Her Betrayal

05. You Know Why.

Braelyn’s POV

” I. Don’t. Love. You. Evan. Lewis.” I looked straight into his eyes and spoke.

” Why?” He whispered faintly.

” I found someone else.”

I sat up gasping for air, the words ringing in my ears. I put my hands to cover my ears and shook my head to push away those voices.

“I. Don’t. Love. You.”

” I found someone else.”

” Why?”

” I. Don’t. Love. You. Evan. Lewis.”

” I found someone else.”

” Why?”

” I found someone else.”

The voice kept echoing.

The lights in the room lit up before I felt Bri hugging me.

” Breath Sis, breath. It’s okay. Everything’s fine. ” I hugged her back seeking comfort from the embrace .

” It’s not fine. Nothing is fine. I hurt him so bad Bri . I still hear our voices. Bri I can’t I-” I cut myself off to breath. I felt suffocated with the memories in my mind, the voices in my head. I wanted to erase them all, wipe them off, but I couldn’t.

“Ssh Brae , relax.” She rubbed my back, calming me down. After a few minutes I pulled back and wiped the tears with the back of my hands.

” Now tell me what happened? Why this dream suddenly? It has been years since you last dreamt about it? ” She was drawing soothing circles on my back with her fingers

” Evan. He called me in his office a-and-” my voice cracked. She squeezed my shoulders to provide some kind of comfort.

” He asked me if I-I have found s-someone even r-richer and left my b-boyfriend again. He even asked that if-if I know that Evan is now one of the r-richest men on Earth, would I run back to him and fake m-my love for h-him.” I broke down into sobs.

” Oh Brae!” She again took me in a hug.

” W-When he was speak-king , the hurt , the b-betrayal shone in his eyes. He hasn’t forgotten anything, Bri. He spat each word with so much d-disgust like he was pained at the s-sight of me.” I tightened my arms around her , trying to relieve a bit of the pain that was consuming me from inside and I don’t know when I fell asleep like that in her arms , crying my heart out.


I hurried up the stairs to make his coffee. Having prepared his coffee, I walked up to his cabin and knocked.

” Come in.” Pushing open the door, I walked in. Evan was sitting in his chair with his chin resting on his intertwined hands. He was watching over my movements like a hawk. I put the coffee down on his desk.

He took a sip of the coffee , keeping his gaze fixed on me all the while. Clicking his tongue in annoyance he put the cup down.This text is © NôvelDrama/.Org.

” This is the worst coffee i’ve ever tasted. Make it again.” I flinched at his tone. Taking the cup in my hand , I rushed out to make a new cup. He again sent me back saying that the coffee was cold. By the time I arrived at his door, I was completely tired. I avoided using elevators at any cost as I was a bit claustrophobic and using the stairs to reach the fifth floor and down a couple of times had me worn out at the very beginning of the day.

” I don’t want it anymore.” I looked at his face in disbelief. My feet were literally paining and he didn’t want the coffee! I took a deep breath to calm myself down.

” Would it be all , Mr. Lewis?” I kept my tone professional.

” Yes, leave.” He went back to looking at the laptop screen.

After disposing off the cup , I was about to go to my cabin when I met Austin and Cora.

” What’s up Brae , you already look tired?”

” I am. I had to get his coffee three times before he finally decided that he didn’t want it anymore.” I sighed at the end.

” What an ass!” Austin muttered in an annoyed tone.

” A sexy one.” I gave a tight lipped smile at Cora’s comment.


The whole day and the next few weeks proved to be extremely hectic for me. Evan made me walk up and down the stairs for the slightest of things. My feet were covered by blisters. I had switched from heels to pumps and flats.

I served the pasta in two dishes that I had cooked , when Bri came out of the shower.

” How was your day?” I gave the plate to her before sitting beside her.

” Just the usual. You tell me. How is it going as his assistant?” I sighed and shook my head at her.

” That bad?” She looked at me sympathetically.

” It’s okay, I am already looking for a job elsewhere.” I smiled at her before we resumed eating.


” Ms. Taylor.” Evan addressed me calmly just as I entered his cabin. But before I could concentrate on him, my eyes landed on another figure sitting opposite to Evan.


I gulped hard, all the memories coming back.

He still looked the same , his brown hair messily styled and his similar grey eyes looking back at me . What surprised me was that his eyes didn’t hold those same accusations that his brother’s did. Looking at him , I could still trace my best friend, the one who laughed with me and supported me in everything.

” What time is it now ?” Evan’s voice broke my trance. He looked at the clock and I followed suit. Bringing his gaze back on me, he raised his perfectly shaped eyebrow.

” Five minutes past eight.” I said in a measured , low voice. It hasn’t hard to understand what he was getting at.

” And when exactly are you supposed to report , Ms. Taylor?” His intense stare voice made me really nervous.

” I am extremely sorry Mr. Lewis. It won’t-” He cut me off.

“What did I ask you, Ms Taylor?” His tone was too cold for comfort. I inhaled deeply before replying.

” I am supposed to be here at eight.” He nodded mockingly as if surprised that I knew the answer. Standing up , he came around to stand in front of me. Instinctively Ryan stood up as if expecting something bad to happen.

Evan grabbed my wrist and thrusted a few hundred dollars in my hand. I looked confused at the money in my hand and then back at his face.

” Buy yourself a watch so that you know to come in time from now onwards. Let me tell you that I honestly hate people who are unpunctual and irresponsible.” Saying this, he walked past me out of his cabin while I stood there, utterly humiliated by my boss.

I didn’t dare look up at Ryan. This humiliation was enough for a day .

Wiping the tears that spilled out of my eyes, I walked to his desk and put the money down and turned to walk away.

“Brae.” Ryan’s voice stopped me in my steps. I slowly turned towards him expecting to see him smirking at me while his face held a strange emotion.

His next action took me by shock. He stalked forward and engulfed me in a hug. I was too shocked to react as I stood there with my arms by my side.

” I missed you.” My eyes immediately moistened at this. I didn’t know how he could miss me after what I did but I couldn’t care less. He used to be one of the closest people to me , my best friend and I would be a damn liar if I say I didn’t miss him, the warmth in his hugs. Recovering from my shock I wrapped my hands around him.

” I missed you too Ry.” Being in his embrace reminded me of every single memory of the past. Tears made their way out as I held him closer.

” Why didn’t you answer my calls?” He asked with his face stuffed in my hair.

” You know why.” I mumbled. He immediately pulled back and held me by my shoulder.

“No Brae, I don’t. I really don’t know why my best friend never really cared to call me , talk to me in three fucking years. Tell me Brae.” He was breathing hard, his eyes reflected the pain. At that moment, I felt so guilty for abandoning him but what else could I have done!

” I am sorry, but-but I couldn’t . Not after what I did to Evan. I am sorry Ry.” I whispered as the teardrops fell off my eyes.

“What did you do to Evan , Brae?” I Was getting anxious under his intense stare. Fiddling with my hands, I quickly looked away.

“Look at me Brae.” His fingers went under my chin and lifted my face up to meet his eyes.

” You can lie to everyone Brae, but not to me. I would never believe the bullshit you fed Evan with, on the day of your wedding. Never.” His stare was one of confidence and determination. I gulped hard at his words. Why wouldn’t he believe when everyone else did?

He released his hold on me allowing me to walk out of the room , still hung up on the latest conversation.

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