His Mafia Bride

Mafia’s Obsession C4


I suddenly had the urge to throw up but I suppressed it and knocked again, this time louder.

“Come in” a familiar baritone voice responded from the other side. I pushed the door open and stepped inside.

He was seated in that particular sofa he sat on yesterday with his blue orbs burying deep into my nervous self.

I dragged my feet from the doorway and closed the door before coming closer to him.

“Sit down Crystal”He ordered with his hands motioning for me to take a sit next to him.

Hesistantly, I followed his instruction and sat down by his side. It was just only two of us which made me feel so awkward. His gaze was entirely focused on me, not wavering for a second.

“Why–why did you call me here?”I asked trembling. I feared the answer he would give me. I silently prayed it wasn’t for me to dance again for him.

“Because I want to talk to you”

“Me?”I asked shocked.

He nodded and smirked at me.

“I want to propose an offer to you”He said with a taunt smile on his lips.

I nodded for him to go on.

“Sell yourself to me and I’ll cancel your father’s debt”

What!? My eyes widened and sudden anger and panic coursed through me. My shocked expression got him sniggering as his lips pulled to a taunting sneer “Crystal sell yourself to me and I’ll clear off your father’s debt”

My shoulders became tensed and the hairs on my body stood in fear.

His offer was absurd. I would literally be selling myself off as a commodity just to settle a debt? What happens to me afterwards? What happens to my sister?

I can’t do this. It’s crazy and unthinkable.

“I’m not going to accept sir”I objected with an unknown temerity.This is the property of Nô-velDrama.Org.

“Call me Leonardo”He replied slightly amused by my tone.

I shrugged my shoulders and rolled my eyes at him. “I ain’t selling myself to you goddamnit. I’ll dance as many nights as I can and pay off your bloody debt”

“Well the date for the debt to be paid is today”He replied dropping the bomb.

That statement hit me like a fiery comet. My tongues became tied and I didn’t know how to respond. I immedately casted my gaze downwards.

“Have you got my cash ready?”He taunted leaning closer to me, his face just inches away from mine.

I shook my head at him, unable to bring myself to speak.

He pulled back, a satisfied smile on his lips and his arms folded across his chest.

“Do you know what I’ll do to you if I don’t get my money? Do you know what I’ll do to Mabel?”

I faced him the moment he uttered his last statement. My sister was the only family I had. If anything happened to her, I wouldn’t be able to live.

“Don’t hurt my sister please”I pleaded with my hands clasped together.

Tears began trickling slowly down my cheeks. I hated the fact that I was easily emotional and I know him seeing me like this brought him satisfaction.

“Exactly. Think about my offer Crystal. I give you just twenty four hours. Sell yourself to me and I’ll clear off your father’s debt and take care of Mabel or refuse this offer and suffer the consequences”He gruffly said not battling an eyelid at me.

“Leave”He ordered.

I quietly stood up with my tear stained face and walked towards the door.

I was caught in between the devil and the sea. What would I do now?

I approached the door and opened it, his last word ringing in my ear. “Just twenty four hours Crystal”

* * * * * * *

I paced round my room, agitatedly. My mind was in turmoil. The resounding echo of Leonardo’s husky voice ringing in my ear.

“Just twenty four hours Crystal”


I had just today to make this life changing decision. If i choose to sell myself to him, I’ll just become a mere commodity used to pat off a debt. What then becomes of my sister Mabel?

We will be separated. And if I don’t do his bidding the brute would end up harming me and my sister. He might even kill us.

“Shit!”I groaned out loud as vertical wrinkles appeared on my forehead. I felt like screaming out. The hatred I had for my father soared higher than before. He put I and Mabel into this damn endless maze of debt and now we were trapped.

My life, my freedom, my identity was on the verge of being ripped away from me.

Tears pooled in my eyes as my mind was in disarray.

As if on cue, Mabel roughly entered the room.

“Sis I’m about to…”she cut herself short when she noticed my fearful and worried state. I quickly forced myself to smile at her and snatched my bag from the sunken sofa, pretending I was looking for something in it.

“Sis what’s wrong? Is everything ok?”she asked, concern webbed all over her face.

“Everything is fine Mabel. Aren’t you suppose to be heading to work today?”I asked, averting my gaze from her’s.

“C’mon talk to me”Mabel sighed. “Ever since you came back from the club yesterday night, you’ve been so withdrawn. Tell me what happened? We’re you throw out”

I tried so hard to fight my tears and appear brave but my eyes failed me and some traitorous tears streaked down my cheeks. I immedately began sobbing with my head downcasted and my face buried in my palms.

Mabel came over to me and pulled me to her warm embrace, soothing me by patting my back softly and slowly.

“Talk me to crystal” she softly coaxed, pulling me out of her embrace.

“He wants me to sell myself to him”I confessed crumbling into tears.

Mabel raised a brow at me. “Who?”

“The crime boss that we are indebted to. The deadline for giving him back his money elapsed yesterday. He offered me a deal. I sell myself to him and he cancels our debt. Or I don’t and he…”My voice trailed off with a faraway look in my eyes as I whapped my face away from Mabel’s.

Mabel gasped. Her facial features morphed and became contorted in rage.

“How dare he!? Are you some sort of commodity!? You are a human being not a thing! That man is such a devil. You won’t do that”

“If.. if.. I.. don’t, he… might kill us”I stuttered unable to bring the words out of my mouth.

“Let him do his worst. Father put us into this mess. He gambled and got himself involved with those thugs. We won’t pay for his sins. We just have to look for a way to escape this”She replied to me determinedly.

I was appalled by my younger sister’s braveness. In the face of adversity, she stood her ground and held her head up high. I couldn’t be more proud of her.

If she hadn’t given up then I shouldn’t too.

A brief silence fell on both of us as we sought for multiple ways to end our dilemma.

“Let’s leave the city tonight”I finally spoke up breaking the terrible silence.

I can’t believe I never thought of that. I could get I and my sister to flee from newyork and probably settle in some of the little towns in Minnesota, California or even Toronto.

We would be far away from Leonardo and his stupid ass proposal. I wiped my tears with my palms and gave her a bright smile.

“To where?”

“We could leave by train and head to Toronto. Bailey’s cousin, Jane stays in Toronto. Probably I could ask her more about it today and she could help us contact her cousin. We could lodge with Jane for the mean time till we get our feet on the ground and hustle for our own place”

Mabel bit her bottom lip and gave me a mild nod. “Ok sis”

“Do me and favour and pack our stuffs ok. Let me go meet Bailey. Don’t tell anybody about this. He gave me just twenty four hours to decide so I have just today that’s why we will have to leave today”I nervously rambled in my speech.

Mabel nodded and hugged me. I mouthed her an “I love you” and quickly made my way outside our apartment.

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