I’m Just His Wife

Chapter 109

I woke up and took a deep breath. I don’t want to cry. I need to know the truth. I want to know how Ivan was shot. I want to see him now. I want to see her condition.

I wiped away my tears and took another deep breath. Without saying a word I removed the dextrose that was attached to me. I couldn’t take the pain anymore and just let my wrist bleed. I don’t care about the pain. I know it will subside later. The important thing was that I see Ivan now.

I slowly got out of bed so I wouldn’t make a noise. I kept my eyes on Roxanne and Darlyn who were both asleep now. They couldn’t wake up because they might even stop me from visiting Ivan. And just in case I won’t stop them either. My husband needs me now.

I picked up a pair of slippers that sat on the side table and put them on. I slowly got up from sitting on the bed without making any noise. I swallowed before deciding to walk. Some parts of my body still hurt but I don’t care. Ivan was even more important to me.

When I got to the front of the bedroom door I immediately touched the door knob. I was about to turn it when I heard a voice. Oh, crap. How did Darlyn even wake up? I closed my eyes tightly and even my grip on the door knob tightened.

“Ay jusko po! Where were you going and get up ?!” Darlyn asked sharply.

I let go of the door knob and turned to look at him. He was approaching me now as his eyebrows met but the concern was still on his face.

She pulled my bleeding wrist the moment she stood in front of me. He stared at it the most and soon was shaken one after another. She looks disappointed and at the same time, worried.

“Why did you remove your dextrose? Look and your wrist was already bleeding.” his gaze shifted to me. “Where were you going? Wait a minute and I’ll call the doctor. Let’s treat your wound. Just be there and wait-”

I withdrew my arm from him. I folded my arms and averted my eyes from him. I don’t want to be angry with him. Maybe I’m annoyed but I know I’m a little annoyed with that and I’ll only feel it for a moment.

“I’m going to Ivan.” I answered directly while not looking at him.

“Ha? Didn’t I tell you that he will visit you here tomorrow? Hey, you’ll see him tomorrow too. Don’t be in a hurry. Go back to bed, go ahead …” he said and took my arm again but I immediately took you away.

I looked at him again and smiled at him bitterly. “Seriously, Darlyn? How can Ivan visit me if he’s in a coma now and still in the ICU?” I could no longer control the tone of my voice. I’m quite pissed, okay?

His eyes widened. He also opened his mouth, maybe because he was so shocked. It looks like they really had no intention of telling me then about what happened to Ivan.

“Ahm … What ICU? Andrea, we told you, she’s at her parents’ house with the twins-” I cut her off.

“Oh, please. Stop that already, Darlyn. I don’t want to get mad at you so don’t continue that lie of yours. Just take me to where Ivan was. I want to check on him.” I adjusted the hospital gown I was wearing. It’s a bit chaotic.

“But …” he hesitated, I know. “I promised Xyleus that I won’t take you to Ivan because you might not be able to handle the way he looks now. So … Please? Andrea? Just visit him later. It’s not yet the right time …” he avoided of looking at me by bowing.Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

“In that case … When’s the right time you’re saying, Darlyn? When Ivan’s gone I’ll only be able to visit him later, huh? Well, that’s bullshit!” the tone of my voice rose. “I heard it from the news, Darlyn! Ivan’s life was dangerous. What do you want me to do, huh? Just stare at it while the person I love was dying? I can’t understand you! Why don’t you want to see I’m Ivan ?! ”

“It’s not like that, Andrea. We just want you to get well before you visit him …” he looked at me again and I could see the sadness on his face.

“No! I don’t care about myself! I don’t feel sick anymore so can I ?! Take me to Ivan, right now!” I tried to step but I was immediately stopped when someone grabbed my arm again.

I looked at it and saw Roxanne looking at me seriously. was he too? Will he also stop me from going to Ivan?

“I know you love her, Rigella, but please understand her yourself first!” Roxanne’s cry echoed in the four corners of the room. My eyes widened and at the same time I swallowed. Only now did he call me by my real name again. “You’re so selfish! You don’t even think we’re the people who worry about you. You want to see Ivan, don’t you? You want to know his condition? Well, you learn to wait! You don’t have to always be in a hurry with all those thing! Wait! Besides, I already talked to Ivan’s doctor a while ago and he said that your husband’s condition was gradually improving. His body was also responding. I hope you waited first so I can tell you everything. this before you get out of bed and injure yourself. ” he stared at me before he sighed.

I was stunned by what he said. I knew he was right, I shouldn’t just get up from the bed I was lying on without even saying goodbye to them. I didn’t think your concern they would feel for me. I became selfish. I became a narrow-minded bitch a while ago.

I kept my eyes on Roxanne who was now circling me out of maybe too much disappointment. Darlyn looked at me with pity.

“But …” I stopped speaking to see Roxanne’s reaction. She stared at me. “Ivy said in the news earlier that Ivan was not stable yet …” I almost whispered.

Roxanne sighed and nodded. “Oh, that.” he nodded again. “It’s true what he said that Ivan was not stable yet because that’s what he knows and that’s also true. But Ivan was resisting so maybe his condition was improving at this time.” he replied.

“I’ll call the doctor. Your wound needs to be treated.” Darlyn replied to us that Roxanne had just nodded.

Darlyn just smiled at me sparingly before she left the room. Oh my, I yelled at him earlier. Why was my brain so narrow?

“How was he shot, Roxanne?” I turned my gaze back to Roxanne.

His expression was suddenly sad. “After that Seymour ass shot you, he suddenly came … What was his name then? Ah, just. He shot Ivan in the chest.” he replied making me gasp. “But I still remember that. Darlyn told me that. Kris … Wait, Kriselle? Krisha? Ah, I don’t know. Maybe you know?”

I took a deep breath and clenched my fist spontaneously. ‘that’s Kristine.” I answer emphatically. Shame on that gaga. He has no right to shoot Ivan!

“Ah, that’s right! But Darlyn said it was already dead so don’t worry. But …” he stopped talking and grinned.

“But what?” kunot noo kong tanong.

“But … Seymour was still alive. He’s under hospital arrest now. And, if you plan to wage war on him again, don’t continue. That animal of yours will be imprisoned.” he shrugged. “Seriously, his plastic was stupid, huh? We were fooled by his benevolent effect.” he made a difficult promise.

“I want to see Seymour …” it came out of my mouth.

“Ha ?! were you crazy, best?” he asked in shock. “Why, don’t meet there anymore, what. He’s been scolding you so much. He doesn’t deserve to see you anymore.” he added.

“But I want to know everything. I know he’s still not telling me and I want to know that.” I said again.

“It’s the best, eh! You’re really weird!” he said frowning.


“Well, that’s me.” I smiled. “Promise me. Promise me you’ll join me with Ivan and even with Seymour after all this.”

He smiled and nodded. “I promise. But also promise me that you’ll be able to see how he looks tomorrow. Promise you’ll be strong.”

I didn’t immediately respond to Roxanne. Can I really handle it? I don’t know. I don’t know what I’m going to look like tomorrow.

I just swallowed and nodded softly. “Promise.” I faked a smile.

Just this time, I will believe in that quote. That, promises were meant to be broken. Because I wasn’t sure if I would be able to see the man I loved most in a dangerous situation.

After I put on the hospital gown, gloves and medical cap I confronted Creed. He was the one I will be with today when entering the ICU where Ivan was. Even if Ivan’s Mommy, Mommy Jane, wanted to come with her, she couldn’t do it because she had already allowed me to enter the ICU. Only a limited number of people can enter there.

This was the first time Mommy Jane and I have met again as well as Ivan”s Daddy Daddy Iverson. It’s surprising that his daddy was here because I thought he didn’t care about Ivan. By the way, he also has a heart for his son.

Ivy was here too but she just kept quiet and ignored her parents. He only paid attention to me after he greeted me earlier. Only now did I find out that he was here in the Philippines.

“Daughter, let me know as soon as you get out of the ICU, okay? I’m really worried about Ivan. He’s been lost a few times and I’m afraid he might not survive this time.” Mommy Jane held my hand.

I shook hands with him and smiled. “Don’t say that, Mommy. He won’t be damned. He’s strong, I know him.”

I don’t want to believe that he can’t get over what happened to him. Even though I knew there was a possibility that he would not survive I would continue to believe.

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