Holding on to you

Chapter 16: Guess who’s coming over

How does the saying go… when life gives you lemons you make lemonade? So what are you supposed to do when life gave you the devil instead? Do they even drink lemonade in hell, or is everyone too busy burning and screaming to care? Or maybe the souls in hell are having a party because the devil has left them to come, his hot ass to earth to be my tormentor.

After that classroom incident, Killian took me back home, cause you know, since someone decided to be a caveman and rip my clothes, I couldn’t very well go to the rest of my class looking like I’ve just been ravished. I felt used and betrayed somehow, even though I know he never promised me anything beyond what we have, I still felt used and betrayed. However, that was a good thing because it reminded me that our relationship was a business one, there was no love involved and there never will be.

On the drive back to the house I spent my time looking for a way out, thinking of ways I could escape him. While he was taking his anger out on me back in the classroom, it hit me that my brothers were no longer in danger because they were no longer in the country, so really I didn’t need Killian anymore. But, I knew that it wouldn’t be as easy to walk away from him, he sees me as his property and it would be highly insulting to him if I left, but I was going to, I just have to bid my time. And I knew I couldn’t do it alone, I needed help, the only problem was, who was brave enough to help me go against Killer?All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

“If I have to answer one more question on Newton’s law of gravity I will scream.”

I threw the book across the room, it hit the wall, knocking the picture to the ground that was hanging there, then landed on the floor with a few of the pages flying everywhere. I groaned inward because I knew that I’ll just have to replace it.

“Baby, Physic is easy, it’s not as bad as you’re making it out to be.”

I turned to glare at him, we were sitting on the bed trying to study. Well, I was anyway, he was trying to get me to understand how gravity works. I mean, come on, how can something that’s light and heavy fall at the same speed? It just does make sense to me.

“Sure, you can say that you’re probably smarter than Einstein.”

He chuckled like I said something funny, but I wasn’t joking. He’s one of the smartest people I’ve met and I’ve met a lot. I can’t count the amount of time Jessy dragged me to one of her geek conventions and I can honestly say that Killian would outshine a lot of them. I always thought that he had to be dumb, I mean he was hardly ever in school and he never did any of the homework or projects that were given to him. But, after we were given the history project and he did it in one day without any help from me, I was stunned.

“You’re forgetting that I’m hotter too.”

I rolled my eyes, well at least he’s got an ego to help balance out his brain. My phone rang, but for the life of me, I could find where the ringing was coming from. There were so many books on my bed that they were muffling the sound of the phone. After throwing all of the books off of the bed, I finally found my phone and answered it.

“Speak me to.”

“Hey bitch, I’m outside your house but these dudes that drink steroids for breakfast won’t let me pass the gate. I told them a hundred times that my best friend lives here, but I don’t think they believe me. What the… Lil, this dude is pushing my car with me in it.”

I started giggling because my best friend started threatening the life of the security guards that were trying to push her car off of the premises.

“Hey, hands off Milky! Don’t make me leave this car, I’ll sue all your asses if you dent her with your Hulk Hogan looking asses!”

I was laughing so hard that I dropped off the bed. Killian’s eyebrow kicked up in amusement and he reached over, lifting me back on the bed.

“Jess, I’ll come out and get you.”

I was barely able to form a whole sentence because I couldn’t stop myself from laughing.

“LILLY, hurry I think they’re trying to kill me!”

I think she dropped the phone because I could hear her talking but she sounded far away.”

“Don’t you dare! Don’t you dare open that door! I know Kung Fu, karate, ju-jitsu if you test me I will kick your ass!!”

My phone was grabbed out of my hand and hang up, I looked over at the culprit, frowning. How dare he stop my fun factor.

“I’ll call down and let them know that Jessy should be allowed in, and ask Beth to send her up to the room.”

There he goes, spoiling my fun. Well, I guess it couldn’t last forever, Jessy must be terrified even though she was acting like a badass.

I got up and started picking all of the books off of the floor and tidied up as best as I could. As I pack things away and pushed whatever I can under the bed Killian called to the front gate and told them to let Jessy pass. I gave the room a nod of approval when I was finished and smile triumphantly at how fast I get it cleaned.

Killian came up behind me and put his hands around my waist, pulling me to him.

“You’re the only girl I know who cleans like a guy.”

I narrowed my eyes and frowned, was he saying that I was dirty because it sure sounded like it?

“Well, it’s a good thing that you don’t want me for my cleaning skills.”

As soon as the words left my mouth, I was spun around and pinned to his chest. I gasped, startled by the suddenness of it all, I saw the lust in his eyes as they started changing colour.

“No, you’ve got other skills that I’d much prefer.”

His eyes darkened as he glanced at my lips that were slightly parted. He lifted the hem of my shirt, placing his hands flat on my back, pressing my body even closer to him. I felt my body react to his touch and I pushed my already hard nipples against his chest.

His mouth touched mine in a soft yet hungry kiss, my hands moved up his chest and around his neck then tangled themselves into his hair. The kiss along with his touch got more demanding making me burn everywhere. He pulled back slightly taking my top off and throwing it across the room.

I didn’t have time to react before I found myself on the bed with him above me, kissing my breast. I bit down on my lips and moaned so loud I think the entire house heard. My hands were buried in his hair and my legs locked around his waist. Deep down I felt like we needed to stop like we shouldn’t be doing what we were doing, but whenever I tried to form a clear or coherent thought Killian did something amazing with his mouth causing my brains to fry.

Things started heating up and soon enough we were both naked in bed when a loud scream coming from the door startled us.

“Ohmygod! I so did not need to see that… my best friend having sex is not something that I want to be buried in my memories.”

The heat that was once consuming me rushed all the way to my cheeks and I turned away, blushing hard. Jessy was standing with her back to us but I still felt highly embarrassed. Killian chuckled like the whole thing was some joke that he found quite amusing.

I gave him an irritated look but that just made him laugh harder. Frowning I started pushing him off of me, but he captured my hands and my lips at the same time. The kiss was brief but hot nonetheless. He got off of the bed, picking up his shirt that was discarded one the floor, he tossed it at me and I caught it. I quickly slipped in on and stand.

“I’m going to take a cold shower; you girls have fun.”

He pecked me again on the lips then disappear into the bathroom. When he was finally out of sight I turned to face my best friend who was giving me a weird look. I couldn’t describe it, but if I had to I’d say it was a mixture of disbelief, disappointment and something else.

“So, are you just going to stand there and stare at me all day?”

She opened her mouth as if to say something, but closed it, shaking her head to herself as if to say, ‘forget it.’ I give her a curious look, but she just smiled and so did I.

“This place is freaking awesome! Well, apart from almost getting killed by those bullies out front, everything else is off the charts.”

She dropped her bags at the door and walked further into the room. Her eyes widen as she surveyed it, I could understand how she felt because when I first stepped foot in the room, I too was astonished.

For a guy Killian’s room was bright and airy, he didn’t have dark dominant colours that overpowered everything. His walls were a latte colour and off to one side was a black feature wall with an arch in the middle that contained a seating area. Above the round bed were these little lights that looked like the stars in the night sky. The room was simply beautiful as was the owner.

She plopped herself down on the bed next to me and sighed as her ass was greeted with the softness of the bed.

“I never want to leave.”

I laughed, “I’d gladly trade places with you.”

She rolled her eyes, shifting on the bed so that she was facing me.

“Uh, from where I was standing a minute ago you looked quite satisfied with your current situation.”

I glared at her before grabbing a pillow and throwing it at her, she caught it giving me a fake offended look.

“Come on, let take your bags next door and get this girls weekend started.”

I got up from the bed and collected her bags, but when I turned back she was still lying on the bed with her eyes closed. I sighed impatiently, glancing around the room for something to throw at her. I saw a pair of my dirty socks and I picked it up, smirking to myself I threw it, watching as it landed directly on her face.

She jumped up startled, casting me an evil look. I started laughing, holding up my hands in surrender.

“Sanctuary! Sanctuary!”

I shouted as I ran around the room trying to get away from her. Ever since we were little, we’d call sanctuary if we did something to each other. The rule was if I said sanctuary before she can revoke it she’s not allowed to touch me, but at the moment, it seemed like my best was beyond giving me sanctuary.

She tried to grab me as I got close to her but I jumped out of the way making her trip and fall on the bed. I stood there laughing as she looked up at me, blowing her wild flyaway hair out of her face.

“I’ll get you for this Lilly Mae Graham!”

I squealed, screaming Sanctuary, but when I thought she was going to come after me, she didn’t. Instead, her eyes widen as she looked at something behind me, I was about to turn around when strong hand were slipped around my waist.

“I’ll always be your sanctuary, Red”

Killian swept my hair to the side and inhaled before placing feathery kisses on my neck. I placed my hands over his, closing my eyes I sighed in contentment. I did love being held by him, as long as it didn’t turn into anything from Fifty Shades.

My best friend cleared her throat, bring me back to reality. Killian held me a little longer before pulling away and walking into the closet. My eyes followed him, drinking in his shirtless form and when I turn to look at my best friend I saw that I wasn’t the only one. I cocked my brow at her, but she just shrugged her shoulders saying.

“Damn, but he’s fine.”

We both started laughing as we carried the bag over to the room next door. I put her stuff down and glanced at the clock. I saw that it was five minutes to one, cursing I ran from the room with Jessy following on my heel. When I reached Kinsley’s room I knocked, after a few seconds she opened up with a smile on her face, but it dropped when she saw Jessy.

“Lilly, we had a deal, no one is to know that I’m related to Killian.”

I totally forgot about that, but I trusted Jessy to not say anything, she was my best friend and I was tired of keeping secrets from her. I barely got her to stop freaking out when I told her about my parents, she cried, I cried it was a tragic mess.

“OMG, you’re on the cheer squad, and what do you mean you’re related to Killer?”

Kinsley looked irritated, but I didn’t have time to indulge her. I turned to Jessy and introduced her to Kinsley.

“Jessy, this is Kinsley, Killian’s little sister.”

I ignored my best friend gasped and pushed pass Kinsley into her room. Both girls followed in and locked the door behind them.

“I need it Kins, it’s been half an hour past the time I’m supposed to take it.”

She rolled her eyes, deciding to let the whole Jessy thing go and walked over to her drawer, pulling out a packet she handed it to me.

I took it, took one out and popped it into my mouth. I grabbed the bottled water that was sitting on her bedside table and drank a bit to help swallow the pill.

When I looked up Jessy was looking at me, curiosity clearly written in her eyes.

“Uh, Lil, why don’t you have your own birth control pills?”

I didn’t know how to tell her that I did but Killian threw them away, but I didn’t have to because Kinsley did it for me.

“Because my idiot brother wants to impregnate your best friend.”

Jessy’s eyes widen, “What?! Why would he want to do that?”

“Because he’s a fool and she needs to leave him to teach him a lesson.”

An idea came to me, I was looking for a way out of Killian’s life and I never thought to ask the one person that he would never suspect. Kinsley knew him better than anyone, she could help me get away from him and be my inside man, which would always keep me one step ahead of him at all time, it was perfect.

“Kens, would you help me if I wanted to leave him?”

I asked as I anxiously awaited her answer.

“Hell yeah! He’s not going to realise how much he loves you until he can’t find you.”

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