly.

I was about to open my mouth and ask more questions but she beats me to it. “Now help me pick more herbs, would you?”

I sighed and nodded, then bent down to pick her herbs. After pulling one off the ground, I heard a piercing sound that shook the earth and chases the birds of the branches of the trees.

Hilda and I looked at each other, before dropping our baskets and raced to where the sound came from.

I gasped at the sight before me. Hanging on a tree, with her legs tied up and her head facing down was a girl. I could only see the back of her head, but there was blood everywhere.

Blood dripped down from her head and standing beside the body was a girl who couldn’t be more than twenty five. She had a sinister smirk playing on her lips and her face covered with blood. When I looked at what she holding I was horrified, on her left hand, she held a heart and on the other, was a skin.

I slapped my hands over my mouth and take a step back frightened. She laughed at me then glared at Hilda.

“I would have love to stay and chat with you mother, but I have..” She trailed off, then looked at the body hanging beside her and then smiled at her mother. “… More important things to do” and with that, she disappeared into thin air.

I stood still, still in shock but what I saw next will forever be imprinted in my mind. As the body turned slowly from the tree, the girl was without a face. The whole skin on her face has been peeled off, her eyes were wide but lifeless and her mouth opened like she was ready to scream.

Hilda fell to the ground next to me, chanting lowly with her head to the ground. People started coming out from behind the bushes and trees to see what had happened. A few screamed and ran while others started crying for their lost one.

I was hugged from behind and I quickly turned around and placed my head on his chest.

“Come on, let’s go” Elijah muttered, leading me through the forest and back to the building.

I sat on the bed and fold my knees, staring at the wall for hours. I couldn’t get the picture of the faceless girl out of my head.

Elijah sat down beside me and put his hand on my face, turning my head to look at his gray eyes.

“Shhhh,” he mumbled softly, putting my head on his shoulder as I cried.

After a minute, I raised my head to look at him only to see him already looking at me. All air left my lungs as the beating of my heart increased. His eyes, the gray ones that I love so much, were replaced with a deeper, darker shade of gray, lust, danger and need swirling throughout them.

Our faces were only an inch away and slowly, he brought his plump lips on mine. I threw my hands around his neck and deepened the kiss. Gently, he pushed me on the bed, his lips still attached to mine and his right hand placed on my waist.

I trailed my index finger all over his stomach, content filling my body at the contact. His lips left my mouth and trailed down my neck, he bite down softly, and I gasped.

His wet lips came down to my jaw, sucking on them before his lips met mine again. His lips were soft and delicate, filled with passion.

He broke the kiss and look deeply into my eyes, and then brought his to brush my hair behind my ear.

“What are you doing to me, Celeste” He said. I knew he wasn’t asking me, more like he was asking himself.

The ringing of a bell brought us back to reality and we both looked out the window.This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

“We should go” Elijah mumbled getting off me and rearranged his clothes.

“Yes, we should” I replied, getting up from the bed and also readjusting my sweatshirt.

Elijah came closer to me and held me by my waist, drawing me closer. He placed his hand under my jaw to look at him and then wiped the remaining tears from my cheek.

“Remember Celeste, queens shouldn’t cry.” And with that said, he gave me one last kiss and we walked out the room.

As well Came down the stairs together, I couldn’t help but keep smiling. I could still feel the taste of his lips on mine but once we were out the building, all smiles and happy thought vanished.

Hundreds of people were gathered in a circle, with sadness written on their faces. The parted a way for us and some were glaring at me for reasons unknown.

In the middle of the circle was a pyre, and a body cover in white was laid on. A woman with jet black hair, knelt beside the pyre, crying and clutching a piece of clothes to her chest.

Hilda walked over to the woman and knelt beside her, patting her softly on the back and saying some words that couldn’t even reach my werewolf ears.

The both got up, and walked towards our direction. He head was hung low but the moment she raised her head and her eyes met mine I knew there would be trouble and boy was I right.

“You!” She screamed, pointing at me. “You caused this!” She added sniffing and walking towards me.

I was confused and I looked around to see others adverting my gaze.

I looked back at the woman who was now been held back by others. Her body glowed a bright purple and the people holding her flew off in different directions.

She point her palm towards me and I was hit by a blue light. I fell to the ground, holding my throat and trying to get air into my lung but it seemed impossible.

I heard distant shouting of the Kings voice but i Couldn’t understand a word he said. My vision became blurry and before I knew it, I was falling through a dark hole.

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