His Mafia Bride

A new dawn


I smiled broadly as I reminisced about my day with Dante. He really outdid himself in this one.

Today had been so fun filled, amazing and beautiful to say the least. Dante took me to so many beautiful sites in Rome and I enjoyed every bit of our tour.

I never kmew Dante had a vast knowledge of Roman history.Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

He had totally planned everything. He bought us tickets to Roman Colosseum and Roman Forum ahead of our visit. It got me stuperfied.

We landed in italy early this morning so how was he able to do all these in such a short time?

This man was a box of surprises.

The Colosseum was the largest amphitheatre in Rome with an audience capacity of fifty thousand. It was also very historical. Dante told me that this was where the famous gladiatorial combats, animal fights and Romans games were held followed by the bloody, gory and murderous deaths.

I cringed knowing people actually died here some hundreds of years ago and all for sport but it was a very beautiful site.

The forum was just as beautiful as the Colosseum. It was the centre of the city and provided us with a view of the ruins of ancient markets, administrative and religious buildings. It was really a historical site.

We visited the Palatine Hill which was included in our Colosseum ticket. It gave us access to the ruins of the residences of Emperor Augustus, the first Roman Emperor.

Dante told me according to myth, the city was founded by Romulus and Remus. I had no idea who they were.

He said they were twins who were found and suckled by a wolf in a cave.

I laughed so hard when I heard that.

How was that even possible?

Dante was literally my tour guide round Rome.

He took me to Piazza Venezia which was not far from the Roman Forum.

We literally did a great deal of exploring today.

In between our tour, I also got to try different mouth watering Italian cuisines.

I never kmew Dante could be this sweet. He literally made me eat almost every Italian dish that came our way.

I definitely don’t think I’ll have appetite for dinner once we arrive home.

It was seven pm now. We had gotten lots of walks and lots of taxi rides.

The Italian night sky was beautiful. The stars shone radiantly with the luminous moon spreading its soft rays through the foggy clouds.

We were walking down a street, the beautiful street lamps beaming over us, providing light to our pathway.

“Where are we heading to Dante?”I asked, my excitement still webbed over my face.

“Are you up for one last surprise?”he asked as his hold on my hand tightened.

“Always. Please tell me where we are going”I chirped out in excitement.

He turned his face to look at mine and smiled. “No” was his abrupt reply.

My face morphed into a frown and I used my shoulder to hit his which got him laughing.

He stopped in our tracks making me stop to and turned to face me. Bringing his index finger to my face, he placed it on my lips before running it along my bottom lip gently.

“Every inch of you turns me on”he whispered giving me come–hither stares, his voice caressing me.

I became doe eyed and my eyes quickly darted to the cobble grounds. He brought his hands to lift my head up, facing him.

“You look more adorable when you are shy. Ragazza timida”

He was being so romantic and sweet.

Before I could think anymore, he softly placed his lips on mine, kissing me gently.

After our brief make out session, he pulled out with a grin.

“So… will you tell me where we are going now?”I asked shyly as we began walking.

“No”was his same abrupt reply.

This man was insane.

I didn’t know if I should frown or grumble at him. I decided to annoy him by eagerly pulling on his hair.

“Exactly how I want you to pull my hair when I fuck you” Dante said with a wink at me.

“You are so cocky and a jerk”I said with a gasp and my cheeks turning scarlet red.

“Well you just kissed a cocky jerk” Dante replied.

I noticed we had walked towards a river. A water taxi was at the edge and a man stood inside, seemed like he was waiting for us.

My face lit up. I had never been in a water taxi before. Dante helped me get inside.

“Let’s go for a little ride shall we?”Dante asked which seemed more like a command because the taxi already set off once we entered.

It was very romantic. I peeped my face out of one of the numerous windows of the water taxi. The river beneath was beautiful. I could see the reflection of the moon and stars. I bet the water will be freezingly cold. The chilly wind blew eagerly and it gave me goosebumps.

Dange drapped an arm over my shoulder and snuggled me close to himself once I retreated my face out of the window.

“Bella are you still scared of me? Are you scared I might kill you one day?”

Wow. That question was so sudden. It took me aback.

“Well not really anymore.”

He shrugged his shoulders. “Be honest ok”

I stared at him

“You be honest. Why are you being so nice to me?”

He smiled at me. “Because I realised I had the wrong assumption of you. I thought the main reason your father planned this alliance was to get information about my mafia and I took him on because I was determined to beat him at his own game. I thought you were like…”

“My father I know”I sighed.

“That was why you tormented me so much and made me go through pain”

A sad look washed upon Dante’s face as he held my gaze with his.

“I am sorry honestly. Can you ever forgive me for everything I did please? I just held such a deep grudge against your family for the death of my parents and it moved me to act the way I did with you”Dante pleaded, caressing my arm.

“I can forgive you for hurting me but I don’t think I’ll be able to forgive you for killing Theodore because he did nothing wrong.”

Dante gave me a smile. “I didn’t kill him”

“What?” I replied astonished.

“But you did. You instructed your men to dispose of his body. I was there when you had them drag Theodore into the boots of your car”

Dante held on to my hand, our fingers interlocking. “Yes I vividly remember that fateful day like it was yesterday but I didn’t kill him. After what you said to me, how I can go about and fuck any woman I choose but I can’t let you keep a friend and how I’m an insecure dick–I felt some thing within me. I didn’t know why but I felt pained. So I called my men and had them take Theodore to the hospital. I paid his bills and always kept an eye on his health until he was discharged”

Disbelief covered my features. Dante really did all that behind my back?

“Why did you do all that?” I whispered.

Dante heaved a sigh. “Maybe because I am an insecure dick who is too scared of loosing his precious rose and letting anyone see him in his weak state”

“Don’t say that. These past days we’ve spent together has opened my eyes to a whole new version of you Dante. Dante you are one of the most hard-working, strong and courageous men I’ve met and you are also filled with surprises too. Thank you ok for not killing Theodore”

A broad grin broke out on his face.”I’m sure this was another huge surprise”

“Of course it was”I said excitedly.

“Honestly it feels like a huge block has been taken off my chest”I added before pecking Dante on the cheek.

“This is a new beginning for you, for me and for this marriage. I’ll do all I can to right my wrongs Alina”

I was marvelled.

Did Dante have genuine feelings of me? I was tempted to ask but my bravery wasn’t enough and I didn’t want to look stupid.

I could only smile and nod.

“You seem lost”He raised a brow.

“Everything feels so new and… shocking”

His emerald eyes glistered and he nodded his head. “Yes. A new dawn for both of us my lovely wife”

Dante just seemed like an innocent child at this moment. No dark, brooding, or dangerous look on his face.

I nodded with a smile.

“Yes it is”I replied as our boat trailed along the waters.

This was how I wanted us to be.


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