He looked contrite and gorgeous. As always. Apparently he was coming over to see her… Or maybe Frank. She stood staring at him, her hands on the door knob.

Monica and Karen looked at her and smiled.

“Speaking of the devil” Karen said, then she whispered “Be nice”

And with that they were running down the stairs and out the door, leaving Emma and Daniel standing there, silent, staring at each other.

“Hi,” he said finally.


“Look,” he began. “I know you said you wanted me to leave you alone, and I know I said I would. But I was sitting home alone, trying to figure out what to do with myself, and I realized the only thing I wanted was to see you. This is crazy, we have to find a way to get along. I know you keep saying you are okay, but I’m worried about you and I just…. I just wanna check on you… And the baby”

Emma stared at him. She wanted to play it cool, remain a little stoic, but she got all teary eyed instead.

“Come in,” she said.


“Your blood pressure is elevated and there are traces of protein in your urine.” The doctor said and Emma stared helplessly at him. Daniel sat beside her and she was really grateful that he was there with her.

The doctor continued. “There is significant edema to your hands and feet and I’d bet, judging by your weight, that you aren’t getting enough nutrition. You are exhibiting signs of preeclampsia and it could lead to serious repercussions.”

Emma regarded him in stunned silence.

Daniel turned to the doctor with a frown. “What is preeclampsia?” he asked.

“It is related to an increase in blood pressure and an increase in protein in urine output. It can progress to seizures if care isn’t taken.”

The doctor turned his stern gaze on Emma before continuing. “You are only a hairbreadth from going into the hospital and staying there until you deliver, and unless I exact a promise from you that you will remain off your feet as much as possible and take better care of yourself, I will forgo the warning and straight into the hospital you will go.”

“But-” Emma began.

“No buts,” the doctor said. “I don’t think you fully understand the direness of your situation. This is serious and you need to take all the necessary precautions to prevent an escalation in your condition.”

Daniel blanched, and she felt the blood drain from her own face as well.

“I can assure you, Doctor, Emma won’t be doing anything but resting and eating from now on,” Daniel said grimly.

The doctor nodded approvingly. “If the swelling around her ankles gets worse or she develops a severe headache she’s to go directly to the hospital,” he said.

After the doctor left, Emma sat on the exam table, stunned by the doctor’s pronouncement. Daniel slid his hand over hers and squeezed.

“I don’t want you to worry, Emma,” he said.

Worry? She nearly let out a hysterical laugh. How the hell was she not supposed to worry. She was ready to run screaming from the building.

“Let’s go.” he said quietly.

This couldn’t be happening to her. She thought. How was she supposed to work now? Damn, she couldn’t catch a break. Everything just seemed to be getting worse and worse. Helplessness gripped her and she didn’t like it one bit.

“So we will stop at your apartment and pack some of your stuff before we go to my place” Daniel said after he drove away from the hospital.

“We? What are you talking about?” Emma said in bewilderment.

He glanced over at her, a grim expression tightening his face. “I’m taking you home.” he replied.”Isn’t that obvious?”

“No,” she snarled. She crossed her arms over her belly and pressed her lips firmly together.

“You are coming with me,” he said in a tone that brooked no argument. Wondering why she had to be so damn stubborn. “You need someone to take care of you since you refuse to do it yourself. Do you want to risk the baby’s health? Or yours? Give me a solution, Emma. Prove to me that I can leave knowing you will be okay.”

“I have other options,” she said. “I have my friends, and If I talk to my mom, I’m sure she will come stay with me for a while”.

“Well I’m here, and there’s no need for all that,” Daniel said. “Why the hell do you have to be so stubborn?”Content © NôvelDrama.Org.

She refused to say anything till they got to her apartment. She walked in and he followed her.

“Get your stuff, Emma,” Daniel said. “I mean it”.

“No” she repeated and Daniel couldn’t take it anymore.

What the fuck is wrong with you?” he yelled at her. “Why the hell do you have to be like that? You just seem to find a reason to fight me about everything. You heard the doctor. You can’t go to work anymore. You need someone to help you. I’m here. This is my baby too and you insist on pushing me away and keeping me in the dark about everything. I asked you many times and you told me you were fine, when you weren’t. Well, guess what, baby? I’m tired. I’m tired of this fuckery. I’m tired of walking on eggshells around you. Don’t think you are the only one who is pissed and frustrated right now. You are coming home with me, Emma. I don’t care if I have to carry you to the car, because trust me, I will.”

Emma didn’t say anything. She just stared up at him. He moved away from her and took a deep breath.

“I’m going out to have your prescriptions filled,” he said. I’ll pick up something to eat. When I get back, I want you to be packed.”

Then he left.

Emma sank into a chair and stared up at the ceiling, hating the helplessness that gripped her. She closed her eyes in weary resignation. She was exhausted.

The next thing she knew she was being shaken awake. She yanked her eyes open to see Daniel standing over her, a plate and glass of water in his hands.

“You have to eat,” he said gruffly.

“Please go away, Daniel”. She replied.

He ran his hand down his face, erasing the tension, but the constriction in his throat stayed there, turning his voice to gravel. “Stop upsetting yourself like this. You will make yourself sick-”

But here it came,… nausea. She paled, groaned with frustrated agony and covered her mouth as she ran into the house.

Daniel tipped back his head and drew a deep breath, trying to regain his equilibrium. Trying to put himself back together before she returned.

When she didn’t come back, he went searching for her. She was fast asleep again, curled on the side of her bed, cheeks tracked with salt.

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