His Nasty Little Pussy

Chapter 135

Dale sat in the hotel room, trying to get his head around the fact that he was now a vampire. He looked up at Candy, who was pacing the room deep in thought.

“Tell me, Candy; why did you decide not to kill me?” Candy stopped pacing and turned to him.

“There are two reasons. The first is because of me. On Earth, I’m considered a monster, so how can I judge you? However, it was the second reason that stopped me. You can still hold the sword and use the ability to become intangible, which tells me that you’re still good. There are just two people who can touch that sword, and they are both in this room. If you’d become evil, you wouldn’t be able to hold it as it wouldn’t recognize you as a slayer.”

“I didn’t think of it that way. So, are we going to carry on as before?”

“Until I’m told otherwise, we will carry on as before. However, this does change a few things. The first is that you no longer have to sleep or eat, except for the blood that you’ll need every week. In addition, I’m not sure about the sunlight. Will it affect you when you use the intangible ability or will it burn you?”

“I forgot about the sun, and I hate the fact that I won’t need sleep. I enjoyed sleeping, not to mention the food,” replied Dale feeling depressed.

Candy sat down beside him.

“In all the excitement, I forgot to thank you for saving me. I do appreciate it and know how hard it must have been for you,” she said.

“I tried my best, but the fact is they were not only expecting me they were prepared. They took you out of the picture first with the voodoo doll, knowing that I’d try to stop them. They had a chant that made me vulnerable by disabling my ability to become intangible. I don’t think we’ve seen the last of them either. On the plus side, I’m now able to do things that I couldn’t do before. I’m much stronger than a mere human and a lot faster,” replied Dale.

“How do you feel though, are you feeling the need to feed yet?”

“That’s the strange thing about it all. I don’t feel any different than I did before it happened. Is that normal?”

“I don’t know. I wish I had the answers for you. I think the best thing we can do is to carry on and do the job at hand. With that in mind,” said Candy, taking out the two cubes.

Dale watched her place them close together and hold her hand over the bar. A figure began to show itself. It had a male face, with two horns coming out at the top of its head.

“That’s unfortunate we’re up against a demon,” said Candy.

“I’m assuming they’re dangerous?” replied Dale.

“It depends on what kind of demon we’re up against. You see, there are several kinds of demons. The lesser demons are the weakest, but the higher demons have abilities that make them formidable enemies. I’m a demon myself, one of the most powerful in Hell, but some demons are stronger and faster than me.”

They left the hotel and followed the locator, which led them out of town. Soon, they were entering the industrial sector, and the locator was taking them to an abandoned warehouse. Once they entered the locator turned off, indicating that the demon was in that building.

“How do you want to handle this one, Candy?” said Dale.

“Be on your guard and stick with me. If I know demons, they will try to separate us,” replied Candy.

“Then you don’t know demons very well, my dear,” said a voice that seemed to be coming from the rafters.

Candy looked up and around but couldn’t see anyone.

“You know why we’re here. If you come out now, we will make it as painless as possible,” she called out.

“That’s very considerate of you, but I have a counteroffer. If you leave now, I won’t kill you painfully,” said what they assumed was the demon.

“The only death here tonight will be yours, and I’ll be sending you back to Hell,” replied Candy.

“You know you’re only here through sheer luck of the draw. You’re no different from me. In fact, in many ways you’re inferior,” said the demon.

Just then a loud sound made them both reach for their ears to block it out. When it didn’t stop Candy tried to locate its origin, but before she could, a mass of something large fell to the floor from the rafters twenty feet away. Dale noticed something immediately.

“Candy, we’re both solid. That’s the second time in two days the power to become intangible has failed me. It’s becoming a liability,” said Dale.

Candy was trying to concentrate on the figure before them, and couldn’t quite discern what they were up against. The lighting was poor at best.

“Keep on your toes, Dale; he’s about to attack,” said Candy.

As if on cue, a huge tentacle suddenly shot through the air towards them, taking Dale off his feet and pinning him to the back wall. Dale looked down to feel the thick hide that surrounded the tentacle and then reached up for his sword. Taking it out, he raised his hand and sliced straight through the slimy limb. He heard a cry in the background, but before he could celebrate his release, the severed limb re-formed and pinned him again. This time it drove harder and pierced Dale’s stomach. Dale coughed up blood and tried to raise his sword arm again, but before he could, he lost consciousness.

“We can now talk freely,” said the demon as it moved forward towards Candy.

When it was a few feet away, Candy realized what it was.

“You can’t be free; you’d have to be summoned with the aid of a sacrifice,” said Candy.

“Several,” replied the demon.

“It was the vampires, wasn’t it?” said Candy knowingly.

“Yes, my dear; they seem to think that you’re a threat. I’d put you squarely down as an annoyance, but that’s just me. I think before I kill you, I’ll have a bit of fun,” replied the demon.Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

Before Candy could reply, several tentacles shot out from its body and gripped both her legs and her arms. The demon then moved nearer. Candy knew it as the inseminator, a demon that was made to impregnate any captives with Hellspawn. His only function was to bring about the rebirth of Satan upon Earth. However, the recipient had to be a willing host.

“Try not to struggle, my dear; I’m sure you’ll enjoy what I’m about to do to you,” said the demon.

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