Hot Revenge Box Set 4

Chapter 6

Chapter 6


I love being a Mom.

From her bundle of fleece and wool, Cara looks up into my face, her eyes fixing on me in a way that they didn’t when she was first born. Her features have lost that squashed-up look she had at first, filling out to more of the true ‘Winston Churchill’ look of young babies.

My baby…

So beautiful…

There’s never been anything so beautiful in the whole world…

… But when she was new-born, she was a beautiful, little squashed-up red prune.

Cara held close to my breast, she suckles contentedly…

Wonder how long it’ll be before she does more than eat and sleep?

However wonderful My Baby might be, the novelty of breast-feeding is wearing off fast. Bored, Cara supported in one arm, I browse my tablet, scrolling the feed with a thumb.

Somehow, they have gotten hold of my email address and my In-Box is bombarded with ads for milk substitutes, nappies, early learning for babies… Jabbing my thumb at the offending posts, I delete one after another…

And then, something more interesting…


A message from my Master…

Wonder why he used my work address?


Probably came up first on the autofill…

I tap with my thumbpad, fumble, then Cara held in the crook of one arm, pass the tablet to one hand so I can tap in properly with the other.

An image opens up: a corset. It’s a beauty: satin and lace in a shade of jewelled emerald, edged in a deeper jade.

Thought you might like to browse this site. Find something you like. Life’s getting back to normal xx


… and I can see why my Master picked out the one he did.

Smiling to myself, I follow the link through to find myself on a website for sexy underwear… Actually, beyond sexy. Downright erotic. Anything but bored now, I explore the lingerie: black lace, red satin, bodices and bustiers, stockings and garters, thongs and French knickers…

It’s been so long since I was able to wear anything like this, but my figure is rapidly returning to normal…

Boobs are still huge though…

I glance down at my contentedly nursing daughter…

… And likely to remain so for the foreseeable future…

I chuckle to myself. I’m getting warm inside… Wet, in fact.

Shifting around, I set Cara onto the other breast and resume my browsing.

It was a clever idea of my Master’s, sending me this. But then, he always did know me better than I know myself.

Then I chuckle again. Of course, he does. He’s a Dom. He’s always going to start by playing inside my head, working on my sense of anticipation…

… Get me to choose my own clothes.

What’s he got in mind?

Downstairs? In his playroom?

Over the spanking horse? Saint Andrew’s cross?

My pussy is going into meltdown.

Clicking through one page after another, I consider the alternatives.

What would he like? What would he want me to wear?

And Michael?

What would make the most of my current… I glance down at my hugely expanded boobs… assets?

Then the obvious hits me. Working back through the menus, I locate the corset in the image from the email.

It’s a beauty, and I can see why he picked it out. Hooked to the front, heavily boned to pinch in the waist. Nonetheless, it’s laced at the back to allow for an expanding, or shrinking, figure. The cups are firmly supportive for the ‘fuller figure’ but could be tucked down nicely to expose the breasts.

And the colour is perfect. Green always looks good on me…

He didn’t ask it specifically, but my Master’s wishes are clear. A quick tap on the ‘Buy’ button and a ‘1’ appears by the cart.

Some while later, Cara is lying in her cot, eyes closed, blowing bubbles as she sleeps. And my cart contains rather more than just ‘1’.

I’ve added stockings - hold-ups in case my Master wishes to remove the corset - a wrap-around skirt in some sheer silky fabric, with just a pair of buttons to hold it in place. I hesitate over the shoes: spiked heels, in a deep jade to match the corset. Utterly impractical for everyday wear, but what the hell…

My mind whirls through the possibilities… Our first post-pregnancy session in my Master’s playroom.

Just the Three of us?

Or Richard and Beth too?

Beth’s all but at term now and can barely get out of her chair now without help. But she’ll enjoy watching.

Watching her husband fuck me…

Watching me suck him off…

Tallying up what I’m spending, I gulp a little at the total…

Totally worth it…

…And I hit Pay Now.

Should I tell him?

Course I should…

Switching screens back to my Master’s original email, I click reply: Look what I bought…

He’ll like that.

Then, I shift in my seat. I’m really very uncomfortable.

Time to change into fresh underwear…

My thoughts are interrupted as Cara burbles, burps, then starts to fuss.

Probably needs burping…

And despite myself, I find myself smiling as I reach to pick her up.

Any excuse… Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

Jiggling her up and down, I pat her back until a Blub! of milk burps up… then down again, dribbling over my shoulder.

Damn. Forgot the towel…

All those brochures and guides speaking of the joys of motherhood… No-one mentioned spending half the day smelling of yoghurt.

It doesn’t matter. Swiping away the milky trickle, I hold her in front of me, singing one of those silly little songs they have for babies.

And I smile. I can’t help it. It just comes, welling up, a smile for my tiny girl.

Gurgling, Cara smiles back. It’s a bit gummy and a bit unformed. Her eyes fix on me, then wander off, then drift back, but it’s a smile.

“You look lovely when you do that.”

Jolting, reflexively I clasp Cara tighter to me…


… But there, leaning against the door frame, Michael stands, looking into the nursery. Sunlight slants across from the window, throwing a beam over Scruffy, standing by his feet. Ears perked, the stubby tail is a frenzied blur.

I relax again, feeling foolish. My beautiful husband, my Golden Lover. Of course he can come into the nursery.

“Sorry, didn’t mean to startle you.” He takes a step forward, then pauses. “Is it okay if Scruffy comes in?”

“Um, yes, alright...”

You’re being silly…

And I laugh. “Yes, it’s fine. They should get to know each other.”

Michael pulls up a chair beside me. “It’s good for them both to get to know each other.”

Scruffy trots in, Bear strolling in behind, his expression benign. Both sit with ears pricked, looking up. Michael raises a finger to the pair. “Nicely. She’s only little.”

But the dogs both seem to understand they’re looking at a ‘people puppy’, sitting quietly, not trying to crowd me.

“Still enjoying motherhood?”

“Oh, yes. It’s amazing, but it’s nice to see that we can go back to some of how it was before too.”

His brow furrows. “Sorry? Not with you.”

I grin, feeling wicked. “Look…”

I display my Master’s email, the model in the beautiful corset. “I just bought it.”

Michael raises eyebrows, slanting a smile at me, then scissors open the image for a closer look. “Very nice. James always did have good taste. I’ll look forward to seeing you wearing it. You say you’ve already ordered it?”

“Ah-ha. Estimated delivery, three days.”

He flashes a grin, then leans in to kiss me on the mouth. “I’ll make sure then, that we have the cava on ice, and the heating on downstairs.”


Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.