Horny Drips Sex Cravings

Chapter 185


My throat went dry suddenly and I decided to play ignorant and keep walking but he came before me, his bulging chest blocking my view.

I was losing air as fast as I was taking it in.

“K-Knight….” I stuttered blinking nervously at him.

He was quite confident and intimidating with his height and broad figure. I tucked my hair behind my ear feeling overwhelmed then I tried to move to the side but he blocked me moving in the same direction.

“Oh sorry.” I said and moved to the other side but he blocked me and this time I could tell it was intentional.

“What are you doing?” I asked keeping my gaze low.

“You’ve been avoiding me Cassandra.” He called my name in full. He was damn serious. “Or did you think I wouldn’t notice.

I tried to laugh it off but the way it came out gave out the truth and I swore at myself.

“That’s ridiculous. Why would I?” I said finding the courage to look at him but his gaze was melting mine that I found it hard to hold. Gosh! I looked so vulnerable before him.

“Who knows… I’m trying to find out as well.” He said and his feet moved forward causing me to impulsively move back. He slid his hands into his pockets and looked down on my feet. He took more steps and I moved back as well breathing heavily. I felt like the ground should swallow me whole.

“Why are you moving back?” My breath hitched and I froze to the spot.

“Why are you following me?”

He bit down on his lips sexily, his eyes looking seductively at my lips.

” I don’t know. Maybe I’m just curious.”Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

“About what?”

“Some nights ago,” he started his fingers reaching out to my hair while my eyes followed. He paused noticing my quivering body and a smile tugged his lips.

He paused and leaned towards me, his eyes filled with curiosity.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. Excuse me.” I said in a haste taking the chance to escape from him but a hand held me back and spinned me towards him. My breast brushed harshly against his strong and broad chest at the force, causing feelings to swarm in large force into my heart. The feeling that I tried hard to subdue.

I had tripped but his hand on my waist held me in place and we locked eyes again in that moment.

I was overwhelmed with the sensations coursing through my body at our closeness. I looked at him with so much yearning unable to hide my desire in that moment but what scared me was the intensity in his, like he wanted me just as much as I wanted him.

Snap out of it! I didn’t want to be confused. Maybe I was projecting my feelings on him.

“Cassie….” He whispered my name in such a needy manner and I swear I wanted to kiss him with all the passion in me.

“Let me go Knight… P-please.” I begged not caring if I looked vulnerable or if he could see how much I wanted him through it.

“No, I can’t.” He said and my eyes sparkled. “Not when I replay that moment in my dreams every night.”

I was voiceless at that moment. Was he referring to the same night?

“Release me.” I pleaded trying to free myself but he held me closer. His fingers now found it’s way to my cheek caressing it softly. My eyes went dreamy and sensations flooded into me, it was electrifying that I found myself whimpering in pleasure. I bit my lips hard almost biting out blood from it trying to stop a moan from escaping my lips.

That was how much he affected me.

“I beg you, please let me go.” I had to, being in his arms rendered me completely helpless because my body, mind and soul were engulfed by the feelings he fueled inside me.

His eyes sparkled and he swallowed hard making me wet my pants.

To my surprise he released me and I gasped for air. I turned away from him, I needed to head back to my room, lock myself up and hope never to see him because I couldn’t handle it again.

“I kissed you that night.”

Like a bomb had just been dropped on me, I felt like I was everywhere and nowhere. I was shocked to my knees and my lips splayed without consent. I heard his feet moving towards me till I felt his warmth on my back. His hand touched my shoulder softly and I melted.

“You let me kiss you Cassie.” He whispered breathing warm air on my shoulder. “Why?”

“It never happened.” I quickly countered. “It meant nothing to me so let’s pretend like it never happened.”

“…. Yet you kissed me back.” I experienced another shock. It was one thing to let him kiss me and another to kiss him back because it meant I desired him.

I was dumbfounded shaking slightly from the intensity of the moment. This was too much for me to take at once. Knight came in front of me and gently he raised my jaw to him.

This man right here was the air that I breathe. He was the love of my life. I loved him with every single thing within me. I was crazy about him, I always was.

“Knight….” I whimpered.

“I enjoyed it.” He whispered and my eyes bulged. What did he mean by that? I just want to know, did you?”

And here was the climax of it all. I felt like I was about to explode, my words got choked in my throat but he was waiting for an answer and I was too shocked to give him one.

“I know you want to say something.” He said urging me but I only managed to shake my head. “Won’t you?” I tried to speak again but no words came and only my lips shook. “What if I kiss you now?

I gasped feeling a surge of heat within me.

“W-what? I managed a whisper. He let his thumb caress my chin and slowly it trailed to my lower lips and I shuddered from his touch.

“Mmmm….” A moan escaped as my heart beat frantically.

“If you don’t stop me then I have my answer.”

He would have his answer because I couldn’t stop him. I closed my eyes as he leaned towards me, his breath fanned my skin and I enjoyed every bit of it then in a magical moment I felt his lips brush against mine and my lips parted willingly to welcome his thrust but then it didn’t come because….

“Oh my goodness!” A female voice spoke behind us and I shrunk into my skeleton. My eyes shot open to see Knight still an inch away from kissing me.

I pushed him away quickly and turned towards the sound of the voice.

“Camilo?” I called in shock seeing her shocked expression as she looked dumbfounded from me to Knight. She obviously didn’t expect this.

“Um… I. Shit! Why do I have to bump into this situations all the time.” She cursed shutting her eyes. “I’m sorry I was just leaving.” She said nervously and I tried to stop her to explain what I was yet to formulate in my head but she left me hanging as she quickly ran out.

I stood with my back against Knight for a while then I turned back to him, he ran his fingers across his hair giving me the innocent look like all this wasn’t his fault.

What if some maid saw us before Camilo.

I didn’t want to start any awkward conversation now so I quickly ran out of his sight despite hearing him call out for me. I ran to my room but the fucker ran after me.

I shut my door tightly but he kept knocking and calling after me.

Why couldn’t he just let me be?

I hoped Angel didn’t find out with everything that was fucked up in his life he’d think I was fucking his friend and I didn’t think he’d like the idea.

I screwed this up because of one kiss, one that I totally enjoyed and would continue to reminisce.

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