His Mafia Bride

I won’t go down without a fight


My body went rigid instantly on viewing that message. My breathing got stumped in my lungs and my body quivered and shook tremendously.

What did I just read?

Kill Dante? Who wants to kill my husband? And more importantly, why is Diego recieving this message?

Diego is definitely not who claims to be. Oh shit! And he is with Dante right now.

My tremor rose and my heart palpitated, threatening to break out of my rib cages. I tried swipping up to read the full message but I realised Diego had a password.

“Fuck” I cursed out loud, annoyance ringing in my tone.

Suddenly, the heavy thumping of footsteps reached my ears and I quickly spurned around right on time to see Diego and Dante pushing in through the doors.

“Ah there is my phone. I told you Dante that I left my phone in here” Diego laughed as he walked over to his phone.

I composed myself and hid my now doubtful indignation, covering it up  with a placid look.

If Diego was truly planning on killing my husband then I needed to be shrewd and wise.

“Alina you saw Diego’s phone right? Why didn’t you come hand it to us then?” Dante sharply inquired.

I shook my head at Dante with a warm smile, “I just saw it now Dante. I was about going in search of you two but I’m glad you both came yourself” I replied.

“Not an issue. Thank you Alina. I’ll take my leave now Dante. See you both some other time” Diego baded us both farewell before exiting the mansion.

This man looked so nice. He was so nice yet I just found a sinister message in his phone.

Dante had inside enemies from people he even took in as friends.

I feel for him.

I watched Dante slowly approach me like a predator slowly targeting his prey.

Now staring at me eye to eye, Dante  took my chin up in his hands. “What are you cooking up in that mischievous mind of yours Alina?”

I gulped and shook my head at Dante, “Nothing. Why would you think so?” I asked.

Ofcourse I wasn’t planning anything. Diego was the one planning some thing not me.

“How long have you known your friend, Diego?” I quickly added.

“What?” Dante asked in reply, somewhat amused by my sudden question.

“How long have you known Diego?” I asked once more, repeating my question.

“Since forever. Our families share close ties. Why are you asking?” Dante replied with quizzical brows.

They’ve known each other for long. If they are close the way Dante really says, then why is Diego recieving such a suspicious message on his phone concerning Dante?

“No reason. You both just look so tight” I forced a smile.

Dante perused my face with those cold emerald orbs of his before letting go of my chin.

Without saying a word, he ambled up the stairs.

I watched Dante leave and my mind raced on if I should tell him what I saw on Diego’s phone or not.

Knowing Dante well enough by now, he probably wouldn’t believe me especially as I didn’t have proof.

Another problem that still lingered was the closeness Diego shared with Dante.

Dante would never believe me without proof or some sort of evidence.

How can I go about this?

I stayed still on the spot and my eyes repeatedly drafted up the stairs, wondering if Dante would come down any moment.

Not sighting Dante’s formidable profile lingering around, my legs took their heels, pushing past the door.

I needed to check if Diego was still around the area.

Composing my features once again, I briskly walked down towards the huge iron gates of Dante’s mansion.

Ignoring the guards on duty, I attempted to push through when one of the halted at me with a hoisted hand.

“I am sorry Mrs Morelli but it’s late. We can’t let you walk out” he told me.

I pressed my lips in tightly and forced a smile. “I’m not going anywhere. I just want to go check if Mr Diego is around the vicinity. Dante told me to pass an information to him” I lied.

The guard nodded at me. “Very well then”

I sauntered out the gate in an instant. The chilly wind whipped my face and ran through my body, gliding through my hairs and causing me to shiver.

I rubbed my hands together to feel warm. Everywhere was so eerie quiet and Diego’s seemed no where in sight.

Sadness and frustration washed upon my face as my legs kept on carrying me on the paved roads.

I then spotted a figure not too far from me. His back was faced towards me so he didn’t notice me approaching from behind.

I tiptoed closely and I sighted that he was on a call. I could recognise that voice anywhere. It was Diego.

Triumph surged through me. Finally. I could eavesdrop on his conversation. He seemed so absent minded by the way.

But where was Diego’s car?

He definitely came here with a car didn’t he?

Steathily, I perched closer towards him. Not too close but close enough to hear his conversation.

I was at a safe distance, carefully tucked behind a tree.

“I’m working on it” Diego gritted in annoyance after a brief period of being silent.

I obviously couldn’t make out who he was discussing with but his own side of the conversation was definitely enough evidence for myself to be sure that Diego was not who he claimed to be.

“Can you just shut the fuck up! I’ll be going to Dante’s house tomorrow and I can assure you that by tomorrow Dante would be dead”

My body immediately went cold and my breathing got sucked out of my lungs.

My heart beat raced to its summit and my knees almost buckled to the ground.

By tomorrow Dante would be dead? But how would he kill Dante in his own house? Dante’s mansion was as secured as ever. No intruder could get in or out without being embedded with bullets from Dante’s goons.

So how was he then planning on killing Dante?

Satisfied and also mortified by my discovery, I silently walked away.

My legs were honestly itching to leave the area. I need to tell Dante this now.

With terror, I steathily walked out of my safe haven and back to Dante’s mansion without making a noise.

Once inside the gates of Dante’s mansion, my trepadised feet walked hurriedly to meet Dante.

Pushing through the doors, my eyes searched for Dante. Not spotting him, I quickly went up the stairs.

His life was in terrible danger.

“Dante” I yelled as I walked through the brilliantly lit hallway but I got no response.

I came in front of his room and without thinking twice, I pushed open the door taking Dante by surprise.

I’m grateful he wasn’t naked in there.

“What are you doing here?” Dante gritted at me, bolting up from his bed at once.

I stepped in with a frantic heartbeat, silently praying Dante believes me.

“Diego is after your life Dante” I dropped the bomb.

“What the hell are you saying?” Dante hiked a brow at me.

I tried slowing down my breathing to calm the wreckage of nerves I had become but it was of no use.

“I saw it Dante. I saw it in his phone. I also followed him outside and I heard his conversation. He wants to kill you tomorrow” I blurted out carelessly.

A brief silence interluded before Dante sighed and chuckled at me.

I don’t understand. Why did he chuckle?

“I knew you were up to something when I saw you snooping around in the living room. So you were cooking up a story to turn me against Diego? No wonder you were asking how close we’ve been. Do you even know the countless times Diego has put himself in danger all for me? He has taken bullets for my sake and yet he wants to kill me according to the daughter of the same man who killed my parents. Pathetic” Dante jeered.

I was robbed of my speech listening to Dante mock my efforts to save him.

“It is true. Dante why would I try to turn you against Diego? I have nothing to gain from it—”

“You have everything to gain from it!” Dante yelled cutting me off.Content is property of NôvelDrama.Org.

“You have the benefit of causing disunity between I and Diego, thereby creating disastrous consequences for me in my mafia. You have everything to gain from it”

I stared at Dante, anger brewing up within me. “I am trying to save you!”

“I don’t need your saving. I am Dante Morelli, capo dei capi of the most dangerous Italian- American mafia. I’ll face all threats to my reign in this mafia with a gun in my hand. And anyone who dares to try and stand in my way, I shall kill the person. You inclusive” Dante brutally said to me, a blaze of fury burning in his eyes.

“Now get out!” He ordered, taking his eyes off me.

In shock of what just happened, I shambled dejectedly out of his room. Dante banged the door at my face the moment I walked out.

I am just trying to save him. He is trusting the wrong person. How am I now the bad guy?

A sternly resolve washed across my face as I walked back to my room.

I’ll definitely have to do something to save Dante.

After all he is my husband. And I can’t sit and watch him die right before my eyes.

I am also Alina Morelli and I won’t back down without a fight.

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