Guardian Wolf

Chatper 131

Chatper 131

Overwhelming Emotion

Jax POV:

Checking my watch I see it’s almost 4pm which means Kingsley will be arriving any minute with his

pack members. A wash of anxiousness flows over me and it takes me a second to understand it’s

Novas as well as mine that I’m feeling as her barriers falter. We had spent the majority of the day

welcoming the packs and getting them all situated and filled in on what we have organised for them all.

In just over an hour we have the meetings with the leaders of the visiting packs to go over everything

that we

know and to listen to any suggestions they may have.

“Today has been busy” Zeus comments to me as we wait for our Luna to join us from where she has

been occupied helping the other Alphas organise their warriors in the


“It has” I agree. “But everybody who has arrived seems prepared.” As each pack had

arrived Nova and I had taken the time to introduce ourselves to the warriors which

had helped them see who we are and what kind of leaders we were.

“Sorry I’m here now” I hear Nova say from behind me bringing me out of my thoughts.

Looking over her I see the tiredness creeping into her eyes as they lack a little bit of

their usual life that shines bright.

“How you holding up?” I ask gently kissing her temple as she slumps on me.

With a grimace she purses her lips before answering, “I have a massive headache

and I’m feeling all sorts of emotions. It’s actually quite overwhelming” she sighs. “I’m

finding it hard to regulate which is unlike me. It helps when I’m in your company, kind

of dulls the feeling.”

“Share it with me” I say quietly, “I know you keep that side of the bond closed off a lot

of the time so I don’t have to deal with your emotions but I want to Nova. We can

share in this.”

“I know love, but I can deal with it” she says with a small smile.

“Lower it Nova, at least for now please” I ask desperately wanting to help her as she

nods reluctantly. Seeing her take a breath I rub her shoulders soothingly as she



11 Пого

Overwhelming Emotion

slowly lowers the barrier leaving me to feel what she does.

Suddenly it feels like I’m being hit by a lorry as I feel wave after wave of different

emotion, ranging from worry to excitement, anger to happiness and guilt to love.

Stag gering back I claw at my chest as I gasp for breath from the onslaught of

emotions, reaching for the bench I haunch over as I spot Nova worryingly rush to

come by my side.

Feeling her put his barrier back up I am able to control my breathing again as I stand

upright slowly.

“What the hell was that?” I ask her quietly.

“It’s a lot isn’t it” she mumbles in embarrassment.

“Nova…that’s too much. How the hell are you still standing?” I whisper yell aware of

others nearby who have thrown my some worried glances.

“I don’t know” she whispers. “It wasn’t this bad this morning I swear, it’s gotten worse

as the days gone on.”

“It’s gotten worse?” I ask her slowly. “But why?”

“I think perhaps seeing everyone arrive has made it all far more real than it was before

she says quietly as I step forward and pull her in close.

“Is ki ok?” I ask her sensing her strength has dimmed slightly.

“She hasn’t spoken to me all afternoon, she’s in pain” Nova says biting her lip to avoid


“I don’t think that’s normal Nova” I say with concern as she looks at me worriedly. ” Perhaps your father

can help you control it all?”

“I hope so” she whispers as she massages her temples lightly.

Hearing rustling growing louder I straighten in preparation for Kingsleys arrival.”

They’re here love” I say quietly as Nova simply groans in response.

“Alpha Jax” I hear Kingsley say as he steps from the tree line into my line of sight.

“Kingsley” I smile in relief as he grasps my hand in a firm shake. Seeing others slowly

make their way out of the tree line I smile warmly aware that they are probably feeling


Overwhelming Emotion

nervous themselves. After they’ve all emerged and are standing in a large group behind him look

around before addressing them.

“Hello everybody, I’m Alpha Jax and this is Luna Nova, you’ve all probably heard about her from your

King” I say referencing Kingsley with a slight smile in his direction. “I’d like to personally thank you for

coming to our aid and helping us. I’ve heard good things from Kingsley here and I’m looking forward to

seeing you all in action. If there’s anything you need just ask for us or for Omega Brea. I know you’re

camping but meal limes and training rotas will be provided shortly, I’ve got my Gam ma Theo


them and he will bring them once he’s finished his training session.”

With that everybody utters their greetings and thanks me for the kind words before

melting into the forest to set up camp.

“**k” Nova moans loudly before sinking to the ground as I rush to her side.

“Nova. nova” I shout shaking her slightly as her eyes flutter

“What’s happening?” Kingsley shouts as he rushes to his daughter’s side.

“She’s struggling with the intensity of her emotions, it’s overwhelming her. What did

you do to help it?” I ask frantically.

“I never experienced it to this extent” he frowns. “Yes everything was heightened but I

controlled it just fine, Drake took most of it whenever we were in a highly emotional

situation. Is Kia not doing that?”

“Yes she is but she’s not spoken to Nova all afternoon, it’s too much for them” I growl

as I kiss Novas forehead.

“These aren’t her emotions” we hear a voice say from behind us as we turn to see

Esmerelda and Kara stood watching.

“What?” I snap.

“You heard me Alpha” Esmerelda says with a slight smile. “She is feeling the

emotions of everyone around her.”

“She is?” Kingsley asks shocked. “Why has she never said this before?”

“She did say her emotions were heightened but maybe she believes that’s how it’s

always been?” I say in confusion. “She would have said if she knew it was other


Overwhelming Emotion

people’s emotions she was feeling.”

“She can’t have known” Kara says as she kneels beside us.

“Nova love can you hear me?” I ask her gently as she writhes on the floor, her body convulsing as she

tries to control her pain subconsciously.

With no response I meet Kara’s gaze which is full of concern. “If you are happy for me to try Alpha Jax I

believe I can help her control this for now?” Kara asks gently.

“Do it” I say shortly before she moves her hands to cup the side of Novas head gently. and mutters an

incantation under her breath as her eyes turn milky.

“What will this do?” I ask Esmerelda.

“It’s called a containment spell, not a physical one but one for your mind. It will essentially dull

everything so that Nova can function but still be aware of the

emotions that others are feeling” she explains softly as she watches Novas body relax with something

like care in her eyes.

“You care for Nova” I state as I too watch her relax in front of us.

“I do” she says almost surprised at her admittance.

“She means a great deal to a lot of people” I whisper as Esmerelda simply continues

to watch in silence.

Seeing colour return to Novas cheeks i breath a sigh of relief as her eyes flutter open, brighter than

before as Kingsley grasps her hands tightly checking her over in a fatherly fashion,

“I feel better” she assures us all while I move forward and help her to her feet. “What


“It became too much for you, I’ve helped you control them for now. If it becomes too much come find

me” Kara says with a reassuring smile.

“Thank you” Nova whispers. “Another thing for me to think about” she jokes trying to make light of the


“Could I have a word Nova?” Esmerelda asks suddenly as we all turn to look at her. Motioning with her

head behind her she turns for Nova to follow as I step alongside her. “Alone Alpha” Esmerelda says NôvelDrama.Org (C) content.

causing me to growl lowly at her order.


Overwhelming Emotion.

“It’s fine Jax, I’ll be back soon for the meeting” Nova says gently as she reaches up and kisses my lips


“Love you” I murmur.

“And I love you” she smiles before following after Esmerelda’s shrinking figure.

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