Her Unwanted Mate On The Throne

Chapter 23

Chapter 23 At least William is capable of one

The day of the party had the hallways buzzing with rush. Doris could hear the servants through her door as they hurried past, shouting orders to others along the way. Doris released a small sigh as she brushed her fingers through her long hair, at least she hadn’t been summoned by Melody yet. Her bruising had finally gone down and was easier to cover with whatever makeup she had at the bottom of her drawer.

Doris carefully dabbed each mark that could be seen when she wore her uniform, and then dotted a bit of rose onto her cheeks and lips. It helped her appear less pale and more…lively. Ever since she returned from the medical ward, she looked as if she were drained of life. It was about time she took some of it back and allowed herself to take care of herself for once.

There was no point in moping around, no one was going to see her tonight anyway. Doris moved her hair behind her shoulders to lay in waves down her back while she clipped half of it up. She lined her eyes lightly and put on her best uniform that almost made her look as if she were attending the party as well. Even though the pain lingered a little whenever she moved, she wanted to look her best for herself. She would not let Melody take her down, she was still here.

A knock startled Doris, she glanced at herself once more in the mirror and blushed before she opened the door a crack. Another maid stood with wide hazel eyes and a bandaged hand, she looked a little ghastly.

“Doris, I’m so glad to see you’re doing better!” The maid exclaimed, Doris recalled her name as Peony though she didn’t think they’d ever had a conversation before.

“Oh, hello. Thank you.” Doris’s eyes flickered to her hand. Blood had started to seep through the white fabric. “Are you alright?”

“I—no, actually. I’m not.” Doris opened the door a little wider and furrowed her brow.

“You must get to the medical—”

“I will!” Peony interrupted. “I will, I just—” She swallowed, her face pained. “Oh, Doris. You have to help me. The party started minutes ago and I was meant to be there to help serve the royal party. But—I cut my hand really bad in the kitchens when I heard the chef yelling and... Now they’ll notice my spot is empty and there’s no one else around to help—”

Doris felt her heartbeat thunder when she knew what was coming next. Peony continued, “Will you stand in for me, Doris? I can’t help with the party while bleeding all over their food.”

Doris’s lips parted, she wished she could say no. She wished she was the type of person to close the door and pretend she hadn’t been asked for help. She wished she could lay down and sleep until the party was over.

But she wasn’t that sort of person at all.

“Peony, go to the medical ward and treat your wound. Don’t worry about the party, I’ll take your place.”

Peony’s eyes brightened at Doris’s words. “Oh! Thank you, Doris! Truly!” She turned and rushed down the hall before Doris could change her mind.

Her palms started to sweat, now that her door was opened she could hear the distant music from the ballroom. Doris wet her lips and quickly made her way there before Peony’s absence was noticed. Just before she arrived, she remembered how she dressed herself today. It was one of the first times in forever that she wore makeup and a more form fitting uniform. She even left her hair unbound, but there was no time to go back and change.

“What’re you doing here?” Mr. Carson asked, startling her. He eyed her appearance but didn’t say a word about it. “I thought you were resting.”

“I was,” Doris wiped her sweaty palms on her skirt. “But Peony injured herself and asked me to step in.”

Mr. Carson let out an annoyed huff and placed a platter in her hands. “Go place this by Prince William and stand off by the wall until someone gives you another order. Refill any glasses that need it and tend to their needs, but stay out of the way.” He demanded.

Doris nodded and carefully carried the silver platter of appetizers in through the grand doors. Chattering and music filled her ears, she felt the burn of curious stares as she made her way towards Prince William’s table once she spotted it.

She almost gasped when she took in the party, she didn’t want to admit how beautiful a job Melody did—but it was rather extraordinary. Silver and gold was splashed in elegance across the room. Golden tablecloths and vases with white roses and silver plates. A bit of red made its appearance along the edge of the floors and up the ceiling. Large bouquets of Luna Queen’s favorite flowers were placed on almost every surface. The guests were all seated and dining at their own tables—a bit away from the royals. Not one of them looked unhappy, grins stretched upon their faces as they feasted.

The Alpha King Charles sat tall in his golden throne, her eyes immediately found him before anyone else and the sight made her swallow. This was the man that might free her one day. He wore a dark blue velvet suit with his dark

hair neatly combed back beneath his crown. It'd been a long time since Doris had been in the room with him, she was silently thankful he had his own servants attending to him so she wouldn’t have to.

Luna Queen looked stunning in a silver gown that hugged her curves. Her blonde hair was pinned back with silver jewels along the crown of her head. Lady Grace was seated next to her in her own gown made of shimmering silver, her eyes were entirely on Prince Martin who sat handsome as always in his white ensemble. Doris almost lost her footing when she realized his green eyes were on her. He smiled when they locked gazes, she offered a small one back and looked away before Lady Grace saw her. At least it seemed he remembered her, she pushed away the thought of Beth’s suggestion to ask him for help.

Doris still felt the burn of someone watching her. It wasn’t until she finally dragged her gaze to Prince William that she discovered why. He was the only one who wore black to this bright party, he stood out for more than just his handsome features and rogue title. His presence demanded attention and Doris swallowed when she realized his had been on her. Probably since the moment she entered the room.

His gaze betrayed none of his emotion. He watched as she carefully placed the platter in an empty spot before she moved off to the side against the wall. Melody hadn’t seemed to notice her yet, she was too busy staring at the Luna Queen to make sure she was pleased by the party. Doris let out a breath and wished she could just blend into the wall until this night was over. If she was lucky, she would do just that. There were enough servants on the floor to tend to the needs of the royals, perhaps she would go unnoticed for the rest of the evening.

Doris glanced around the room and picked at her nails. She looked anywhere but Prince William. She wasn’t sure if he was still watching her, but someone else definitely was now. Her eyes locked with the icy stare of the Luna Queen herself and Doris felt her heart stop for a moment. Luna Queen tilted her head curiously as she glanced from where William was seated and back to Doris. She made the gesture for Doris to come closer.

"Who are you?" She asked with a smile that didn't reach her eyes.

"Oh, my name is Doris. I work for the Palace, my lady." Doris said nervously as she curtsied. Several more sets of eyes followed her movements now that Luna Queen was talking to her.

Luna Queen looked Doris up and down as if assessing her, her eyes flicked to Prince William once more with distaste before they landed back on Doris. "Well, Prince William has always been good at picking beauties for the castle. Even the maids are pretty. Isn't she, Jack?"

Doris slid her gaze to the man next to Luna Queen that she hadn't noticed before. He was seated back lazily in his chair as if he wished to be anywhere else. He had long, blonde hair like his mother but startling turquoise eyes. He looked Doris up and down slowly. Doris couldn't help but glance at Prince William to see his jaw tense and eyes almost murderous as he watched Jack take her in. Doris could practically feel the tension through the air between them. It was as if Jack knew every breath he made annoyed Prince William and he made sure to take his time. Doris felt her cheeks flush, she stepped back against the wall again as the two men glared at each other.

"She is. At least William is capable of one thing." Jack finally responded.This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

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