I groaned as I reached out to my phone ringing on the table. I clicked on the answer button without checking the callers ID.

“Hello?” I rasped, turning on my back and rubbing my eyes with my hand.

“You’re in so much trouble young lady!” Moms angry voice greeted me.

I sat up straight, taking my hair out of my face and mouth and scrunched my face up in confusion.

“What are you talking about?” I asked her, confused.

“Don’t play dumb with me” She said.

“Mom, I don-” “You are all over the news,” Mom added cutting me off.

“Shit” I cussed under my breath. I forgot that the pictures they took of I and Elijah will pop up on the were news.

“Don’t you dare cuss again” She muttered and I pictured her glaring at me.

“Sorry,” I whispered softly.

I could hear voices at the background and knowing my family, they all want to know why I was with the king and I think it’s time I tell them the truth.

“I think you have some explaining to do.” Mom stated and I sighed.





I explained everything to her that happened from the ball, to Andrews’ assault and the rogue attack, the only detail I kept out was the make out I had with Elijah last night. Remembering it makes me bring my hand to my lips and smiling like a maniac to myself.

“You have to be careful baby” mom muttered. “I don’t want you to get hurt again.” She added and I sighed then smiled softly.

“I won’t mom,” I told her as I walked towards the window and look out. There, stands Elijah with another male as they conversed among themselves and I smile as Elijah’s gaze land on my room window-although he can’t see me.

“I’ll be fine” I muttered softly.


I took a quick shower as I was eager to see Elijah. I walk down the halls, going to the dinning room as that might be the first place Elijah will be.

I met the maid-Ruth coming out of the Room, her Blonde hair tied up in a high ponytail and her green eyes cast to the ground.

“Lady Celeste,” She bowed her head down in greeting and I nodded.

“Do you know where the King is?” I asked her and she shakes her head.

“His majesty already left the palace.” She answered and I frown my face then nodded.

“Your breakfast has been placed in the dinning room” Ruth Adds quickly when she noticed I was about to turn back.

“Okay,” I muttered, opening the door and walking into the room.

My sneakers echoed in the silent room as I walk towards one of the seats and sat down. Honestly, I didn’t have the appetite to eat the food even though it smells delicious.

After I was done, I decided to take a stroll outside the palace, for some fresh air. I closed the door, my front facing the it and as I turned around, I bumped into a man and he hissed at me like a snake.

“Watch where you’re going mutt” He spat and glared at me.

“Excuse me?”

“You’re excused” he said and I rolled my eyes. I do not like this one.

“Who are you?”

“Lord Martin, the royal Curia Regis of the King” Lord Martin said as he arranged his suit and raised his chin high in proudness.

“Oh,” I said and he nodded before looking at me in a questioning way.

“You look familiar” Lord Martin said.

“Oh.. I’m Celes-” “Lady Celeste, the King’s lover” He said cutting me off.

I was taken aback by his words, of course, the world would portrait I and Elijah as lovers but.. That’s what we are right?This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

Lord Martin clears his throat and I snap out of my thoughts and look at him. “I better be off then. It was… Nice meeting you” and with that he walk pass me, running his hand through his white hair.

I shake my head at his rudeness and pray to never see him again-which is impossible with him being the royal advisor.

As I walk out the palace gates, I breath in fresh air. Winter is almost over as the snows are melting of the trees and grass.

I walked on the palace ground for a whole solid ten minutes before I got to the beautiful garden filled with red roses. Walking between the roses, the air feels warmer here like it was spring time. I bent down and dust snow of one of the Roses onto my hand and it started melting.

How could it be cold just a feet outside the Rose garden yet warm when I am standing in the garden?

I felt the presence of someone behind me and when I turned around, there was no one. I shrugged it off and bent down to pluck out one of the Roses when I heard whispering of my name.

“Who’s there?” I called out looking around but there was no one, not even a maid. My heart was beating rapidly in my chest and my arms became sweaty. Air whooshed around me and I close my eyes tightly, and place my on my ears praying that the whispering would stop.


I opened my eyes and there stand Elijah staring at me with confusion and worry written all over his face.

“Are you Alright? You look flustered.” He asked walking closer to me. He placed his hand on my face and turned my face from left to right like a mother who is worried for her child.

“I-I’m.. Fine” I stammered, still confused about what the hell just happened.

Elijah nodded unconvinced but didn’t say a thing. “We should go” He said, pulling me with him out of the garden and immediately I felt cold.

“I would like you to escort me to Saeville” Elijah muttered as we walked together on the grass.

“Where’s Saeville?” I asked him. I have never heard of such a town.

Elijah sighed and stopped walking, then look at me “It’s a witch town, A coven actually”

“Why would we be going there?” I asked.

“We need their help, only they can give us the answers we seek”

“And which is?” I asked as we kept on walking.

“It’s Derrick. He seems to have this strange power or has witches working with him and I need to know who they are.”

I nodded knowing that it’s true, the only way to defeat him is to find the source of his powers.

“When are we going?” I asked Elijah, stretching my head to look at his tall frame.

“Now. I already have our clothes packed for the trip”

“Wa-wait what? How many days are we using and how far is it?” I asked, folding my hands together.

“It’s a five hours car ride and we’ll be staying three days” I nodded and we continued walking.

I spot a black car by the side of the bridge. We walked towards it and as I placed my hand on the Car handle, Elijah’s hand also came on mine. We looked at each other before I broke eye contact and removed my hand while he opens the door for me.

I sat awkwardly in there, waiting for Elijah to get in and start the car. After a few minutes, the car starts and we were on our way.

I watch the lake underneath the bridge as we ride it out the palace. The atmosphere in the car was tense and I kept rocking my feet and taping my hands on my knee.

I turned my head to look at Elijah but his eyes are focused on the road. I sighed and rest my head backwards on the seat, maybe it’s just me, maybe I’m the only one feeling the awkwardness.

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