His Nasty Little Pussy

Chapter 203

Title: A Secret baby for my arrogant Billionaire Boss.


“H old on, hold on. There’s something shoved up my ass.”

I heard my words, registering the slur in my voice, yet I didn’t process what I had just said until my charming stranger leaned back, removing his tongue from my mouth.

A smile spilled across his perfectly tanned face, his skin as smooth as marble. Panting, I lunged for him again, my hands sliding beneath his shirt, my mouth plastering against his soft lips. He slid his leg between mine, and I could feel his cock throbbing against my thigh.

My charming stranger. I’d nicknamed him that since I didn’t remember the one he’d told me. Turns out you didn’t need that kind of information to share an airplane bathroom.

Not when you looked like him.

The metal flap of the trash can jammed up my ass again, and I groaned.


I paused, shifting myself, the hum of the craft hovering along the walls, vibrating the cramped space between us.

He chuckled, removing his hands from my waist, his green eyes soaking me in. “If there’s something in your ass again, I’m about to get jealous,” his voice came deep and husky. He glanced down, and I caught the outline of his hard cock pressed against his pants. “Because it’s definitely not me.” Fuuuuuck!!

He licked his rosy lips, and I imagined his tongue lapping my pussy, his fingers sliding inside me. Was there enough room in here for that?

The whiskey on his breath reached me, and I yearned to taste it on his tongue again. I could already tell by his erection that he was bigger than Scott, way bigger. The idea of an unknown, massive cock sliding inside me stirred an excitement in my belly that I’d forgotten.

Not to mention that we could definitely get arrested for fucking in a public place.

I shook Scott’s name out of my mind, refusing to let that scum of the earth interrupt this moment. He’d already ruined what was supposed to be the best day of my life, and I was determined to make up for it. Even if it landed me in jail.

My charming stranger ran a hand through his silky dark brown hair, his chest muscles rippling beneath his white shirt. I vaguely remembered he was wearing a tie when I sat beside him in first class hours earlier.

Now the tie was gone, the top button undone, and all formalities lost.

Golden flecks swarmed in his green eyes, and the butterflies in my stomach plummeted. My panties were so soaked that I was pretty sure they’d melted away.

“No, not you poking my ass,” I whispered.

He grinned, flashing perfectly straight white teeth. “Do you want to change that?”

I tumbled sideways at his question, my elbow landing in the sink. The automatic faucet flickered on, spitting cold water over my arm. I was not sure if I’d tripped because of turbulence, his words, or the fact that I was seeing double, but I didn’t really care.

A startling thought rose in my mind. Was I really about to fuck a stranger on an airplane and join a club I didn’t even know still accepted members?Content from NôvelDr(a)ma.Org.

I never thought my day would have ended here. I smirked as the two words spilled out of my mouth, words I had always planned to say today- but not like this, with a charming stranger in the first class bathroom on a flight from San Francisco to New York.

Holding his gaze, I cupped the bulge in his pants and gave it a firm squeeze.

“I do.”

Ten hours earlier

The vibration of my phone woke me that morning, and I rolled over, my arm stretching across the empty space on the bed beside me.

I grabbed my phone and smiled at the text from him.

Good morning, beautiful. You know what today is?

Hmm, whatever could today be? I typed back.

His response was immediate. The last day I call you my fiancee and the first night I call you my wife.

Grinning, I laid on my side. Scott was sweet, but when we spent time apart, he always made an extra effort with messages like this.

Scott and I only slept apart when he was on business trips, but he had come up with the idea of spending the night before our wedding apart.

My bridesmaid Jenna had found it endearing. How sweet! She had texted. Leaves for a good surprise when you finally see each other on your wedding day.

In true form, my maid of honor, Kate, had sent a vomit emoji. Too traditional. You need to fuck before your wedding night because you’ll be too drunk on the night.

Gross, Kate, Jenna had replied. A woman’s wedding day is supposed to be about surprises.

An idea slammed into me, and I bolted up in bed.

What cuter way to respond than to surprise my groom-to-be in person? No one ever said the surprises had to come after our vows. A little breakfast in bed couldn’t hurt-and neither would the dessert.

My phone buzzed, and I glanced down and saw a text from my dad.

Hope you have an amazing day, sweetie. Wish I was there.

My heart plummeted.

I wish you were, too, dad.

Love you, sweetie. Send pics!

My heart twisted.

Scott and I both lived in New York, but we’d chosen a San Francisco wedding because his family, groomsmen, and one of my bridesmaids, Jenna, called that city home.

I’d agreed-mainly because Scott’s parents were paying for everything -but I still wished we’d decided on New York.

My dad’s back surgery due to chronic pain made long flights impossible, and although we’d agreed on having a smaller ceremony back home and he’d given us our blessing, I still wished he was going to be here for my big day.

I tiptoed into the massive kitchen of the Airbnb we’d booked for the weekend and grabbed a bottle of champagne and two glasses. Sliding open the glass door, I stepped out into the warm San Franciscan morning, the thrill of the surprise adding a pep to my step.

The pool glittered in the sunlight, and I breathed in the crisp air, so different from the fumes that filled my New York morning walks.

All the blinds in the pool house were closed, and I wondered if Scott had fallen back asleep. The house had spare bedrooms, but he’d chosen the pool house for its mancave vibes.

I couldn’t imagine a better way to start today. My heart skipped at the idea of cuddling up next to him with a bottle of champagne, knowing that by the end of the day, I’d add a new title to my repertoire.

I’d slaved away in school to garner my Ph. D. in Chemistry and Biology while starting my company Perkins Formula and working as a Chemist in Research and Development. All throughout, people warned me that ‘school and love didn’t mix.’ But I’d balked at the old adage. Today was the day I’d prove the naysayers wrong and add ‘wife’ to my resume.

I opened the pool house door at the same time as I yanked the cork of the champagne bottle. “Your future wifey has arriv”

Scott’s bare ass, pale and round as the moon, was center stage, his dick five inches deep into some woman’s pussy.

My voice jammed in my throat. The cork popped, hitting the ceiling, and the two champagne glasses slipped from my hands, the glass shattering on the tile. Bubbly champagne spilled out of the bottle, soaking my hand.

Scott spun around, ripping himself off her. “Tess! Baby!”

The woman screamed, her face turning the color of her red hair. She rolled over on the pullout mattress to hide, but it was too late. I’d already seen her.

“T…This isn’t what it looks like,” Scott sputtered.

My entire life slammed to a halt, and I blinked, ice hardening in my veins. “Well, it looks like you’re fucking Jenna on our wedding day.”

Jenna, my sixth and last choice for a bridesmaid. I’d only added her because Scott had insisted his kindergarten best friend needed to be a sixth groomsman, and he requested she joins to even out the numbers.

Jenna ducked beneath a pillow, covering her mane of red hair.

“Huh,” I whispered, my hands feeling numb. I looked at Scott. “You always did have a thing for redheads.”

“Baby,” Scott pleaded, lifting his hands like a criminal dropping a weapon. The weapon was definitely his dick, which was still hard because of the Viagra he most definitely had taken before sticking his cock in Jenna.

His negative reaction to that very drug was why we hadn’t had sex in three months. Suddenly, the lies unraveled. Scott was more than capable of sex, just not with me.

His erection was staring at me like a one-eyed snake, a poisonous, slithering attachment to a person I no longer recognized.

A dozen red flags slammed into me one giant warning sign: late-night business trips, Jenna’s sudden reappearance in my life, moving the celebration to San Francisco.

His motherfucking excuse to spend the last night apart.

Like a deflating balloon, my shoulders sunk and my heart plummeted. The tears that pricked my eyes had nothing to do with the utter display of betrayal before me.

I had sacrificed my own desires for this man. I had told my only remaining flesh and blood, my best friend-my father-that he’d have to miss the biggest day of my life because Scott insisted we held the ceremony in California.

And I hadn’t fought him on it.

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