Dr Davis also treated him with considerable deference as he monitored Emma’s labor, assuring them both that everything was proceeding normally.

The contractions were coming fast. She barely had time to catch her breath in between the waves of pain. Daniel sat beside her, watching anxiously, giving her his hand to grip, repeating what the doctor said-head engaged, won’t be long, bearing down soon-as though she couldn’t hear for herself, or he needed to assure himself that this agony had a short time limit.

Emma didn’t try to speak. Wanting to remember everything about having this baby. Her entire concentration was focussed on willing her baby to make a safe journey from her womb, imagining every pain as a positive step forward. The urge to push came suddenly and was almost uncontrollable.

“Not too hard, Emma,” the doctor instructed. “Slow it down if you can, a nice, gentle passage, no tearing. Yes, that’s good…coming now…head in my hands…”

She felt a rush of release, heard her baby cry, and tears welled into her eyes.

“It’s over…over,” Daniel murmured huskily, gently wiping the trickle of moisture spilling down her cheeks. “The baby’s here. You did it, honey”

“You have a healthy baby boy,” the doctor declared.”And he’s a good birth weight, Emma. He’s fine. Nothing for you to worry about.”

The assurance brought a further gush of tears. She’d worried so much about so many things, but now her baby was safely born and she didn’t have to. Everything was finally falling into place. She had her baby, she had family and friends who loved her… And she had Daniel… He looked a happy.. Happy that she’d given him a son.

It was all over his face.. She could see it. The caring way he was mopping up her emotional spillover, trying to calm her down with soothing words.

“It’s okay, Emma he was saying. “You did it. And the baby’s fine. I’ll bring him to you.”

He rose from his chair. She knew he must have been anxious about the birth. He just always tried to look confident and sure about everything. He probably felt the same overwhelming relief she did.

“Cord clamped. All wrapped up ready to go,” Dr Davis said cheerfully, laying their newborn son in the crook of Daniel’s arm.”We’ll just clean up here, then leave the three of you together.” he said.

Three… Linked for the rest of their lives, Emma thought, watching Daniel’s face as he looked down at the baby who would be part of his future. A whimsical little smile tugged at the corners of his mouth as he murmured in a bemused tone,” He’s so little.”

You’re so big. She thought.

“Won’t be when he grows up,” Dr Davis remarked knowingly.”He’s a long baby.

Going to be a tall boy.”

Daniel’s smile widened into a grin. Just like me, was written all over it.Belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

Emma looked at her ring. They were going to be a family… A real one. She held out her arms, wanting to hug her baby to herself.

The grin remained, Daniel’s dark eyes sparkling with warm delight as he obliged her, carefully laying their son on her chest, snuggling him between her breasts. It felt so good to hold him at last, not a bump anymore, but a wonderful little person who was snuffling towards one breast as though he could already smell his mother’s milk.

A smile broke out on her own face as a surge of love rose above every other emotion. Despite the little problems of her pregnancy, she’d given safe birth to this miraculous little being…her baby, her very own child.. Their child.

Daniel sat down again, reached out and ran a featherlight finger over the fuzz of fine hair, sounding immensely pleased as he commented “He’s so beautiful. Just like you”

Emma took a deep breath and smiled at him. “I think he looks like you” she said.

Daniel grinned at her. “He has my hair” he said.

Emma rolled her eyes and grinned at him. But she happiness was still on her face. “Baby hair often falls out, Daniel” she said as calmly as she could.”There’s no telling what colouring he’ll have further down the track.”

“Whatever…” he said.”Not the slightest crack in his good humour.

Emma smiled again as she watched him. Right now he was exuding pleasure. She should relax, enjoy the maternal rush of holding her baby.

Dr Davis finished clearing up, assured Emma that the afterbirth procedure had gone well-no problems at all-had a few words with Daniel, informing him that Emma and the baby would soon be moved to a private room where their every comfort and need would be looked after. The latter exchange reminded her that Daniel had ensured every care had been taken and would be taken, and she should be appreciative of the fact. And she was.

She looked at the wall clock as the doctor and nurse moved out, closing the door behind them. It surprised her to see it was only just past one o’clock-a relatively quick birth, though the labour had seemed to go on for a long, long time. She looked directly at Daniel who had resumed his seat at her bedside.

“Thank you for all you’ve done.” Emma said.

There was a flash in his eyes.”I’m happy to do anything. I love you both.”

“Still… I’m glad you were here for me. For us,” she said huskily.

“I will always be there for you, Emma.” he said. His dark eyes pierced hers with determined purpose, and she knew he meant it. “For the both of you.”

“Me too” Emma said. Her hand curled protectively around her baby’s head as she turned her gaze from Daniel and looked at their son, thinking how much she loved him.

“Our little guy still doesn’t have a name” Daniel said. There was a smile in his voice.

“I like Jack,” she answered, and he lifted his eyes to hers.

“Jack?” he repeated, and Emma nodded.

“Yes Jack…Jack Rohan. After your father” she said.

Daniel’s smile grew. “Sounds good. I like it, too. I love it actually. Thank you. Thank you, Emma for giving me something so wonderful” he said.

Emma nodded.”Thank you.” she whispered back and Daniel leaned over to kiss her.

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